Sunday, December 30, 2018
Dick Hebdige’s work Subculture: The Meaning of Style
Dick Hebdiges puddle Sub nuance The Meaning of Style has had a spectacular impact inwardly the bea of pagan studies as it manages to render the forego theories of sub market-gardening ace step further, and to pin arrest the difference of opinions mingled with culture and subculture as substantially as to trace the the hidden messages inscribed on the flamboyant surfaces of movement (Hebdige, 18). Hebdige follows on the tracks of semiology as theorized to begin with him by Saussure and Roland Barthes and tries to read and date the signs and the wording of the subcultures that emerged in Great Britain afterwards World contend II, such as the thugs, the mods or the skinheads.Also, he is inspired to a bang-up extent by Levi-Strausss structuralist anthropology. What is really significant ab forth Hebdiges operations though is that he applies the strictly theoretical frame that had been constructed by the preceding authors directly to the different styles which appearg ond as forms of subculture. Thus, he tries to interpret the outer signs which were displayed by severally of the groups, from the punks to the skinheads, and reveal their social and heathen meaning.He uses habiliment and hair styles, types of music or terpsichore and so on, as part of the language of the subcultures, in which the actual social meanings are inscribed. Thus, according to Hebdige although the social gradees were said to give up disappeared after the present moment World War, they were truly simply transformed into ideological divisions from the mainstream. The sectiones indeed formed were subcultures, that is, marginal discourses which opposed the common tendency of the anonymous culture actual at that point in cadenceIt has become nearlything of a clich to talk of the peak after the Second World War as one of enormous unrest in which the traditional patterns of bread and butterspan in Britain were swept aside to be replaced by a new, and superfici ally less sieve-ridden governance Nonetheless class ref apply to disappear. The sorts in which class was faild, however the forms in which the experience of class gear up expression in culture did change dramatically.The advent of the can media, changes in the constitution of the family, in the organization of cultivate and release, shifts in the relative status of work and leisure, all served to fragment and polarize the undertaking community, producing a series of marginal discourses within the broad confines of class experience. (Hebdige, 54) As Hebdige emphasizes, the subcultural styles formed their own rhetoric by means of a certain bureau of living and of an ostentatious appearance, as a solvent to the particular cultural, social, political percentage of the time.In brief, it can be said that these subcultural styles were a form of protest to the anonymous culture. Although sometimes their rhetoric, as in the case of the punks, was on purpose baffling and consc iously aiming at meaninglessness, to the point that it seemed to work against the reader and to resist some(prenominal) authoritative interpretation,(Hebdige, 89) it formed nevertheless a perspicuous symbolic order in itself.The subcultural groups represent, in Hebdiges view, responses to the contrary fableology of class, that is, to the federal agency in which class was rather proclaimed as gone and therefore reaffirmed by the media Rather the different styles and the ideologies which grammatical construction and determine them represent negotiated responses to a impertinent mythology of class. In this mythology, the withering away of class is paradoxically countered by an undiluted classfulness, a sentimentalist conception of the traditional exclusively way of (working-class) life revived twice periodic on television programs like coronation Street.The mods and skinheads, then, in their different ways, were handling this mythology as oftentimes as the exigencies of th eir material condition. They were learning to live within or without that amorphous physical social organise of images and typifications do available in the mass media in which class is alternately unmarked and overstated, denied and reduced to caricature. (Hebdige, 55) Thus, Hebdige sees subcultures as homogeneous and coherent forms of rhetoric, which go beyond the merely swear to shock the public opinion.In point, as he theorizes, all the parts of the systems of symbols that make up a particular style are homologous, and they can be said to be as coherent as a whole way of life In Profane Culture, Willis shows how, contrary to the popular myth which presents subcultures as lawless forms, the internal structure of any particular subculture is characterized by an extremum orderliness each part is organically related to other parts and it is finished the fit between them that the subcultural member makes nose out of the world.For precedent, it was the homology between an alternative value system (Tune in, turn on, drop out), hallucinogenic drugs and acid rock which made the hippy culture cohere as a whole way of life for individual hippies. (Hebdige, 123) As Hebdige remarks the subcultures were actually unattackable constructs, which were unremarkably meant as a response to a crisis situation, as is the case of the punks at the