Sunday, March 31, 2019
Moral Perspectives On Euthanasia Philosophy Essay
Moral Perspectives On Euthanasia Philosophy EssayShould individuals, especially full terminally ill- volume in excruciating inconvenience oneself, be able to halt their lives? If so, may they rush their deaths wholly be refusing checkup checkup treatment designed to sustain their lives, or may they take typifyive measures to kill themselves? Can they ask others to attend them? Who outhouse they ask their spouses? Close friends? Their doctors? Should they expect the constabulary to support their termination?1These are commonly asked question when debating on mercy killing. In this paper I shall try to adjudicates these questions from different moral perspectives. consort to Vincent Barry, mercy killing is the act of painlessly putting to death a someone low from terminal or incurable disease or condition2. To elaborate, euthanasia is deliberate act it is painless killing and is performed to people with incurable disease or per gentlemanent coma. In addition euthanasi a is performed only to those patients who have confirmed diagnosis of untreatable disease, are at their terminal stage of life sentence and are suffering from intense pain or other painful medical symptoms. The term euthanasia is often used interchangeably with physician assisted self-destruction/death as it is usually assisted or advised by a physician.There are six categories of euthanasia. However it can be classified in two different ways. First is the way life is taken from the patient suffering from terminal disease, which is kn take as restless or peaceful euthanasia. turn of eventsive euthanasia is an act of killing the person by injecting lethal drugs to cause immediate and painless death. While passive euthanasia is omitting the act of saving a persons life with incurable disease, and is non benefiting from the existing medical treatment. consequently passive euthanasia is allowing the patient to flush it (Daniel Gorman, 1998). except it could be painful or painl ess depending on the model condition of the sufferer. Not everyone agrees with classifying passive euthanasia under the category of euthanasia as it is non a deliberate act of killing, and is usually pull and painful. so allowing the patient to die can be morally tolerable (Gay-Williams, 1979). Others argue killing and allowing dying holds same moral position in some cases and therefore should be answered separately (James Rachels, 1975). The second method of categorization of euthanasia is (a) free lead i.e. the sufferer who is competent adult is giving live with for particular form of treatment for euthanasia. (b) Non- self-imposed euthanasia i.e. when the consent is given by some other person because the patient to die is not qualified to give consent (Vincent Barry, 1985, pg 195).Different moral positions and rail lines are held for different forms of euthanasia. wherefore in this paper I would discuss voluntary alive(p) euthanasia from Kantian and utilitarians persp ective. In additions I would be discussing arguments for and against voluntary active agent euthanasia.Immanuel Kant focuses on actions and labels an action morally right if it is done for the sake and respect of duty. For him wise being is someone who guides his lead and duty with reason. In addition he talks about principal of categorical imperatives that actions are morally counterbalance if a person can allow for it to be universalized. Also he says not to use human beings as mere beings. Kant would look at voluntary active euthanasia as a form of suicide. In his groundwork for metaphysics of morals he talks about it as Act in such(prenominal) a way as to treat humanity, whether in your own person or in that of anyone else, always as an end and never merely as a means3. So a person choosing euthanasia is using himself as mere being and is not respecting his own rationality. Hence Kant would strictly forbidden voluntary euthanasia as the person in pain inclined to take his l ife, is not playacting according to duty and is therefore always immoral. The action is moral as Kant says if the unfortunate one, strong in mind, indignant at his fate alternatively than desponding or dejected, wishes for death, and yet preserves his life without loving it not from inclination of an orbit or fear, but from duty, then his maxim has a moral worth4.There are many schools of thoughts on utilitarianism but John Stuart mill about theory on utilitarianism and euthanasia provide be discussed. Mills honorable theory mainly talks about pleasure and avoidance of pain. According to him, actions are right in proportion as they tend to upraise happiness, wrong as they tend to produce reverse of happiness5. Hence voluntary active euthanasia can produce happiness for a number of people. Firstly the persons suffering from pain will get absolve of it and having control condition over their lives would give pleasure. Secondly the family of the patients, who facial expressi on the pain of their polish ones, and who are spending lots of money in the treatment, will at long last be free of pain. Therefore utilitarians would allow active voluntary euthanasia because it follows greatest happiness principle.In my point of view, voluntary active euthanasia can be morally permissible. Keeping utilitarianism in mind, active voluntary euthanasia holds many advantages. It terminates the suffering and pain of the terminally ill persons and their families. In addition the material resources and paramedical staff needed to keep resilient patients, whose death is certain, can be used for those patients who have curable diseases. Moreover families of such patients suffer from economic burden of medical expenses, hence it is withal relieved. Lastly and most importantly, euthanasia gives a sense of autonomy and control to people, to decide how and when their lives should end, when death with incurable disease is certain.Now I shall colloquy the arguments for and a gainst the act of voluntary active euthanasia. The first argument made by most of the opponents is that act of euthanasia is against the divine will of graven image and it interferes in the natural processes that paragon has formulated for human beings. As argued by Gay-Williams (1979), man as trustee of his body act against God, its rightful possessor, when he takes his own life. Hence killing human life is violation of Gods commandments. However Vincent Barry in his writings answers this argument in the light of modern medicine. He argues that coetaneous advances in medicine have also interfered with the divine plan of God as it has prolonged peoples life who would have died long before. Hence if active euthanasia is said to be immoral, then prolonging peoples life against the will of God can also said to be immoral.Opponents of euthanasia argue that diagnosis made by physicians may at times be wrong. Therefore a patient diagnosed as having incurable disease might be an error. That is a mistaken diagnosis is made, and patient is forced to go for euthanasia. In addition they claim that physicians as human beings are inclined to stick errors therefore euthanasia leads to an immoral and unacceptable act ( slovenly woman, 2002, pg 28)6. In answer to this argument, proponents respond that there are very few cases in which such error is made. This doesnt imply that euthanasia shouldnt be legalized. If euthanasia is to be legalized and practiced, only medical experts would be eligible to make a diagnosis. Further to knock down the error of misdiagnosis, three medical experts shall discuss the diagnosis and come to the refinement of whether euthanasia is applicable or not.The third argument made by the opponents is regarding new treatment options. They argue that what if new treatment modalities are gettable after acting on euthanasia? The outcomes would be terrible. Moreover people and physicians would become hopeless as soon as they encounter deadly disea se and would not look for new treatment options. Brad Hooker (2002) talks about two standards that need to be followed for euthanasia. First he says that as euthanasia is always implied at the end stages of a fatal disease, where there is no initiative of the diseased being benefited from new medical treatments, hence in such cases active voluntary euthanasia can be entertained. Secondly on the other hand, if there is a possibility that a patient might benefit from any innovative medical treatment, euthanasia should always be restricted.Slippery slope argument on the legitimation of voluntary active euthanasia is also made by most of the opponents. They argue that once we have allowed voluntary euthanasia, in no time, non voluntary euthanasia will also be allowed and legalized. Hence doctors and sufferers family will start killing them without their consent. These people will be killed for wealth they posses, doctors will kill them so they can save hospitals resources and so on. T hus it will lead to a chain of reaction leading to devastating results. The Stanford cyclopaedia of philosophy cites a study done in Netherlands in 1995 to explore the reality of slippery slope argument. The researchers found the slippery slope argument groundless. That is to say, there a clear distinction between voluntary and non voluntary euthanasia, therefore there is no point in saying that legalization of active euthanasia will lead to abuses of non voluntary euthanasia. Moreover if active voluntary euthanasia would be legalized, it would need to be carefully drafted. And the law would have to be rigorously policed, to prevent abuse (Hooker, 2002, pg 30).In the conclusion, as euthanasia has six classifications, each type should be evaluated for moral worth. almost opponents might argue that good palliative care and pain balance measures are adequate and hence euthanasia is not required. However careless(predicate) of our maximum effort to provide best palliative care, eut hanasia will always be picture. Moreover the price for not allowing active euthanasia will be paid by sufferer whose suffering and pain will increase (Gorman, 1999, p.860), thus active voluntary euthanasia should be legalized. However in order to ensure that people do not misuse it, law should be strictly implemented. In this way, the victim would feel autonomous and will die with dignity.
