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Thursday, September 3, 2020
Pharmacy School Essay Example for Free
Drug store School Essay Since the time my youth days, helping others with the most ideal way I could is truly inside my advantage. Henceforth, stretching out my push to the most solid way in helping the individuals is something that I truly appreciate to do. Considering this, I have chosen and decided to seek after a vocation that is associated with helping and supporting the individuals or general society. From that point forward I generally needed to build up a stable employment in the wellbeing calling, explicitly in the field of drug store, and in the end render my administration in helping other with their pharmaceutical necessities. As it were, my enthusiasm for drug store has additionally evolved when one of my nearest aunt has obtained hypothyroidism and is exposed to perform day by day thyroid medicine to have the option to continue her wellbeing. From that point forward, the topic of how such explicit medication could function in the human body to fix the sicknesses and other medical issues has guided and driven me to discover increasingly about drug store. In like manner, the craving of understanding with regards to how medications or meds influence the human body and further comprehend the significance of medications in people groups lives have help my enthusiasm for this field. What's more, my eagerness in drug store is now clear during my more youthful days as I have a wide enthusiasm for science, As such, I additionally appreciate examining Mathematics. In lieu of this, such close to home attributes along with my securing of major in science, these would fill in as my essential instrument to get by in drug store school. As one of the hopeful drug specialists in the nation, my own and vocation objective is to be in accordance with the first class professionals in clinical drug store. This is in quest for my intense objective and dream to serve people in general, most extraordinarily the individuals who are wiped out and needing proper pharmaceutical help. In such manner, I am very much aware that pharmaceutical work in the clinic is never simple. Along these lines, this require a more appeal of devotion and excitement to have the option to meet the fulfillment of the individuals and serve likewise. In any case, I needed to seek after a vocation in clinical drug store because of the thought and conviction that it would be progressively viable for me to accomplish my objectives in this calling by rendering understanding consideration that upgrades prescription treatment and advances wellbeing, health, and infection counteraction. Additionally, I would express that I involve positive possibilities to get one of the better clinical drug specialist basing on my virtues and love for this activity. In that capacity, as a clinical drug specialist cheerful I clutch my own pledge in offering quality types of assistance for those individuals who require pharmaceutical guide. Likewise, I am very much guided by my crucial want to render the most ideal help I could for the patients and for this calling. Subsequently, I would generously speak to the Admissions Committee to suggest me as one of the meriting understudy in formal Pharmacy tutoring program by implies referencing in my devotion and energy in seeking after a vocation in clinical drug store. In light this, supporting general society and the patients with their pharmaceutical necessities in the most obliging and powerful way is my own significant wellsprings of inspiration to do great and act in the best positive manner as clinical drug specialist later on. Unquestionably, seeing individuals or patients recuperating from their physical illness fills in as the essential wellspring of motivation for me to exceed expectations and become one of the dependable professional in this profession. Then again, my scholarly challenges in school is too worth to be referenced as it showed me important information and encounters that might assist me with pursueing a vocation in drug store. For my initial two years in school, I worked all day to help bolster my family. With this, my presentation in class and grades have endured. A long time after, I at last took a downtime to class and help to help my family needs. I experience childhood in a family where my father has handicapped himself and could no longer work to help us. With this, my mom needed to raise me along with my siblings. I considered my to be as she battles to work for us and simultaneously seek after her fantasy about turning into a medical attendant. At around five years after, she at last turned into a medical caretaker and this is actually the correct time I returned to class to concentrate on my examinations. At long last, with this particular happenings throughout my life, my family, and with my investigations, I would state that these had made me increasingly more grounded and propelled to arrive at my fantasies just as to my best to have the option to accomplish my profession objective. Subsequently, to have the option to do this, I acknowledge the way that I need to experience a formal doctoral drug store program. Absolutely, I genuinely accept that through this conventional investigations in drug store school, I would have the option to secure fundamental information that could bolster me in improving and creating positive attributes in turning into an exceptional drug specialist. With this respect, I thusly submit myself to experience the required conventional drug store program as I seek after my profession and individual objective.
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Statistik dalam penyelidikan pendidikan Free Essays
PENDAHULUAN Tajuk ini dipilih kerana equality pengkaji hendak mengetahui tahap penggunaan Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi ( TMK ) di kalangan master Sains sekolah menengah di daerah Gombak bagi memastikan kejayaan mengintegrasikan teknologi ke dalam bilik darjah. Pendidik yang berkompetensi teknologi memahami hubungan di antara fungsi asas komputer dan pembelajaran pelajar. Setiap kali suatu teknologi baru diperkenalkan dalam bilik darjah, ada pihak yang Akan menyokong dan mendakwa teknologi ini Akan merevolusikan cara master mengajar, cara murid belajar dan secara amnya keseluruhan cara pendidikan dikendalikan. We will compose a custom paper test on Statistik dalam penyelidikan pendidikan or on the other hand any comparable subject just for you Request Now Dalam abad ke-21 ini, negara menghadapi cabaran baru kesan daripada globalisasi, liberalisasi, pengantarabangsaan dan perkembangan Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi ( TMK ) . Sehubungan dengan itu Malaysia memerlukan modular insan yang juga celik TMK, progresif dan mampu bersaing di pasaran kerja planetary. Oleh itu, master perlulah lebih 'skillful ‘ dan 'very much educated ‘ , dimana seseorang master itu berkemampuan mengolah maklumat dan pengetahuan yang sebegitu banyak dengan ketajaman daya analisisnya dan kemampuannya untuk berfikir secara integratif dan applied. Ini akan membolehkannya bertindak balas dengan cepat terhadap perkembangan pesat di sekitarnya. Beberapa masalah timbul mengenai pengetahuan tahap penggunaan Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi di kalangan master Sains di sekolah menengah. Antaranya adalah: Sejauh manakah tahap penggunaan TMK oleh master dalam P A ; P Sains? Adakah penggunaan TMK membantu meringankan beban master dalam P A ; P Sains? Apakah faktor-faktor yang mendorong dan menghalang penggunaan TMK oleh master dalam P A ; P Sains? OBJEKTIF KAJIAN Objektif kajian ini ialah untuk: Untuk mengenalpasti tahap frekuensi penggunaan TMK oleh master dalam P A ; P Sains. Untuk mengenalpasti tahap frekuensi bentuk bahan TMK yang digunakan oleh master dalam P A ; P Sains. Untuk mengenalpasti faktor yang mendorong penggunaan TMK oleh master dalam P A ; P Sains. Untuk mengenalpasti faktor yang menghalang penggunaan TMK oleh master dalam P A ; P Sains. Untuk mengenalpasti kelebihan penggunaan TMK dalam P A ; P Sains. SOALAN KAJIAN Kajian ini dijalankan untuk menjawab beberapa persoalan mengenai tahap penggunaan TMK oleh master dalam P A ; P Sains. Apakah tahap frekuensi penggunaan TMK oleh master dalam P A ; P Sains? Apakah tahap frekuensi bentuk bahan TMK yang digunakan oleh master dalam P A ; P Sains? Apakah faktor yang mendorong peggunaan TMK oleh master dalam P A ; P Sains? Apakah faktor yang menghalang penggunaan TMK oleh master dalam P A ; P Sains? Apakah kelebihan penggunaan TMK dalam P A ; P Sains? METODOLOGI Dua teknik analisis telah digunakan dalam kajian ini, yakni yang pertama analisis deskriptif dan yang keduanya adalah analisis inferensi. Statistik deskriptif membantu mengatur, memaparkan dan menerangkan informations dengan menggunakan jadual, graf dan teknik rumusan. Terdapat lapan puluh responden, oleh itu ianya boleh diklasifikasikan sebagai sesuatu populasi. Selain daripada itu, measurement inferensi pula merangkumi teknik atau langkah yang menggunakan sampel ujikaji untuk membuat keputusan dan generalisasi terhadap sesuatu populasi. Justeru, demi memenuhi keperluan ujikaji, dua jenis analisis deskriptif telah digunakan. Analisis ini menggunakan peratus untuk menerangkan maklumat tentang latarbelakang responden seperti jantina, umur, bangsa, opysen, bilangan tahun mengajar matapelajaran sains dan latarbelakang pendidikan tertinggi. Analisis yang disertakan dalam kajian ini turut mengandungi peratus, min, sisihan piawai, mod, normal serta julat insignificant dan maximal untuk menerangkan pembolehubah-pembolehubah yang telah dipilih diatas. Selain daripada itu, empat jenis statistik inferensi turut digunakan dalam kajian ini. Chi-kuasa dua digunakan untuk mengkaji hubungan antara dua pembolehubah ostensible, iaitu jantina dan bilangan tahun mengajar matapelajaran Sains. Ujikaji-T pula telah digunakan untuk menentukan min antara pembolehubah-pembolehubah tidak bersandar. Korelasi Pearson R, juga telah digunakan untuk menganalisa perhubungan di antara pembolehubah-pembolehubah tidak bersandar. Pembolehubah-pemboleh ubah yang dikaji adalah tahap penggunaan Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi oleh master dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran Sains, faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penggunaan Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi oleh master, serta kelebihan penggunaan Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran Sains. SAMPEL KAJIAN Dalam kajian ini, sampel terdiri daripada master yang mengajar mata pelajaran Sains di sekolah menengah. Sampel kajian ini dipilih secara rawak mudah yang terdiri daripada pelbagai bangsa dan agama. Persampelan rawak mudah merupakan expositions menggunakan sampel bila mana individu dalam populasi mempunyai kebarangkalian yang sama untuk dipilih. Bilangan sampel terdiri daripada 80 Pongo pygmaeus master yang mengajar dalam mata pelajaran Sains di sekolah menengah. INSTRUMEN KAJIAN Dalam kajian ini satu set soal selidik telah digunakan untuk mengumpul informations iaitu: †Bahagian A: Soal Selidik Latar Belakang Responden Bahagian B: Soal Selidik Tahap Penggunaan Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi Oleh Guru-Guru Sains ( TPTMK ) Bahagian C: Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Penggunaan Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi oleh Guru dalam Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Sains ( FPTMK ) Bahagian D: Kelebihan Penggunaan Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi oleh Guru dalam Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Sains ( KPTMK ) Bahagian A: Soal Selidik Latar Belakang Responden Bahagian An adalah soal selidik berkaitan dengan maklumat diri subjek. Antara thing yang dimuatkan untuk mendapatkan maklumat peribadi master ialah umur, jantina, bangsa dan opysen matapelajaran, Di samping itu juga, soal selidik ini berkaitan dengan sumber maklumat mengenai bilangan tahun mengajar dalam mata pelajaran Sains dan latar belakang pendidikan tertinggi. Sumber maklumat ini telah diubah suai oleh pengkaji agar bersesuaian dengan kajian yang dijalankan. Subjek diminta menandakan (/) terhadap sumber maklumat yang berkaitan dengan diri subjek. Bahagian B: Soal Selidik Tahap Penggunaan Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi Oleh Guru dalam Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Sains ( TPTMK ) Bahagian ini adalah doal selidik mengenai tahap penggunaan Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi terhadap subjek yang dikaji. Alat kajian ini sebenarnya menguji tentang kekerapan tahap penggunaan Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi subjek dalam Masa seminggu dan juga tahap kekerapan penggunaan peralatan, perkakasan atau perisian yang dibekalkan semasa pengajaran dan pembelajaran Sains. Responden dikehendaki menjawab dua puluh Lima soalan dengan menggunakan dua pilihan jawapan iaitu ya atau tidak. Bahagian C: Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Penggunaan Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi oleh Guru dalam Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Sains. ( FPTMK ) Bahagian C adalah soal selidik berkaitan dengan faktor-faktor yang mendorong dan menghalang penggunaan Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi oleh master dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran Sains. Dalam bahagian ini juga, responden dikehendaki menjawab Lima puluh soalan dengan menggunakan dua pilihan jawapan iaitu ya atau tidak. Bahagian D: Kelebihan Penggunaan Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi oleh Guru dalam Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Sains. ( KPTMK ) Bahagian D pula, merupakan soal selidik berkaitan dengan kelebihan penggunaan Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi oleh master dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran Sains. Bahagian ini terbahagi kepada dua kumpulan soalan. Responden dikehendaki menjawab soalan dengan menggunakan dua pilihan jawapan iaitu ya atau tidak. PEMBOLEHUBAH KAJIAN Pembolehubah bebas dalam kajian ini ialah umur, jantina, bangsa, bilangan tahun mengajar dan latarbelakang pendidikan tertinggi. Manakala pembolehubah bersandar adalah tahap penggunaan TMK dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi serta kelebihan penggunaan TMK. Soalselidik ini terbahagi kepada empat bahagian iaitu Bahagian A, B, C dan D. Bahagian A mengandungi pembolehubah-pembolehubah di bawah: Jantina Umur Bangsa Opysen Pengalaman mengajar matapeajaran Sains Latarbelakang Pendidikan Tertinggi Dalam kajian ini terdapat satu set borang soal selidik yang mengandungi tiga bahagian iaitu Bahagian A, Bahagian B, Bahagian C dan Bahagian D. Dalam Bahagian A, soal selidik latar belakang responden digunakan untuk mengumpul maklumat daripada responden, bilangan tahun mengajar dan latarbelakang pendidikan seperti yang dipaparkan di atas. Bahagian B pula, adalah soal selidik berkaitan dengan tahap penggunaan TMK master dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran Sains. Soal selidik tentang tahap penggunaan TMK ini terdiri daripada thing yang berkaitan dengan tahap kekerapan mengunakan TMK dalam seminggu semasa sesi pengajaran dan pembelajaran Sains. Selain itu, thing berkaitan dengan kekerapan menggunakan peralatan, perkakasan atau perisian TMK dalam Masa seminggu. Bahagian C, adalah berkaitan dengan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penggunaan TMK oleh master dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran Sains. Dalam bahagian ini thing yang terdapat dalamnya adalah berkaitan dengan faktor mendorong dan menghalang responden dalam menjayakan pengajaran dan pembelajaran Sains dengan menggunakan TMK. Bahagian D, adalah mengenai kelebihan penggunaan TMK oleh master dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran Sains. Bahagian ini terdiri daripada 50 soalan tertutup yang memerlukan responden menjawab ya atau tidak. Soalan - soalan yang dikemukankan merangkumi, kebaikan dan kelebihan TMK dalam meringankan beban master dengan menjimatkan Masa, tenaga dan coss dalam penyediaan sesi pengajaran dan pembelajaran Sains. LATARBELAKANG RESPONDEN Thing dalam bahagian
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Interface Design
Question: Depict that how interface configuration ought to be planned and why a specific interface is chosen. Answer: Presentation This is an article for interface plan magazine, in which we will depict that how interface configuration ought to be planned and why a specific interface is chosen. Other than this, here we will talk about that how a specific interface configuration meets necessities of clients and upgrades their encounters and what are affecting variables of this interface structure. In this article, we will likewise examine about explanations for this specific interface structure and what are main considerations that improve this arrangement than other interface plans. These are some significant elements to talk about interface structure magazine in this report. Conversation We have structured a site for a business association that manages IT arrangements. This association offers types of assistance in regards to web and versatile applications. This organization needed to make a site for selling its business items and administrations on the web and needs to associate with potential clients around the world. This site will give assistance to oversee business on the web and both nearby and worldwide clients can get to data through this site. UI of this site must be easy to understand, simple to utilize and comprehend. We have created following UI for site: As should be obvious that above given interface is straightforward and basic. From this structure, we can without much of a stretch comprehend that first page is demonstrating included item and other significant items and administrations that is given by organization to its clients. (Majmudar, U. Prabhu, G, 2016) How we have planned this interface and why we have picked this Interface There are different approaches to plan a site. Site improvement system are accessible, for example, Joomla, Wordpress and so forth. These are anything but difficult to utilize site improvement systems and designers can undoubtedly make a site with the assistance of this. We have built up this UI in Joomla. While making interface with assistance of Joomla, we have utilized after parts of Joomla. Joomla Components This site page we have made in Joomla structure which is viewed as useful for making web based business sites. In this procedure of improvement, topic of Joomla subject, other little segments and modules for making a successful site page. Joomla specialists are additionally required for taking care of effectively handle this procedure. It's anything but a simple procedure that is the reason specialists can assist with working with this structure. Wordpress and different structures are additionally accessible that can be handily utilized by designers, however because of cutting edge highlights of Joomla, it is exceptionally liked. Various sorts of modules, for example, login module, module for request summery and web based shopping basket module can be utilized with Joomla as per necessities. With the assistance of these parts a superior site page or site can be made. Along these lines, we have planned this interface by utilizing this powerful structure of Joomla. Presently further we will talk about that why we have picked Joomla for building up this UI. We have utilized Joomla system for creating UI above site because of following reasons. Joomla is anything but difficult to utilize and comprise of different propelled highlights that are required to build up a powerful site. (net, 2016) In Joomla, different propelled segments exist, that are required to build up a successful, secure and solid site. Joomla is made sure about as contrast with other accessible structures for creating sites. As should be obvious above interface for site and it is basic and straightforward. This is fundamental explanation that we have chosen this interface. In this interface pictures and substance both are given, however pictures are simpler approach to comprehend reason for site, its items and administrations. How Interface meets prerequisites of clients The created interface meets prerequisites of clients or not, market and patterns investigation are finished. The beginning of business on the web and giving items and administrations to clients isn't adequate to accomplish for business associations. With no investigation about market and its patterns, it is difficult to work together into advertise. For clients fulfillment, it is important to do. Before begin structuring of this interface, we have investigated prerequisites of clients that what sort of interface they are profoundly liked and thought about solid and simple to utilize. At that point as indicated by that we have made this interface. In this way for pulling in clients towards business items and administrations through online site, these above talked about focuses are important to consider. By appropriately breaking down market patterns and requests of clients we have created above talked about interface plan. (Fadeyev, 2009). Which Factors Influences Design Each web architecture has impacted of some basic factors, for example, security, protection and other hacking assaults. Here we will talk about quickly about these affecting variables for our web composition and those must be taken on thought by engineers. Security It is a fundamental business arrangement. Through our site page, we gather data from buyers when they buy items and this data can be close to home data of clients, account related data and charge card data of shoppers for buying items and administrations. This information is moved over web and this information can be hacked by programmers. To get avoidance structure this, organize security is essential. Different security instruments and strategies can be utilized, for example, utilization of Secure Socket Layer through for example SSL for facilitating site on secure web server. System Security Experts and engineers are liable for keeping up security of site and for dealing with specialized issues. Security Clients data and business content must be ensured by keeping up protection of information. Our interface configuration comprises of significant data and that must be made sure about. While plan this interface, we were cautious about protection of accessible data, in this way, we have given special login qualifications to clients for checking their request rundown and so on. Just an approved client can see and adjust its board. This will forestall data misfortune and unapproved get to. The back-end security is additionally considered as here, for example, database security. Database assurance is a lot of essential since it comprises of entire data that is taken as contribution from interface by clients. For an online business site, it is important to have a solid database. Protection and security are viewed as significant in light of the fact that companys clients and partners requires security of private data and clients likewise reaction to site that give full security to their subs tance. Web Attack Issues There are different web assaults those are experienced usually. Infection, malware and refusal of administration assaults are normally experienced by IT clients. Through these assaults availability of clients to site is lost. While planning a site, designers ought to know about each viewpoint that can damage security of page. Substantial loss of data, spreading of infection and so forth issues can happen. Structuring period of site or page is significant and in this stage it is concluded that information which security segments can be effectively keep our site from different vulnerabilities. Site designers must be considered above examined affecting issues appropriately to dispose of issues of security, protection and other powerless assaults. Presently in next section of this report we will examine about comparable interface from where, we have given thought for planning this interface. Comparable Interfaces that given Ideas or Elements for this Interface Design To get a thought that how landing page can be planned, we have taken reference of other joomla sites. The connection of those sites are business site are two sites that we have visited. From these we got thought for configuration, shading blend and usefulness. These three perspectives are fundamental for each site. Different other little components we have likewise recognized that we can use in our site. We dont duplicate any component or substance, we have quite recently taken thought for these things. We have additionally done changes in it as per necessity. Thusly we have structured our landing page and further we will make further site. (Bogdan, 2016) Thinking behind Developed Interface Design While taking a shot at this plan of interface, we have thought about different fundamental factors and as indicated by that we built up this structure. Those reasons are recorded as underneath: Engineers needs to structure a dependable, secure and simple to utilize interface, with the goal that clients can utilize this interface without any problem. This interface speaks to included items in a successful manner and it is important to draw in clients towards online business. (, 2016) An interface ought not be chaotic, so we have picked straightforward. In any case clients can't comprehend that what you are attempting to state through site. Due to above recorded reasons we have chosen to build up this interface, in given structure. Our organization needs an answer through which they can speak to their fundamental business items and administrations in straightforward and complex manners. End After this entire conversation we can say that sites configuration ought to be planned such that clients can utilize it suitably with no issue. Above examined stage for example Joomla is superior to other accessible structures. Joomla is chosen because of its progressed and made sure about highlights. Other than this, above talked about security and protection issues must be considered by engineers before propelling interface among clients. The improvement procedure of a total site or a solitary page isn't a simple undertaking to perform. Above talked about variables are imperative to consider. Designers and clients both are answerable for keeping up security and protection of data
To Kill a Mockingbird on Commitment Essay Example For Students
To Kill a Mockingbird: on Commitment Essay To Kill a Mockingbird: Essay on Commitment BY Firegtr11411 The Play of To Kill a Mockingbird Paragraph Plan for Critical Essay Task: Choose a play where a character demonstrates promise to standards, beliefs and people in spite of challenges he experiences. Show what challenges the character experiences and clarify why he stays submitted. A play where a character shows duty is the play of To Kill a Mockingbird, in light of the novel by Harper Lee and performed by Christopher Sergel. The play, set in the American Deep South of the 1930, is about a white legal advisor, Atticus Finch, who experiences challenges in the orm of preference and contempt when he chooses to guard a dark man called Tom Robinson, blamed for explicitly ambushing a white lady. This article will show how Atticus stays focused on his standards, goals and people in the play by investigating setting, characterisation and key occurrences. The troubles the fundamental character experiences are established in the setting of the play. We will compose a custom paper on To Kill a Mockingbird: on Commitment explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now The activity happens in a town called Maycomb, a worn out old town commanded by destitution, in Alabama in 1935. Bigotry was settled in the Deep South at that point and is featured in the successive utilization of the exceptionally hostile term nigger by the townspeople. Atticus knows that his resistance of a dark man will make strife for him and his family and reminds his youngsters We will be battling our companions, setting them up for a potential kickback. Atticus is a character who is focused on the standards of resistance and compassion. He esteems compassion exceptionally. At the point when his youngsters badger their hermit neighbor Boo, Atticus doesn't rebuff them yet reminds them to show more compassion: miou see, you never truly comprehend an individual until you think about things from his perspective. Until you move into his skin and stroll around in it, demonstrating cap he acts as per his standards. He isn't terrified to support his convictions and, potentially shockingly, is exceptionally open minded in a preferential and biased society. He calls attention to that One thing doesnt comply with greater part rule a people soul. He is fearless in seeking after this rule and is in any event, ready to hazard his own wellbeing on account of Tom Robinson he safeguards him from a lynch horde. Mr Cunningham, one of the townspeople, cautions him: mfou realize what we need. Prevent beside the entryway, Mr Finch. It is great to perceive how Atticus, sitting outside the Jail ith a seat and a light, perusing a book, resis ts the urge to panic, non-angry and protective to defuse this circumstance brimming with challenges. Atticus is a character that goes about for instance to the crowd as he lives by his estimable convictions. Atticus choice to guard Tom shows he is focused on the charged regardless of experiencing antagonistic vibe. This choice depends on his faith in the key quality of the American equity framework. He pronounces in our courts all men are made equivalent however is simultaneously mindful of the restrictions of that guideline because of the conceivably bigot sees f the Jury. He skilfully protects Tom and straightforwardly recognizes Mayella Ewells intention in lying as she has broken an untouchable: She has carried out no wrongdoing, however she broke an inflexible code of our general public, a code so serious that whoever breaks it is harassed out from our middle as unfit to live with. He has some compassion toward Mayellas lie yet in addition advises her that it has put Toms opportunity, even his life, in danger. During Atticus barrier, he uncovered Bob Ewell, Mayellas father, as a merciless and controlling liar and on by Bob, he remains quiet and comments dryly: l wish Bob Ewell wouldn t bite obacco. The preliminary makes gigantic weight on Atticus as a result of emotive issues included however he stays principled and made and conveys a noteworthy barrier. .udb0e4d2c5a3d51aa59899b4e58dcccc0 , .udb0e4d2c5a3d51aa59899b4e58dcccc0 .postImageUrl , .udb0e4d2c5a3d51aa59899b4e58dcccc0 .focused content region { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .udb0e4d2c5a3d51aa59899b4e58dcccc0 , .udb0e4d2c5a3d51aa59899b4e58dcccc0:hover , .udb0e4d2c5a3d51aa59899b4e58dcccc0:visited , .udb0e4d2c5a3d51aa59899b4e58dcccc0:active { border:0!important; } .udb0e4d2c5a3d51aa59899b4e58dcccc0 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .udb0e4d2c5a3d51aa59899b4e58dcccc0 { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; murkiness: 1; change: haziness 250ms; webkit-progress: darkness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .udb0e4d2c5a3d51aa59899b4e58dcccc0:active , .udb0e4d2c5a3d51aa59899b4e58dcccc0:hover { mistiness: 1; progress: obscurity 250ms; webkit-progress: darkness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .udb0e4d2c5a3d51aa59899b4e58dcccc0 .focused content zone { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .udb0e4d2c5a3d51aa59899b4e58dcccc0 .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content beautification: underline; } .udb0e4d2c5a3d51aa59899b4e58dcccc0 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .udb0e4d2c5a3d51aa59899b4e58dcccc0 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; outskirt range: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: intense; line-tallness: 26px; moz-fringe sweep: 3px; content adjust: focus; content improvement: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: supreme; right: 0; top: 0; } .udb0e4d2c5a3d51aa59899b4e58dcccc0:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .udb0e4d2c5a3d51aa59899b4e58dcccc0 .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .udb0e4d2c5a3d51aa59899b4e58dcccc0-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .udb0e4d2c5a3d51aa59899b4e58dcccc0:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Chevron EssayDespite the stunning blameworthy decision, the crowd sense that a little triumph has been accomplished by Atticus as Bob Ewells genuine nature has been featured. Later on in the play Bob Ewell assaults Jem and Scout, an occasion a key episode and the peak of the play that Atticus didn't anticipate on the grounds that he generally attempts to see the best in individuals. He erroneously accepts that Jem has executed Bob and needs his child to confront he outcomes, expressing that he wont quiet yet it becomes clear Boo, the neighbor, slaughtered Ewell to ensure the youngsters. It is a commendation to Atticus principled child rearing that Scout toward the finish of the play an increasingly adult individual concurs with sheriffs endeavor to ensure their neighbor Boo, comments, l mean, itd be similar to shooting a mockingbird, wouldnt it. She recognizes Boo doesn't do any damage to anyone with his way of life like a mockingbird and shows the sort of compassion in that Atticus needs his youngsters to have for others. Toward the finish of the lay a portion of the contention made by Tom Robinsons preliminary is settled however with the predominance of bigotry it is never a long way from the surface. All in all, Atticus is a noteworthy and outstanding character who stays consistent with his goals and standards of sympathy, resistance and fairness in troublesome conditions made by the bigotry, prejudice and scorn around him. Rather than being a token legal advisor for Tom, he remains consistent with the standard of correspondence under the watchful eye of the law and conveys a submitted and amazing guard. Atticus standards and activities go about as an encouraging sign for more resilience in an antagonistic domain.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Using and Conjugating the Spanish Verb Parecer
Utilizing and Conjugating the Spanish Verb Parecer Parecer is a typical action word that has as its essential importance to appear or to appear as. It can likewise be utilized in an assortment of approaches to communicate assessments or make decisions. It is an etymological cousin of the English word show up, which can be utilized along these lines, as in the expression apparently. Utilizing Parecer With Descriptions In its most clear utilization, parecer is utilized as a method of portraying what something is or appears as: Un gobierno de unidad nacional parece difã cil de lograrse. (A national solidarity government appears to be hard to accomplish.)Lo que parece ser la verdad para nosotros no necesariamente parecer ser la verdad para otros. (What is by all accounts reality for us won't really appear to be reality for others.)Tengo una chupa que parece de cuero y es de plastiquete. (I have a coat that isâ like cowhide and is made of plastic material.)El agua tibia parece caliente si tocamos primero el agua frã a. (Tepid water appears to be hot on the off chance that we feel cold water first.)Usted no parece saber mucho del trastorno. (You dont appear to think a lot about the turmoil.) Utilizing Parecer Impersonally It is normal to utilize parecer as a generic action word followed by que. The action word that follows is regularly in the characteristic state of mind, in spite of the fact that the subjunctive mind-set follows no parecer. The characteristic state of mind is utilized with parecer in its positive structure since it is utilized to demonstrate how something is seen, not to communicate question as appear to be frequently does in English. A special case isâ in a sentence, for example, Parece mentira que hayan pasado 15 aã ±os (It appears to be incomprehensible that 15 years have passed by), in light of the fact that there question and additionally an enthusiastic response is communicated. Parece que este enlace est roto. (It would seem that this connection is broken.)No parece que vaya a llover. (It doesnt resemble its going to rain.)De momento parece que no se sabe nothing del lanzamiento del producto en Europa. (Until further notice it gives the idea that nothing is thought about the items dispatch in Europe.)Parecà a que nothing podã a mejorarse. (It appeared as though nothing could get better.)Katrina no parece que tenga frã o. (Katrina doesnt appear shes cold.) Utilizing Parecer With an Indirect Object It is exceptionally basic for parecer to be joined by an aberrant article pronoun to demonstrate how a specific individual or people sees something to be. This can be one method of passing on conclusions, and in numerous such cases there are better methods of interpreting parecer other than appear. Me parece que el presidente es un fraude. (I think the president is a fraud.)Me parece que algo no est bien. (I feel that something isnt right.) ¿Te parezco triste? (Do I look pitiful to you?) ¿Por quã © el metal nos parece frã o y la lana caliente? (For what reason does metal feel cold to us and fleece warm?)Le parece que est aumentando la actividad sà smica. (He believes that seismic action is increasing.) ¿Quà © os parece el nuevo iPhone? (What's your opinion of the new iPhone?)No nos parece que à ©ste ocean el momento oportuno. (We dont think this is the helpful time.)Me parecã a que no time importante. (I didnt think it was significant.) Utilizing Parecer Reflexively In the reflexive structure, parecerse can be utilized to show that at least two people or things are similar here and there: Algunas veces nos parecemos a nuestros padres. (Once in a while resembled our parents.)Segà ºn los à ºltimos estudios, los animales se parecen a las personas mucho ms de lo que imaginamos. (As per the most recent examinations, creatures are substantially more like individuals than we envision.) Parecer as an Infinitive Noun As a thing, the infinitiveâ parecer generally implies sentiment: Es el mejor restaurante a mi parecer en Madrid. (In my sentiment its the best café in Madrid.)Queremos que expreses tu supposition sobre el diseã ±o. (We need you to communicate your feeling on the plan.) Conjugation of Parecer Remember that parecer is sporadically conjugated, after the example of conocer. Every unpredictable structure are appeared underneath in boldface: Present demonstrative: parezco, pareces, parece, parecemos, parecã ©is, parecen (I appear, you appear, and so on.) Present subjunctive: que parezca, que parezcas, que parezca, que parezcamos, que parezcis, que parezcan (that I appear, that you appear, and so on.) Positive goal: parece tã º,â parezca usted, parezcamos nosotro/as, pareced vosotros/as, parezcan ustedes (appear) Negative goal: noâ parezcaâ usted,â no parezcasâ tã º,â noâ parezcamos nosotros/as, noâ parezcisâ vosotros/as, queâ parezcanâ ustedes (dont appear)
Monday, August 17, 2020
Lithium Toxicity Types, Symptoms, and Treatment