end of the 1970s, whose rhetoric mimicked the chaos of the side social and economical life.The violent and prurient style was in fact a language in itself, in gross(a) accordance with the way in which swore or spoke There was a homological relation between the trashy compartmentalise clothes and spiky hair, the pogo and amphetamines, the spitting, the vomiting, the format of the fanzines, the insurrectionary poses and the soulless, frantically driven music. The punks wore clothes which were the sartorial equivalent of swear words, and they swore as they change &8212 with calculated effect, lacing obscenities into reco rd nones and promotional material releases, interviews and love songs.Clothed in chaos, they produced Noise in the calmly orchestrated Crisis of e veryday life in the late 1970 s(Hebdige, 125) Hebdige so highlights the identity operator of language and style within the subcultural rhetoric. The punks for instance functioned as a current in which the meanings were not evening fixed as such, although the general meaning behind the style was that the prohibit is permitted, as Hebdige comments If we were to write an epitaph for the punk subculture, we could do no better than restate Poly Styrenes famous dictum Oh Bondage, Up Yours or somewhat more concisely the forbidden is permitted, but by the same token, nothing, not even these forbidden signifiers (bondage, safety pins, chains, hair-dye, etc. ) is sacred and fixed. (Hebdige, 125)The subcultures were thus a way of subverting the anonymous, mainstream currents trough a form of stylistic rhetoric. The main discontents with the contemporary world were thus displayed by means of dress or discordant music for example, aiming at a deconstruction of traditional concepts or cultural facts.The subcultural styles didnt target necessarily the determine of a certain society, as it is usually believed, but rather those notions and cultural patterns that they found as incoherent and contradictory. They were actually an compend embodiment of the extracurricular chaos, and not a chaotic response to order, or a protest against order. Also, the subcultural streams aimed at emphasizing discreteness and difference and their adherents were intentionally posing as aliens to society and wearing masks so as to avoid any categorization or prescribed identityThey the punks played up their Otherness, happening on the world as aliens, inscrutables. Though punk rituals, accents and objects were deliberately used to signify working-classness, the exact origins of individual punks were mask or symbolically disfigured by the make- up, masks and aliases which seem to have been used, like Bretons art, as ploys to escape the principle of identity. (Hebdige,126) Another very important characteristic of the subcultural movements is, as Hebdige pocks, the fact that they strived to confuse the usual divisions of race, gender and chronology by combining them in their style.The boundaries between the vacuous and black cultures are progressively erased through with(predicate) the borrowings that the white cultures made from the black ones in their style it is on the plane of esthetics in dress, dance, music in the whole rhetoric of style, that we find the dialogue between black and white most subtly and comprehensively recorded (Hebdige, 96) The subcultures proceeded to mix up the separate elements of the mainstream culture, attacking thus the root word of identity and opening the way to difference and othernessBehind punks favored bring down ups lay hints of disorder, of breakdown and category cloudiness a des ire not only when to erode racial and gender boundaries but also to confuse chronological date by mixing up lucubrate from different periods. (Hebdige, 128) The important thing to note therefore is that in Hebdiges supposition the subcultures were deviations from the anonymous culture, aiming at decentralizing some of the most rooted concepts and ideas of society, and at establishing a new different order outside the stereotypes of society. All this was done through style, ranging from music to dressing and all the other means of expression.Style works therefore as a system of signs, as a school text that must be read to dig out the meaning behind it. Obviously, Hebdiges work deals with the subcultures in the modern epoch, after the Second World War. Therefore, there have been attempts to take his study further, so as it whitethorn capture the way in which subculture is manifested in postmodernism. Although the main subcultures that Hebdige discusses- the punks, the teddy boys , the mods, the skinheads, the Rasta men and so on, lost their force or even disappeared, some subcultural groups still exist today, although their structure seems to be different from that of the modern subcultures.The styles in the contemporary world are, to a great extent, the products of postmodernism and therefore imitate its main tenants, its atomisation and hybridization. There are no nightlong entirely compact, coherent or well delimited subcultures like those identified by Hebdige, therefore the concepts he proposed remain largely valid for the historical period he analyzed in his work. His approach is very enlightening for any cultural studies inquiry but it should be modified or continued so as to turn back the contemporary phenomena.
Wednesday, December 26, 2018
'Marketing Environment Essay\r'
'The merchandising Environment Learning Objectives 1. Describe the surroundingsal forces that yarn-dye the partnership’s big businessman to serve its nodes. 2. Explain how changes in the demographic and economic environments affect selling decisions. 3. get word the major trends in the firm’s natural and technological environments. 4. Explain the primordial changes in the political and cultural environments. 5.\r\n question how companies privy react to the marketing environment. Chapter Overview In order to correctly identify opportunities and reminder threats, the ac attach to must(prenominal)iness begin with a thorough understanding of the marketing environment in which the firm operates. The marketing environment consists of all the factors and forces outside marketing that affect the marketing management’s ability to develop and maintain successful coincidence¬ships with its target customers.\r\nThough these factors and forces may inter polate depending on the specific company and industrial group, they can generally be divide into broad microenvironmental and macroenvironmental components. For most companies, the microenvironmental components ar: the company, suppliers, marketing channel firms (intermediaries), customer markets, competitors, and publics. The macroenvironmental components are notion to be: demographic, economic, natural, technological, political, and cultural forces.\r\nThe wise marketing manager knows that he or she cannot of all time affect environmental forces. Smart managers can take a proactive, rather than reactive, blast to the marketing environment. As a company’s marketing management collects and processes information on these environ-ments, it must be incessantly vigilant in its efforts to apply what it learns to evolution opportunities and dealing with threats. Studies have shown that excellent companies not only have a raw sense of customer but an gustation of the enviro nmental forces swirling around them.\r\nBy forever and a day looking at the dynamic changes that are occurring in the aforementioned environments, companies are cave in prepared to adapt to change, prepare long strategy, meet the needs of straight off’s and tomorrow’s customers, and compete with the concentrated competition present in the spherical marketplace. Chapter Outline 1. The companion’s Microenvironment The Company a. In designing marketing plans, marketing management takes other company groups into account. These interrelate groups form the internal environment. b. Marketing managers must work closely with other company departments.\r\nSuppliers c. Suppliers form an important link in the company’s overall customer value delivery system. d. Marketing managers must watch supply availability. They also monitor lizard the price trends of their key inputs. e. Most marketers today treat their suppliers as partners in creating and delivering c ustomer value. Marketing Intermediaries f. Marketing intermediaries help the company to promote, sell, and distribute its goods to final buyers. i. Resellers are distribution channel firms that help the company reveal customers or make sales to them. ii.\r\n'
Monday, December 24, 2018
'The Lamp at Noon\r'
'In the neat story†the lamp at noon†Sinclair Ross is severe to develop that conception that sometimes in biography individuals atomic number 18 often impelled mad by their geographical isolation. A young spans dreams of happiness after argon torn apart by the terrible members of nature and by lack of dialogue to cope with the changing condition. First of each(prenominal) the indite Sinclair Ross uses to convey the idea of isolation is finished the horrendous setting. The setting was describe in a very token manner creating imagery that dishs focus of how unaffectionate the couples felt.The author develops the setting by exploitation personification, for example…â€ÂDemented wind fled kneel past the mansion house; a palisade through the eaves that died every minute or twoâ€Â. This statement is given the commentator the mood of the setting, a calamitous, dreary, somewhat ugly, and demoralize scene. The change in brave out reflects ho w the characters argon feeling. Paul and Ellen both feel upset, depressed, and dark especi bothy about their relationship too. As the story progress, the change in weather effects the character moods a miniature more directly.The setting in this gip story is critical element in the story, without it, the plot would be kind of dull, because it gives the ref an idea of the time and place in the story’s plot ,which answer the reader focus of how quarantined the characters feels. morsel fashion that the author help delineate the character is by using characterization. Sinclair utilise outstanding description for the two principal(prenominal) characters. This is because they could both relate fairly, easily, and realistically. Ellen’s wet feeling which revolve around the idea of a break up, healthier and even a little more â€Å"rewarding†life are nicely depicted.The reality of her hopes, however, is that the subject’s she wants and needs most ar e unattainable, which links to how isolated she feels. Ellen feels if she doesn’t pack these glamorous items, she ca-cas depressed. Ellen just sits and waits for a emend opportunity, and her husband to follow safe and hold up to comfort her with kip down and affection as shown in this excerpt…â€Âplease quell… I m so caged if I could only break away and run. gather I stand like this all day. I can’t relax. My throat so tight it aches.From this quote, you can already tell how the characters feel and how Ellen way of describing the way she feels portrayed an accustomed to the finer things in life, but also that she needs love and care from her husband to replace that need. this instant Paul on the other side, a rugged, strong, self-exaltation farmer is a spotlight stronger and make more persistent for winner compared to Ellen. He struggles to keep his land and parentage alive and booming. He was quite determined in staying and trying, and wait ing for the land to get bankrupt, as well as stacks of rain to feed them.There was a constant quantity motion of his feeling for rain and better crops the following year. â€Å"Well have crops again… replete(p) crops. The land will come back, it’s worth waiting forâ€Â. The pride Paul has for his land, the hope he keeps for betterment of his land success, and the strength, physical and emotional he has is great example. Since he is the only superstar who feels this way between himself and Ellen, he is â€Å"isolatedâ€Â, as well. Characters, their feeling and actions described a vital part in the contribution towards how they feel about the land.They both respectively isolated themselves, as well as isolated together from society because of the phenomena that’s happening. Last, but not least the author uses symbolism. This is meaningful it spread out through the story. The author uses one symbol the help the reader realized how import it authen tically is. The author uses the lamp, the fact that it is lit at noon show’s that it is perpetually dark, and foggy from all the storm, which symbolizes hope and corporate trust the couple has for each other, for a better life, and for their child. The lamp is a very important element in story.Ellen also points out the lamps roleâ€Â… desert. The lamp lit at noon…†this quote shows the lingering thread of hope and religious belief left among the two, away to deal with isolation. Ellen’s sign of fear shows the weakness and bolt down which slowly bottles up and explodes in kindle later on leaving the house and taking the baby knowing that the alcove would not survived. In conclusion, the author shipway how not be act with isolation setting beside you, and has done a good job of it. This was created by the characters mood and symbolism that help contribute the way the couple felt about been isolated.\r\n'
'King Lear’s Journey of Finding Self-Knowledge Essay\r'
'In the play, we operate queer Lear going through a voyage of self- retireledge. The play starts with King Lear who seems to be obsess with honour. He divides his country, giving the one who honor him the most the biggest part. But the cheating of his young womans, Goneril and Regan, and the going of the little girl who truly loved him, Cordelia, depart make him see clear once more. This get out make Lear see himself and the world as they truly are. First I’ll stage how Lear lacks self-k instantaneouslyledge at the start of the play. Then I’ll shortly discuss what political effects the lack of self-k straightwayledge has on the country.\r\nThird I’ll show what causes Lear to regain his self-k instantlyledge. In the origination of the play, Lear seems obsessed with honour. He divides his country among his daughters establish on who praises him the most. Giving the one who praises, or loves as Lear calls it, him the most the will take the largest are a of land. But the strange amour is that; immediately after one daughter speaks he tells her which part of the country she’ll receive. So that means that Lear supposedly knew already how he wanted to divide his country, and that the whole affair is just to boost his own ego.\r\nSo when Cordelia and Kent, who truly love him, don’t want to play his game of praise, he reacts real strongly and banishes them from the country. He however threatens to kill Kent: â€Å"Thy Banished trunk be free-base in our dominions, the moment is thy deathâ€Â. This shows that his smart for praise and honour make him dip for what is unfeignedly happening roughly him. We see this again when Kent, in disguise, decides to serve the King. Kent uses Lear’s aridity for honour to gain barter: â€Å"No, sir, entirely you create that in your launch up which I would fain call passkeyâ€Â. Lear: â€Å"What’s thatâ€Â? Kent: â€Å"Authorityâ€Â.\r\nLear is bli nded by his hunger and doesn’t even know that the person, who he banished, is standing right in front of him. We see that Lear’s hunger for praise and honour make, him blind for what is really happening around him. He gives absent his country to his daughters who are devilish minded, and the daughter who truly loves him is banished. So the country is now shared and ruled by the evil daughters, Goneril and Regan. And Lear, even after he split his country, wants to remain powerful and keeps a snow knights. Goneril and Regan are unhappy with the way Lear is acting so they turn against him.\r\nThis leaves the country divided and vulnerable, because Lear still owns a hundred knights. I guess that is why the French invaded, as well the fact that Cordelia was banished and married France may concur had something to do with it. So the decision of Lear to give Goneril and Regan his country and banish Cordelia seems to have caused a war. The long turning point for Lear i s when he left Gloucester’s castle and ends up in a fierce storm. through and through Lear’s anger over his buy the farm conversation with Goneril and Regan, and the power of the storm starts the operation of the change within Lear. Lear starts to see the treachery of Goneril and Regan.\r\nAlso from this moment, Lear no longer sees himself as a mighty king but as â€Å"a poor, infirm rachitic and despised old manâ€Â. any though Lear still doesn’t tear himself for all this: â€Å"I am a man more sinned against than sinningâ€Â. subsequently this Lear goes through another change, it seems Lear starts caring for those around him and not just of himself. He thinks nigh the poor and how hard their live is, he says: â€Å"Poor naked wretches wheresoe’er you are, that last out the pelting of this pitiless storm, how shall your houseless heads and unfed sides, your looped and windowed raggedness, champion youâ€Â.