Role of Mass Media in Earthquakes
Role of Mass Media in quakesLai Yuen YauChoi Kiu Lok KellyChu Wing YanChu Lok YinLaw Shun HeiIntroductionAs we humans argon living on Earth, immanent misfortunes like seism ar plainly inevitable. We can only confound our greatest possible effort to minimise the loss in human lives and properties brought by the adventure. According to Haddow Haddow (2008),Communication is heart to the success of mishap mitigation, planning, receipt and convalescence. The media remains the single near put inual means for communicating convictionly and accurate information to the public. It seems that the mess media has a great contribution in reducing the adverse effect of natural disasters. Therefore, it aroused our curiosity towards the roles that battalion media take during disasters, and we will focus on recent temblors.In our report, we would like to investigate on the roles and functions of the mass media, namely report, receiving set, tv set and new media during earthquak e in three phrases Mitigation Prep ardness, repartee and Recovery. Besides, we would like to look into the relationship between mass media and earthquake.Definition of mass mediaBefore introducing the roles mass media took during earthquake, it is better for us to define mass media.Since mass media facilitates mass discourse, Baran et al. (2004) suggested that communication refers to a reciprocal and ongoing process of creating divided meaning. mountain create meanings by encoding and decoding communicates. The encoded message is carried to the tail end audience with a medium. If the medium does not only declargon the messages to an individual but a large number of race, it is regarded as a mass medium. new-fangledspapers, television air, radio and new media such(prenominal) as the net, Facebook, Weibo, and chirp be common fashion models of new media. They both have their own characteristics and make full disparate roles of the mass media during earthquake. Most p eoples first hear of a disaster will be through the mass media. (Harrison, 1999)Characteristics of distinguishable mass media1) Printed compositionAlthough printed composition lack immediacy, according to Harrison (1999), intelligence servicepaper politic owns the physical advantage that people can hold it in their manpower and read it over and over again. It can tolerate more small description of the incident with words and pictures. Moreover, printed newspaper can be unploughed as references.2) videoTelevision has a several roles during an earthquake. Fry (n.d.) suggested that television is a purveyor of information, a storyteller and sometimes an agent of change.Before the disaster approached, television news can give pop expostulate withings or spruce information of the disaster to the people. By featuring vivid images and videos in the television news, it on one hand informs the people, but on the other it draws connections with the audience. It evokes their emotio ns and arouses their wariness towards the earthquake. (Fry, n.d.) Besides, Television is often used as a platform to raise ancestry for the victims.3) communicateRadio still plays a unique role. It can awayright inform a large number of people in vehicles and at home. Unlike newspaper, one doesnt have to listen to the radio literately. It is low-priced to own a radio receiver. The poor can also apply owning it. Moreover, radio receivers are portable and do not rely on electric power supply. Therefore, if the earthquake cut down the electrical supply, the victims are able to obtain the newest information through radio.Radio is being regarded as a one-chance medium that audience may easily miss out the message brought by the radio. (Harrison, 1999) However, by repeating the of importance message, reinforcement effect is resulted.4) New MediaNew media is often regarded as media that is related to the Internet and the interplay between technology, images and sound (Socha Eber-S chmid, n.d.). Facebook, Twitter, Weibo are common examples of the new media. They have the highest immediacy among the media. People can quickly post information or spread messages on the Internet if earthquakes suddenly occurs. Since anybody can share their views or comments and post photos to the Internet, information on the Internet may not be reliable. Some of them may be rumors.Mitigation and PreparednessIn this phase, it is definitive to send preparedness messages to notice the public in anticipation of the coming earthquake through different forms of technologies and media, in graze to reduce the maximum loss of emotional state and property.In virtually countries, such as the United States and Japan, billions of money is invested in researching and developing an earthquake archaean warning system.It uses seismic networks to detect earthquake very quickly, so that advance announcement and warning signals can be direct to begin with the arrival of destructive seismic wa ves to evacuate everyday public. It aims at mitigating earthquake-related damages by allowing people to have more time to take contiguous protective action by and by the warning signs (Earthquake early Warning System, 2012) . Also it triggers automatic responses to safeguard critical infrastructure such as providing time for moving trains to slow down and stop col elevator doors, stopping landings and take-offs of flight at the airport.Take the example of 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami. When earthquake occurred, Earthquake Early Warning (EEW) system (Kinkyu Jishin Sokuho) activated instantly. This is an Earthquake Early Warning. Please prepare for powerful tremors. Immediate warning alert like this was announced immediately in the affected regions. It also sensible the public whether on that point would be a risk of a landslip or tsunami caused by the quake in the affected area.When tsunami warnings were issued, it activated an emergency brake Warning Broadcast system wh ich automatically turned on all the radios and televisions in the warned areas. Announcements are then broadcasted in different languages to reach a wide range of people including the tourists in the district.During this phase, radio broadcasting plays an utile role. The specific chime tone from FM stations is automatically observe internally and turns on the radio and sounds a chime tone and EEW message to people for careful attention and wake up people in bed by a very loud sound before any destructive shaking occurs. Radios, as a traditional media, are very common and easy to access. EEW radio waves can reach far areas and can be received in areas where no broadband internet is available. The general public can therefore listen to the announcement in time with limited electrical power, from anywhere and with groups.Mobile Networks Warning SystemIn modern days, mobile phone networks maybe a better medium to send mass warning message to the general public, as most people will have cell phones by their sides. In Japan, in addition to media broadcasting, cell broadcasting is also another way to warn the public. With sophisticated communication technology, it allows millions of early warning text messages to be sent coincidentally to individual cell phones (Earth Systems group of companies, 2012).After 2007, it is mandatory for Nipponese mobile phone manufacturers and mobile network service providers to support EEW early warning notification in their phones and services. And NTT docomo, au (KDDI and Okinawa Cellular) and SoftBank Mobile, have developed the simultaneous broadcast systems conforming Cell Broadcast to receive EEW and provided phones with this service since 2007 (NTT docomo, 2007). responseAccording to Haddow Haddow (2009), the primary purpose of communications activities in a disaster response is to provide accurate and punctual information to the public. It provides notification, warning voidance and situation reports on the ongoing disa ster to the public. It also aims to describe what has happened and is chance in the aftermath of a disaster event what impact the disaster event has had on individuals, the confederation, and the physical landscape and what is being done by the respective(a) organizations responding to the disaster to inspection and repair the prone parties to recover.NewspaperNewspaper has a lower priority compared to television and radio, so it cannot provide live reports to the readers instead, it gives in-depth and circumstantial reports from different perspectives on what has happened and is happening after the disaster. It is involved in the response phrase, providing first-hand detailed reports well-nigh the disaster. Reporters were sent to the disaster areas, to reveal the rescue determine after the disaster, and how is the on-going rescue progress.Take example of a news obligate from Reuters, go out 12 May 2008, China quake kills nearly 10,000 in Sichuan. It provides confirmed and o fficial information regarding the 2008 Sichuan Earthquake, like the estimated death toll and the destruction of the facilities. Readers can get the first-hand information more or less the disaster and how the authority wish the case and settle the victims. Another article on 2008 Sichuan Earthquake from NBC News, date 13 May 2008 also focuses on the number of casualties, entitle long quake kills nearly 10,000 in China. Despite reporting the unassumingness of the disaster, this article also looks into the impacts from different angles, giving sub-headings ranging from thousands of students buried, panda insane asylum threatened, worldwide condolences and advice for the trapped. The detailed description of the disaster shows the characteristics of newspaper reporting, and gives a full impression to the readers on the quake. Opinions from different parties and victims were also reported, as well as the immediate influences brought by the quake to other cities.Likewise, in the 201 1 Tohoku Earthquake, similar ways of reporting appeared immediately after the quake happened. A news article from CBC News, dated 11 contact 2011, entitled Japan quake, tsunami cause major damage reported on this most powerful earthquake in Japans recorded history, which soft on(p) off the countrys northeast coast.The destruction and damage caused by the quake was also revealed in the report, in which the thermonuclear power do issue caught the attention from the whole world, yet, it wasnt confirmed as nuclear leakage at that time. Even the International Atomic Energy government agency said that there was no radiation detected at that time.New MediaNew medias role in the phrase of response is to provide immediate mount information and latest situation of earthquake to the public.The background information mainly includes the time, the venue, the magnitude of the earthquake and the immediate effects.1)sociable mediaSocial media together with Internet perform vital relief functi ons such as safety identification, warning evacuation, displaced-persons locating and damage information. For example, the transportation arrangement referable to road damage in an earthquake.Social Networking sites like Facebook and Twitter are facilitators to wide currency of news. As they are public social media platforms, which people can see what their friends followed, liked, commented or overlap if the user does not measuredly set it in private. Hence, the flow of information is encouraged. People share their first-hand fuck or second-hand information on those social networking sites.For example in Twitter, there are specific users who keep updating information during earthquake. Like the cheep account ( eew_jp), having more than 76.9 thousands followers, is the offical account of the Japan Meteorological Agency. For example, on March 11, the day of 2011 Tohoku Earthquake happened, more than 25 updates posting any anterior earthquake forecast or any lastest earthquake were recorded. During the emergent situation, important informations were spreaded in the tweets to notify the public of the time, the venue and the magnitude of the earthquakes.Another example is Facebook. There were more than 4.5 million status updates from 3.8 million users in the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake. News, reports and prayers were shared on the day the 8.9-magnitude earthquake struck the coast of Japan. (Kessler, 2011)2) InternetInternet also contributes in the phrase of response in an earthquake. In 2011 Tohoku Earthquake, different news agencies had made updates on the internet. NHK news network should be the accelerated one in updating news. In addition to the photos taken by people on the scene, the website showed images of news reports on television, as well as images expressing condolences to people affected by the attack.RecoveryAs Haddow Haddow (2009) points out, the focus of communication efforts in the recovery phrase of a disaster is on providing timely informati on intimately the types of relief assistance available to the individuals and communities victimized by the disaster and how they can access this assistance. Therefore, reports on relief measures and after-quake work are focused in this phrase. Besides, the role of monitoring is also shown here. When more and more information are collected, reporters or audience could keep an eye on the authority during the disaster. Anything hiding or misleading could then be pointed out and exposed to the public.In short term, a fast recovery of radio system and frequent reports of earthquake situations in newspapers keep topical anaesthetic citizens updated slightly the destruction and other information about the earthquake. Media can also help raise the international concerns about the earthquake hence gaining more international help for recuse work as well as immediate financial support. For example, international citizens offered financial assistance to Japan Tohoku earthquake victims and recovery work. After media reported the massive destruction during the earthquake, UNICEF responded by setting up a team called Japan Commmittee for UNICEF Emergency Relief and Reconstruction take for.Next, in terms of long-term roles, media can keep people updated about reconstruction work and also point out problems during reconstruction. Newspaper and various reports can act as an alarm to remind people about the recent situation of the severely destructed areas while some people forgets about the recovery work of the earthquake. For example, Xinhua News Agency reminds the public about the Sichuan earthquake that took place in 2008. Xinhua News published an article to raise the attention of the public about the current recovery problems of an earthquake that took place half a dozen years ago. Media guides people to reflect about the problems remained after a unsafe earthquake, which is a prolonged problem. Another example is 2011 Tohoku Earthquake, in which Huffington Post (A merican online newspaper) reports about where were peoples donation gone on an anniversary of the earthquake. The newspaper article also provided alternatives of how people could still help after the earthquake.NewspaperDuring the recovery phrase, sources of detailed information concerning relief programs and how to apply are contained in the newspaper. Besides, newspaper reporters gave in-depth reflection on the disaster. There were also reports on pestilential prevention, settling victims and analyzing the disaster. At the same time, there are more designated topics steering on specific angle about the disaster.For example, in BBC News dated 9 May 2013, Sichuan 2008 A disaster on an immense scale, it summarizes the statistics of the massive destruction in the earthquake and its effect brought. Another news roundup about the earthquake was written by Sina News, featuring a set of articles on recovery work and stories of the victims. Headings like Village old woman after 28 days of quake Struggling between living and anxious(p) alone are reporting touching stories of the survivors. Others like No serious epidemic broke out in the quake area reports the after-quake cases.As time passes by, many truths during and after the earthquake are exposed. In 2011 Tohoku Earthquake, the Japanese government were hiding the nuclear power plant leakage accident.RadioRadio is always an important source for communication during and after earthquakes. When shameful earthquakes occur, radio systems are very likely to be disrupted. Emergency proceeds of two-way radios and radio receivers will usually be conducted in order to facilitate and speed up the recovery process.Besides from emergency riposte of radio and broadcasting systems, licenses will also be granted to maverick FM radio stations established by various local authorities. Take 2011 Tohoku Earthquake as an example, Tohoku Bureau of Telecommunications granted temporary broadcasting licenses to let local authorit ies help spreading information and community notices to the victims in the earthquake. Radio stations can obtain licenses within shorter arrest of time, and it is easier for the public to obtain information, such as the number of deaths and injuries or methods to make donations after the disastrous situations.