Lithium Toxicity Types, Symptoms, and Treatment Bipolar Disorder Treatment Medications Print Lithium Toxicity: Types, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment By Marcia Purse Marcia Purse is a mental health writer and bipolar disorder advocate who brings strong research skills and personal experiences to her writing. Learn about our editorial policy Marcia Purse Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on August 05, 2016 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on June 19, 2019 Steve Gorton / Getty Images More in Bipolar Disorder Treatment Medications Symptoms Diagnosis In This Article Table of Contents Expand Types Testing Symptoms When to See a Doctor Diagnosis Treatment Outlook View All Back To Top Lithium toxicity is a potentially serious condition caused by having too much lithium in your system.?? Since lithiums primary medical use is as a mood stabilizer, most cases occur among people who have bipolar disorder. In fact, many people who take lithium regularly experience this drug toxicity at least once, so its very important for people who take this medication to be aware of the symptoms.?? Loved ones and friends should also be educated about the symptoms so they can help you if youre unable to help yourself. Types of Toxicity There are three types of lithium toxicity: acute, chronic, and acute-on-chronic.?? Acute Toxicity Acute lithium toxicity occurs when someone who isnt taking lithium at all ingests it. This could happen when a family member takes pills from the wrong bottle, when a child gets into a parents medications, or in a suicide attempt by someone who doesnt use lithium. Acute toxicity can carry somewhat less medical risk and less severe symptoms than the other types, depending on the amount taken, because lithium will clear out of your body more quickly when your system is unused to it. Chronic Toxicity The chronic form of lithium toxicity can occur when you take lithium daily but your serum blood level has crept up into the toxic range.?? Possible causes for this level increase are a dosage increase, being dehydrated, interactions with other medications, and problems with kidney function. This type of toxicity is less likely to be detected early than the other types, so more severe symptoms may appear before its identified. Medications that can contribute to dehydration or cause your kidneys not to function as well as normal include diuretics, angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Acute-on-Chronic Toxicity When you regularly take lithium and you accidentally or deliberately take a higher dose than prescribed, this results in acute-on-chronic toxicity. Because the levels in your blood that make lithium effective and the levels that make it toxic are so close, the additional amount that causes acute-on-chronic toxicity doesnt have to be terribly high. This type of lithium toxicity is considered to be the most severe form, with the highest potential for long-term consequences. Testing Lithium is a soft metal that can be helpful in the right doses and harmful if you take too much.?? One of the reasons doctors order periodic blood tests when you take lithium is because the window between an effective dose and a toxic dose is very small. Whats a safe, effective dose for one person may be toxic to another. The higher your serum level, the likelier there will be both side effects and the appearance of toxic symptoms (also called lithium intoxication). A therapeutic lithium level is somewhere between 0.6 to 1.2 milliequivalents per liter (mEq/L). When your level gets to 1.5 mEq/L or more, symptoms of toxicity begin to show up.The levels of toxicity are classified as:Mild (1.5 to 2.5 mEq/L)Moderate (2.5 to 3.5 mEq/L)Severe (above 3.5 mEq/L). Symptoms Symptoms of lithium toxicity vary depending on what type you have.?? Acute Toxicity Common symptoms of acute toxicity include: DiarrheaDizzinessNauseaStomach painsVomitingWeakness Nervous symptoms that may develop later, once the drug has been absorbed, can include: Hand tremorsDrowsinessConfusion or agitationInability to fully control your arms and legs (ataxia)Muscle twitchesSlurred speechEye movements that you cant control (nystagmus) In severe cases, there may be symptoms such as: SeizuresComaBrain injury In rare cases, there may be heart problems. Chronic Toxicity Unlike in acute lithium poisoning, people with chronic lithium toxicity are much less likely to have stomach and intestinal problems and instead usually present with neurologic symptoms first, such as:?? Slurred speechDrowsinessAtaxiaConfusion or agitationTremorsIncreased reflexes Severe cases of chronic toxicity may result in symptoms like: Memory problems and other cognitive impairmentSignificant movement problemsPsychosisKidney failureSeizuresComa If severe symptoms occur, they may persist long-term even after successful treatment in a small number of people. Acute-On-Chronic Toxicity Symptoms of this condition typically include both the common gastrointestinal symptoms of acute toxicity and some of the severe symptoms of chronic toxicity.?? When to Get Help If you or a loved one are showing any signs of lithium toxicity, especially if theyre severe, you should head to the emergency room or call 911. At the very least, call the poison control helpline at 1-800-222-1222 to get advice on what to do. If you can, take the lithium bottle along with you so the medical staff can see the name, dose, and strength. Try to find out when the lithium was taken and how much was taken too. Diagnosis Your doctor will diagnose you based on the signs and symptoms you come in with, findings of a physical exam, your history of taking lithium, and a blood test to see how high the level of lithium in your blood is. The level of lithium that shows up in your blood may not be reflective of how much toxicity you are experiencing if you have acute or acute-on-chronic poisoning, so your doctor will rely more on the symptoms youre showing in this case. Treatment What your treatment entails will depend on how severe your toxicity is and the type you have.?? In all cases, intravenous (IV) fluids will be administered to make sure youre not dehydrated and to help move the lithium out of your system. Acute Toxicity Depending on the amount you took and how soon the ingestion of lithium is discovered, treatment may include activated charcoal if you took other substances as well, kidney dialysis in severe cases, or whole bowel irrigation, in which a polyethylene glycol solution is used to flush large amounts or extended-release lithium from your system. A whole bowel irrigation is only done if you arent having symptoms of lethargy or confusion. Chronic Toxicity Lithium will clear your system more slowly in chronic toxicity than in the acute type. If your symptoms are detected early, reducing your lithium dosage or stopping it altogether may be sufficient treatment, resuming a lower dosage when appropriate. Otherwise, a series of dialysis treatments may be necessary to clear the excess lithium from your system. Acute-On-Chronic Toxicity Intravenous fluids and a course of dialysis are usually indicated for acute-on-chronic toxicity, along with other possible symptom-specific treatments like drugs for nausea or to control seizures. Outlook When youre admitted to the hospital with lithium toxicity, youll need to stay until your symptoms are gone and your lithium serum level is below 1.5 mEq/L. Most people recover from lithium toxicity without problems.?? A small number of people with severe poisoning may have long-term complications, which are most likely in cases of acute-on-chronic lithium intoxication. Of these, the most common problems are with the nervous system, but the thyroid, kidneys, parathyroid, and heart may be affected. A Word From Verywell Be sure to talk to your doctor if youre starting any new over-the-counter or prescription medications to make sure they dont interact with lithium. This is especially true for the medications mentioned earlier that can lead to dehydration or make your kidneys not work as well as normal, including diuretics, ACE inhibitors, and NSAIDs like aspirin, Motrin/Advil (ibuprofen), and Aleve (naproxen). Also, make sure you keep all your appointments so your doctor can regularly monitor your lithium level.
Thursday, June 11, 2020
Australian Entrepreneur Ecosystem - 5500 Words
Australian Entrepreneur Ecosystem (Dissertation Sample) Content: Australian Entrepreneur EcosystemNameInstitutionSubjectInstructorDateAbstractTable of contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l "_Toc434262827" Abstract PAGEREF _Toc434262827 \h 2 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc434262828" Chapter 1 Discussions PAGEREF _Toc434262828 \h 3 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc434262829" 1.1 Introduction (200 words) PAGEREF _Toc434262829 \h 3 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc434262830" 1.2 The Australian market (800 words) PAGEREF _Toc434262830 \h 3 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc434262831" 1.3 Political, economic and social-culture variables (800 words) PAGEREF _Toc434262831 \h 5 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc434262832" 1.4 Institution, public policy and regulatory systems (800 words) PAGEREF _Toc434262832 \h 7 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc434262833" 1.5 Entrepreneurial culture in Australia (650 words) PAGEREF _Toc434262833 \h 9 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc434262834" 1.6 Infrastructures (for startup development) in Australia (750 words) PAGEREF _Toc434262 834 \h 11 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc434262835" 1.7 The Australian economy (650 words) PAGEREF _Toc434262835 \h 12 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc434262836" 1.8 Startup in Australia (550 words) PAGEREF _Toc434262836 \h 14 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc434262837" 1.9 Judgment of the Australian entrepreneurial ecosystem (400 words) PAGEREF _Toc434262837 \h 15 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc434262838" 1.10 Conclusion (200 words) PAGEREF _Toc434262838 \h 16 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc434262839" References PAGEREF _Toc434262839 \h 18Total maximum word count 5775 words 21pages (275 words per page)Style: HarvardUS EnglishDiscussions Introduction (200 words)According to Isenberg (2014), entrepreneur ecosystem refers to the fostering of entrepreneurship as an economic development strategy, either by a business, an organization or a country. Other authors have provided different meanings for entrepreneur ecosystems. In Manimala and Wasdani (2015)s view, entrepreneur ecosystem is the systemic and co llective nature of entrepreneurship. Manimala and Wasdani (2015) added that new firms emerge due to employee efforts and the presence of an environment or ecosystem made of private and public players, thus making the work of an entrepreneur easier. Manimala and Wasdani (2015) however noted that an ecosystem can hinder entrepreneurship, especially in the case of the public sector due to corruption, mismanagement and other unethical practices within the new venture. In the same fashion, Feld (2012) noted that entrepreneurial ecosystems consist of elements that can be classified into six domains. These classifications allow the entrepreneurs to understand better all the aspects of a particular market (Feld 2012). From these classifications, the government can evaluate whether it has a good entrepreneur ecosystem and identify the steps to be taken to improve these ecosystems, knowing well that each entrepreneurial ecosystem is unique and that all elements of the ecosystems are interdepe ndent (Isenberg 2014). The Australian market (800 words)Bangs and Halliday (2001) observed that a market analysis studies the attractiveness of a particular market to provide an entrepreneur with a better and deeper understanding of the markets in which they plan to start and operate a business. According to Bangs and Halliday (2001) technology has brought about a change in the Australian market by increasing market speed, capacity, sophistication and automation of trading for the market operators. It has also introduced new participants into the market thus boosting the Australian economy. The government has introduced regulations and policies to ensure that the financial and other markets are fair and efficient with modern market innovations (Bangs and Halliday 2001). Gal (2009) however noted that the Australian money market may be in a global crisis due to its liquidity. Since 2007, the functioning of money markets declined globally since many participants of the money markets p laced a greater value on retaining liquid assets. From then, the recovery of the money markets has been critical, with many countries experiencing this significant challenge. Gal (2009) noted that market integrity is an important aspect of the Australian market. Gal (2009) added that the integrity rules are adopted to address the emerging risks from the developments in market structure, including the growth of automated trading and the changing nature of dark liquidity. The Australian government implemented several legislative rules to address the market integrity rules. The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) was tasked with developing the integrity rules (CCH Australia Limited 2011). The legislation instruments addressed various aspects of the Australian market. Bangs and Halliday (2001) noted that the ASIC discussed the rules for competition in the exchange market which noted the integrity rules for extreme price movements, pre-trade and post-trade transparen cy and enhanced data for market surveillance. It also provides guidance on systems and controls for the holders of an Australian market license (Bangs and Halliday 2001). Similarly, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission proposed market integrity rules and policies that must be followed in Australias market. These rules related to enhanced data for supervision; volatility controls for extreme price movements, and product scope of best execution (CCH Australia Limited 2011). Similarly, they addressed the automated trading that included high-frequency trading and also the pre-trade transparency and prime formation in the market (CCH Australia Limited 2011).Arup and Wishart (2002) noted that Australia makes use of competition laws that are aimed at promoting competition per se. Arup and Wishart (2002) added that competition policies seek to facilitate effective competition to foster economic growth and increase efficiency while accommodating situations whereby competition does not interfere with other social objectives. Competition policy deals with the extent and nature of competition in an economy. It encompasses the legislation and government actions that influence the permissible competitive behavior by firms and the remedy offered in case of such violations. According to Arup and Wishart (2002), the Australian market makes use of policies and regulations to protect consumers from exploitation and misuse of market power. Australias legislation laws prohibits a corporation with substantial market powers from taking advantage of the market power for a prohibited purpose (Arup and Wishart 2002). Arup and Wishart (2002) also noted that the prohibited use includes the prevention of entry into the market, damaging or eliminating a competitor and deterring or preventing a person or entity from participating in the market. These laws are mainly developed to prevent market misuse especially by corporations, parastatals and monopolies (Arup and Wishart 20 02). In CCH Australia Limited (2011)s view, the legislative laws as highlighted under section 46(1) helps in determining whether a company has substantial market power and if it is possible for a corporation to have significant market power. CCH Australia Limited (2011) added that majority of cases regarding misuse of market power have failed due to lack of sufficient evidence to prove this element. In response to these decisions, the Trade Practices Legislation Amendment Act of 2008 provided some guidance on the arbitration of cases regarding taking advantage and misuse of market powers. This law protects the interest of people and firms when entering a particular market. Guzman (2011) observed that the main bodies governing market competition in Australia are the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission and the Australian Trade Practices Commission (TPC). The bodies are aimed at considering the market aspects and implement laws and policies to ensure efficiency and economic growth (Guzman 2011). Some of the mandates of these commissions include price surveillance, protection of the rights of consumers, business and preventing the illegal anti-competitive behavior. Additionally, they have the obligation to perform an industry regulation and price monitoring (Guzman 2011). CCH Australia Limited (2011) added that the ACCC regulates certain industries such as telecommunication and energy industries as well as granting access to the national infrastructure system. The ACCC also educates consumers and businesses on their rights and responsibilities under the Act (CCH Australia Limited 2011). Political, economic and social culture variables (800 words)According to the observations presented by Slideshare (2015), the businesses environment is affected by political, social and economic variables. Slideshare (2015) noted that there are some micro-environmental factors associated with the operation of the company, in physical and organizational manner. These fac tors are connected to a part of the behavior of the employees, supplier, and other intermediaries. Equally important, Slideshare (2015) noted that the most important factors are the macro-environment that are inevitable in the firm and cannot be controlled by the organizational management and they have an enormous impact on an organization. For a firm looking to invest in Australias market, these factors are inevitable and have to be considered before formulating the business plan. These factors are located at global and national levels that lie under the physical, organizational influence of the firm. In the same fashion, Slideshare (2015) noted that the business must consider these factors both in the long run and in the short term and analyze the effects on the firm in the near future. In the case of international expansion, Slideshare (2... Australian Entrepreneur Ecosystem - 5500 Words Australian Entrepreneur Ecosystem (Dissertation Sample) Content: Australian Entrepreneur EcosystemNameInstitutionSubjectInstructorDateAbstractTable of contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l "_Toc434262827" Abstract PAGEREF _Toc434262827 \h 2 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc434262828" Chapter 1 Discussions PAGEREF _Toc434262828 \h 3 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc434262829" 1.1 Introduction (200 words) PAGEREF _Toc434262829 \h 3 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc434262830" 1.2 The Australian market (800 words) PAGEREF _Toc434262830 \h 3 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc434262831" 1.3 Political, economic and social-culture variables (800 words) PAGEREF _Toc434262831 \h 5 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc434262832" 1.4 Institution, public policy and regulatory systems (800 words) PAGEREF _Toc434262832 \h 7 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc434262833" 1.5 Entrepreneurial culture in Australia (650 words) PAGEREF _Toc434262833 \h 9 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc434262834" 1.6 Infrastructures (for startup development) in Australia (750 words) PAGEREF _Toc434262 834 \h 11 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc434262835" 1.7 The Australian economy (650 words) PAGEREF _Toc434262835 \h 12 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc434262836" 1.8 Startup in Australia (550 words) PAGEREF _Toc434262836 \h 14 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc434262837" 1.9 Judgment of the Australian entrepreneurial ecosystem (400 words) PAGEREF _Toc434262837 \h 15 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc434262838" 1.10 Conclusion (200 words) PAGEREF _Toc434262838 \h 16 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc434262839" References PAGEREF _Toc434262839 \h 18Total maximum word count 5775 words 21pages (275 words per page)Style: HarvardUS EnglishDiscussions Introduction (200 words)According to Isenberg (2014), entrepreneur ecosystem refers to the fostering of entrepreneurship as an economic development strategy, either by a business, an organization or a country. Other authors have provided different meanings for entrepreneur ecosystems. In Manimala and Wasdani (2015)s view, entrepreneur ecosystem is the systemic and co llective nature of entrepreneurship. Manimala and Wasdani (2015) added that new firms emerge due to employee efforts and the presence of an environment or ecosystem made of private and public players, thus making the work of an entrepreneur easier. Manimala and Wasdani (2015) however noted that an ecosystem can hinder entrepreneurship, especially in the case of the public sector due to corruption, mismanagement and other unethical practices within the new venture. In the same fashion, Feld (2012) noted that entrepreneurial ecosystems consist of elements that can be classified into six domains. These classifications allow the entrepreneurs to understand better all the aspects of a particular market (Feld 2012). From these classifications, the government can evaluate whether it has a good entrepreneur ecosystem and identify the steps to be taken to improve these ecosystems, knowing well that each entrepreneurial ecosystem is unique and that all elements of the ecosystems are interdepe ndent (Isenberg 2014). The Australian market (800 words)Bangs and Halliday (2001) observed that a market analysis studies the attractiveness of a particular market to provide an entrepreneur with a better and deeper understanding of the markets in which they plan to start and operate a business. According to Bangs and Halliday (2001) technology has brought about a change in the Australian market by increasing market speed, capacity, sophistication and automation of trading for the market operators. It has also introduced new participants into the market thus boosting the Australian economy. The government has introduced regulations and policies to ensure that the financial and other markets are fair and efficient with modern market innovations (Bangs and Halliday 2001). Gal (2009) however noted that the Australian money market may be in a global crisis due to its liquidity. Since 2007, the functioning of money markets declined globally since many participants of the money markets p laced a greater value on retaining liquid assets. From then, the recovery of the money markets has been critical, with many countries experiencing this significant challenge. Gal (2009) noted that market integrity is an important aspect of the Australian market. Gal (2009) added that the integrity rules are adopted to address the emerging risks from the developments in market structure, including the growth of automated trading and the changing nature of dark liquidity. The Australian government implemented several legislative rules to address the market integrity rules. The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) was tasked with developing the integrity rules (CCH Australia Limited 2011). The legislation instruments addressed various aspects of the Australian market. Bangs and Halliday (2001) noted that the ASIC discussed the rules for competition in the exchange market which noted the integrity rules for extreme price movements, pre-trade and post-trade transparen cy and enhanced data for market surveillance. It also provides guidance on systems and controls for the holders of an Australian market license (Bangs and Halliday 2001). Similarly, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission proposed market integrity rules and policies that must be followed in Australias market. These rules related to enhanced data for supervision; volatility controls for extreme price movements, and product scope of best execution (CCH Australia Limited 2011). Similarly, they addressed the automated trading that included high-frequency trading and also the pre-trade transparency and prime formation in the market (CCH Australia Limited 2011).Arup and Wishart (2002) noted that Australia makes use of competition laws that are aimed at promoting competition per se. Arup and Wishart (2002) added that competition policies seek to facilitate effective competition to foster economic growth and increase efficiency while accommodating situations whereby competition does not interfere with other social objectives. Competition policy deals with the extent and nature of competition in an economy. It encompasses the legislation and government actions that influence the permissible competitive behavior by firms and the remedy offered in case of such violations. According to Arup and Wishart (2002), the Australian market makes use of policies and regulations to protect consumers from exploitation and misuse of market power. Australias legislation laws prohibits a corporation with substantial market powers from taking advantage of the market power for a prohibited purpose (Arup and Wishart 2002). Arup and Wishart (2002) also noted that the prohibited use includes the prevention of entry into the market, damaging or eliminating a competitor and deterring or preventing a person or entity from participating in the market. These laws are mainly developed to prevent market misuse especially by corporations, parastatals and monopolies (Arup and Wishart 20 02). In CCH Australia Limited (2011)s view, the legislative laws as highlighted under section 46(1) helps in determining whether a company has substantial market power and if it is possible for a corporation to have significant market power. CCH Australia Limited (2011) added that majority of cases regarding misuse of market power have failed due to lack of sufficient evidence to prove this element. In response to these decisions, the Trade Practices Legislation Amendment Act of 2008 provided some guidance on the arbitration of cases regarding taking advantage and misuse of market powers. This law protects the interest of people and firms when entering a particular market. Guzman (2011) observed that the main bodies governing market competition in Australia are the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission and the Australian Trade Practices Commission (TPC). The bodies are aimed at considering the market aspects and implement laws and policies to ensure efficiency and economic growth (Guzman 2011). Some of the mandates of these commissions include price surveillance, protection of the rights of consumers, business and preventing the illegal anti-competitive behavior. Additionally, they have the obligation to perform an industry regulation and price monitoring (Guzman 2011). CCH Australia Limited (2011) added that the ACCC regulates certain industries such as telecommunication and energy industries as well as granting access to the national infrastructure system. The ACCC also educates consumers and businesses on their rights and responsibilities under the Act (CCH Australia Limited 2011). Political, economic and social culture variables (800 words)According to the observations presented by Slideshare (2015), the businesses environment is affected by political, social and economic variables. Slideshare (2015) noted that there are some micro-environmental factors associated with the operation of the company, in physical and organizational manner. These fac tors are connected to a part of the behavior of the employees, supplier, and other intermediaries. Equally important, Slideshare (2015) noted that the most important factors are the macro-environment that are inevitable in the firm and cannot be controlled by the organizational management and they have an enormous impact on an organization. For a firm looking to invest in Australias market, these factors are inevitable and have to be considered before formulating the business plan. These factors are located at global and national levels that lie under the physical, organizational influence of the firm. In the same fashion, Slideshare (2015) noted that the business must consider these factors both in the long run and in the short term and analyze the effects on the firm in the near future. In the case of international expansion, Slideshare (2...
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