\r\nLear then gains the self -knowledge of how he never helped the poor. When Lear meets Cordelia again his journey of finding self-knowledge comes to an end. He now sees that he punished Cordelia while it should have been her sisters. He asks Cordelia for forgiveness for what he has done. Finally, when Lear returns carrying the remains of Cordelia, he once again realizes that he is no different from other people. His behavior ends with the great words: â€Å"Pray you, disclose this buttonâ€Â.\r\nSo it seems Lear starts as a man who’s blinded by the hunger for praise and honour. Because of his lack of self-knowledge he makes the wrong decisions: banishing Cordelia and giving Goneril and Regan all the power. These decisions had great influence on the country. The country was now ruled by his two daughters, who were too busy with conspiring against him. During the play Lear goes through a long process of finding his self-knowledge. In the last seconds of his life he finds himself.\r\n'
Sunday, December 23, 2018
'Shedding Light in the Shadow of Misconceptions\r'
'With a sad heart, I answer the aforementioned question with yes.  Islam is viewed unfavorably by m some(prenominal)(prenominal) concourse in this globalized field.  Sometimes, it is often dubbed as the religion espoused by the terrorists o extremists. hardly not on the whole Muslims atomic number 18 terrorists and not all terrorists atomic number 18 Muslims. The media magnified and somewhat vilified the image of Islam much after the September 11 event.\r\nBut argon these accusations and perceptions all true?\r\nMisconceptions virtually the religion continue to generate fear, displeasure and judgment among uninformed minds. This paper aims to neglect a little light on the three common misconceptions about(predicate) Islam involving women, rescuer christ, and the alleged use of sword in affording the religion. It aims to convey the message to the solid ground’s non-Muslim population.\r\nFirstly, non-Muslims thought that Islam degrades women by classifying them as properties or as second-class citizens. The feeling is wrong. The Qur’an upholds and esteems women; they are not regarded as flagitious temptress. Women’s rights were guaranteed by the Islamic rightfulness over 1,400 years ago. Islam allows women to own properties, hunt down a business and receive tolerable pay for work.  History tells us that about 50 years ago, women in two England and America were not allowed to acquire whatsoever property without the consent and signature of their husbands or father. Likewise, Islam women can’t be labored to marry against their forget.\r\nIslam women are not bound under the veil, as umpteen master it. The clothes serve as tri thate against any malicious intention stemming from a man’s sight. Flaunting a personate invites rape and harassment; it is therefore consistent for a Muslim woman to stray herself with cover. Many Muslim women around the founding are in top positions. cut in to the late Benazir Bhutto of Pakistan. Isn’t she the embodiment of Muslim woman empowerment? Women are highly-valued, cared for and regard in Islamic society. In addition, Islam stop the ancient Arab practice of killing neonate daughters. Such is the premium given by Islam on women or young girls. low Islam, both sexes are treated fairly.\r\nSecondly, some some other people view Islam as against savior Christ. But to a Muslim, Jesus Christ is a grand prophet. Muslims respect and grapple Jesus. Muslims call him as Nabi Isa †the Arabic bourn for Prophet Jesus. The Qur’an speaks about him and admonishes Muslim to recall in his virgin birth and miracles. It essential be remembered that Muslims are not fight Jesus Christ when they speak against the account book or Christianity. Muslims are just criticizing some claims of Christians. However, Muslims reject the idea of Trinity and the righteousness of Incarnation. In a Muslim’s hear t, Jesus Christ stiff the great prophet who performed good deeds and miracles to some people.\r\nLastly, non-Muslims were taught that Islam spread through and through the use of sword. It must(prenominal) be noted that Muslims are amend by the Qur’an on non-compulsion in religion. If Islam was spread by the sword, then most of India, mainland China and even much than half of the world should be under Islam by now. India remains a predominantly Hindu realm and China, a communist republic. Islamic traders went through different places to bring business but did not kill or compact people to be converted to Islam. The people were impressed by the traders’ life that they select the religion which they have.  In contrast, history attests to the military group and brutal killings by other religions, such(prenominal) as the Crusades, in vain endeavour to convert people.\r\nFurthermore, according to the Reader’s Digest, for a period of 50 years, fro m 1944 to 1984, more people converted to Islam than in any other faith. Now, were they threatened to be killed or forced to be converted? Islam room submission and those who chose to be a Muslim, did so volitionally, out of their free will.\r\nThe above-mentioned are just a few among the many misconceptions about Islam. Still, much of the world’s humanity has animosity towards the religion or its followers. For someone to understand Islam, one has to pass on his or eyes. Judgment must be suspended first to see that Islam is more than a religion, but a course of life. It is a life of submission to the will of God. Muslims are not enemies. Like us, they are also humans in hire of acceptance and belonging. Like any other religions, Islam must be respected, too.  If one would fall the time to study and understand its teachings, besides then will he o she would be able to correct the misconceptions on the religion.\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n'
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