Saturday, March 30, 2019
Theories on Conflict
Theories on Conflict installationConflicts today abound which demand explanation. Understanding the roots of contest is in occurrence true now given the rise of populism which catapulted controversial leaders a wish(p) President Donald Trump of the United States and President Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines, each of their own advanced riding onto the wave of either anti-immigration or anti-crime sentiment. Trump has sparked numerous protests collectible to his contentious Muslim travel toss away (Thrush, 2017) while Duterte has neted world-wide condemnation for the spate of extrajudicial killings arising from his all-out contend on drugs and sin (Al Jazeera, 2017). Each of these leaders claim to be resolving root military campaigns of encroach in their respective countries Trump, restricting immigration in order to cost the imminent security threat that the liberal immigration policies of erstwhile US administrations have posed, while Duterte, clamping down on the d rug trade which he call ups to be a top cause of under exploitation and case degeneration.The theories on involvement discussed and learned over the course of three weeks helped me frame a deeper sagaciousness as to why both Trump and Dutertes analytic thinking may be critically attacked and in what instances, they are either correct or pay heed short. A school of theories under the trunks supposition consider how the roots of vehemence are all interconnected and are products of kindly, semipolitical and economical interactions. fresh emerging theories such as the military personnel beings take possibility consider the going of basic gentlemans gentleman necessitate to be a top cause of encounter and suggest that approaching the same would eradicate employment. Lastly, assorted brotherly theories from Karl Marx to Franz Fanon abide me with lenses to be used in museing companionable suspension for these theories really enunciate what causes societal fract ures and what nominate be d unity rough it. This paper is a critical reflection of the following body of bouts theories. treatment of Conflict and rise-disposed TheoriesSystems surmiseSimply stated, the systems surmisal considers conflict to be the whole of many problematic parts of familiarity which are inextricably linked. Conflict therefore arises non repayable to individualistic or micro-level differences and contradictions save of a ecumenic system. Systems theories seek to understand conflict by tone at how several(prenominal) elements located in a well-disposed system interact with one another. Violence, according to systems theorists, should be viewed from the level of (1) individuals (2) dyads (3) subsystems (family, community, religious stems and general society). Subsystems are organized in a manner which could either march on or deter or regulate madness. Direct efforts at changing elements of the system will not prosper since the system will promptly provide a replacement for the missing element. Hence, completeing power, which is a dictatorial problem requires a coordinated and comprehensive approach. The general systems possibility is effective in uncovering relationships and interactions which contribute to strength from different levels. However, its weakness lies in the circumstance that it is a value-free theory which requires theoretical directions. geomorphological furyStructural violence, according to John Galtung, pertains to a lick of violence arising from a complaisant structure or institution which harms masses by deliberately depriving them of electrical capacity to satisfy their immediate valet de chambrekind demand. This kind of violence does not follow a physical form or image but consists of avertable impairment of fundamental human ineluctably (Galtung, 1969, p. 32). The whimsicality of structural violence impels one to look for inequalities at heart friendly structures may it be inequali ties in wealth, power, privilege, access and opportunity which breed injustice. In the same light, structural violence likewise compels one to look at the connections between what might be falsely considered as mutually exclusive worlds. In essence, the theory of structural violence as a way of addressing conflict encourages people to move on with moral outrage and critical participation where previously our reflexive chemical reaction would be passive acceptance of these inequalities. Institutionalized racism, classism and sexism are forms of structural violence which are usually considered as inherent characteristics of society. Galtung however encourages to look beyond these inequalities and to find connections in order to dismantle structures which permit these injustices. In my view, structural violence is a timely method of deconstructing conflict in todays world. For instance, the notion of viewing refugees as a potential source of conflict is a worldview tacitly accepted in worldwide policy. Acceptance of refugees is viewed to potentially clear the floodgates for terrorism, crime, and other degenerate activities that threaten national security. However, when viewed from perspective of structural violence, we can proceed to view the refugee crisis more than critically and conclude that sort of of treating refugees as potential threats, they should instead be viewed as people who be to be treated with dignity.Relative Deprivation TheoryThis theory assumes that kind conflict arises due to peoples perceptions of inequality. When people perceive that there exists a disparity from what they deserve to enjoy from what they currently enjoy, they became discontented with their situation (Walker Pettigrew, 1984). The relative deprivation theory hypothesizes that conflict arises when the gap between two groups within a particular population is too wide, the possibility of rebellion becomes more likely. The assumption is that people are bound to perceive that they enjoy trustworthy entitlements from society and when they are deprived of this while a number of other people belong to the same population enjoy the same, dissent comes into being. Relative deprivation theory focuses on value expectations which need to be met within a certain(prenominal)(p) society. Thus, when a society has a relatively high rate of economic inequality, the more likely it is that people will rebel. While the origin of the deprivation is economic, a state of poverty does not necessarily translate to violence. However, when individual expectations of poor people become transformed as a group identity, they become a political force that will not waver to use violence in order to combat their perceived discrimination. In other words, relative deprivation theory considers that violence stems from a persons conceit of his or her economic circumstances in the community. To a certain extent, an individuals inherent evaluation of his or her community status i s essential to their conduct.Theory of cooperationThe theory of cooperation proceeds from the notion that conflicts are generally characterized by cooperation and cooperation as opposer number motives. Deutsch (1949, 1985) formulated this theory in order to comprehend the conflict move better and how to come up with more effective conflict closure methods.Deutschs primary thesis is that in order to resolve conflict, it is a cay step to understand the nature of interdependence of both parties in conflict. mutualness could be negative or positive. When the goals of both parties are negatively interdependent, a partys success automatically means the others failure. Upon the other hand, when the goals of both parties are positively interdependent, one partys success is correlated with the other partys success while one partys failure is also correlated with the other party failure. In the last mentioned form of interdependence, cooperative relationships can be had in order to res train a win-win outcome for both parties to a conflict.Cooperative relationships are considered to show up several positive features such as effective communication, openness, a friendly atmosphere and blessment to mutuality. In contrast, competitive relationships bring about the opposite results such as closed communication, lack of coordinated activities, an atmosphere of apprehension and a sense of domination. Based on Deutschs research, constructive conflict colony is more linked to cooperative processes rather than competitive processes which he considered destructive.In order to foster cooperative relationships towards constructive conflict resolution, Deutsch likened it to friendly social relations. This is marked by empowering gestures and a reframing of attitudes. Thus, he recommends that both parties agree to commit to adherence to norms in the conduct of talks and negotiations. Among these norms include respect, honesty, responsiveness, forgiveness, and acknowledgment of responsibility. These values, due to their universal value and acceptance, can pose as common one thousand for both parties to stand on.Emerging Conflict Theories Human Needs TheoryAn emerging trend in conflict theory shifts the focus from the political economy to basic human unavoidably. This perspective is anchored on the fact that human beings need to acquire essentials in order to live with dignity. Human needs theorists place the cause of conflict to unmet human needs. In this light, they argue that violence happens when certain groups or individuals are deprived of basic human needs (Burton, 1979).Theorists however have disagreed on what human needs means. In Burtons (1979) view, human needs that need to be addressed in the context of conflict go beyond the basic biological or subsistence needs. Instead, unmet needs related to social conflict include identifiy, recognition, security and stupefyment. As Burtons human needs theory progressed, he highlighted how existing s tate systems have miserably failed to provide a sense of identity thereby fueling ethno-linguistic separatist movements. If certain ethnic groups are deprived of their freedom to express their own national identities within the status quo, they will tend to establish parallel subversive systems in order to achieve the same. Burton provides as concrete examples the ethnic chauvinistic struggle in Kosovo in 1989 as well as various gang subcultures. Burton opined that human need theory can help inform conflict and pave the way for better conflict resolution becauseRubenstein (2010) considers the human needs theory as providing a better explanation to social conflict compared to theories which focus only on the errors of a few artful leaders or institutions, as embodied in Samuel Huntingtons clash of civilizations theory. utter Burtons view, Rubenstein views the human needs theory to provide the study of conflict with a more objective basis which goes beyond local or heathen diff erences. The needs-based approach to pinch social conflict defies traditional notions of conflict and instead uses unsatisfied human needs as the independent variable to explain why elite dominance or cultural differences lead to conflict.However, set (2010) critiqued Burtons positivist framework of needs theory and encouraged a more critical definition of needs to mean that there are needs that do not directly bear upon material sustenance like recognition and freedom from coercion that must also not be obstructed lest there be undesirable consequences (p. 1). Park took issue with Burtons creed on the biological explanation for Needs Theory to support shield of rights and universal freedoms. Instead, she advocates for a psychoanalytic view to suggest that not needs are not universal. According to her, needs are essentially socially constructed. The needs which people pursue are socially engineered and they may until now pursue false pleasures. In sum, Park considers with cauti on the use of the blacken boxful that is human needs. The definition of human needs is not simpleton but very complex and difficult to understand.Conflict from the Lens of brotherly TheoryEqually relevant to the study of conflict is the development of social theory arising from social disruption. In Charles Lemerts (2016) book, multiple social theorists and their viewpoints on conflict are critically discussed. From the uncorrupted Great White Men theories arose utility(a) views on social relationships and social conflict which can be use to the contemporary context.Among the most notable of these social theorists include of course, Karl Marx, publicly voted as the worlds greatest philosopher (BBC News, 2015). Marx wrote Das Kapital as well as the Manifesto together with Friedrich Engels at a time of extreme economic discontent. Marx focused on his critique of political economy which obscures the internal relationships of labor and capital and discussed a pivotal feature which is the workers lunacy and estrangement. What is the most striking and palpable among these types of alienation is what fuels labor unrest that of labor commodification and the reduction of the worker to a untarnished object. Simply stated, the more a worker produces out of his labour power, the cheaper he or she becomes as a commodity. Because the worker is paid at a fixed rate, more and more profit is being gained by the capitalistic due to his work but unfortunately the worker does not earn additional wages for it. Marxist thought has gained traction especially with the crisis of global capitalism, environmental destruction, and global poverty. Until, his theory of class as the root cause of contradiction in society remains very relevant. However, many theorists unquestionable a more expansive construction of his view on social classes. Max Weber, another classical theorist, came up with an alternative approach to the study of classes. For Marx, ones class is defined and deter mined by ones ownership of the means of production. Thus, Marx considered historical class antagonisms and identified these two groups in contemporary capitalist society as the proletariat and bourgeoisie. The contradictory relationship that the classes have pushes social development forward. Weber considers social groups and classes as determined by the distribution of power. affable stratification then, occurs by overlapping means and not only through economic differentiation.Other social theorists also focus on micro-level analysis to understand conflict. Sigmund Freud uses psychoanalytic theory to understand inner conflict among human beings. Freuds treatise laid down the anatomy of the self as made up of the interaction between three components dynamically interacting the id, ego, and superego. All of these components of the self develop with socialization hence constructing the social self. Biology interacting with socialization shapes a human beings personality. When one of the three elements is allowed to dominate the other two, social problems may arise. in any case developing Marxs theory of alienation, Horkheimer and Adorno criticized the use of cultural goods in order to get off false consciousness. Cultural goods are appropriated into transforming humans as passive and patrician objects of a system which was actually oppressing them. Aside from creating a false consciousness, they also suggested that popular culture is geared at creating false needs in order to engineer human beings into consuming in a wide scale. This cultural appropriation in turn heightens humans alienation and creates doable sources of conflict.The readings also tell us that social theories do not stomach static. Even among key capitalist thinkers, there have been different approaches to address economic problems. For instance, John Maynard Keynes challenged the neoclassical economic paradigm advanced by Adam Smith and disciples which advocated for minimal to no orga nization interference in favor of full-out control of the invisible hand of the market to attain equilibrium. Instead, Keynes suggested implementing government regulation and intervention in order to arrest the economic recession. companionable theories also help us understand racial conflict. Martin Luther King, Jr. called for an end to racial discrimination which he considered a ghastly reality the States must face as a nation. In describing the horrendous social conditions which African Americans and other colored peoples are subjected to, King claimed that America had manacles of requisition and chains of discrimination which breed chronic poverty and injustice for certain segments of the population. Franz Fanon provides a stirring account of decolonization as a form of liberation. His work remains relevant especially in light of the fact that many of todays underdeveloped countries are former colonies of imperialist nations which have not completely been unshackled from their former masters economically, politically and culturally. It is only through liberation, which is necessarily violent that the colonized thing becomes fully a man.C. Wright move teaches the student to develop the sociological imagination which is a way of looking at at themselves as the result of both biology and history and in always looking at the world through fresh eyes. integrity is challenged to go beyond looking at ones self as well and instead consider ones development as product of several processes occurring within a system.ConclusionGiven the reality of global conflict today, conflict theories and social theories enable one to look at the phenomenon with renewed understanding and critical outlook. There are classical and alternative approaches of looking at conflict and conflict resolution processes. There are also classical and alternative ways of interpreting social conflict throughout history. Having a steady grasp of these theories assist the student thoroughly by p roviding him with several lenses to look at the problem and identify solutions.ReferencesAl Jazeera (2017). Thousands march against Dutertes war on drugs. Retrieved from http//, M. (1985). Distributive justice A social mental perspective. New Haven, CT Yale University Press.Galtung, J. (1969). Violence, Peace, and Peace Research. ledger of Peace Research, 6 (3), 167-191.Lemert, C. (2016). Social Theory The Multicultural, Global and Classic Readings (6th ed.) Boulder, CO Westview Press.Park, L. (2010). Opening the black box reconsidering needs theory through psychoanalysis and critical theory. International Journal of Peace Studies. Retrieved from https//, R. E. (2010). Basic Human Needs The Next Steps in Theory Development. The International Journal of Peace Studies, 6 (1), 51-58.Thrush, G. (2017). Trumps travel ban blocks mi grant from six nations, sparing Iraq. Retrieved from https//, M. (1949). A theory of cooperation and competition. Human Relations, 2, 129-151.
Strategic Marketing Management Sainsburys
St posegic tradeing counsel SainsburysIntroductionJ Sainsbury plc is a vast UK based food retailer with interest in financial overhauls. Its chain of super foodstuffs has survived the scraps of combative retail short letter since 1869, which makes it the persistentest standing major food retailing chain in UK. With the heritage of providing clients with healthy, safe, fresh and tasty food it has indeed come a long way from a small store from Drury lane to the live headquarter in Holborn, London. Currently it is serving over 18 one million million million customers unless in a week and sire a commercialize handle of a staggering 16%. Along with its 502 super market appears it has over the course of eon diversified its assembly line to 290 Sainsburys convenience stores, an internet-based home deli actually shopping service and Sainsburys Bank. The internet-based home deli rattling shopping is available noticeably to virtually 88 percent of the UK ho holdholds. T hey heart-to-heartly identified five atomic number 18as to focus on in recite to carry their superiority in the retail business which were a) capacious food at fair footings b) Accelerating the appendage of complementary non-food ranges c) Reaching more(prenominal) customers through additional channels d) Growing supermarket space e) Active position management.Situation ReviewIn order to perform the posture analyze as a market Consultant I spend a penny headstrong to conduct a SWOT analysis of J Sainsbury Plc. The reason potentiometer my selection of SWOT analysis is that it has been officed for a long m and is a confideed tool of strategic and marketing analysis. Its importance in reviewing the situation of a comp all is extensive as it suggests ship dejectional in which the nerve flush toilet profit from specialitys and opportunities and shield itself from weaknesses and threats (Adams, 2005). After the ex aimation of either SWOT sections of J Sainsbury Plc Ive similarly mentioned the desirely effect of much(prenominal) elements to their competitive benefits and vane. However it is a method that has to be subroutined genuinely guardedly beca wasting disease if not thought or investigated properly the results entrust not permit the actual picture.StrengthThere ar several strengths of Sainsbury that essentials be highlighted when perform a situation review which ar analysed to a lower placeSainsburys as a sucker Brand of Sainsburys stands it out amongst the crowd of early(a)(a) supermarkets. The estimable pull up stakes that has been build over 140 years of service in its business is represented by its brand and that has several benefits standardised customer loyalty, brand familiarisation, profit and maintenance of customer belief etc. If Sainsburys take to increase its outlets the equal involved for advertisement for the local argonas leave alone be outlying(prenominal) less than that for a smaller organ isation with a lesser cognize brand. Having such a strong brand is definitely continue to advance its competitive advantage as other impertinent competitors lead go through a hard measure building up such a good brand as it needs a lot of prison experimental condition and effort.Use of effective market formation Sainsburys like whatever other large follow has to use effective marketing scheme. It has been doing so very well and which is why it stood up the test of time. Sainsburys use of Jamie Oliver one of Britains around high profile chefs who renownedly launched campaigns esteeming healthy eating in different sections of the community in its advertisements rout out be considered as a very good marketing move. It was like employ a ren experienceed dentist to promote toothpaste as it adds to the customers the trust for healthy food for good price. The confident(p) degree effects of the campaign were app atomic number 18nt as shown in the growth of the gross sales in Sainsburys. With its effective marketing scheme Sainsbury is far likely to near(a) in more customers and increase their competitiveness and enhancement of their already indi finishtful and good-natured brand.Human Resource Policy There is equal opportunities insurance in Sainsbury on different functions like recruitment, promotional, training and development etc. Their policy fundamentally focuses on keeping their staff motivated and providing them with proper training. These kinds of policies have enhanced the reputation of Sainsbury as a very good employer.Having a good HR policy bequeathing only have positive results in terms of their competitiveness and brand as throng will be more inclined towards joining with their team and intimately bigly waiting with them.Conveniently located due to its huge net income of outlets in that respect is eternally a Sainsbury nearby. This is a very good advantage to have which prickers up the effects of the brand. ver itable(a) if Sainsbury had create up a good brand most people will be only be raise in going to buy groceries and daily necessities if there is a Sainsbury close by. Groceries and daily necessities are prime products of Sainsbury and in order to get along their sales location is of prime importance.Like I mentioned convenience is a severalize to a retailers success and its wide spread outlet helps them to provide customers with probability to preventive loyal to them.Reliability and trust Sainsbury have built up over the years, a sense of the trust and reliability among customers. Customers believe on Sainsbury that it would not compromise on health and safety issues. They to a fault trust Sainsbury on providing very competitive prices for the products if not the cheapest.When there is trust among customers about your product and operate they will continue to remain your customers. Extra accusation is taken by Sainsbury and this will in future continue to boost their image. milieu Friendly Sainsbury has forever and a day been environmentally aware while performing its business. Some of Sainsburys efforts are mentioned belowIt uses environment friendly till printers.It gave international eco-friendly loo rolls as promotional offers.It opened environment-friendly store in Dartmouth, Devon which was built with recycled materials and will help in reducing its energy bills.It signed a landmark partake in that has enabled the creation of a new 8 million wind project at Lochhead in Scotland, due to be ideal in Summer 2009. The Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) means that Sainsburys will purchase energy direct from A7 Lochhead Ltd. for the next ten years.These efforts mean that customers will have in the back of their mind that Sainsbury is doing its part in the dandy cause of saving the environment. The reputation has been slowly building in this regard and will continue to grow further.Try virtuallything new today Even by the slogan we offer understand that there are a range of products available in similar categories. Sainsbury take each practical care to match the ever-changing needs of the different cultures and communities with its products and on doing so provides multi choices to customers. For example, Frozen Chicken Tikka Masala (Indian dish), Chicken Dumplings (Chinese dish) etc found in Sainsbury.This strength of Sainsbury means that it will increase its customer base, retain its customer by spoiling them with choice and get out new suppliers as well, boosting its competitive advantage and brand physique in the process.WeaknessesLack of international elaborateness Sainsbury has always been a brand that is famous only in Britain. It hasnt ventured into the international market that some(prenominal) as yet. In other words it has not been venturous enough. Its main have-to doe with Tesco has been more successful in this regard than them which will hamper their growth and market domination.This weakness will definite ly haunt them as with more international coverage its rival will be more powerful and have more flexibility which means theyll pull more competitive advantage and a better brand name.No self-service In todays world time is money. The service should be up to the standard at the same time it should be time efficient. collectible to which self-service system has samplen to be very effective over the years. However, there are no self-service systems like self-checkout counters in most of the Sainsburys stores. Providing time efficient service in every way is a key to any companys success and Sainsbury has not fully integrated this system in their practice which will have negative effects in their competitive advantage and brand.Implementation problem There have been many an(prenominal) such cases in Sainsbury where they have been found short on the execution of instrument of the pre-determined plans. It gage be considered as one of their major weakness.There is no point of plann ing if it were not be implemented. It will affect adversely to their morale and brand doing a world of good to that of their competitors.OpportunitiesEvery organisation in order to survive and compete in a market has to keep a close eye on any prospect of growth, expansion, diversification, merger etc. Opportunities are something if not grabbed at the right arcsecond the value of it later will be signifi send wordtly diminished or elapsed.On the current situation I have tried to categorize some of the opportunities that lay in front of J Sainsbury, which are as followsGrowth Sainsbury has been involved in other projects as well like its investments in property, banking, environmental issues etc. These kinds of alternative business present striking opportunities for future growth.Growth is vital for any companys competitiveness and for Sainsbury its no different.Suppliers and Partners nutriment for Britain (FFB) is Sainsburys partner and supplier. FFB helps its clients access new opportunities abroad through a network of nine international offices, associates in developing markets and a range of London-based service.Maintaining a good supply chain will help Sainsbury to be appeal effective and hence competitive.Technology This is a modern age of technology where every company has to find ways to upgrade their services victimization technology. Sainsbury has had bad experiences for not planning technology better when they had to buy back 1.8b worth of technology outsourcing deal with Accenture. However there are huge opportunities in front of Sainsbury in the future for further development in technology.Technology is one of the key aspects in todays IT age to stay competitive. previously overlooked Market SegmentsIve mentioned earlier that Sainsbury has not ventured into many international markets. This thereof provides it with great opportunities for future to go forward towards those markets which were not considered fruitful.Markets changes with the e conomy and previously overlooked markets need to be analysed now and then which mogul prove very helpful to edge ahead of your competitor.Social Patterns Understanding of the changing social patterns is a challenge as well as opportunity for Sainsbury. Understanding the need of the current society is vital.ThreatsThreats are other foreign factor that needs to be give considerable attention in order better prepare the company to face them in a proper way. It is one of the major component on determining the companys mathematical process and situation. There will definitely be some underlying threats for every kind of industry and the company must take appropriate measures to deal with them. Threats merely merchantmannot always be identified beforehand so sentience of the environment is the key.Some of both the underlying/imminent and possible threats of J Sainsburys are explained belowEntrance of new competitors Sainsbury needs like any other company watch out for entrance of an y new competitors.This is a serious threat and emerging competitions should be monitored.Too much environment friendly Huge investments have made in environmental and green issues without immediate benefits. There is a threat of doing it a routine too much.Actually a balance has to be insisted and cost should be controlled to remain competitive.Technological Changes Technology is changing all the time and it is a massive threat to Sainsbury as well.Expansion of Competitors Expansion of its competitors like Tesco have to be monitored carefully as their expansion is a clear threat to Sainsburys market coverage.This threat if not addressed properly can harm gravely to the competitiveness of Sainsbury and its brand name as well. international company takeover We can say that Sainsbury represents the British people. It lacks of international expansion also means that most of their customers are British. However there was a takeover bid by the Qataris Private equity firm which can have serious implications as its customers who are predominantly British will gravitate towards other British companies at the prospect of Sainsburys creation governed by a foreign firm.This is also a significant threat as it will diminish the competitive advantage and brand name built by Sainsbury on British people.Task-BExplanation of various marketing strategies and how they can be used by J Sainsbury Plc to achieve competitive advantages and long term growth.In order to fulfill the visions of a company by fulfilling the its goals a proper marketing system needs to be formulated. Marketing strategies are the corner stones upon which marketing plans can be based. Market strategies accept a series of tactics to make a marketing plan more effective in order to achieve marketing goals. Marketing strategies amalgamates the organizations marketing goals, policies, and tactics into an effective unit. Markets change their nature and behaviour always so for marketing strategies to become s uccessful it needs not only to be properly planned but should be dynamic and interactive.Types of strategiesMarketing strategies need to be formulated as per the need of the market situation for any tending(p) company. However there are of ways of generalizing some of the common strategies. There are several general marketing strategies that have emerged of which some are presented below1. The strategies that are based on market dominance Here there are basically three types of market dominance strategiesLeaderChallengerFollower2. Innovation strategies This strategy basically goes for promoting new product development, cutting edge technology and business innovation. In this type of strategy there are three typesPioneersClose chaseLate followers3. Growth strategies This scheme focuses more on growth of the company. Some ways of differentiating the strategies are as followsHorizontal integration steep integrationDiversificationIntensification4. Porter generic strategies Porters these strategies are the most commonly used strategies so needs to be discussed in detail.Michael Porter exposit the generic strategies as not firm or industry drug-addicted but general. These strategies were initiated in the early 1980s, and till date it has been widely used. gibe to Porter for any company go generate profit the d fond of the industry itself may be the main factor however so far if the industry is doing not very well the company can sleek over make good returns if it holds a good position in the industry. In order to position itself properly in the industry the firm has to leverage its strengths. When these strengths are applied in either broad or limit scope the following(a) generic strategies are evolvedCost drawing cardshipspecializationFocusFurther explatnationCost leadership The motto of this type of strategy is to remain cost effective and gain competitive advantage though being able to produce at the lowest cost at a given prime(a) level. With its low cost the company can benefit in two ways. One, it can obtain higher returns against its rival while selling at industrial average and two it can benefit from increased market share while selling below industrial average which it can do without making loss. There are many ways to achieve this kind of leadership some of which are mentioned belowImproving the efficiency of processingResearch in obtaining cheaper raw materialsUtilising the benefits of outsourcingAvoiding various leakages in cost controls.Differential Leadership As its name suggest, this strategy tries to dominate the market by developing products and services which are different and at the same time also appreciated by customers more than other products and services available generally in the market. The customers are hence ready to pay some extra due to the singularity of the product. However it needs the following kinds of strengths to achieve success in this strategyAble to invest in research and developments.H ighly skilled manpower. creativity and insight.Proper marketing tools and media.Goodwill in regards to quality and innovation.No close substitute of product/service available in the market.Focus Strategy This strategy basically focuses on attempting to achieve either cost or preeminence advantage upon a narrow member of market. The assumption slow this strategy is that when strategies are focussed on a narrow segment of market the actual needs of such a market can be addressed. It tries to achieve as much customer loyalty as it can in order to be competitive. The main drawback of this strategy is that it will lose its bargaining power with the suppliers while focussing on a narrow market and producing less. Other risks might be that a broad-market leader may influence its target market and as its market is restrain there will be no flexibility or way for tackling such competitiveness. Having said that, if the focus strategy is based on differentiation advantage due to its unique ness it will be able to maintain its competitiveness.In light of the marketing strategies propounded by Michael Porter, J Sainsbury Plc can use these strategies to gain competitive advantage and long term goals in the following waysAs the brand of Sainsbury is of such worth it can use differential strategy to invest in research and production of its own organic food, special diet food, environment friendly recycle bags and other products.Due to its huge coverage of market and large human resources it might be beneficial for them to use differential strategy like initiation its own training institute for retailing, health and safety clinics etc.As close proximity of its stores is a major strength of Sainsbury it can use focus strategy to increase its sales. For example opening special vegetarian oriented store in a community which is thickly populated with Gujrati people ( a tribe of Indian people who are mostly vegetarian).Due to its strong and long partnership with Food For Britai n (FFB) and its operation in a broad scope with good purchasing power it can use cost leadership strategy and reduce its cost of purchase.Differential strategy can be used to promote its products as it already has saving grace as environmentally friendly retailer.With its possession of good HR system and career security it can use differential strategy and can acquire capable human resource at affordable price.Task-C outline of Current marketing environment for J Sainsbury Plc and Recommendations on how the marketing strut elements may be veritable to contribute to enhance their goals and values.In order to comment on the marketing mix that can be developed by Sainsbury to contribute to enhance their goals and values Ive first analysed the current marketing environment of J Sainsbury Plc and then explained further about the marketing mix.Environment and its factorsGlobalisation With rapid increase in globalization Sainsbury like any other company has to face a lot of challenges. The basic challenge is to fight to off the competition to achieve best value for quality supply of its products. Opportunities like entering new markets via joint venture and partnerships etc also arise due to globalisation.The price fixing scandal Sainsbury is one of the quadruplet retailers within the UK who are most likely to be affected by this scandal or allegation. Sainsbury has a strong presence in the market and possession of a good populace image there is a serious threat of this being hampered by the recent allegations.Tax rate Corporation Tax rate is fixed by the government in UK like any other country. It keeps on fluctuating generally upon the need of the industry. Currently UK government has changed the tax rate to 28% from 30%. A huge amount of tax is paid by a company like Sainsbury every year and this change of 2% is a massive cut in the tax rate which means there is more margin in profit.Cost of products prices Food prices have risen dramatically since the increm ent in global food crisis resulting in the rise in Sainsburys costs. This will mean that the increased cost will be passed on to the customers and theyll have to pay more. Unpredictable fluctuations in the fuel costs also has made it even harder to plan and control the cost of production and delivery.The assurance crunch The mentioning of credit crunch while discussing about the current market situation has been an obligation recently. There are basically two ways in which itll affect Sainsburys. One getting finance has become so much difficult as the market has become almost unwarranted and two credit crunch have decreased the purchasing power of consumers. This has created a sense of distrust and suspicion in the market. Sales of highlife items have gone down and even basic products are being bought less. Another section of Sainsbury that has been hit by this is its bank. The Sainsbury bank is not a very established bank and when even the big players in the banking systems are in trouble it has been really difficult time for Sainsburys bank. Nowadays there seems to be more emphasis on fresh, easy style cooking. This serves an opportunity for Sainsburys to encourage new recipes and unfussyThe internet sales In order to stay competitive in todays market, internet sales is a phenomenon that has to function well. The Internet count ons for 8% of global advertising spend and is growing rapidly (The Economist, 2007). Sainsburys can further develop in this land. It can either develop itself or outsource the internet system to increase its sales.Marketing mixIt is a commonly used marketing term probably the most famous one. It is also known as the Four Ps which are product, price, place and promotion. It is the combination of the elements of marketing and what roles each element plays in promoting your products and services and delivering those products and services to your customers. In short the marketing mix is a set of controllable, tactical marketing too ls that work together to achieve companys objectives and goals.The elements of Marketing Mix and how they can be used by SainsburyProduct The product is the first element of marketing mix elements that needs to be explained. The products or services offered to your customer have physical attributes what they do, how they differ from your competitors and what benefits they provide to the customers. The product/service has to maintain quality, features, packaging, guarantees, and after-sales service.The basic objective of Sainsburys Supermarkets is stand as the leader of the pack when it comes to consumers choosing their food. They want to deliver products of outstanding quality and great service at a competitive cost through working faster, simpler and together. For that their product has to be given top priority and only quality products will do for that reason. environmental friendliness should also be considered while deciding on the product. serve like banking should be made eff icient and easy to use. determine Price is the second most important thing of marketing mix elements. How you price your product or service so that your price remains competitive but allows help to make a good profit. How price plays a role in your marketing strategy with respect to differentiating your products or services from your competitors. The pricing policy including discounts, allowances and credit policies. Your pricing should be based on a realistic assessment of all your costs and take into account what the market will bear and the image you are trying to create.To stay competitive, price should be competitive as well as it is a prime element in the marketing mix. If the price is either very high or very low in regards to its competitors the long term goals will be hindered.Place Place may also be used in your marketing strategy to differentiate you from your competition in the market. Where your business sells its products or services and how it gets those products or s ervices to your customers. By considering good locations, retailers, inventory implications, transport and warehousing you can reach close to your customers. It will obviously give you a competitive advantage.Place is another important factor that has to be considered by Sainsbury to achieve its long term goal. It has a huge number of outlets around UK and is in close proximity with its customers. It should however always look to build upon it more.Promotion Promotion is used to slide by with the customers and express the features and benefits of your products/services to your target customers. Promotions may include advertising, personal selling, public relations, networking, web-based marketing etc. By doing this you will express your product and its features to the customers to attract them to by the products and it will be helpful to earn profit.Sainsbury has built up its image as a very good retailer in terms of its product quality, environmental friendliness, services etc. Pa rtly its such success in creating such an image goes to its promotion and advertisements, like using Jamie Oliver in its advertisements. There are much rooms for improvements in that area as well.ReferencesLecture notes provided by our lecturer Dr. Roman PuchkovMica R. Endsley, Daniel J. Garland, 2000, speculative Underpinnings of SituationAwareness, 2nd Edition, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc., Mahwah, NJ, 383pp.O Connor J and Galvin E, 1999, Marketing in the digital Age, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall.Doyle P, 2001, Marketing Management and Strategy, Prentice Hall.Official website of Sainsbury, www.
Friday, March 29, 2019
The Differences Between Internal And External Sources Of Business Finance Finance Essay
The Differences Between Internal And External Sources Of Business Finance Finance pilevasBusinesses require backing in secern to operate. The source of this pay mess be either internal or external and furthermore it put up further subdivided into long or absolutely(p) term. Long terms sources atomic number 18 those that provide finance for more than a year while sententious term provide for less than a year Internal sources of finance come from within the concern and do non require the apprehension of anyone beyond directors and managers of the profession. (LOE 2010317). The long term sources of internal finance imply retain profits while short term sources include selling of inventories, extending fulfilment of cite from suppliers and stricter credit tame over storehouses owed by credit customers (LOE 2010). Sources of finance are considered short term because they tush easily be reversed in the short run. External sources of finance on the separate hand req uire(s) the compliance of potential shareholders (LOE 2010317) and in this case the company owes outback(a) institutions or individuals (Brindley 2008). According to LOE (2010), long term sources of external sources of finance include ordinary shares, preference shares, long term lends, finance leases, hire grease ones palms agreements etc. While short term sources of external finance include bank overdrafts, debt factoring and invoice discounting.Difficulties SMEs face in raising adequate to(predicate) financeSMEs face numerous challenges in raising enough finance for their business. According to Propoarco (200913) difficulties in gaining retrieve to financing constitute the main stumbling freeze for SME development in Sub Saharan African. This is caused by a numeral of factors. First, there are inadequate personal funds and resources to fully fund the business and this requires that they look for external sources of finance where they are likely to go out further challeng es.Lack of collateral Banks require guarantees in the form of assets, regard of business growth etc in order to approve long and short term loans and ensure that they can get their money back through and through payments or by selling off the defaulters assets. Unfortunately most SMEs do not have many assets in the business name as they are experience ups and this poses challenges. Moreover, because some SMEs are sole proprietorships, it can be difficult to separate the SMEs assets from those of the business owner ( Banks are accordingly put on of providing funding where there is no clarity especially when it is unclear regarding the wellness of the business and its assets. There is no guarantee that the SME can sustain loan payments.High Cost of finance, Too high interest rates that are unsustainable. SMEs are considered high risk because they have a high blow rate and therefore more likely to default on loans (ITC 2009). As such, in order to counter their risk of l ending to such enterprises, banks stir high interest rates. This in turn makes access to funding overpriced for SMEs compared to larger organisations that are not viewed as high risk.SME owners sometimes need access to schooling regarding where to access funds and may not be aware of the requirements in order to access these funds ITC 2009). Moreover SME may not have a clear and well constructed business designing that details the business path over the next few eld a get word requirement for most financing institutions or the business plan may be poorly constructed and not have key information ( In addition banks may require pertinent information such as credit rating, credit history in order to make well informed decisions. Unfortunately as a show up out up, an SME might not have this information. Moreover the company may not have kept this information or the companys funds may be intertwined with the owners personal finances, making it difficult to produce th is information. Such regulatory constraints make it challenging for SMEs to access financing.The loan application process itself may be too lengthy and complicated such that the SME owner gives up (ITC 2009).SMEs can alike be pessimistic about outside investors and would rather asseverate it in the family. As such they are not open to financing ideas that involve outsiders taking part ownership or control of the companies. This therefore limits their financing options.Possible Advice and SolutionsSMEs have several options regarding where and how to access funding.SMEs can access finance through venture capitalists. These are individuals who provide funding to start up companies with exciting ideas that promise high returns and they offer funding to start ups, to businesses that need to achieve a turnaround, that need to expand etc(LOE 2010). However in certain cases venture capitalists may require equity or control in the said business in return.Non- governmental organisations (no ngovernmental organizations) have also devised programmes in order to provide funding for SMEs because of the difficulties of accessing fund in the mainstream. Oikocredit an NGO in Ghana for example offers funding for SMEs (Mensah 2004). USAID Development credit business office also provides funding for SMEs.Governments have also taken interest in this issue and through initiatives such as Small firm loan guarantee scheme in the UK (LOE 2010 357) and Africa Development Bank, governments help SMEs that lack bail to access funds by being the guarantors of a large role of the loan. Grants and subsidies are also available for example through the Ministry of SMEs in Zimbabwe.Listings on alternative stock exchanges such as Altx in Johannesburg ( and AIM in the UK allow smaller businesses to list and float shares with less stringent requirements thereby raising equity finance.Wealthy individuals, already successful in business, called business angels (LOE 2010) invest in SMEs t hrough a shareholding to assist start ups or SME expansion plans. This can be in the form of a hit individual or a consortium. While they dont get involved in the day to day operations of the business, they do take an active interest. And can be a valuable source of business skills and experience.According to ITC (2009), betray credit (where collateral is not required) and cash advances from customers can be short term source of finance for SMEs.
Thursday, March 28, 2019
Should the U.S. build a National Missile Defense System? Essay
Should the U.S. build a subject area Missile falsification System?What if free people could live secure in the association that their security didnt depend upon the threat of instant U.S. retaliation to discourage an enemy attack?Ronald Reagan 1983In his speech of March 23, 1983, President Reagan presented his mint of a future where a Nations security did non rest upon the threat of nuclear retaliation, but on the ability to shelter and defend against such attacks. The Strategic defense reaction Initiative (SDI) research plan was intentional to tell whether, and how, advanced defense technologies could contribute to the feasibility of this vision. What is a national projectile defense (NMD)? A NMD is in theory a technological shield that could destroy all incoming missiles (Cirincione and Von Hippel 1). A NMD would just about likely employ ground-based missiles that would intercept and destroy incoming intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM). ICBMs are missiles that ar e capable of hitting targets thousands of miles away from their found site. The National Missile Defense Act calls for developing a missile-defense system that could comfort the United States from an attack by a handful of nuclear build up ballistic missiles (ballistic Missile Defenses). It is important to realize the proposed NMD would not be designed to protect against an all out nuclear attack featuring hundreds of missiles. Is a NMD a good thing for the United States? I believe the United States should not develop and deploy a NMD system.How does the NMD work? According to the alliance of American Scientists at, there are five elements involved in the missile defense system. The first rudiment is the Ground Based Interceptors (GBI). These are the weapons of the system. Their employment is to intercept ballistic missile warheads and through the force of impact, destroy them. The GBI includes the interceptor, its launch and support equipment, missile silos, and person nel. The missile is make of an EKV and boosters, and the GBI sites would be capable of prop 20 missiles with eventual upgrade to 100. The next part of the system is called the encounter Management Command and Control (BMC2). This is the brains of the system and it controls and operates the missile defense system. It provides determinant support systems, battle management systems and displays, and also situation awareness information. Satellites... ...iew oomph and Feasibility of Ballistic Missile Defenses. The Last Fifteen Minutes Ballistic Missile Defense in Perspective. Ed. Joseph Cirincione and Frank Von Hippel. N.p. Coalition to Reduce nuclear Dangers, 1999. 6-15.Gordon, Michael R. Russians Firmly Reject U.S. Plan to Reopen ABM Treaty. impertinent York Times. 21 Oct. 1999 A3.Hulme, Dr. Derrick. Arms Control. World Problems and Conflict. Alma College, Alma, MI. 17 Nov. 1999.Krepon, Michael. Missile Defense Not such a Bad Idea. The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. May-Jun e. 1999 31-33.Mendelsohn, Jack. Missile Defense And It unbosom Wont Work. The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. May-June. 1999 29-31.National Academy of Sciences. The hereafter of U.S. Nuclear Weapons Policy. Washington, D.C. National Academy Press, 1997.Ray, James Lee. Global Politics. 7th ed. New York Houghton Mifflin Company, 1998.Selling Russia on Missile Defense. New York Times. 21 Oct. 1999 A24.What Proponents of Missile Defense Argue and Rebuttals. Council for a Livable World. n. pag. Online. Internet. 2 Nov. 1999. Available WWW http//www.clw/org/ef/bmdrebuts.html.Federation of American Scientists
Alzheimer’s Disease Essay examples -- Alzheimers Disease Essays
Alzheimers infirmity is a neurodegenerative disorder affecting memory, cognitive and non-cognitive functions. Studies show that virtually cases of Alzheimers affection pertains to people who are 60 years of age or one-time(a) meanwhile, 80% of these cases are due to genetics. The risk of one having Alzheimers sickness varies with their age and ethnicity. That being said, some elders are obtaining this disease in in truth previous(a) life, nearing their 90s. The gene that is usually responsible for Alzheimer s disease (AD) is the Apolipoprotein E (APOE gene) which gets its name from encoding for the protein Apolipoprotein. It is on chromosome 19 and has three main(prenominal) alleles on the gene that seem to be responsible for this disease. They are 2, containing cysteine at position 112 and arginine at position 158 of the gene, 3 containing cysteine at both 112 and 158 positions, and 4 containing arginine at both 112 and 158 positions of the gene. The APOE 4 allele is the diseases most normal allele. The APOE 4 allele is the diseases most prevalent allele. The function of this gene is to regulate cholesterol and triglyceride metabolisms. This shows it is not only coinciding that high cholesterol and diabetes lead to late-onset Alzheimers. The APOE 4 allele was tested and spy to be so dangerous in 1993. Since, many more studies make water been completed on this allele and it has been known to be the main go of Alzheimers disease. Once all the human genotype was known after(prenominal) using the Human Genome Project, a microarray system used to study over 80 percent of the Caucasian genome for association signals called the 500K GeneChip from Affymetrix was created. This microarray kit was used to suffer that using high-density single nuc... ...sion, the results point researchers in the right direction proving that late on-set Alzheimers is very closely related to this APOE locus, especially the 4 allele. but studies may also show tha t this allele will likely sacrifice to other diseases as well. With the use of ultra-high density genome, further associations will be made regarding the link between late on-set Alzheimers and the APOE locus.Works CitedCoon, Keith D. Ph.D. Amanda J. Myers, Ph.D. David W. Craig, Ph.D. Jennifer A. Webster, B.A. ass V. Pearson, B.Sc. Diane Hu Lince, Ph.D. Victoria L. Zismann, M.S. Thomas G. Beach, M.D. Doris Leung, M.D. A High-Density Whole-Genome Association Study Reveals That APOE Is the Major might Gene for Sporadic Late-Onset Alzheimers Disease. Physicians Post Graduate Press. J Clin psychological medicine 684, April 2007 613-618. (Print)
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
What I’ve learned in EGEE :: Energy Educational Reflective Essays
What Ive learned in EGEE When I was first told in class that I had to write my first shew in EGEE about what I knew about energy, I figured it would be easy. I knew what every one and only(a) knew about energy some comes from the sun, some is used to make headway machines work, and some is used to make our bodies work. However, after the first four weeks of EGEE Ive learned more(prenominal) about energy than I learned in four years of high school. Ive learned definitions of energy, great power, and heat to differentiate a few, and Ive also learned different units of energy and power touchstones. The first things we learned in EGEE I thinking I already knew, but I only had superficial knowledge about such(prenominal) things energy, heat, and radiation. For example, I thought that energy was simply the ability to work. However I learned that it is the capacity to do work (Kraushaar and Ristinen 8), generating heat, and emitting radiation (lecture 1/9/0 2). I also learned that the formula for energy is work = host x distance (1/9/02). Heat, we learned, is the ability to change the temperature or frame of a substance radiation is energy emitted in the form of waves traveling at the speed of light (1/11/02). I always thought that heat was the temperature of something, and radiation was emitted from microwaves and nuclear waste. Now I know more about these things than I did before. I also learned about the units of measurement for energy, power, and temperature. The btu, or British thermal unit, is the amount of energy required to touch the temperature of one pound of water by one degree Fahrenheit(postnominal) (Kraushaar and Ristinen 13-14) and the Calorie is the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of one kg of water by one degree Celsius (1/11/02). A watt second is the energy unit for the metric system, and 1055 joules = one btu = 0.252 Calories (1/11/02). Also, we learned that one gallon of g asoline is affect to 124,000 btus, one pound of coal is equal to 13,000 btus, and one cubic foot of natural gas is equal to 1,000 btus (1/11/02).
Essay on Language in Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness -- Heart Darkne
Use of Language in magnetic core of Darkness Heart of Darkness, by Joseph Conrad is a story that connects the audience to the fibbers senses. We come to understand the environment, the setting, the other charters, and Kurtz strictly from the narrators point-of-view, as he experiences things. We are locked out of Conrads (the narrator in this case) world, allowed to feel only what he lets us, incur the savages as he does, done his eyes, feel with his body. We are not able to see how the world views him. Is he seen as superior, a drone, a sailor? His surrealistic consciousness navigates us, the readers, down the river as if we are a part of the emanate of things, ripples in the water, patches of the darkness. Conrad uses language to paint images in our minds. He poignantly uses metaphors uniform, In exterior he resembled a butcher in a measly neighborhood (57) to animate those images, allow them to breath a bit. His choice of course and word combinations, his poetic tone, and suave style and smooth transitions craft a sensual experience. He is on the surface talking about the exploration of man in Africa with all of its physical and moral dilemma, and yet the underbelly is the interior of man, an endeavor to touch the reader at his core. Each rate should be like a beacon on the road towards split up things, a center for trade of course, but also for humanizing, improving, instructing. (104) When Conrad says that the germs of empires floated into mans head , ebbing down the river into the mystery of an unknown earth, his metaphors appeal emotionally to something serious, a commentary on the heart of man. (67) Our senses are serenely assaulted with tastes and surfaces, sounds and images. The tremo... ...their hands, like alot of faithless pilgrims bewitched inside a rotten fence. The word osseous tissue rang in the air, was whispered, was sighed. You would think they were praying to it. A taint of imbecile rapacity blew through it all, like a wh iff from some corpse. By Jove Ive neer seen anything so unreal in my life. And outside the silent wilderness ring this clear speck on the earth struck me as something gravid and invincible, like evil or truth, waiting patiently for the passing apart of this fantastic invasion. Works Cited and Consulted Conrad, Joseph. Heart of Darkness. New York Bantam Books, 1981. Ross, Mark. The root of Darkness. 1997.http// (9 February 1998) Ross, Mark. The Roots of Racism. 1997. (9 February 1998)
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
Fashion Essay -- Social Life, Consumerism
Cathy, a flagship of the intempearned run averagence, luxury and economic peculiarity rests on a point where the main emphasis is put on the materialistic, noetic and moral issues (Cathy, 2003). Fashion is said to have an equal parallel to architecture judging from the sense of personal belonging and to the extent of detachment to it. Therefore, architecture puts itself in a position of social exclusion or cellular inclusion to the ordinary social life of individuals. In normal ordinary life, pile have moved an extra mile to use an extra bell to gain the right to feel that they can belong, personally identify, fit in elite and even acquire completeness through acquiring certain mark products irrespective of their the temper and quality (Cathy, 2003). These show some of the feelings attitudes, which people nurse so intensely to belong to a luxury fashion class. check to Rebecca Arnold, fashion is always a product of the culture of a wider ships company that is reflected on a n innumerable of styles. These changes in brands provide a smooth translation of sexuality, ethnicity, status, gender and class that clearly show the change of culture at a certain time (Arnold, 2001, 4). Her argument goes on to suggest that, the nature of modern fashion is inherently contradictory because of its brands. The threats and promise of the future reveals twain our anxieties and desires constructingidentities that uses the most stylish dress as a route of self-creation and is free ultimate to self-destruction (Evans, c, 2003, 7). In a general sense, fashion could be an experience that affects several social aspects and the anxiety linked to the growth of the metropolis. The arrest of branded and fashioned retail shops creates the metropolis. These provide the lat... ...more complex and sophisticated forms utilise refined materials. All these concepts are essential because of new fashion and designs that sacrifice to architecture as a field in general. Therefore, th e current era is essentially sensitive and should not be ignored for a drop of positive impact in the welfare of people associated with it as individuals or in the society. For instance, as exemplified in this discussion, attires of personal creation form personal identity and provide definition for personal space the way architectural structures do, however, on a wider perspective. This whole notion of fashion in clothing has tolerated acme in society for many decades. This occurred especially for people who acquired status in spite of appearance their cultural alignments with the power to continue with this ideology and influence other cultural groups yet to reach their status in society.
Communitarianism vs. Cosmopolitanism Essay -- Politics Political
Normative Theories of Politics - Contrasting Cosmopolitan and Communitarian ApproachesWhen looking at normative theories of politics, the main distinction is between cosmopolitanism and communitarianism. In this essay the term club sh altogether refer to policy-making communities, or more specifically, states. It is important to note that these policy-making communities postulate been defined territorially, and not necessarily by agriculture, although this is taken for given to an extent by communitarianism. Communitarians say that each alliance is different, and at that placefore should correspond accordingly with each other. In other words, state autonomy should be absolute and law and moral bars should be self-determined by the community itself alone. Furthermore, communities should have no obligations to other political communities or any sort of supranational law. Contrastingly, Cosmopolitans say that there should be an overriding universal moral shopworn to which all states (or communities) should adhere. If a state is infringing on the rights of the individual or humanity, then intervention is appropriate and just. (Steve Smith, The Globalisation of World Politics An opening to populace(prenominal) competeings p. 173A)Communitarianism says that communities themselves define what rightful conduct is, and therefore should not be obliged to follow any universal moral code. Morality arises from the culture that makes up the community, and therefore determines what is right for that community, whether it is or not for anyone else. Communitarians say that there merchant shipnot be a universal moral standard because where would these standards come from? Who would shape what is right and wrong? However, the argument communitarianism can be turned against it if these communities argon nation-states. It is however the predominant culture that will determine what the moral standards of the community are. Cosmopolitans argue that there should be a universal moral standard to which every community must abide. They allow for state autonomy, but only to an extent. States must not be able to be completely self-determined and relax from moral obligations to the rest of the transnational community. But this raises significant questions. Can a universal moral standard exist? And how can it apply to all states? While cosmopolitanism allows for or so state autonomy, the moral standard would mean that some ... ...t state autonomy cannot be restricted by anything but the community (state) itself. As one might assume, it follows from these differing standpoints that the way each theory earn intervention, etc., will be in opposition. (Steve Smith, The Globalisation of World Politics An Introduction to external Relations p. 173A)(Chris Brown, The Globalisation of World Politics An Introduction to International Relations p. 480A)(Steve Smith, The Globalisation of World Politics An Introduction to International Relations p. 173A)C osmopolitanism and communitarianism differ vastly in the way they, as intellectual concepts, deal with international relations. Cosmopolitanism holds the view that the rights of humanity and the individual should override those of the state (or political community), whereas communitarianism is the opposite. It states that the rights of the community are more important than those of the state. It is because of these fundamental differences that they deal with international relations in significantly different ways. However, both theories have their flaws and it seems that we can have neither a fully cosmopolitan or communitarian world political system.
Monday, March 25, 2019
Proletariat vs. Bourgeoisie in Karl Marxs The Communist Manifesto Essa
Proletariat vs. Bourgeoisie in Karl Marxs The Communist Manifesto In The Communist Manifesto, Karl Marx and Fredrick Engels attempt to explain the reasons for why there is class fight back and suggest how to prevent class separation. According to Marx there are deuce variant types of social classes the bourgeoisies and the proletarians. The bourgeoisie are capitalists who own the means of exertion and the proletarians are the working classes who are employed by the bourgeoisies. Due to their wealth, the bourgeoisies had the government agency to fudge pretty much of everything and the proletarians had little or no state in any political issues. According to Marx, the proletarians population would increase and they would in the end rise above the bourgeoisie and hold a revolt against them. The proletarians would ass this revolt with the help of faith and reason. With the help from The Communist Manifesto, the proletarians realize the conditions they are in b y being overpowered by bourgeoisies. The proletarians now have the reasons to ask questions astir(predicate) origin, order, and their purpose of life. Also, they could raise questions about meaning, truth, and value. Through faith and reason the proletarians will be adequate to overthrow the say-so of the bourgeoisies.1 Marx expressed many views about the over empowerment of the bourgeoisies in The Communists Manifesto. Marx believed that the working class was not getting give what they deserve for the quality of work that they were producing. Marx thought that the all workers should be paid the identical rather than by social position. For instance, Marx thought that a mineworker should be paid as much as a doctor. Marx states, ?The average expense of w... ...ower by the proletariat.2 Marx then tries to eliminate the power of the Bourgeois by eliminating property. Without reclusive property the Bourgeois cannot control business and create capital. Overall, the proletarians had very different and more dreadful lifestyles then the bourgeoisie. The proletarians had very bad working conditions and were paid low wages. On the other hand, the bourgeoisie were the social power and could control mostly everything to keep them at absolute power.Works Cited1 Karl Marx. The Communist Manifesto3 4 Dennis Sherman and Joyce Salisbury. The West in the World.5 Briefs, Goetz A. The proletariat a challenge to western civilizatoin 6 Sombart, Werner. Bourgeois.
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