Saturday, August 31, 2019
Ontario Gateway Analysis Essay
As requested, our team has conducted a thorough analysis of the four existing insurance policies (RCNC1, RCNC2, CTC, and HIC), including the costs and benefits of each proposal, and associated risks. Based on our investigation, we recommend using the CTC insurance plan as of March 1, 1997. CTC Excels on Cost Savings and Risk Our analysis focused on achieving two main goals: 1) minimize the chance of losses exceeding $37m over next year; 2) minimize overall costs over next five years. We assumed an accident rate of 1 in 5,000,000 flights, as used industry-wide, and we have checked the sensitivity of our decision considering a rate 25% more favorable given our aircraft characteristics. Please see below details on our recommendation, and refer to Appendix for additional details. 1. Cost analysis over next year: When using the industry-wide accident rate, three plans offer significant coverage in the next year such that losses of aircraft will not exceed $37m with a probability of over 99%; these plans are: CTC, HIC, and RCNC1. CTC costs are estimated to be the lowest when considering the average of $13.5m and standard deviation of only ~$2m which reflects a lower spread of the costs. Additionally, CTC cost savings average ~$14.5m when compared with the other plan offerings, with a low standard deviation which reflects more predictable savings. Similar results are obtained when we consider a safer accident rate (i.e., 1 in 6,6m flights). 2. Cost analysis over the next five years: When using the industry-wide accident rate and considering the three plans identified, CTC offers the most optimal plan over the next five years, at an average cost of $67.5m with a low standard deviation of ~$3.8m. While this is the second optimal cost of the three identified plans, the lower standard deviation reflects a lower spread (resulting in lower risk) over the five year horizon. Additionally, CTC cost savings over the next five years average ~$46m when compared with the other plan offerings, and 95% of the cost savings are over $44m. Similar results are obtained when we consider the safer accident rate. In summary, our analysis identified CTC plan as the most optimal of the four options, based on cost savings over next year and over next five years. The CTC insurance plan should minimize the chance of losses exceeding $37m over the next year, and would offer the lowest overall costs over next five years. Please let us know if you have any questions or need any additional details.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Catholic Church so successfully in the years 1517-1525 Essay
Why was Luther able to challenge the Catholic Church so successfully in the years 1517-1525? Various reasons contributed to Martin Luther’s success in challenging the Catholic Church from the years 1517-25. The five key reasons behind Luther’s success were his protection by Frederick the Wise, the fact his ideas were appealing and popular, his passion and determination, the failures of the Church itself and finally, the timing of his challenge. Some of these factors also affected each other and these links provide the strength which allowed Luther’s revolt to be so successful. This is because one of these factors alone would not have been sufficient in preventing Luther gaining the same fate as those who attempted a reformation before him. Conversely, some reasons can also be considered as having a larger and more widespread effect than others, meaning they were more significant in contributing to the final outcome. Frederick the Wise, Elector of Saxony and founder of the University of Wittenberg was the most powerful early defender of Luther. He played a large role in helping Luther keep his message spreading and on several occasions used his authority to benefit Luther’s revolt. For example, The Papal Bull of Excommunication was never carried out in Saxony and neither were the terms of the Edict of The Worms. Also, Frederick persuaded Charles V to carry out the Diet of Worms in German, instead of Rome, so that Luther could defend himself safely. Another way Frederick defended Luther was in 1521 when he had him ‘kidnapped’ on his way back from Worms and taken to the Wartburg for his safety. The significance of Frederick the Wise’s protection is that he ultimately prevented Luther from being killed or persecuted by those who disagreed with his motives. This in turn allowed his message to carry on spreading and to be developed. Therefore, Frederick the Wise had a fundamental effect on the Lutheran movement because although he never converted to the religion, he contributed to its development and influence over Saxony. The main reason Wise supported Luther was because Luther was a teacher at his University and Wise did not want it to gain a bad reputation. However, other reasons can also be considered such as the fact that Luther’s ideas proved popular and therefore Frederick was happy to support him. Essentially, Luther’s success relied upon his ideas being popular and the reason for this was due to the fact his ideas appealed to people of all classes. He addressed his message differently to both the princes, in Address to the Christian Nobility, and the peasants, by creating sermons and woodcuts. This allowed his message to spread among everyone. His ideas appealed to the different classes; peasants interpreted his message of ‘priesthood of all believers’ as supporting social equality and used it as a basis for the Peasants War in 1525 thus showing they supported Luther up until this point. The nobility also joined the reform movement as they believed it would strengthen their political position and remove papal influence in their territories. His popularity is shown by the fact his publications were of the most popular at the time. The fact his ideas were popular were vital to his success as his argument had to be seen as valid for him to gain support. Moreover, the fact he had support from a variety of everyday Germans was crucial for keeping his message spreading. A significant reason for his ideas proving popular is due to the church’s failures which at the time was becoming increasingly less tolerated and gave a clear example of the faults he was trying to highlight. The lack of tolerance towards the church was due to the fact that many Germans saw the Pope as a foreigner who did little to benefit Catholics, despite the high papal taxes they had to pay to him. These taxes were used to pay for the rebuilding of St Peter’s Basilica in Rome thus not being advantageous to the Germans who were paying the tax. However the intolerance was not only towards the papacy but also parish priests who were not fulfilling their pastoral duties. Many also committed clerical abuses such as pluralism and simony. As a result, people generally had the growing feeling they were being exploited for their money and faith. This feeling over anticlericalism was further developed from Luther’s ideas. It is also a reason for the fact Luther’s ideas were popular, because they could be related too and agreed with. Failures of the Church were not a directly significant reason for Luther’s success, it allowed him to gain more support but only because his ideas were popular. Anticlericalism had been around for a long time, and only enhanced the popularity of his message as it coincided with a time when intolerance towards church failures was increasing. Another reason for Luther’s ideas proving popular was due to his personality and passion for making a change. This passion is seen through his obsession with finding salvation. In addition, he was fearless in putting his point across regardless of consequences such as in 1519 in his debate with Johann Eck where he argued his ideas confidently and 1521 at the Diet of Worms, where he claimed that by recanting, he would be promoting tyranny and his conscience would not allow him to do so, therefore he would not be silenced. Luther’s determination also relates to why his ideas proved popular, he had the power to make people believe and support him. This determination meant he was the catalyst for the reformation in Europe. He not only believed there was corruption in the Catholic Church, but spoke out publicly about his ideas that salvation would be found through faith alone. It also links to Frederick’s choice to defend him because his passion earned him the role as a lecturer at Wittenberg University which meant Frederick was more willing to support him. Luther’s personality was important for his success, he was determined to change the system of the Church and this prevented him from giving up, and instead keeping his message extending across the Empire. The final factor that can be considered and linked to the others is the timing of Luther’s movement. It coincided with the return of the Renaissance era which invited new thinking about education and society that came from ancient Greek and Roman teachings. These secular, humanist ideas believed that the Church should not rule civic matter but only give guidance in spiritual matters, which Luther also emphasised in his teachings. In other words, he agreed with the Renaissance way of thinking, focusing on the present, and seeing that change was desperately needed in the Catholic Church. This was significant as it ran parallel to his beliefs and helped in the development of his own ideas, as well as making them more relatable to everyday Germans, therefore having a similar effect to that of intolerance towards anticlericalism. In addition, his ideas were spread quicker by the invention of the printing press. His Ninety Five Theses was printed, meaning his word was spread rapidly. Previous to the printing press, people with ideas had no effective way to spread them. Therefore, the printing press also links to the fact his ideas were seen as popular because they could be seen by many. On the contrary, the fact that less than 10% of the population could read or write was a limiting factor to the spread of his message. Therefore, the fact his revolt began at a time when society and technology was also changing means it was carried along with the flow of new, revolutionary ideas, which helped his message to be heard by more people. In conclusion, many of these factors link together to produce the same outcome – that Luther’s revolt was a successful one. However, the most important factor was that his ideas proved popular. This was because they, to an extent, were radical, new and well-liked. Martin Luther was one of the first to think outside of what the church taught him. He began to question the church’s authority and what was going on inside the Church – what he found was corruption, greed and malpractice. But this alone would not have made him so successful. His personality played a role by making him determined to speak up about it and therefore gain more support, making his ideas even more popular. Without these two factors working together, he never would have gained strong enough support to form a fully fledged reformation. However, more importantly than his personality was the protection he acquired from Frederick the Wise; this kept him from Harm’s way and allowed his message to carry on spreading. Additionally, to this was the significance of the timing of his actions. It turned what would have been a small rebellion into a national reorganization of the Church, due to the printing press and Renaissance era. Finally, but with less slightly less importance, was the Church’s own failures. On one hand it was important to his success because it emphasised the corruption he was describing, making it more relatable. On the other hand, anticlericalism had been around for a long time, it only emphasised his message but did not contribute to its successfulness. In summary, all five factors played an important role however the most important were that his ideas proved popular , due to his personality, and his protection by Frederick the Wise. The other elements played lesser roles but were still important in helping his message spread to a wider audience.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Strategic Benefits of Effective Diversity Management
Abstract Diversity management acknowledges the reality that people are different with respect to factors such as gender, marital status, age, disability, social status, sexual orientation, personality, ethnicity, religion, and culture. If a company values diversity in its workforce, it can manage its employees in a way that creates harmony in all work practices and higher standards of collaboration and teamwork. Effective management of workplace diversity results in an innovative culture where creativity has no boundaries and ideas continue to flourish. Thus, it is of paramount importance for companies to integrate diversity in their daily operations. Introduction Diversity entails understanding, acknowledging, accepting, celebrating, and valuing differences among people based on their class, ethnicity, age, physical and mental ability, gender, race, language, religion, and sexual orientation (Hubbard 2004, p.27). In the contemporary world, effective management of diversity is essential because the work-environment is characterised by a wide range of employees from different cultural, social, and religious backgrounds. Moreover, the success of any organisation is highly dependent on how well the employees integrate and collaborative with each other at the workplace. In order to ensure teamwork and collaboration among employees, it is imperative to have effective management of diversity in the workforce (Combe 2013, p.273-277). In most cases, diversity management involves removing barriers and allowing job applicants and employees to have equal access to employment opportunities and promotion; hiring a workforce that reflects the communities wi thin which the organisation operates; empowering all workers to reach their full potential, and encouraging personal growth, as well as professional development among all employees (Paludi 2012, p.123). This paper aims at exploring the strategic benefits of effective diversity management, how diversity is handled at UKRD Group, and it provides some recommendations on how to enhance diversity at UKRD. Literature ReviewBenefits of effective diversity managementDiversity confers various benefits to companies, and as a result, many scholars suggest that it should be a feature of every aspect of an organisation including employee development, succession planning, reviews, performance management, and rewards. To start with, employees from diverse social and cultural backgrounds bring unique skills, perceptions, and experiences to the table while working in teams. Pooling the diverse skills and knowledge from different cultural and social backgrounds increases employees’ productivity, and responsiveness to varying conditions (Buhler 2010, p.91). Furthermore, in a diverse workforce, each employee possesses distinct strengths and weaknesses, drawn from their diverse backgrounds and their individuality. If a company ensures effective diversity management is in place, it is possible to leverage the diverse strengths among employees, and compliment the weakness of each employee to mak e the productivity of the workforce more than the sum of its parts (Griffin 2012, p.241). By bridging together employees from various backgrounds, businesses can market their products effectively to clients from different ethnic and racial backgrounds. This is because by ensuring the workforce reflects the region within which the business operates, it is usually easy to know the expectations, demands, tastes, and preferences of their consumers. As a result, the company will be able to produce goods/services, which conform to their client’s expectations and demands (Thiederman 2008, p.3). Moreover, effective diversity management strengthens the company’s relationship with a given category of customers by making communication efficient. This is achieved by pairing customers with customer-service representatives from their social or cultural background, making them feel comfortable and satisfied. For example, a company operating in the southwest of the U.S. can employ bi-lingual customer representatives in order to serve Spanish-speaking clients in their native language (Guffey & Loewy 2010, p.99). Companies that fail to foster diversity in their workforce experience higher turnover rates than those that treasure diversity in the workplace. This is because they portray a hostile work environment, and consequently, make most of their employees to quit. Inability to retain most of the qualified personnel leads to high turnover-related costs, which a company can avoid by embracing diversity. Losing an employee is highly detrimental to the company’s success because it results to lowered productivity; overworked remaining staff; loss of knowledge and skills; and loss of company’s time while conducting interviews (Griffin 2012). In addition, when employees are working in groups, diversity enables them to generate more and better ideas. Since the group members come from a host of varying cultures, they often propose creative and unique solutions and recommendations, unlike when they come from same backgrounds (Paludi 2012, p.93). In other words, group diversity eliminates groupthink, which is often witnessed in companies that do not foster diversity in their workforce. Groupthink makes participants in a team to think that their ideas and actions are valid, and those objecting them are either sabotaging their efforts or are uninformed. However, multicultural teams are not affected by such problems since the participants have different perspectives (Aswathappa 2013, p.769). By having a positive approach toward diversity at workplace, a company signals an ethical stand. Consequently, it can build and maintain a positive corporate image. A positive corporate image enables a company to have stronger relationships with existing clients, as well as broaden the consumer base by attracting more customers. A strong consumer base is a direct incentive to a noteworthy competitive edge, and it enables companies to face various challenges in the market such as the recession (Mor-Barak 2011). Diversity is also a key aspect in the creation of effective global relationships. Employing international talent helps in enhancing the company’s reputation through outwardly encouraging cultural diversification to a broader consumer-base. If a company hires employees from different countries, it stands a greater chance of expanding and seizing global opportunities by establishing a network of languages and cultures (Guffey & Loewy 2010). Additionally, by creating an environment of inclusion and by making commitment to valuing diversity, managers can boost employee morale and motivation. This is because acknowledging and accepting a person regardless of their social or cultural background makes them feel honoured, and as if they a part of the family ‘company.’ As a result, they will devote all their efforts toward realization of the organisation’s goals (Abiodun 2010, p.82-87).Managing diversity at UKRD GroupUKRD Group is a multi-media company, based in the U.K. The company owns and operates a portfolio of websites, a software-licensing firm, and 16 local commercial radio stations. The company has been ranked number one for three years in a row on the U.K’s top 100 best employers (Toten 2013). Diversity management is central to the company’s human resource strategic goals, which include the development of an inclusive and integrated workforce. UKRD Group acknowledges the benefits of a diverse workforce, and it invests much in ensuring that the work-environment is free from discrimination. Moreover, the company endeavours to promote the principles of diversity in all its operations with employees, job applicants, suppliers, clients, recruitment agencies, contractors, and the public (UKRD Group Ltd, n.d.). According to the company’s CEO, William Rogers, one of the key goals of the company is to build a supportive culture, based on various fundamental standards of behaviour including honesty, fairness, openness, professionalism, and fun. For instance, employees have the liberty to express their disagreement with anything the group purposes to accomplish. However, they are expected to observe fairness and professionalism when presenting their views. Having such a splendid value-based culture portrays a good image of how the company is investing in diversity management. Furthermore, the company does not have a structured human resource department. All the HR functions are outsourced. It has adopted such as strategy in order to encourage the management to have a greater responsibility for their employees. By having a structured HR department, the company’s management believes that the relationship between managers and employees would weaken, since matters such as discipline m ay be shifted from one department to another, and as a result, they may not be handled effectively. This is a viable strategy toward strengthening of the manager-employee relationship, which is key to the effective management of diversity (Toten 2013). All employees as well as anyone who acts on behalf of the company is required to adhere to the company’s set principles of equality and diversity. Any sort of unlawful discrimination in the workplace is not condoned, and the company has put in place necessary measures to prevent its occurrence. Specifically, UKRD Group purposes to ensure that no job applicant or employee is subjected to unlawful discrimination based on gender, race, sexual orientation, disability, age, part-time status, or religion. This commitment is taken into account at all aspects of employment such as training, recruitment, promotion and career-development opportunities, grievance handling and the application of disciplinary procedures, and terms/conditions of employment. Because of the evolving nature of the job market and the legislation changes, the company often reviews its policies regarding diversity, and implements relevant changes (UKRD Group Ltd, n.d.). Recommendations In order for the UKRD Group to be at the forefront in ensuring diversity prevails in all its operations, it is necessary for its management to take into consideration the following suggestions. To start with, it should ensure it has a wide recruiting base. This can be achieved by adopting tools such as online job boards, where anyone with an access to the internet can view the job opportunities being advertised by the company. The company should also have a standard evaluation form. By having a standard evaluation form, instances of discrimination will be eliminated, and it allows the hiring team to use the same criteria for all candidates (Thiederman 2008). Moreover, managers of UKRD should explain the benefits of diversity to the employees, and familiarize the new hires with the company’s culture. For instance, they can clarify the roles the new hires are expected to execute, and explain to them the values treasured in the company (Hubbard 2004, p.85). Conclusion The above discussion has explored the strategic benefits of diversity management, and examined how diversity is handled at UKRD Company Ltd. Since the market is becoming increasingly global, it is necessary for businesses to understand, acknowledge, and embrace diversity in their day-to-day operations, and in their workforce. Effective management of diversity is the key to leveraging the benefits, and reducing the drawbacks associated with diversity in the workplace. Companies reap huge benefits through effective management of diversity. For instance, pooling the diverse skills and experiences from different cultural and social backgrounds increases employees’ productivity and responsiveness to varying conditions. In addition, when employees are working in groups, diversity enables them to generate more and better ideas unlike when they come from the same social or cultural background. Based on this discussion, it is worthwhile arguing that companies should ensure diversity is well managed in order to thrive successfully. Bibliography â€Å"Diversity & Equal Opportunities Statement.†UKRD Group Ltd -. (n.d.). Available from . [14 August 2014]. Abiodun, R. A. (2010). Leadership behavior impact on employee’s loyalty, engagement and organizational performance:. [S.l.], Authorhouse. Aswathappa, K. (2013). Human resource management: text and cases. New Delhi, McGraw Hill Education. Buhler, P. (2010). Human Resources Management All the Information You Need to Manage Your Staff and Meet Your Business Objectives. Cincinnati, F+W Media. Combe, C. (2013). Introduction to management. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Griffin, R. W. (2012). Fundamentals of management. Mason, OH, South-Western Cengage Learning. Guffey, M. E., & Loewy, D. (2010). Business communication: process and product. Mason, OH, South-Western/Cengage Learning. Hubbard, E. E. (2004). The manager’s pocket guide to diversity management. Amherst, MA, HRD Press. Mor-Barak, M. E. (2011). Managing diversity: toward a globally inclusive workplace. Los Angeles, SAGE. Paludi, M. A. (2012). Managing diversity in today’s workplace: strategies for employees and employers. Santa Barbara, Calif, ABC-CLIO. Thiederman, S. B. (2008). Making diversity work: 7 steps for defeating bias in the workplace. New York, Kaplan Pub. Toten, Mike. â€Å"Employee engagement case study: UK radio group.†Workplace Info -. Available from . [16 May 2013].
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
E105 - Born to be a Genius Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
E105 - Born to be a Genius - Essay Example These all are names of dogs in different language, though, it can be said that language is a combination of symbol that allows to represent an object or a doing work. Steven Pinker, a psycholinguist at MIT and director of its Center for Cognitive Neuroscience, has researched on languages in full depth and wrote a book named â€Å"The language Instinct†. He emerges his research in this book giving the basic idea with different practical examples that language is an instinct that is filled in human brain through biological evolution. He concludes from his research that instinct like language is emerged in childhood as a result of his brain growth. He researched species like birds, apes and chimpanzees to learn human languages and signals. In general language is totally a different instinct that depends upon the brain growth and comes from inheritance. He researched on different toddlers besides birds, dolphins and apes how they learn and found the instinct in DNA inherited. Autism is that they are unable to filter out relevant information from trivial information, which results in an overflow of input to the brain. They dont seem to lack the necessary semantic representations; they just have trouble calling up the appropriate interpretation. I.e.; they don’t fluently speak, can’t sing, and never interested what others think and repetitious for no apparent reason. It is a difficult challenge for parents and teachers to make these children run. These children as are good at verbal activities they made to learn things carefully by their best intact, i.e., making them work. For Example, a boy can be learned nicely by asking them to hammer the legs of chair and screw the legs of table thrice a time in a manner that child don’t minds doing it and do it pleasantly. The children may be copped in a way that might often their education get neglect but still they learn well. They are to be taught to have understanding
Concepts of internal and external balances and what floating exchange Essay
Concepts of internal and external balances and what floating exchange rates can do to a country's economy - Essay Example This essay discusses internal and external balances and what floating exchange rates can do to a country’s economy. The internal balance of an economy is a situation where the level of activity is consistent with a stable rate of inflation (Enotes, 2009). A good level of business activity within an economy is necessary to provide a health job marketplace that allows an economic system to keep its unemployment rate low. Inflation must be maintained at a stable level in order to ensure that the participants of the economy are able to retain a monetary unit with consistent purchasing power. For example in an economy with a high inflation rate of 25% the people are losing 1/4th of their money if keep the money at home because the currency is depreciating at an accelerated pace. High inflation creates chaos in an economic because people panic and purchased faster than normal which drastically increases the level of economic activity in a system. The purpose of the external balance of an economy is to keep the flows of money in to and out of the country roughly balanced over a period of years (Bized, 2009). The import and export activity of a country determine the external balance position of a nation. If the imports are higher than the exports the country will have a negative external balance. On the other hand if the exports of a nation are higher than their imports the country has a positive external balance. One of the basic rules of macroeconomic policy concerning external balance is that the position must be sustainable and manageable in the medium term. A medium term in economics refers to a period between 1 to 5 years. The United States of America has the worst external balance of any nation in the world. The external balance of the US as of the year 2004 was negative $624 billion (Nationmaster, 2004). It does not seem that Americans are following the medium range sustainable balance universal economic policy.
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
BS (Britsh standard) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 3
BS (Britsh standard) - Essay Example British Standard for the vocabulary of terms in design management system is being presented through BS 7000-10 so that there could be better understanding of terms used while managing design and coordinating the work of various professionals who forms the design development team. All the terms and related definitions that are basically the found in various other parts of the BS 7000 series have been collated into this BS 7000-10. Apart from these, this standard contains many other terminologies that have got a very common presence in design practice and management. The compilation has been the most useful as well as eloquent reference in all discussions in the domain of design. This BS 7000-10 defines vocabulary that has got its use in design and its management including those that are being used in different areas with particular meanings in industry as well as commerce. The scope of this BS 7000-10 has been quite wide and actually covers all terminologies that have some use in the design management irrespective of the sectors. It might be the government, industry, business & commerce, services providers and the public sector enterprises. It has equivocally been applicable to all range of areas that includes technical, services, software, production and design. The terminology related to Intellectual property Rights and other rights have also been given due space in the compilation. In short one can easily figure out that this BS 7000-10 is meant for an able assistance to those who have the responsibility or an interest in design and its management. But at the same time, it is also meant for assisting those who are basically meant for providing a helping hand to the main designers but have no familiarity with the terminologies that are often used by the designers. British Standard Series is a clear example of one understanding according to which one can
Monday, August 26, 2019
Nursing Scopes of Practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Nursing Scopes of Practice - Essay Example "In 1978, Michigan legislature combined all laws regulating health personnel into one statute consolidating the legal framework for nursing in the Michigan Public Health Code, rather than a separate Nurse Practice Act." (Licensed Practical Nurse: Scope of Practice - Michigan, p 1). Significantly, the Michigan Board of Nursing makes use of the various rules governing nursing found in the Occupational Codes and in the Administrative Rules of Nursing and they serve as the guidelines to issue licenses and promote the health, safety and welfare of the public. As some state laws describe the scope of practice succinctly while others go into great detail, there is an important need for clarity of the scope of practice. The scope of practice for the nurses has improved substantially over the years and scope of practice in Michigan is an example of this change. The Occupational Regulation Sections of the Michigan Public Health Code Act 368 of 1978 provides the definition of nursing in Michigan, which serves as the legal scope of practice statement. In Michigan, the RNs are licensed to practice independently within this scope and the nurse practitioner's practice within a scope of practice is defined by their specialty education and training. "The depth of scope of practice is further defined by the knowledge base of the nurse practitioner, the role he/she is in, and the client population within the practice environment. The American Nurses Association has developed two publications to assist nurse practitioners in explaining their scope of p ractice: Scope and Standards of Advanced Practice Registered Nursing and Standards of Clinical Practice and Scope of Practice for the Acute Care Nurse Practitioner." (Nurse Practitioner Frequently Asked Questions). The generic functions applicable to most nurse practitioner roles include: Comprehensive physical examination and health assessment, promotion and maintenance of health, prevention of illness and disability, management of health care during common acute and stable chronic illnesses, assessment of clients that includes analysis, synthesis, and application of nursing theories and modalities, and health counseling and guidance etc. In order to comprehend the nurse practice acts, scope of practice for nursing, and Public Health code etc of Michigan, it is essential to compare it with other states. Thus, nurse practice acts for the state of Texas have distinctive features. The Texas Board of Nursing recognizes that advanced nursing practice is dynamic and it argues that the scope of advanced practice evolves through experience, acquisition of knowledge, evidence-based practice, technology development and changes in the health care delivery system. "Scope of practice is defined as the activities that an individual health care provider performs in the delivery of patient care. Scope of practice reflects the types of patients for whom the advanced practice nurse can care; what procedures/activities the advanced practice nurse can perform; and influences the ability of the advanced practice nurse to seek reimbursement for services provided." (Guidelines for Determining APN Scope of Practice). Various aspects are esse ntial in determining the scope of practice Texas, including advanced practice education in a role and specialty, legal implications, and the scope of practice statements as published by national professional specialty and advanced practice
Sunday, August 25, 2019
THEORIES OF EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP AND (B) POWER & INFLUENCE - Case Study Example They are involved on improving the performance of the group members as well as focus on each individual to achieve his/her potential (Yukl, 2007). It is a common perception that leaders have to build and maintain strong relationships with followers, co-workers and subordinates. In other words, relationship leadership inspires leaders to inculcate in themselves these leadership qualities (Northouse, 2009). Leaders with this style of leadership have high moral and ethical standards which build trust and authenticity amongst his/her group members (Northouse, 2009). Without the bond of trust and standards, the leaders might be disliked by his/her followers making their leadership role short-lived. A successful relation is one that can create and maintain trust. According to Northouse (2009) relationship between leaders and followers must be found on trust or else a leader will be unsuccessful. To build trust, it is important to start with authenticity. Being authentic with followers allo ws them to look upon their leader with inspiration. Fake personas can be adopted quickly but will also be easily picked up by others and fail to create authenticity and build trust (Yukl, 2007).
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Ch12 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Ch12 - Essay Example Another thing is that the personnel has the capacity to minimize the utilization of the other resources, this makes it efficient and convenient to manage a project to completion. The management of resources in a multiproject is relatively difficult for a number of reasons. Firstly, there is the challenge of linking multiple concurrent projects while ensuring that there is maximum utilization of resources in each project, this divided attention results to lower resource maximization. Secondly, the manager deals with many teams, which may present diverse challenges; therefore, there may be over-focus on one team at the expense of the rest. Finally, the switchover from project to project presents logistical challenges in establishing the precise cost of a project; though the overall engagement may be to reduce cost, it may end up increasing it. There are rules of thumb that can be applied by managers in ensuring that multiple projects are managed effectively. First, prioritization of the important and risky tasks, to such resource allocation should be given the first priority. Second, establishment of a minimal project scope. Thirdly, clear the tasks that have unclear and risky resource
Friday, August 23, 2019
Questions on One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (Penguin Classics Deluxe Assignment
Questions on One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition) (Penguin Classics) - Assignment Example McMurphy is rebellious as well due to his counterattack to the rules of the nurse. The mental ward engrosses inmates that are under the directives of the Big Nurse. She imposes rules that sought to govern the inhabitants of the ward. The rules regulated and dictated on the conduct of the inhabitants of the mental ward. According to McMurphy, these rules were oppressive to the inhabitants of the ward (Kesey, 14). Due to his exuberant nature, he disqualifies the rules and engages the other inhabitants in rebellion. This was besides his smuggling business of wine and women in the ward. These are the key events in the section of the novel. Chief Bromden is aware of Murphy’s attempts. He observes that McMurphy has intentions to revolt against the nurse. His voice formulates the narration of the novel. This is a trustworthy narrator of the events. The events of the novel mainly take place within the mental ward. Bromden is trustworthy as he is observant of the interactions and events of the characters. He is introverted and communicates purely of his observations within the mental ward (Kesey, 26). He also gives an analogy of his society, which implicates that non-conformists always face adversity and bias. McMurphy is subject to charges for battery and gambling (Kesey, 7). Conviction had not been issued, and he ran to the mental ward to escape the law. This fact in the text presents Murphy as an escapist. He opted to be in the ward to evade conviction. McMurphy is proud of rape as his entitlement (Kesey, 86). Evidently, Murphy is entirely inhumane and he deeply advocates for criminal acts. These quotes inform readers much about McMurphy’s traits and intentions. I connect much with Nurse Ratched. She has much attention on humanity. Despite of her authoritative nature, she advocates for justice. This is evident when she intends to report McMurphy to Billy’s mother (Kesey, 102). She could not tolerate McMurphy raping Billy and taking her
Thursday, August 22, 2019
The Speech’s Organization Essay Example for Free
The Speech’s Organization Essay George Clooney gains attention of the audience right away. He says: â€Å"I won’t try to educate you on the issues of Darfur.†By saying this, Clooney acknowledges the audience’s expertise and points out that the purpose of his speech is not to educate them, but to urge them to act appropriately on the issue. Also, Clooney starts off with a stable pace, which does not change throughout the whole speech. In the body of the speech, Clooney states that he is the representative for the people who cannot speak for themselves. With this statement he gains credibility right away, and lets the audience know that he represents not only his own, but a collective point of view. Clooney proceeds with statement that UN needs to act immediately on the issue of Darfur. Thus, he stresses his attention on the sanctity of human life by saying: â€Å"my job is †¦ to beg you on behalf of the millions of people who will die and make no mistake; they will die for you to take real and effective measures†¦Ã¢â‚¬ While saying this, Clooney keeps straight and serious face, which adds more pathos to his words. Towards the end of the speech, Clooney starts to blame UN for inaction by blaming the organization for the conflicts in Rwanda, Cambodia, and Auschwitz. Therefore, he addresses to the audience with a harsh statement: â€Å"So, after September 30th, you wont need the U.N. You will simply need men with shovels and bleached white linen and headstones. In many ways, its unfair, but it is, nevertheless, true that this genocide will be on your watch†. Even though, Clooney makes harsh arguments, he manages to deliver strong message to the audience and warns them to act immediately on the issue. Towards the conclusion, Clooney becomes less harsh and goes softer. He asks the UN to start acting on the issue of Darfur, and points out there must be no waste of time regarding the decision-making. By the end of the speech, Clooney says: â€Å"We believe in you so strongly. We need you so badly. Weve come so far. Were one yes away from ending this.†This statement, probably, was the most influential part of the speech, because Clooney begs UN to start acting on the Darfur conflict and his speech finishes with a question: â€Å"So, what is next?†The Rhetorical Situation George Clooney is known worldwide as an actor, producer, and screenwriter. However, Clooney is not only a Hollywood star, but also a political activist. After delivering the speech on the conflict on Darfur, he was named â€Å"messenger of peace†by the United Nations. Thus, Clooney has all the necessary skills for public speaking. Consequently, Clooney effectively uses rhetorical tools and delivers his speech to the audience with slightly harsh and attacking way. Delivery Throughout the whole speech, Clooney maintained strong eye contact with the audience. Also, his pace remained during the whole speech. He was not rushing, but rather trying to stress attention on every word. Clooney had great vocal variety; his voice was loud and clear. The articulation was on the high level, and it was easy to understand everything that he was saying. For the body language, it was visible that Clooney was trying to hide his hands, as he kept them crossed on the table. By doing this, he has created the feeling that either he was hiding something or was not completely honest about what he was saying. Even though, the speaker was passionate and persuasive, he was reading too much from his notes. His speech was quite short, thus, he could have memorized it and he could have more impact on the audience if he did not use any notes. Also, Clooney’s speech sounded bit too harsh. Sometimes it seemed like he was trying to blame UN for everything bad happening worldwide.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
World Popuation in 1970 Essay Example for Free
World Popuation in 1970 Essay As the global population expanded at an unprecedented rate, humans fundamentally changed their relationship with the environment. Human’s population growth changed their relationship with the environment for the worse and did not change until environmental issues were realized and people realized they needed to do something to stop more environmental damage to the earth. Humans exploited and competed over the earth’s finite resources more intensely than ever before inhuman history. Also, global warming was a major consequence of the release of greenhouse gases and other pollutants into the atmosphere. However, in the 1970s governments took initiatives to preserve and protect the environment. As the world’s population increased so did the need for materials and goods. The growing population over looked environmental issues due to the need for goods which caused pollution, global warming, and the over use of our world’s natural resources. Pollution threatened the world’s supply of water and clean air because as human population increased so did the amount of trash and other pollutants we let infect our water and air. Rates of extinction of other species accelerated sharply due to human pollutants. Deforestation and desertification were continued consequences of the human impact on the environment because more and more humans used wood to build houses and buildings. Also, when we cut down the trees we did not replace them, which also caused deforestation and desertification. Rates of extinction of other species accelerated sharply. The increase in population also started global warming which is a major consequence of the release of greenhouse gases and other pollutants into the atmosphere. Humans also exploited and competed over the earth’s finite resources more intensely than ever before in human history. During this time period, which the increase in population came later on in this period an increase in environmental awareness, rose also. The governments of the United States, the Europe, and Japan took a number of initiatives to preserve and protect the environment in the 1970s. Environmental awareness spread by means of the media and grassroots political movements, and most nations in the developed world enforced strict antipollution laws and sponsored massive recycling efforts. Many of these efforts were made possible by new technology, which produced significant results. However, in the developing world, population pressures and weak governments were major obstacles to effective environmental policies. The unprecedented increase of the rate of human population caused a huge change in the way human’s relationship was with the environment. Humans over looked what they were doing to the environment because humans were more concerned with their needs rather then what was happening to the earth due to those needs. This did not change until the 1970s when governments put movements into place to help the environment.
Misuse of Environmental Resources
Misuse of Environmental Resources A.What is the issue: Misuse of environment resources means wasting of our raw natural resources which leads to unbalance in the nature elements. This can be caused by two ways direct and indirect. For example, cutting forests to use their wood is considered as direct misuse; at the same time lacking of trees is reducing the amount of oxygen in the air and increasing the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) that is an indirect way of misusing. The significance of the issue:.B In the past, human beings adopted its home and clothing and their food plants on the environment, animals and other components, but what is happening now is a drain in all forms of environmental resources like living plant, animal and non-living resources, soil, mineral and energy resources, and this is attrition problems to the environment . .The water is the most important reason for the persistence of life on this planet, because its uses are many and varied ,and the amount of water on the surface of the Earth is not fixed and it will not increase ,for this reason the subject should be taken more seriously by looking for ways to conserve water and keep it .The metal is the basis of industry and economic power ,hence it is important to maintain it . the increasing in the number of the worlds population is causing a rapidly drain and increase the cost of extraction , it is known to us that this energy had been formed since millions of years and are not renewed, the throbbed they nee d millions of years until the other is made up again. As for the wealth of plant food source, which is very important in our lives, they are also harmed by cutting trees and burning of forests, overgrazing, being done by some ignorant shepherds and other things without thinking about the value of these trees that are a major source of food and energy in the body as they contribute to purifying the air from the exhaust gases such as carbon dioxide and also contribute to the process of transpiration in increasing the amount of rainfall. remained livestock is one of the most important sources through which a human on the protein needed to build his body and his bones and teeth, however, there are many species now threatened with extinction because of fishing in the breeding seasons. So what we see from the above is that we need to protect our environment and its resources, use it in the right way in order to protect ourselves and our planet . Why are you choosing this issue:.C In the UAE there a lot of natural resources that are misused , in our project we are trying to explain what are this resources and how they are used in the opposite way and what are its effectives on the society ,its so popular now a days , we need this resources to help the people and give them the attention to use it in the write way. D.Sources used : We have made around the university to ask the 20 students about our topic misused of natural resources in UAE and there opinion on it we have asked three questions which are : Q1) What are the natural resources in UAE in their opinion? Answer was: 10 girls gave an answer of the petrol resources of petrol resources. 5 girls gave an answer of the solar and energetic power. 2 girls gave an answer of the pearls and sea. 2 girls gave an answer of the oil source. Q2) Are those resources used in a proper way ? Answer was: 10 girls said (yes) 5 girls said (no) 5 girls said (some used properly and other no) Q3)In what ways we can use this sources properly ?(random 5) E.What are the reasons of the issue: There are many reasons for this issue such as increasing population and their consuming , the unawareness of some individual and groups with the serious of the problem, the development of industry and trade like trading in ivory, the luxuries living standard of rich people to match their needs. Also we have deliberate negligence on destruction of natural resources like dumping factory wastes on soil and land, last but least no restricted laws to be applied in order to protect and preserve our natural resources. F.What are the effects of the issue: 1.On the Individual level : Consuming the amount of fresh water. Air pollution. Sea life pollution (lack of food). Lack of resources for the next generations. Depletion of petroleum and minerals resources. Extinction of some kinds of rare animals and put the lives of the rest endanger. Decline the developed countries because of the wrong environmental behavior. Creating hybrid organisms could match the new environmental conditions. Crack in the life chain. 2.On the National and Global level: You must be the change you wish to see in the world.These words were said by Gandhi; those words were said to the people who misuse the environment, even though they know that this affects the world, now we are using a lot of the natural resources, as a result we have a lot of consequences, such as acid rain and smog. In this new age that we are in, we use a lot of electronics, but the thing is these electronics, they need a lot of fuel to work which is a great loss because later on with time there wont be any fuels for the other electronics like cars to transport us or the air conditioner to cool us down, all these factors will vanish with time and we wont be able to keep that same standard of living if we keep using the resources carelessly like we are now. We never wondered when we use up the fossil fuels, and they are no longer useful they end up in our lakes or oceans the bad thing is that this water has to be purify it because of all the pollutants that are present in the water and the people who are gaining from all this is the big businesses they clean the water and purify it. Even the big businesses have some waste that they dont want to deal with the waste that they have left from the purification so they throw it back to the water which they dont really care about its purity and the victims are the people who will think to drink, eat, or shower again with this water, and many more thing happen to us when the water in not pure which affects our body and our ecosystem. G.What can be done to resolve this issue: You might think its hard to solve, but its easy. If each one of us plant one small tree in his house, it will contribute in protecting our environment. A lot of people use cars even into the nearest place to their house, and of course they are not the only one who does the same thing, more and more do it. Instead of using cars, bicycles r good option. Easy to ride and doesnt cause a lot of damages or pollution to the environment. Start with yourself, think, and imagine a clean environment, better world and healthy people. How about walking, its good for both your body and your world Even for the people who must uses their cars every day, use refineries, do u know what that polluted air can cause to human health and your environment. Recycling!! had any one of u thought how much it can help in protecting our environment, people probably through stuff they use way, instead of that lets try using them in good ways again ,of course not everything but there is something that can be useful again such as papers , plastic , also try to reduce the amount of using it , instead use paper bags and cardboard containers, Even a simple habit of buying in bulk can save a lot of packaging material , see its very easy things do and very small m but it makes huge difference with our environment , help us to green our world. Treat the Earth well: it was not given to you by your parents , it was loaned to you by your children ancient proverb. Society projec 52 section Team members: Dina Amr Salem. Group Leader. Reem Ebrahim Kader. Mina Raafat Al Baali. Ghada Mohamed. Work plan: paragraph A, E, F, the presentation, andforming the report. Dina Amr. paragraph B and F. Mina Raafat. paragraph C and D. Ghada Mohamed. paragraph G and the brochure. Reem Ebrahim.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Personal Narrative: Lost Wallet Essay examples -- essays research pape
A wallet, or purse for some, is a precious item in which most people carry things more essential than money towards everyday life. If some people were to lose that portable safe, they may be offset for the rest of that day. The person without that wallet could be upset and depressed for awhile. Maybe something of great special value was in that wallet. This person could have these feelings for a long time, until they find their belongings by which case they are filled with joy. I, personally, keep anything I may have interest in knowing where it is, in my wallet. I am very good about always having my wallet and never losing it...until recently. In my wallet, I store very personal items such as my license and some pictures. Among other things, I have my money, like everybody else, and gift certificates for stores. This summer, I went to Danville, Kentucky with my family. I drove down there with my wallet and took it everywhere with me, like I would any other time. Well, when someone doesn't have pockets, then it is hard to keep their wallet right next to them at all times. I was ca...
Monday, August 19, 2019
Symbols and Symbolism in A Tale of Two Cities - Symbolic Events Essay
Symbolic Events in A Tale of Two Cities     Many events that take place in A Tale of Two Cities, written by Charles Dickens, foreshadow upcoming obstacles and give insight into the hardships of the townspeople. Symbolic events occur which describe the vengefulness of the peasants towards the aristocrats. The novel contains many events, which have symbolic value. Many of the symbols have to do with the inevitable clash between the aristocrats and peasants. These events foreshadow the war that is soon to become reality.  The first apparent symbolic event is the broken wine cask. A large cask of wine drops and breaks in the street and the people of St. Antoine stop their daily business to drink the wine from the ground. "Those who had been greedy with the staves of the cask, had acquired a tigerish smear around the mouth" (Dickens 33). The people are very poor and live in poor conditions. They will do anything for something to eat or drink and the broken wine cask provides proof. The Marquis de Evremonde kills Gaspard's son and confesses that he would wil...
Sunday, August 18, 2019
What is Love? Essay -- Papers Definition Love Marriage Loving Essays
What is Love? