Friday, May 31, 2019
Ernest Hemingway Essay -- essays research papers fc
Ernest HemingwayErnest Hemingway was a great American author. He was a giant of modern literature. Hemingway was born on July 21, 1899. He was the first discussion of Clarence and Grace Hall Hemingway and the second of their six children. Hemingways gather was a doctor and his mother was a music teacher. Hemingways parents owned a confine in northern Michigan where he spent most of his summers hunting and fishing, being separated from the rest of middle-class society. Hemiongways mother was a hard person and tried to impose a moral order her children. This caused hostility between mother and son. A major dispute arose between the two when Hemingway returned substructure from the war and went to the family cabin to get through the physical and psychologically rough experience he had. His mother complained about his slow pace re-adjustment to normal, civilian life. Ultimately, Hemingway left-hand(a) his secluded cabin and went to Paris in the 1920s. Hemingways father was having a rough time during this portion of Hemingways life. His father was suffereing from diabetes. He also had nearly financial misfortune and chronic depression. This all ended in 1928 when a self-inflicted pistol shot ended his life. This is when Hemingway was just starting to see the material rewards of his maturation literary career. Hemingway did not have a very good childhood. Although his youth was bad, and worried, Hemingway viewed it as an essential artistic and personal resource for the development of an individual high-flown code. About the time that Hemingway graduated from high school, the Untied States was entering World War I. He tried to enlist in the army, but was not real due to a vision problem. When he heard that the Red Cross was taking volunteers to be ambulance drivers in the war, he took the opportunity and made it to the war. Hemingway was assigned to the trend lines in Italy. After he had only been at the front for a few days, and a few days before his nine teenth birthday, Hemingway was wounded. A daub fire at Fossalta di Pivi sent shrapenel into his legs. While Hemingway was injured, he met a nurse and fell in love with her. He proposed marriage, but like Granny Weatherall, he was jilted and his nurse married and Italian officer. Hemingway... them as the best rules I ever learned for the business of writing. This writing ethic was used by Hemingway and built to him through lessons he learned from the works and advice of T. S. Eliot, Gertrude Stein, and Ezra Pound. Hemingway had a very modernist approach to writing. Part of this was he left out all extraneous verbiage and auctorial intrusion. Instead he presented sharply focused images that stood out on their own. Hemingway also developed a writing discipline. He would write one thousand dustup a day and refine the copy back to around three hundred words. He did not want to bore the reader with a passel of nonsense and rambling on. Ernest Hemingway was a great American auth or. His stories were written about and through personal experiences. His stories directly reflected on his personal experiences and indirectly reflected on his unhappy childhood and his misfortune with the ladies. He had his own style and own ways of keeping that style up. He was a great man.Works CitedAll Hemingway. http// review article/essays.php?essay+Hemingways=styleHemingway, Ernest.The Big Two Hearted River. 1953
Thursday, May 30, 2019
A Transient Citizen Essay -- American Citizenship Immigration Essays
A Transient Citizen ...1 hereby declare, on oath, that I short and entirely renounce all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince or state of whom or which I have been a subject or citizen....This is a clause from an oath I took on February 6, 2002an ordinary day of no significance to most people, a climatic point in my livelinessit was the day I became a U.S. citizen. I did not attend the formal ceremony in the Los Angeles Convention Center, yet for me it did not matter I was fluent just as excited, for this was the day I became a true American. There were many people from different cultures in the noisy office where I received my certificate, yet we were all filled with the same excitementthe potential of the American Dream and to be part of the greatest nation. It seemed that every time an employee came out they called person else, as if I was not even there, and I started to worry. The fear of returning home without being a citizen of this nation started to cross my mind. Two hours passed and I was seance in the same chair listening to the noise of the typewriters inside the offices. Then, as if time itself had stopped, it happened they called me to the front window. It was as if I as walking to the doors of heaven. I know that it was not the end but rather a new beginning. It was the creation of a new person. The oath was simple I had promised to support and defend the arrangement and laws of the United States of America against all enemies. I choked on the very words when I realized I had just interpreted an oath vivid to bear arms even against the country of my birth. For so long I envisioned perfection as the day I would become a citizen of a country that I had learned to love. I realized ... ...goals aimed at success, having a stable job or owning a house, but it is now a long goal that seeks to find a stable point between two nations even if the nations themselves are not at peace. Now that I have departed through the process of a pplying for United States citizenship, I have taken the responsibility to choose between Mexico and The United Statesbetween my roots and my future. I have taken an oath, not only before The Great American seal, but also and most importantly before God. I do not wish to skepticism whether I regret becoming a citizen or not, for the only obstacle that is always holding us back is not being able to let go of the past. However, I cannot completely erase what I feel for Mexico, for I do not want to forget my heritage, mi cultura. I may be bound to the American flag and the U.S. Constitution, but I am still proud of being Mexican.
Canterbury Tales: The Knight :: Geoffrey Chaucer Canterbury Tales Essays
Canterbury Tales The horseIn his prologue, Ge sourrey Chaucer introduces all of the characters who areinvolved in this fictional journey and who will declare the tales. One of the moreinterest of the characters included in this introductory section is the ennoble. Chaucer initially refers to the Knight as a most distinguished manand, then, his subject of the Knight is highly complimentary. In this essay, Iwill contrast Chaucers ideal Knight with its modern equivalent. The Knight,Chaucer tells us, possessed good horses, but he was not gaily garbed. Indeed,the Knight is dressed in a common shirt much stained by where his armor hadleft its mark. In other words, Chaucer is sexual intercourse us that the Knight has unslopedarrived home from service and is in such a hurry to go on his pilgrimage that hehas not fifty-fifty paused before embarking on it to channelise his clothes.Additionally, the Knight has led a very picky life as his fighting careerhas taken him to a outstanding many places. He has seen array service in Egypt,Lithuania, Prussia, Russia, Spain, North Africa, and Asia Minor where he alwayswon the highest honor. Amazingly, even though he has had a very successfuland busy career, he remains an extremely humble man indeed, Chaucer maintainsthat he is meek as a maiden. Moreover, Chaucer claims the Knight has neersaid a impolite remark to anyone in his entire life. Clearly, the Knight possessesan outstanding character, and Chaucer gives to the Knight perhaps one of themost flattering descriptions in the ecumenic Prologue than any other character.His Knight can do no wrong he is an outstanding warrior who has fought for thetrue faith (according to Chaucer) on three continents. In the midst of allthis, however, Chaucers Knight remains modest and polite. therefrom we see him asthe embodiment of the traditional chivalric code bold and fearless on thebattlefield, devout and courteous off it. Apart from the moral contentedness containedin the sto ry, perhaps this tale of Chaucers is of even further interest tomodern-day readers. In our twentieth-century America, we would like to thinkthat we simply dont ache enough people in our society who we can liken toChaucers Knight. Perhaps we are under the impression that our modern societydoes not breed such virtuous people as existed in Chaucers time.We remember that Chaucers work represented one of the few sources ofliterature available to the people of England in the latter fractional of thefourteenth century The Canturbury Tales was indeed a precursory form of massCanterbury Tales The Knight Geoffrey Chaucer Canterbury Tales EssaysCanterbury Tales The KnightIn his prologue, Geoffrey Chaucer introduces all of the characters who areinvolved in this fictional journey and who will tell the tales. One of the moreinteresting of the characters included in this introductory section is theKnight. Chaucer initially refers to the Knight as a most distinguished manand, indeed, his sketc h of the Knight is highly complimentary. In this essay, Iwill contrast Chaucers ideal Knight with its modern equivalent. The Knight,Chaucer tells us, possessed good horses, but he was not gaily dressed. Indeed,the Knight is dressed in a common shirt much stained by where his armor hadleft its mark. In other words, Chaucer is telling us that the Knight has justarrived home from service and is in such a hurry to go on his pilgrimage that hehas not even paused before embarking on it to change his clothes.Additionally, the Knight has led a very busy life as his fighting careerhas taken him to a great many places. He has seen military service in Egypt,Lithuania, Prussia, Russia, Spain, North Africa, and Asia Minor where he alwayswon the highest honor. Amazingly, even though he has had a very successfuland busy career, he remains an extremely humble man indeed, Chaucer maintainsthat he is meek as a maiden. Moreover, Chaucer claims the Knight has neversaid a rude remark to anyone in his en tire life. Clearly, the Knight possessesan outstanding character, and Chaucer gives to the Knight perhaps one of themost flattering descriptions in the General Prologue than any other character.His Knight can do no wrong he is an outstanding warrior who has fought for thetrue faith (according to Chaucer) on three continents. In the midst of allthis, however, Chaucers Knight remains modest and polite. Thus we see him asthe embodiment of the traditional chivalric code bold and fearless on thebattlefield, devout and courteous off it. Apart from the moral message containedin the story, perhaps this tale of Chaucers is of even further interest tomodern-day readers. In our twentieth-century America, we would like to thinkthat we simply dont have enough people in our society who we can liken toChaucers Knight. Perhaps we are under the impression that our modern societydoes not breed such virtuous people as existed in Chaucers time.We remember that Chaucers work represented one of the few s ources ofliterature available to the people of England in the latter half of thefourteenth century The Canturbury Tales was indeed a precursory form of mass
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
The Brewing Process of Beer :: Brewery Alcohol Beer Essays
The Brewing Process of Beer The first and most important step in brewing is cleanliness. Brewing is ninety percent janitorial, said Frederick Bowman, give come forth of Portland Brewing. (Bowman) The first step in the actual brewing process is malting. Malting is what is done to the barley to prepare it for brewing. The steps of the malting process release the starches that are contained in the barley, season minimizing haze and off-flavors. Grain is allowed to soak in 60 F. water to increase the moisture content of the grain to about 40-45%. The grain is usually spread out on the floor of the germination room, or some other container. These grains are kept at a temperature of about 60 F. The germination is complete when the dash has grown to about 3/4 the length of the grain and the hard part of the grain, or the shell, has turned soft. The goal for germination is for the starches within the grain to flaw down into shorter lengths. At this shorter length stage, the grain is cal led green malt. Kilning is the next stage after the grains have sprouted. Kilning is the process of drying the grain in the kiln where the temperature is slowly raised during the 30-35 moment period. After kilning, the result is finished malt, with soluble starches and developed enzymes. These grains each have a different and distinct flavor depending on how long they are cooked in the kiln. (Porter)After the malting, the grain is ready for milling. Milling is the cracking, and crushing of the grain. This procedure is controlled carefully so as to break the grain while keeping the husk as large and as intact as possible. Milling allows the grain to absorb the water it will be mixed with later as the water will extract sugars from the malt. The malt will now be mixed with warm water in the labour tun. This vessel holds the grain and water mixture for a period of time. Two important things will take place in this step. One is to break down proteins to the more soluble and usable ami no acids, providing feed for the yeast and foam for a nice head on the beer. The second thing is to break down the starch to simple sugars so yeast force out convert them to alcohol and carbon dioxide. (Porter)Mash filtration consists of filtering the converted mash by gravity or pressure in a lauter tub or mash filter to separate the insoluble matter in the malt from the soluble sugars and nitrogen compounds.
Management of Email in a Government Agency Essay -- Email Management P
I often read technical journals and information commission publications in print as well as web based articles or white papers. I like to educate myself as well as stay current on the most recent information on Information Management. I feel for my rhetorical essay its best to induce to what I know and what Im familiar with. The article I chose to elaborate on comes from the January/February 2014 issue of Information Management , an ARMA Publication. It addresses the ongoing issues of email trouble and email retention. Most ecesiss, civilian and government struggle with the problem of email storage and email retention. In an ideal world it would be the desire of the organization to limit the amount of email and the length of email retention to an across the board timeframe, 3 years, 5 years, 7 years, 10 years or eight-day for specific records. Although furnish retention periods are a goal and objective for many organizations, it isnt very realistic for most government entities. Dr. William Saffady begins his article pickings Control of E-Mail with Uniform Retention Rules questioning the practicality of schedule-based retention periods for the management of email and electronic communication. He recommends an alternative system of managing email messages by adopting uniform retention rules. Dr. Saffady is currently Professor at the Palmer School of Library and Information Science, Long Island University in New Your City, where he teaches courses on information management topics. He is definitely well versed in his field and more than qualified in his assessment if email management. Although Dr. Saffady is well qualified to his opinion and make recommendations only when I have to disagree with his as... ...urrently Cook County where I work have over 20,000 employees. The management of email for 20,000 employees is a huge task but ace that must be taken seriously. ReferencesArizona State Library of Archives and Public Records. (n.d.). Guid eline for managing public records sent and received via electronic mail.http// proceed Office Your Archiving Experts. (2010 July). Best Practices Guide for Email Retention.Retrieved March 11, 2014 from http//, William, PhD., (2014) Taking Control of E-Mail with Uniform Retention Rules , Information Management, An ARMA International Publication, Volume 48, No 1, 20-26
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Essay example --
Interdisciplinary Research QuestionWhat argon the impacts of mainstreaming ESE students into a general education classroom? The problem most viewed with mainstreaming peculiar(a) education and general education students is that students individual needs are some quantifys being overlooked. Justification of Interdisciplinary ApproachIn order to justify my interdisciplinary approach I will show how drawing from the relevant disciplines I have chosen offers different views and perspectives presenting diverse explanations to the problem. Relevant DisciplinesEducation accommodations, modifications, training of instructors Sociology socialization, acceptance, understanding, respectPsychology self esteem, belongingAnalysis of Problem with Evaluation of InsightsThe insights turn to are the preconceptions of instruction, socialization and behavior issues of mainstreaming ESE students. It is assumed that socialization and behavior can play a positive role with inclusion by go student s a chance to improve their socialization and behaviors skills while breaking down the social stigma of being different. However, this can also have a ban effect on students. By not presenting ESE students with the proper monitoring when socialization and behavior is involved can lead to embarrassment and alienation of peers. It is believed that inclusion can affect all students because instructional needs arent being met. With accommodations having to be put in place teachers are spending more time with ESE students and offering less challenging instruction to the general education students.Conflicts Between DisciplinesThe conflict is whether socialization and behavior play an intricate part in the educational needs of the ESE s... ...ght out, and if the decision is to mainstream the student then it should be decided whether the student will benefit from full or partial inclusion. If they are mainstreamed then they will need to be carefully monitored and ensure that all of their needs are met in order to be booming in the general education setting. The pros and cons of inclusion will need to be looked over repeatedly to be sure that the plan is working in the best avocation of the student and does not affect the academic goals of either the special needs student or the general education student. As more and more students with special needs are placed into general education classrooms the general idea is that this is the best placement for them based on their needs. However, in order to make this successful the students, parents, and teachers involved will have to work hard and work together.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Pneumonia and Older Adults
What is pneumonia? Pneumonia is a lung infection that can make you very sick. You may cough, run a fever, and have a hard time breathing. For most people, pneumonia can be treated at home. It oftentimes clears up in two to three weeks, only if older adults, babies, and people with other diseases can be get very ill. They may need to be in the hospital. You can die pneumonia in your daily life, such as at school or work. This is called community-associated pneumonia. You can also get it when you are in a hospital or nursing home. This is called healthcare-associated pneumonia.It may be more severe because you already are ill. This topic focuses on pneumonia you get in your daily life. What causes pneumonia? Germs called bacteria or viruses usually cause pneumonia. Pneumonia usually starts when you sigh the germs into your lungs. You may be more likely to get the disease after having a cold or the flu. These illnesses make it hard for your lungs to fight infection, so it is easier to get pneumonia. Having a long-term, or chronic, disease like asthma, heart disease, cancer, or diabetes also makes you more likely to get pneumonia. What are the symptoms?Symptoms of pneumonia caused by bacteria usually come on quickly. They may include Cough. You will likely cough up mucus (sputum) from your lungs. Mucus may be rusty or green or tinged with blood. Fever. Fast breathing and feeling short of breath. Shaking and teeth-chattering chills. You may have this only one time or many times. Chest pain that often feels worse when you cough or breathe in. Fast heartbeat. Feeling very tired or feeling very weak. Nausea and vomiting. Diarrhea. When you have mild symptoms, your bear upon may call this walking pneumonia.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level
READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST If you have been given an Answer Booklet, attach to the instructions on the front c all over of the Booklet. Write your Centre number, candidate number and name on all the work you hand in. Write in dark blue or black pen. Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid. NB Remember that contribution 1 and Section 2 of this paper argon worth the same number of marks, so you should divide your time carefully between them. Answer both Section 1 and Section 2. At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together.This document consists of 3 printed pages and 1 blank page. DC (CW) 45353/2 UCLES 2012 Turn over 2 Section 1 Directed Writing You are advised to write between 200 and 300 words. Total marks for this part 30. business Your best recall dose, who is a popular member of your class and the captain of the sports club, is leaving your school to move overseas. On your friends last day at school you have been as ked by your teacher, Mr. Johnson, to make a linguistic communication to your classmates wishing your friend goodbye and good luck.Write your speech. You must include the following the name of your riend and where your friend is going why your friend is moving what you and your classmates will miss about your friend. Cover all three points above in detail. You should make sure your speech is friendly and contains wishes for a successful future. Start your speech, Mr. Johnson and friends UCLES 2012 1123/11/M/J/12 3 Section 2 Creative Writing Begin your declaration on a fresh page. Write on one of the following topics. At the head of your essay put the number of the topic you have chosen. You are advised to write between 350 and 500 words.Total marks for this part 30. 1 Describe some of the different members of the crowd present at an entertainment event. (Remember that you are describing the people and not telling the story of the event. ) 2 Young people should obey their elders without question. What is your view? 3 Write a story which includes the sentence You involve me to lead the group but I dont think I have the right qualities. 4 Promises. 5 Write about an map when a group of neighbours turned against a local official. UCLES 2012 1123/11/M/J/12 4 BLANK PAGEPermission to reproduce items where third-party owned material defend by copyright is included has been sought and cleared where possible. Every reasonable effort has been made by the publisher (UCLES) to trace copyright holders, but if any items requiring clearance have unwittingly been included, the publisher will be pleased to make amends at the earliest possible opportunity. University of Cambridge International Examinations is part of the Cambridge judicial decision Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which is itself a department of the University of Cambridge.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Cialis †Harvard Business School Case Essay
1.Problem StatementLilly- ICOS LLC is about to launch a new and innovative product intended to serving men crucifixion from Erectile Dysfunction (ED). Because of the unique product features, Cialis the product has good chances of becoming successful even though it is entering a segment, where Pfizers Viagra is the unchallenged securities industry leader. In this context, Lilly- ICOS LLC must decide on a market strategy, in particular which groups to guide and which positioning thus which communication strategy to choose.2. status Analysis (refer to Exhibit 1+2)Lilly- ICOS LLC is a joint venture between ICOS, a small biotechnological start up (no FDA registration experience and no marketing capabilities) and Elli Lilly Company, a large pharmaceutical company with strong competencies in developing innovative quality of animateness medicines.Competitive product Viagra has strongest brand intuition of any pharmaceutical brand in the world, practically the synonym for ED (produ ct well established in market, dissolved taboo). Pfizer also known for fierce and sustained marketing campaigns post launch (exceptionally high marketing budget) and largest sales force in industry.Competition from Bayers Levitra not relevant, expected to mainly target niche market of diabetics.Promotion Communication focus on classic media print/ billboard advertising mainstream magazines (i.e. news magazines) to target couples, fe anthropoid magazines to address partners and (conservative) male magazines (careful selection not to tap in playboy drug trap) TV prime time shows that clear up target audience, male specific i.e. sports advertising no celebrities, average couples as centre of communication. Communication message should focus on communication/ dialogue as the key to a healthy sex life + relationship, ED is treatable, encourage couples to talk openly about the condition and see a doctor/ seek treatmentCialis as the pill for couples rear end help to rediscover intimacy and endearment in a mature relationship furthermore multifaceted below the line marketing actions physician come on take value of trained sales force (help dissolve insecurities about addressing condition), show distinct advantages of Cialis from aesculapian point of view (almost no side effects), make sure approach is differentiated from Pfizer sales force (soft strategy aggressive), distri exclusivelye POS material + free samplesPlace as Cialis is a prescription drug it will be available at pharmacies and local drug stores. Ensure stock before campaign launch, so demand can be met and potential buyers arent driven away by unavailability. Free samples at doctors and hospitals, issue voucher through website redeemable at pharmacies/ drug stores.5.ImplementationWe believe in the advantages of our product and therefore are confident that we can have a strong market entry in the US market. Considering our potential target segment and relying on past Viagra sales and market share we believe that we can initially gain a 15% market share within 1st year and are expecting to grow 10% annually over the next 5 yrs. With an initial price of $12 per pill (bundled in packs of 6 reflecting current customer consumption habits) we remain affordable to the average customer but we are clarifying our premium status. Thus we expect sales of $700Mn and a profit of $630Mn (margins = Viagra) (see exhibit 4). In order to reach our ambitious goals we are convinced that a strong marketing budget is essential for reaching immediate market penetration and gaining market share. We want to portion out $100Mn for launch and first year (distribution negotiable, 50% classical advertising).Below the line marketing measures internet launch specific online portal that provides information about medical condition and possible treatments (especially for patients who have recently been diagnosed, offers privacy + anonymity), include physician finder to easily access treatment close to home direct notice to households resembling target group, establish customer loyalty club who get discounts on prescription + are informed about newest research development of condition but also life style news e.g. travel and restaurant tips incentives i.e. offer weekend- couple hideaways to revitalize relationship to i.e. Cialis Mountain Cabin, Cialis Yacht etc.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Nursing Article Research Abstract
The nursing journal which I perplex selected is by Showalter Et al (2000), titled Patients and their spouses needs later number joint arthroplasty a pilot study, from the journal Orthopedic Nursing. The aim of the paper was to determine the experiences and the requirements of the affected roles and their spouses following hospitalization for two specific forms of orthopedic surgeries namely total hip and total knee arthroplasty.The study was performed on a small-scale basis and only 5 subjects (patients) and their spouses were included. The study was performed by a personalized interview that was videotaped for future question. The design included in the study was descriptive. The study was conducted in one health center In Richmond USA.The findings revealed that the patients and their spouses required great serve in making transitions. The patients felt the greatest distress when they were unable to get back to their activities within the stipulated plosive speech sound of time. The spouses of the patient felt insecure when the patient was unable to perform the daily activities within the stipulated period of time.The transition period was marked by disturbances felt when the patient was unable to recover within the stipulated period of time as planned before the surgery. Some of the issues that were a concern included post-operative pain, problems with rehabilitation, and application of skills at home, which are learned in the hospital.During the transition period, the spouses and the patients have to change their roles, relationships, abilities and behaviors, so that a faster recover process is enabled. The healthcare professionals have to also ensure that the patients are educated about the various problems that laughingstock be encountered and means of solving these problems. The patients and the spouses have to also be taught that the entire recovery process should be given realistic considerations.Further, certain groups (known as focussing g roups) have to be trained to ensure that the healthcare professionals are sufficiently educated about the transition changes that are needed. However, the author has suggested for the need for further research studies when it comes to determining and fulfilling the needs of patients and their spouses following total joint replacement surgeries. Focus groups seems to be one effective way of educating the healthcare processionals, who in turn that rotter meet the needs of the patients and their spouses.ReferencesShowalter, A., Burger, S, & Salyer, J. (2000). Patients and their spouses needs after total joint arthroplasty a pilot study. Orthop Nurs, 19(1), 62.http// 0012&id=P136&data=00006416_2000_19_49_showalter_arthroplasty_%7C00006416-200311000-00012%23xpointer(id(R15-12))%7C1160700%7C%7Covftdb%7C&lu=ovid/bib/medline/11062624/uiMedline bear on RecordUnique Identifier 11062624. Authors Showalter A Burger S Salyer J. Authors Full Name Showalter, A Burger, S Salyer, J. Institution Total Joint Arthroplasty Program, Medical College of Virginia Hospitals at Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, USA. form of address Patients and their spouses needs after total joint arthroplasty a pilot study. Source Orthopaedic Nursing. 19(1)49-57, 62, 2000 Jan-Feb. Abbreviated Source Orthop Nurs. 19(1)49-57, 62, 2000 Jan-Feb. NLM Journal Name Orthopaedic nursing / bailiwick Association of Orthopaedic Nurses Publishing Model Journal available in Print Citation processed from Print Country of Publication UNITED STATES. lock Subject Headings Adaptation, Psychological hoary Aged, 80 and over *Arthroplasty, Replacement/ae Adverse Effects Arthroplasty, Replac ement/nu Nursing *Arthroplasty, Replacement/px Psychology *Attitude to Health Focus Groups Humans Middle Aged *Needs Assessment/og Organization & Administration Nursing Methodology Research Orthopedic Nursing Patient Education as Topic Pilot Projects *Postoperative Care/mt Methods Postoperative Care/nu Nursing *Postoperative Care/px Psychology Social Support *Spouses/px Psychology Abstract PURPOSE To describe the experiences and needs of patients and their spouses during hospitalization and recovery from each total hip or total knee arthroplasty. DESIGN Descriptive. SAMPLE A purposive sample of 5 patients and their spouses in one health sciences center. METHODS qualitative study using a videotaped focus group interview. FINDINGS Content analysis revealed two perspectives of one theme patients and their spouses need help making transitions.Situational and role transitions that were tortuous for patients reflected distress over not being able to resume activities they enjoyed within an expected time frame. Incongruence between expectations and reality was the source of distress. As a topic of role reversal, spouses experienced feelings of insecurity and being overwhelmed. Health and illness transitions that patients experienced were also related to incongruence between expectations of the recovery period and the reality that recovery is a slow process. Pain experienced during post discharge recovery and rehabilitation, and problems encountered when applying information and skills learned in the hospital to the home setting were sources of concern.CONCLUSION The needs and experiences of patients and spouses after total joint arthroplasty reflect transitional changechanges in roles, relationships, abilities, and behaviors. Health care professionals can facilitate transitions by providing education that reflects best case-worst case scenarios so that expectations of the recovery process are realistic. By being the link between hospital and home, health care prof essionals can lend support to patients as they stop the recovery process.As a program evaluation strategy, focus groups provide useful information to health care professionals who are interested in the needs and expectations of health care consumers. IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING RESEARCH Further exploration of the needs of patients and their spouses following joint replacement surgery is warranted. Use of focus group methodological analysis might provide additional insight into the needs of this population and suggest ways in which health care professionals can modify existing programs to help these patients and their spouses make the transitions. ISSN Print 0744-6020. Publication Type Journal Article. visualise of Publication 2000 Jan-Feb Year of Publication 2000 Entry Date 20001109 Revision Date 20071115 Update Date 20071203
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Workplace Ethical Dilema
Ethical dilemmas cannister occur at any workplace. For this reason, codes of ethics are developed to befriend guide and set the standards for moral conduct for that profession. Code of ethics also helps establish procedures on how to deal with misconduct. While serving in the United States Navy, I came across several ethical dilemmas in my workplace. One dilemma that I remember clearly is one in which an officer (higher rank) and enlisted (lower rank) were involved in fraternization. fraternisation in the Navy is not acceptable and is referred to as a relationship between an enlisted and officer who are dating, who engage in intimate behavior, share a home, borrow money or gamble. Fraternization in the military can be punishable under the Uniform Code of Military Justice. On mount the Navy ship there were approximately a total of 350 service members who were twain men and women. Interaction between both sexes was inevitable however deuce service members on board took it too far. There was a service member (enlisted male) who began to have a relationship with his boss (female officer). Both agreed to honour their relationship a secret while onboard the ship. One after noon I was out in town at a local interpose when I spotted both members holding hands together. I was not friends with either one, and did not say anything to them. I realized that their behavior was non ethical, but I did not want to be involved. Looking back at the situation my thoughts about it followed the principles of nonmaleficence. Nonmaleficence refers as doing no harm or mischief.I thought to myself that they were not causing harm to anyone therefore I did not want to report them. Through an ethical relativism view I realized that the dilemma was not chastely ruin however, the situation in which they were engages did not follow the ethical standards of the workplace. However my view about the whole situation changed when I talked about it with another workfellow and she informed me that the female officer was married. The fact that she was married completely changed my perspective about the situation.Now, not solitary(prenominal) was it ethically wrong but it was morally wrong too. At this point the dilemma then interfered with my personalised values. My personal values are may not be the same to the ones of others however the choices they made went against my beliefs and values. developing up I was always taught that fidelity and commitment to your partner is very important. I put myself in the spouses shoes and realized I would never want to go through that. The behaviors the engaged were bothersome and I felt very uncomfortable around them.I can relate this dilemma to the thoughts of Socrates, that no one voluntarily does evil when they know intimately. If evil is done is because there is some type of benefit within for that person committing evil. The officer in this case is aware of the evil she is committing, however she is gaining comfort, perhap s love, or pleasure from her behavior with the enlisted male. Both personnel practiced ethical egoism, due to fact that they only care about their happiness and did not care about those who got hurt.This is when I realized that I needed to speak up about this dilemma. In golf-club to resolve this dilemma I needed to speak up and report what I knew and saw to my higher chain of command. I would have to say that I applied the theory of Kant. Good will and motivation was the base of my decision to report the dilemma. I knew that making this decision was going to bring bad consequences for both members, however I did what I thought was best. In my decision making process with the Kantian approach, ethical decisions were based on my sense of barter.The word duty is derived from the Greek word deon (deontological). Duty refers to the acts of a person based on the principles of morality. In this decision making approach I had to make decisions based on what is right rather than the com fortably or bad consequences that will follow. A person must make the morally right decision regardless of the good or bad outcome. Categorical imperative is what determines whether an act is morally right or wrong. The requirements of categorical imperatives are that moral principles are applied by respecting humanity.In this deontological point of view a person should act rational person and make self-imposed decisions. After reporting the situation to the chain of command, I was asked to speak up and testify along with others who had observed the same behaviors. Both services members were punished by the UCMJ and forced out of the military. The consequences to their behavior are what constitute it to be wrong. The ethical dilemma went against my personal values and belief. This is why I decided to speak up and report what I knew regardless of the consequences.Both members were aware of the good and evil and instead decided to go for the evil not that they could hurt others. This ethical dilemma not only affected them in a personal level but affected the work place as well. After all the consequences, sailors onboard are very careful about fraternization. Workplace ethical dilemmas can happen at any work place, therefore it is important to maintain an updated code of ethics. This will help and guide employees on procedures , employee conduct and misconduct consequences.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Psychological Barriers in Communication Essay
1. These barriers are categorized in the way which effects the dialogue psychologically. In some other words the psychological barriers effect the conversation in three ways.a. Emotional.b. Perceptual.c. Selectivity.2.Emotional Barriers. As we know that emotions directly effects the communication. In other words the success and failure of the communication also depends upon the emotions of a communicator. The much the emotions of a communicator are devoted to the communication, the to a greater extent the more the communication would be impressive and helps in achieving the goal for the specific purpose.3.This rule does not only open on the communicator, except the audience as well. It depends on the audiences response to the communication. If the emotions of the audience are attached with the communicator the communication would be lucky but it fails in the opposite case. Its psychology of a person that for effective communication two individuals must be deliriously attache d but if it is not the case, the communication will be ineffective.4.Lets take an simulation of a political gathering, a politician standing and delivering his speech to the audience who support his party, now among those people on that point must be some people of the other political party, the people of his own party would be at high morale during his speech and change by reversal charged by his each word, this is because they are emotionally attached to that leader, but the other hand the people of his opposing party give a desensitise ear to his words and take them as a political drama, so the communication to those people becomes ineffective between them while it will be effective between him and his party followers.5. Now lets take an example of two brothers Khalid and Tariq. Khalid is the elder brother. Khalid wants to forbid Tariq to meet his friends whom he thinks are a harmful company. Now thither are two ways of saying so to his brother the unrivaled is the polite way and the other is the harsh way. It depends on the emotional attachment of two brothers that which way would be accepted byKhalid. There would be no emotional barrier among them and the communication will be successful but in the other case if Tariq does not bears the strictness of Khalid he will refuse his orders and will continue with his doings, so in this way there is a barrier in communication between them.6. Perceptual Barriers. Perception is the process of gathering information through our senses, organizing and making sense of it. Previous go and learning, attitudes and interests, needs and feelings, and the current situation all affect cognition. All people do not see the same thing when looking at a visual image. Perception differs from individual to individual due to a variety of personal, socio-economical, and cultural differences. Age, gender, race, and past experiences are examples of personal perception filters. Young children, teenagers, and adults see things di fferently. As they grow and develop, children learn to see and comprehend relationships and themes from visuals instead of simply seeing individual objects and shapes. Socio-economic filters include occupation, level of education, environmental factors, and family upbringing.Cultural filters include language, For example, Eskimos have some(prenominal) unique words describing different kinds of snow. Not just adjectives that go in front of a standard word for snow, but totally different words. Customs, article of faith systems, and historical perspective every characteristic of an individual influences what that individual chooses to see, hear, taste, touch, and smell. How information is interpreted to create meaning for an individual is also influenced by his/her unique remunerate and background. The communication becomes ineffective due to these misperceptions. There are further three cases of failure of communication due to wrong perception. It also depends upon the frame of re ference of ones mind which basically controls the perception of an individual.7.In first case, people perceive thinks differently sometimes they think totally opposite to the thing which is being on a lower floor discussion or being delivered to them. In another case example people sometimes fill in the information without checking accuracy. Even though there is no square in the image shown on right but our brain just fill in and perceives that there is a square in above image. Hence perceptual barriers are due to the different ideas and concept of people which they acquired from their lives and experiences, so there should not be any wrong perception for achieving the goal of communication.8.Selectivity.A finalset of psychological barriers exists because of competition for peoples time and attention- The selectivity block. We all are bombarded with information sources such as newspapers, magazines, technical journals, reports, memo, letters, meetings, radio, television, videotapes , computer printouts, lowest displays and electronic mail.9.We simply cannot absorb all this information flowing our way, so, we must screen it selectively. One factor in the way people select is timing. any(prenominal) messages that may be effective at one time might be block off or even detrimental at another time. For example a letter of congratulation or condolence sent out immediately after the event is more effective than one sent later. A meeting about accident prevention gets more attention if it follows an accident than if it precedes one. A report turned in late may have a highly negative effect if your supervisor has been anxiously awaiting it or may have little effect if he is busy with other matters. 10. Another pickaxe factor is context. In one research experiment, subjects were shown two identical pictures of a rail road train in a station.One captioned parting and the other arriving on a scale ranging from sad to happy the subjects tended towards sad for the firs t and happy for the second. The subjects received the same data but the suggestiveness of the context- the captions influenced the way they perceived the picture. 11.In the note world, you might be more apt to read an article if it appears in a magazine you respect or a report if it is accompanied by a cover memo from your boss. Similarly, you might tend to pay more attention to a presentation if it is held in a boardroom or a well appointed conference room, or listen more attentively to a sales talk in an elegant restaurant or hotel.12.One more aspect of selectively, we tend to remember the extremes and forget the middle ground. Think about comments you may have gotten from a teacher, a coach or a boss. some people remember that most positive and the most negative and forget the neutral or middle ground comments. Therefore, your communication may be blocked or selected out simply because it does not contain startling positive or negative news.Ref1.http// ty/vlo/perception/index.htmlAccessed on Saturday, 20 family line 2014 at 430 PM2. Google images https// Accessed on Saturday, 20 September 2014 at 440 PM3. http// mendelevium/45753743/Note-on-Psychological-Barriers-to-Communication Accessed on Saturday, 20 September 2014 at 420 PM4. Mary Munter, Business Communications Strategy and Skills 7th Edition by apprentice Hall, 1987.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Plastic Surgery
thither be no secrets that the world is positting much open minded idea of pliant operating theatre. decorative procedures endure a trend among mass who atomic number 18 seeking a way to improve their display, because every integrity wants to be more than(prenominal) attractive and pretty. In well-nigh countries, ductile surgeon is as roughhewn as supermarket. For example, Korea is consequence adept in the world in term of body-buildative military operation. One of five Korean admitted that they befool through with(p) augmentative procedure. Because of the image centric culture in todays club, more and more plenty tend to feature moldable mathematical process in show to please the majority standards of hit. charge plate operating theater is except a swallow way in order to aline to this image centric society majoritys standards. People should non just save pursue the ephemeral mien and over vista the permanent of inside steady. tractile opera ting theatre is an unnatural way to transfer piles style. During the cognitive process, quite a little spare effectively improve their appearance in short sequence. The nearly public types of operating room such(prenominal) as Botox injection, breast lift and double eyelids operating theater ar the poplar surgeries that raft usually get. Besides, decorative procedure is very costly.Surgeons need to pass on around thousand dollars for every diagnosis. Furthermore, augmentative procedure is actually an operation. That mean the patients need to take lay on the line on the functioning, and the functioning is non excessively atomic number 6 percent success. The operation is very plaguey and the patients need to take a long time to incur their corpse. In spite of all the risk they take and the expensive of the cognitive process, every year, there hurl uncountable mint are still willing to take action on operating theater in order to conform to someone e lses standards of beauty.This is what our society look like the standards of beauty are completely twisted, spate are more sustainment closely the appearance than their health. It is really get word some muckle judge to get augmentative operation to improve their appearance because not t not everyone bemuse an saint compositors case when they born with. That is the solid ground that mountain just try to found a way to get commodious ab bulge their appearance. Can we blame on the people who get tensile operating theatre? No, it is not their fault.This is actually the fault of our society, the fault of human concept. Because of our image centric society, people judge early(a)s just only form their appearance. People usually make fun on the mortal who is ugly or fat, and the nonsensical reason just because the person who born with an unperfected face. Some people are never subsist close to how the untimely of an ugly face. Because of the pathological moral conce pt of this society, bendable process is the best way to alleviate some people to conform to someone elses standards of beauty.The sad thing is bendable surgery gouge just only change active peoples appearance, it crowd outnot change peoples thought. What people should care more is the moral beauty more than the appearance. That is no reason for us to change our appearance and beauty standards just to conform to someone. The standard of beauty is just an indiscernible thing, and it should be more ain thing which belongs to you. The way to change peoples appearance is not to change about the out looking, is about how to change peoples thought.Plastic surgical processName Anna Teacher Taliasin worst typography particular date March 22th 2013 Reseach Essay Plastic procedure Plastic surgery Plastic surgery is a aesculapian specialty touch with the compriseion or restoration of form and function. Though decorative or esthetic surgery is the best-known kind of charge card surgery, just about plastic surgery is not ornamental plastic surgery includes m any(prenominal) types of rehabilitative surgery, hand surgery, microsurgery, and the treatment of sheers. (Kita) There are dickens types of plastic surgery decorative plastic surgery and reconstructive plastic surgery.reconstructive plastic surgery is performed to correct practicable impairments caused by burns traumatic injuries, such as facial bone fractures and breaks congenital ab frequentities, such as dissected palates or cleft lips developingal ab ruleities infection and disease and cancer or tumors. Reconstructive plastic surgery is usually performed to improve function, but it whitethorn be done to approximate a normal appearance. decorative surgery involves techniques intend for the heightenment of appearance through surgical and medical techniques.It is specifically concerned with maintaining normal appearance, restoring it, or enhancing it beyond the average level toward some aesthetic ideal. Some common reconstructive surgical procedures include breast reconstruction after a mastectomy, cleft lip and palate surgery, contracture surgery for burn survivors, and creating a new outer ear when one is congenitally absent. The most common reconstructive procedures are tumor removal, laceration repair, scar repair, hand surgery, and breast reduction plasty. Wikipedia) There are some(prenominal) types of augmentative surgery, such as Tummy close in, Eyelid surgery, Mammoplasty, Lower-body lift, Chemical peel, Labiaplasty, Nose job, Ear surgery, Facelift, Liposuction, Brow lift, Chin augmentation, expression augmentation, expression lift, Collagen injections and flesh out injections, etc. (Nordqvist) And double eyelid surgery is the simplest enhancive surgery. In Asia, may be a unravelerpot of people theorise that Koreans are the group of people who are most enkindle in ornamental surgery. But this idea should be changed because there is data shows th at nonfunctional surgery in other countries is likewise very popular, especially in China and India.A few years ago, the international nonfunctional Plastic Surgery Association investigated the quantity of surgery and non-operative procedure face-lifting of 25 countries the data include the 75% of the native spherical plastic surgery. The data shows, the plastic surgery number in America in use(p) 17. 5% of the thorough Brazil is the cooperate and Chinas the third, occupied 12. 7% of the total India followed it at fourth. It is outstanding to bring up that Korea is renowned for plastic surgery, but it is arranged at the seventh. Instead, China is the most popular artless in decorative surgery.According to the word Nip and tuck augmentative surgery, China performs more enhancive surgery than any country except America and Brazil. It is worth $2. 4 billion. At least 1. 3m licensed procedures were carried out in 2010 in China. ((US))The development of cosmetic surgery i s really rapidly because China is growing riches and beauty is deemed an value in many competitive workplaces. People looking for a job submit to enclose a photograph with their application. Peoples Ninth Hospital is the busiest hospital for cosmetic surgery in Shanghai.There were 50,000 cosmetic operations in 2011, a 50% increase in five years. Most patients are 20s age. The 3 most common procedures they required are double eyelid surgery, liposuction and curve jobs. People who want to set out plastic surgery need to assume risk because sometimes plastic surgery may move over and cast proficient consequences. Some people have a failing plastic surgery and spend more coin to remedy it, but at last they still became disabled. A Chinese dealer who named Wang Bei has died because of cosmetic surgery.She treasured to have a facial bone grinding operation, but when she was having the surgery, the blood flow into her weasand. Although she was deliver as much as possible, she still died at last. This created a great sensation to the society. Tong Xiao is a 21-year-old scholar in the city of Hangzhou who deeply regrets her nose job. She spent 3,500 yuan to make her nose large by using silica gel before she went to university. But she soon felt vile about the tinny gel. A year later, she stole 10,000 yuan from her father to replace the gel with a corporal standardised to Gore-Tex.Unfortunately, the secant surgery failed. Ten months later her nose was too painful to touch. She had to keep coitus herself that this is the worth of beauty. There is some detailed information on the disadvantages of plastic surgery, such as complications, possibleness of somatogenetic disability and addiction. (Disadvantages Of Plastic Surgery) One of the most obvious shortcomings of plastic surgery is the risk of complications. Our body is sensitive, if something goes wrong during or after the plastic surgery, it will result in an infection or illness.We in like ma nner shouldnt ignore the possibility of physical disability. If you become disabled, you will feel more painful than remain your authorized appearance. In addition, some people may be addicted in plastic surgery. They look before to change more parts of their body after they did it once successfully. However, since plastic surgery is so popular, it must(prenominal) have the advantages can attract people a lot. First of all, a fair appearance can improve ones chances in the job market and help ones career.Let us assume, some jobs related to public relations, mass media or other things require pleasurable appearances, which may gibe the image of the department or group, like airline stewardess and Miss Sales. In the second place, plastic surgery helps people gain confidence which makes them have more courage to do many things and enhance the probability of success. Because many people lack confidence for they dont have hefty looks. Thirdly, with the development of applied pe rception and medical science, the risks and costs of plastic surgery can be minimized.And people wint pay so much money to become more beautiful. Nowadays, public reliance for the cosmetic surgery has many different views. According to the survey analysis, the public opinion about cosmetic surgery can be classified into three types one is support by action the second is that people understand it but wont do it themselves the third is disagreeing with cosmetic surgery. The development of science and technology and change of notion of people respectively make cosmetic surgery more popular. enhancive surgery is wonderful and magical by using the technology and science to some extent.Some people occupy cosmetic surgery because a beautiful appearance is their choice of purpose. Some people cull cosmetic surgery imputable to inborn or accident disfigurement of body. A few people choose cosmetic surgery in order to look like their idol. Person who understands it but wont do it themse lves because peoples education and concept are changing as time goes by. So, most people take in this phenomenon calmly. They would not do it for the investigation of surgery and the damage of body. People who disagree with it because they think cosmetic surgery is really harmful for body.A persons appearance cannot represent his behavior, peoples inner is more important than his appearance. In my opinion, it depends on different conditions. Only people themselves can decide if plastic surgery is sort out for them. Meanwhile, they should know much information and think deliberately before they make a decision. In addition, having plastic surgery does not necessarily mean neglecting inner beauty. It is understood that some companies would not hold a person only with an appealing appearance but without enough capability.Real beauty is a crew of remote and intimate beauty. It includes excellence behavior, character and education. Therefore, we should have confidence and be positi ve. Work cited BIBLIOGRAPHY (US), The Economist. Nip and tuck cosmetic surgery. 12 May 2012. http//0-go. galegroup. com. ilsprod. lib. neu. edu/ps/infomark. do? sPage=52userGroupName=mlin_b_northestprodId=PROFsearchType=AdvancedSearchFormqueryId=Locale%28en%2CUS%2C%29%3AFQE%3D%28sn%2C9%290013-0613%3AAnd%3AFQE%3D%28vo%2C3%29403%3AAnd%3AFQE%3D%28sp%2C. Disadvantages Of Plastic Surgery. n. d. http//lifestyle. iloveindia. com/lounge/disadvantages-of-plastic-surgery-5535. html. Kita, Natalie. What is Plastic Surgery? 10 March 2009. http//plasticsurgery. about. com/od/historyofplasticsurgery/a/what_is_PS. htm. NordqvistChristian. What Is ornamental Surgery? What Is Plastic Surgery? 2009 ? Jun? 30 ?. http//www. medicalnewstoday. com/articles/155757. php. Wikipedia. Reconstructive surgery. 27 February 2013. http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Reconstructive_surgery.Plastic SurgeryThere are no secrets that the world is getting more open minded idea of plastic surgery. Cosmetic procedures bec ome a trend among people who are seeking a way to improve their appearance, because everyone wants to be more attractive and pretty. In some countries, plastic surgeon is as common as supermarket. For example, Korea is number one in the world in term of plastic surgery. One of five Korean admitted that they have done cosmetic procedure. Because of the image centric culture in todays society, more and more people tend to get plastic surgery in order to please the majority standards of beauty.Plastic surgery is just a swallow way in order to conform to this image centric society majoritys standards. People should not just only pursue the ephemeral appearance and throw away the permanent of inside beauty. Plastic surgery is an unnatural way to change peoples appearance. During the surgery, people can effectively improve their appearance in short time. The most common types of surgery such as Botox injection, breast lift and double eyelids surgery are the poplar surgeries that people u sually get. Besides, cosmetic surgery is very costly.Surgeons need to spend around thousand dollars for every diagnosis. Furthermore, Cosmetic surgery is actually an operation. That mean the patients need to take risk on the surgery, and the surgery is not also 100 percent success. The operation is very painful and the patients need to take a long time to recover their body. In spite of all the risk they take and the expensive of the surgery, every year, there have uncountable people are still willing to take action on surgery in order to conform to someone elses standards of beauty.This is what our society look like the standards of beauty are completely twisted, people are more care about the appearance than their health. It is really understand some people try to get cosmetic surgery to improve their appearance because not t not everyone have an angel face when they born with. That is the reason that people just try to found a way to get satisfied about their appearance. Can we b lame on the people who get plastic surgery? No, it is not their fault.This is actually the fault of our society, the fault of human concept. Because of our image centric society, people judge others just only form their appearance. People usually make fun on the person who is ugly or fat, and the ridiculous reason just because the person who born with an unperfected face. Some people are never know about how the disadvantage of an ugly face. Because of the pathological moral concept of this society, plastic surgery is the best way to help some people to conform to someone elses standards of beauty.The sad thing is plastic surgery can just only change about peoples appearance, it cannot change peoples thought. What people should care more is the moral beauty more than the appearance. That is no reason for us to change our appearance and beauty standards just to conform to someone. The standard of beauty is just an indiscernible thing, and it should be more personal thing which belong s to you. The way to change peoples appearance is not to change about the out looking, is about how to change peoples thought.Plastic SurgeryName Anna Teacher Taliasin Subject writing Date March 22th 2013 Reseach Essay Plastic Surgery Plastic surgery Plastic surgery is a medical specialty concerned with the correction or restoration of form and function. Though cosmetic or aesthetic surgery is the best-known kind of plastic surgery, most plastic surgery is not cosmetic plastic surgery includes many types of reconstructive surgery, hand surgery, microsurgery, and the treatment of burns. (Kita) There are two types of plastic surgery cosmetic plastic surgery and reconstructive plastic surgery.Reconstructive plastic surgery is performed to correct functional impairments caused by burns traumatic injuries, such as facial bone fractures and breaks congenital abnormalities, such as cleft palates or cleft lips developmental abnormalities infection and disease and cancer or tumors. Reconstru ctive plastic surgery is usually performed to improve function, but it may be done to approximate a normal appearance. Cosmetic surgery involves techniques intend for the enhancement of appearance through surgical and medical techniques.It is specifically concerned with maintaining normal appearance, restoring it, or enhancing it beyond the average level toward some aesthetic ideal. Some common reconstructive surgical procedures include breast reconstruction after a mastectomy, cleft lip and palate surgery, contracture surgery for burn survivors, and creating a new outer ear when one is congenitally absent. The most common reconstructive procedures are tumor removal, laceration repair, scar repair, hand surgery, and breast reduction plasty. Wikipedia) There are many types of cosmetic surgery, such as Tummy tuck, Eyelid surgery, Mammoplasty, Lower-body lift, Chemical peel, Labiaplasty, Nose job, Ear surgery, Facelift, Liposuction, Brow lift, Chin augmentation, Cheek augmentation, Che ek lift, Collagen injections and Fat injections, etc. (Nordqvist) And double eyelid surgery is the simplest cosmetic surgery. In Asia, may be a lot of people think that Koreans are the group of people who are most interested in cosmetic surgery. But this idea should be changed because there is data shows that cosmetic surgery in other countries is also very popular, especially in China and India.A few years ago, the international Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Association investigated the quantity of surgery and non-operative procedure face-lifting of 25 countries the data include the 75% of the total global plastic surgery. The data shows, the plastic surgery number in America occupied 17. 5% of the total Brazil is the second and Chinas the third, occupied 12. 7% of the total India followed it at fourth. It is important to note that Korea is famous for plastic surgery, but it is arranged at the seventh. Instead, China is the most popular country in cosmetic surgery.According to the artic le Nip and tuck cosmetic surgery, China performs more cosmetic surgery than any country except America and Brazil. It is worth $2. 4 billion. At least 1. 3m licensed procedures were carried out in 2010 in China. ((US))The development of cosmetic surgery is really rapidly because China is growing wealth and beauty is deemed an advantage in many competitive workplaces. People looking for a job have to submit a photograph with their application. Peoples Ninth Hospital is the busiest hospital for cosmetic surgery in Shanghai.There were 50,000 cosmetic operations in 2011, a 50% increase in five years. Most patients are 20s age. The three most common procedures they required are double eyelid surgery, liposuction and nose jobs. People who want to have plastic surgery need to assume risk because sometimes plastic surgery may fail and have serious consequences. Some people have a failing plastic surgery and spend more money to remedy it, but at last they still became disabled. A Chinese sta r who named Wang Bei has died because of cosmetic surgery.She wanted to have a facial bone grinding operation, but when she was having the surgery, the blood flow into her weasand. Although she was rescued as much as possible, she still died at last. This created a great sensation to the society. Tong Xiao is a 21-year-old student in the city of Hangzhou who deeply regrets her nose job. She spent 3,500 yuan to make her nose bigger by using silica gel before she went to university. But she soon felt uneasy about the cheap gel. A year later, she stole 10,000 yuan from her father to replace the gel with a material similar to Gore-Tex.Unfortunately, the second surgery failed. Ten months later her nose was too painful to touch. She had to keep telling herself that this is the price of beauty. There is some detailed information on the disadvantages of plastic surgery, such as complications, possibility of physical disability and addiction. (Disadvantages Of Plastic Surgery) One of the mos t obvious shortcomings of plastic surgery is the risk of complications. Our body is sensitive, if something goes wrong during or after the plastic surgery, it will result in an infection or illness.We also shouldnt ignore the possibility of physical disability. If you become disabled, you will feel more painful than remaining your original appearance. In addition, some people may be addicted in plastic surgery. They look forward to change more parts of their body after they did it once successfully. However, since plastic surgery is so popular, it must have the advantages can attract people a lot. First of all, a beautiful appearance can improve ones chances in the job market and help ones career.Let us assume, some jobs related to public relations, mass media or other things require pleasant appearances, which may represent the image of the department or group, like airline stewardess and Miss Sales. In the second place, plastic surgery helps people gain confidence which makes them have more courage to do many things and enhance the probability of success. Because many people lack confidence for they dont have good looks. Thirdly, with the development of technology and medical science, the risks and costs of plastic surgery can be minimized.And people wont pay so much money to become more beautiful. Nowadays, public opinion for the cosmetic surgery has many different views. According to the survey analysis, the public opinion about cosmetic surgery can be classified into three types one is support by action the second is that people understand it but wont do it themselves the third is disagreeing with cosmetic surgery. The development of science and technology and change of notion of people respectively make cosmetic surgery more popular. Cosmetic surgery is wonderful and magical by using the technology and science to some extent.Some people choose cosmetic surgery because a beautiful appearance is their choice of purpose. Some people choose cosmetic surgery due to inborn or accident disfigurement of body. A few people choose cosmetic surgery in order to look like their idol. Person who understands it but wont do it themselves because peoples education and concept are changing as time goes by. So, most people accept this phenomenon calmly. They would not do it for the investigation of surgery and the damage of body. People who disagree with it because they think cosmetic surgery is really harmful for body.A persons appearance cannot represent his behavior, peoples inner is more important than his appearance. In my opinion, it depends on different conditions. Only people themselves can decide if plastic surgery is right for them. Meanwhile, they should know much information and think deliberately before they make a decision. In addition, having plastic surgery does not necessarily mean neglecting inner beauty. It is understood that some companies would not hire a person only with an appealing appearance but without enough capability.Real beauty is a combination of external and internal beauty. It includes excellence behavior, character and education. Therefore, we should have confidence and be positive. Work cited BIBLIOGRAPHY (US), The Economist. Nip and tuck cosmetic surgery. 12 May 2012. http//0-go. galegroup. com. ilsprod. lib. neu. edu/ps/infomark. do? sPage=52userGroupName=mlin_b_northestprodId=PROFsearchType=AdvancedSearchFormqueryId=Locale%28en%2CUS%2C%29%3AFQE%3D%28sn%2C9%290013-0613%3AAnd%3AFQE%3D%28vo%2C3%29403%3AAnd%3AFQE%3D%28sp%2C. Disadvantages Of Plastic Surgery. n. d. http//lifestyle. iloveindia. com/lounge/disadvantages-of-plastic-surgery-5535. html. Kita, Natalie. What is Plastic Surgery? 10 March 2009. http//plasticsurgery. about. com/od/historyofplasticsurgery/a/what_is_PS. htm. NordqvistChristian. What Is Cosmetic Surgery? What Is Plastic Surgery? 2009 ? Jun? 30 ?. http//www. medicalnewstoday. com/articles/155757. php. Wikipedia. Reconstructive surgery. 27 February 2013. http//en. wikiped ia. org/wiki/Reconstructive_surgery.Plastic SurgeryName Anna Teacher Taliasin Subject writing Date March 22th 2013 Reseach Essay Plastic Surgery Plastic surgery Plastic surgery is a medical specialty concerned with the correction or restoration of form and function. Though cosmetic or aesthetic surgery is the best-known kind of plastic surgery, most plastic surgery is not cosmetic plastic surgery includes many types of reconstructive surgery, hand surgery, microsurgery, and the treatment of burns. (Kita) There are two types of plastic surgery cosmetic plastic surgery and reconstructive plastic surgery.Reconstructive plastic surgery is performed to correct functional impairments caused by burns traumatic injuries, such as facial bone fractures and breaks congenital abnormalities, such as cleft palates or cleft lips developmental abnormalities infection and disease and cancer or tumors. Reconstructive plastic surgery is usually performed to improve function, but it may be done to appr oximate a normal appearance. Cosmetic surgery involves techniques intend for the enhancement of appearance through surgical and medical techniques.It is specifically concerned with maintaining normal appearance, restoring it, or enhancing it beyond the average level toward some aesthetic ideal. Some common reconstructive surgical procedures include breast reconstruction after a mastectomy, cleft lip and palate surgery, contracture surgery for burn survivors, and creating a new outer ear when one is congenitally absent. The most common reconstructive procedures are tumor removal, laceration repair, scar repair, hand surgery, and breast reduction plasty. Wikipedia) There are many types of cosmetic surgery, such as Tummy tuck, Eyelid surgery, Mammoplasty, Lower-body lift, Chemical peel, Labiaplasty, Nose job, Ear surgery, Facelift, Liposuction, Brow lift, Chin augmentation, Cheek augmentation, Cheek lift, Collagen injections and Fat injections, etc. (Nordqvist) And double eyelid surger y is the simplest cosmetic surgery. In Asia, may be a lot of people think that Koreans are the group of people who are most interested in cosmetic surgery. But this idea should be changed because there is data shows that cosmetic surgery in other countries is also very popular, especially in China and India.A few years ago, the international Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Association investigated the quantity of surgery and non-operative procedure face-lifting of 25 countries the data include the 75% of the total global plastic surgery. The data shows, the plastic surgery number in America occupied 17. 5% of the total Brazil is the second and Chinas the third, occupied 12. 7% of the total India followed it at fourth. It is important to note that Korea is famous for plastic surgery, but it is arranged at the seventh. Instead, China is the most popular country in cosmetic surgery.According to the article Nip and tuck cosmetic surgery, China performs more cosmetic surgery than any country ex cept America and Brazil. It is worth $2. 4 billion. At least 1. 3m licensed procedures were carried out in 2010 in China. ((US))The development of cosmetic surgery is really rapidly because China is growing wealth and beauty is deemed an advantage in many competitive workplaces. People looking for a job have to submit a photograph with their application. Peoples Ninth Hospital is the busiest hospital for cosmetic surgery in Shanghai.There were 50,000 cosmetic operations in 2011, a 50% increase in five years. Most patients are 20s age. The three most common procedures they required are double eyelid surgery, liposuction and nose jobs. People who want to have plastic surgery need to assume risk because sometimes plastic surgery may fail and have serious consequences. Some people have a failing plastic surgery and spend more money to remedy it, but at last they still became disabled. A Chinese star who named Wang Bei has died because of cosmetic surgery.She wanted to have a facial bone grinding operation, but when she was having the surgery, the blood flow into her weasand. Although she was rescued as much as possible, she still died at last. This created a great sensation to the society. Tong Xiao is a 21-year-old student in the city of Hangzhou who deeply regrets her nose job. She spent 3,500 yuan to make her nose bigger by using silica gel before she went to university. But she soon felt uneasy about the cheap gel. A year later, she stole 10,000 yuan from her father to replace the gel with a material similar to Gore-Tex.Unfortunately, the second surgery failed. Ten months later her nose was too painful to touch. She had to keep telling herself that this is the price of beauty. There is some detailed information on the disadvantages of plastic surgery, such as complications, possibility of physical disability and addiction. (Disadvantages Of Plastic Surgery) One of the most obvious shortcomings of plastic surgery is the risk of complications. Our body is sensit ive, if something goes wrong during or after the plastic surgery, it will result in an infection or illness.We also shouldnt ignore the possibility of physical disability. If you become disabled, you will feel more painful than remaining your original appearance. In addition, some people may be addicted in plastic surgery. They look forward to change more parts of their body after they did it once successfully. However, since plastic surgery is so popular, it must have the advantages can attract people a lot. First of all, a beautiful appearance can improve ones chances in the job market and help ones career.Let us assume, some jobs related to public relations, mass media or other things require pleasant appearances, which may represent the image of the department or group, like airline stewardess and Miss Sales. In the second place, plastic surgery helps people gain confidence which makes them have more courage to do many things and enhance the probability of success. Because many people lack confidence for they dont have good looks. Thirdly, with the development of technology and medical science, the risks and costs of plastic surgery can be minimized.And people wont pay so much money to become more beautiful. Nowadays, public opinion for the cosmetic surgery has many different views. According to the survey analysis, the public opinion about cosmetic surgery can be classified into three types one is support by action the second is that people understand it but wont do it themselves the third is disagreeing with cosmetic surgery. The development of science and technology and change of notion of people respectively make cosmetic surgery more popular. Cosmetic surgery is wonderful and magical by using the technology and science to some extent.Some people choose cosmetic surgery because a beautiful appearance is their choice of purpose. Some people choose cosmetic surgery due to inborn or accident disfigurement of body. A few people choose cosmetic surgery in o rder to look like their idol. Person who understands it but wont do it themselves because peoples education and concept are changing as time goes by. So, most people accept this phenomenon calmly. They would not do it for the investigation of surgery and the damage of body. People who disagree with it because they think cosmetic surgery is really harmful for body.A persons appearance cannot represent his behavior, peoples inner is more important than his appearance. In my opinion, it depends on different conditions. Only people themselves can decide if plastic surgery is right for them. Meanwhile, they should know much information and think deliberately before they make a decision. In addition, having plastic surgery does not necessarily mean neglecting inner beauty. It is understood that some companies would not hire a person only with an appealing appearance but without enough capability.Real beauty is a combination of external and internal beauty. It includes excellence behavior, character and education. Therefore, we should have confidence and be positive. Work cited BIBLIOGRAPHY (US), The Economist. Nip and tuck cosmetic surgery. 12 May 2012. http//0-go. galegroup. com. ilsprod. lib. neu. edu/ps/infomark. do? sPage=52userGroupName=mlin_b_northestprodId=PROFsearchType=AdvancedSearchFormqueryId=Locale%28en%2CUS%2C%29%3AFQE%3D%28sn%2C9%290013-0613%3AAnd%3AFQE%3D%28vo%2C3%29403%3AAnd%3AFQE%3D%28sp%2C. Disadvantages Of Plastic Surgery. n. d. http//lifestyle. iloveindia. com/lounge/disadvantages-of-plastic-surgery-5535. html. Kita, Natalie. What is Plastic Surgery? 10 March 2009. http//plasticsurgery. about. com/od/historyofplasticsurgery/a/what_is_PS. htm. NordqvistChristian. What Is Cosmetic Surgery? What Is Plastic Surgery? 2009 ? Jun? 30 ?. http//www. medicalnewstoday. com/articles/155757. php. Wikipedia. Reconstructive surgery. 27 February 2013. http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Reconstructive_surgery.
History: Slavery
Before the Civil War, slaves and indentured servants were considered personal property, and they or their descendants could be sold or inherited like any separate personality. Like other property, human chattel was governed largely by laws of individual states. Generally, these laws concerning indentured servants and slaves did not differentiate between the sexes. Some, however, turn to only wo hands. Regardless of their country of origin, many early immigrants were indentured servants, multitude who sold their labor in exchange for passage to the sore World and housing on their arrival.Initially, most laws passed concerned indentured servants, moreover around the middle of the seventeenth century, colonial laws began to reflect difference of opinions between indentured servants and slaves. Now that they actually started persuasion twice between slaves and what they stand for. Soon the laws began to differentiate between races the association of servitude for natural life with people of African descent became common. So now that there was a underfur stand between slaves and servants actually a big difference.Indentured Servants were temporarily and slaves were permanent . Servants could pay off their labor and slaves could not, they had no choice except to work their life off. Servants had rights, they Could sue in court, they Could possess property, they Could appeal to court for mistreatment. Slaves still had right hardly not like the indentured servants they could corroborate there education, they could cling married, and raise kids as long as the work. If the servants kept breaking the law they could be enslaved and pay off a crime they did.Basically after 1660 the lives of the short African people changed. Obviously slaves were mess treated and harshly punished more than the servants. There was slightly punishments for the white servants like if they tried to run away with a black slave the white servants had to operate more double the amo unt of his labor. There was a case that lead to that law. There was Three servants work for a husbandman they tried running away to doc. Two were white champion was black.They were captured in Maryland and returned to Jamestown, where the court sentenced all three to thirty lashes a severe punishment even by the standards of 17th-century Virginia. The dickens white men were sentenced to an additional four years of servitude and one more year working for the farmer followed by three more for the colony. But, in addition to the whipping, the black man, a man named magic trick Punch, was request to serve his said master or his assigns for the time of his natural Life here or elsewhere. John Punch no longer had hope for freedom.The whites and blacks were obviously miss treated harshly. All that chaos occurrent the Africans needed an answer and wherefore they are the way they are. They retraced it in the bible of the story Noah and ham his son, and the estimate why they are th e way they are. The moral story this was that Noah was a drinker and he came home one day naked. His 2 sons looked away from him and his other son Ham just stared at him, couldnt get his eyes off his naked dad. So Noah banishes him away to the land now called Ethiopia and cursed him that his children, childrens well(p) be cursed forever.Looking thorn to that story they started to relate amongst themselves and they actually believed that god placed them in this human just be slaves and nothing more than that There was obviously no hope in their eyes. why Africans why not other race? The Virginia men migrated to Africa to slave the people and bring them to their society as new members. As they bring the slaves to Virginia they carry millions of them across the ocean back to Virginia on these institutionalizes called Middle Passage. the men in Virginia were being sent to get slaves because they were in need of major labor in there city.The ship held millions of Africans, men, women , pregnant women and children in the ships. They are literally cramped so tight that they nurture no room to do anything. Of course some of them die and some of them survive by the long months they get there. But when some of the Africans die the men that are in charge of them, dump them off the ship and sharks would eat them. There would literally be a row of sharks following them all the way back to Jamestown, because they were snaking on the died humans. 2 million slaves arrive safetly forbidden of the 18 million. Why they actually wanted Africans puff up one thing is straight if they captured any other race than Africans Americans like the essential Americans they would have died out quick because they could adapt to the new arena. There was once a time with the Native Americans were enslaved, but they died of European dieses like plague and small pox and wiped them out which they were trying to avoid any dieses brought to the new world time.Also native Americans they would blend in quite so easily with local people( skin color) and they can go home whenever they want to, and Virginia would be the ones that lose. The most reason why they didnt want to enslave the native Americans was because they would start a conflict like they always do and they want to avoid any anatomy of conflict. Plus they could learn English very quickly. On the other hand African American were more intimidated by the white people and the country because they wouldnt know anything about it.They were powerless they didnt speak the language, they couldnt escape the land because they had know where to go. The further away you take someone from their own land the less they will be powerful so that was one major reason why they wanted to slave African. They also could adapt maybe faster than other tribes because they would be so intimated that they have to learn before they get punished. and they are less likely to bring dieses to the people. They were distinguishable, easy to spot and discover the blacks if they ever try to run away. These all leads to this question, did slavery lead to racism?Yes I believe it did because scratch off all slavery came first not racism and when generation passed by slaves already had their ground rule that if you are a slave you are permanent into working for life when generation went by they stood for that and lead to racism. If they stood up to their land owners or whoever they would work for(slaves), I think there wouldnt be a time called slavery. It wouldnt exist really in the American history. Thats my say on that. There are many differences between the indentured servants and the slaves, more detailed there was more difference between the blacks slaves than the blacks/whites servants.The slaves basically are like working machines when the machine breaks or dies out they find another(prenominal) machine to replace it. 6. Compare and contrast indentured servitude with slavery. Why do indentured servants and slaves come t o the New World? Be sure to discuss the historical realities of life as an indentured servant as compared to that of a slave. Your essay should include a discussion of why Africans, as opposed to other groups of people, were enslaved. Finally, cover up the relationship between slavery and racial prejudice.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
He Repairing Jobs That Fail to Satisfy.
1. Introduction Analysis of the article, we have a certain misgiving of the Repairing Jobs That fail to Satisfy. The report focuses on how DrainF outset shtup improve in three areas romp structure, motivator structure, and hiring practices. The main contents accommodate an introduction to the problems DrainFlow is encountering, analyses of the current business, and recommendations on how DrainFlow can overcome these issues to foster a semipermanent competitive advantage. Goal and RecommendationsThe goal of this proposal is to provide recommendations for a impertinentlyfound think over structure, a upstart incentive structure, and new hiring practices. The job structure recommendations depart allow for to a greater extent than cross discipline between office workers and work providers. This will enrich all jobs at DrainFlow by adding different tasks, autonomy, and feedback. The new incentive structure will allow for flexible benefits and recognition. This is designed to motivate employees and improve node service. Lastly, the new hiring practices will provide a repeatable solution for finding a cohesive set of new employees. . bliss The job characteristics model offers much(prenominal) a framework. It identifies volt primary job characteristics, interrelationship, and impact on employee productivity, motivation, and triumph. (Hakman, Lawler, 1994) The set up system of job design may be contribution to employee dis blessedness the most important reason is from the interrelationship, correspond the figure from the essay, we can know the lowest satisfaction parts are the interactions with the employees supervisor and the alliance asked them to do the work.Therefore, after our group analysis we think the important with employees dissatisfaction of reasons are the interactions and motivation problems. Frome the essay we know DrainFlow companys employees working in four basic jobs categories, plumbers, plumbers assistants, order coverors, and bulling representatives. That is a in truth good team to make the response with nodes demand, all the works division real clearly, through it customer can very quickly get the service from the company, and save a lot of time for the company. However, on that foreland has a big defect for this company.Employees lack of interaction, they just do the work what kind of work blow over to them and do not care intimately other employees work, because the employees just want to finish the work and work the wages, the works wages are same no matter with the customers feel satisfaction or not. It is not very good for the company to development, so our group suggest add the rewards system to add the employees motivation. For example when the employees after service if the customer feel dissatisfaction they can make a call to the DrainFlow corporation which employees make them feel dissatisfaction.The company should record that, and when the employees take the wages, company can foll ow this record to employ the rewards or punish to the employees. According this system the employees will have to motivation to better cooperation with co-workers and feel more satisfaction with works. 3. Data Analysis Job Structure and Organizational Design It is evident from the Original discipline that DrainFlow employees are not satisfied with their jobs Research suggests that this could be a reason for concern. Job dissatisfaction can jumper cable to higher absenteeism, job turnover and workplace deviance which can lead to decr palliated levels of productivity.Satisfied employees are more likely to talk confirmatively about the organization, help others, and go beyond the normal expectations of their jobs. Therefore, increased employee satisfaction at DrainFlow can directly affect positive customer outcomes. Satisfied employees increase customer satisfaction and loyalty, which leads to repeat business. All DrainFlow employees work directly with the customer, so it is impera tive that DrainFlow take measures to ensure both job satisfaction and customer satisfaction.DrainFlows current organizational structure is designed to keep costs as low as possible. DrainFlow achieves this through specialization of its work force. Plumbers are the most specialized and highly apt and are therefore paid the highest wages. Plumber assistants are paid about one-fourth the salary of a plumber. 4. Incentive Structure There are no rewarding variable-pay political platforms. Plumbers are compensated the most, based on their high level of skill mend the rest of the employees make approximately one-fourth of the plumbers wage.The current pay structure may be externally competitive however, DrainFlow must as well as image at the internal equity or worth of each job to the organization. With low customer store and customer satisfaction, DrainFlow may consider paying employees more to meet customer needs. Additionally, high pay much leads to better-qualified, more motivat ed employees who want to stay with their current organization. DrainFlow must weigh the costs and benefits of a exchange rewards system. Financial incentives can have certain negative impacts by fostering unethical styles to obtain person-to-person objectives.These might include, but are not limited to, billing work performed at a inflict price to make a sale, offering free parts at company expense and coercing clients into non-complaint and positive review situations. Therefore, a cash rewards system should not be the only basis of DrainFlows incentive structure. Renaldo does not mention finding a balance between intrinsic and extrinsic rewards. Examples of intrinsic rewards include private and public recognition, employee of the month awards, or even a personal thank you note.Some research shows that while financial incentives provide short-term motivation, intrinsic or nonfinancial rewards motivate long term. This helps employees feel worth(predicate) and needed in a dynamic environment and would be valuable in DrainFlows incentive structure. 5. Hiring Practices It is imperative in any place of employment to hire individuals suited for specific positions, particularly for positions involving customer service. Organizational structure and clarity is required to ensure that DrainFlow is attracting the right type of potential employees.Interested candidates must too exuberanty understand company goals and all job responsibilities. Employees hired based on inaccurate perceptions demonstrable during the interview process can result in employees that are unqualified for the position and/or displease with work. This is the current situation at DrainFlow. Most employees lack training in customer service, organizational behavior and are anxious about speaking with customers. Order processors do not have sufficient cognition or skill to explain the customers situation to DrainFlow Plumbers or Plumber Assistants.Billing representatives must deal with the nega tive reactions of dissatisfy customers, however, are only involved at the end of the job process and unaware of any job details. DrainFlow plumbers do not like being in the position of having to deliver the bad news of an by chance high bill to customers. Recommendations 6. Recommendations Firstly, remediate workers must adapt to the development of technology requirements, which determines the development of repair industry. Thus the repair workers not only improve their own quality, , the government excessively should make efforts to improve the quality of workers.People overly need to strengthen the understanding of theory and equipment use Enterprises ought to do a lot of things for personnel training,which can improve the level of the technical. The enterprises regularly hold all kinds of different levels of training to enhance the effect of training and improve the quality of training. Combining with practice, the enterprises continuously strengthen the line of business m orals to establish the philosophy of function customer,and the quality is the perfect.The Big five personality traits has been preferably used,since it is able to measure the customer service responsibilities and emotional labor. The Big Five personality traits areopenness,conscientiousness,extraversion,agreeableness, andneuroticism. And then let me show you the Big five personality traits in detail,and it contribute much to the customer service responsibilities and emotional labor. Openness to experience compass for art,emotion, adventure, unusual ideas,curiosity, and variety of experience.Openness reflects the degree of intellectual curiosity, creativity and a preference for novelty and variety. Conscientiousness. A tendency to showself-discipline, actdutifully, and aim for achievement planned rather than spontaneous behavior organized, and dependable. extraversionEnergy, positive emotions,surgency, assertiveness, sociability and the tendency to seekstimulationin the company of o thers, and talkativeness. AgreeablenessA tendency to be humanandcooperativerather thansuspiciousandantagonistictowards others.It is also a measure of ones trusting and helpful nature, and whether a person is generally well tempered or not. NeuroticismThe tendency to experience unpleasant emotions easily, such asanger,anxiety, depression, orvulnerability. Neuroticism also refers to the degree of emotional stability and impulse control, and is sometimes referred by its low pole emotional stability. 7. clobber Incentive Many people think that spiritual incentive effect more long, but sometimes it may only play a short-term effect.Such as the boss public praise or certificate of an employee, the employee will not only have a sense of pride, will thus germination a pay raise or promotion of desire, because he will recognize as a signal, if only praise without any action, the incentive effect is very difficult to achieve. That is to say spiritual incentive effect also need to consolidate the material incentive. Material incentive is the use of physical means to make inspired by material satisfaction, so as to further mobilize the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity.Material incentive funds, awards, by satisfies the requirement of production, stimulate their efforts, the motivation to work. Its starting point is to concern the bouncy interests of the masses, and continuously meet the peoples increasing needs of material and cultural life. Incentive, can ease the staff some particular period inner imbalance. Therefore, to create a motivating employees be keen and press on the enterprise environment, which has the effect of general material incentives irreplaceable.Spiritual motivation is intrinsic motivation, means the intangible incentive spirit aspect, including employee empowerment, on their job performance in recognition, fair, open the promotion system, to provide knowledge and development, further improve their chances, flexible working time system flexibl e and establish the road occupation career development for everyone characteristics etc.. Spirit encouragement is an intensive, complex and changeable, wide application, far-reaching, it is advocated the spirit of enterprise management by the means of moral education, is the effective way to mobilize staff enthusiasm, initiative and creativity. . Strategy and Implementation To become the challenging process of improving employee and customer satisfaction while increasing DrainFlows profits it is vital that the recommendations that have been presented in this report be implemented in a clear and systematic musical mode across the affected departments indoors DrainFlow and across the various regional locations. The implementation of these recommendations will require the full dedication of upper management at DrainFlow to ensure that the organizational changes as well as process and protocol changes are embraced by all the employees.Upper Management will be responsible for implemen ting and monitoring the new job structure, incentive structure and hiring practices outlined in the recommendations. This will be accomplished by introducing the program to all employees and setting their expectations about implementation. Managers must realize that a cultural shift must bechance as well which can take time. Change management will be important end-to-end this process and managers must measure each step of the implementation to make sure it is on track. conquest will be measured in four areas customer satisfaction, customer etention, employee satisfaction, and profit. To measure customer satisfaction, a survey will be given to willing customers to periodically measure their satisfaction. It will ask about different aspects of their service that encompass all types of employees at DrainFlow. Customer retention numbers will also be monitored and computed to track repeat business. Employee satisfaction will be measured against pre-program satisfaction levels. By usin g the same survey questions as the past survey, managers can better identify trends in the data.Employees will also be asked to rate the new program and suggest adjustments to better meet company goals. 9. Conclusion The higher up proposal outlined how DrainFlow can improve in three areas job structure, incentive structure, and hiring practices. The recommendations are relatively easy to implement at little to no cost to DrainFlow. The proposal utilizes the current talent within the organization to manage employee satisfaction and trains employees on vital technical skills that are currently lacking. A new incentive structure will motivate employees in all positions and foster productivity and customer retention.Both concepts lead to increased profit long term. Lastly, by modifying hiring practices, DrainFlow will find and train employees that fit with their business model. With the back up of LIGHTNING Consulting, DrainFlow will see a positive increase in both employee and custo mer satisfaction and perpetual success in the plumbing industry. 10. Reference 1. Barb Lyon(2012) Satisfaction of employee. 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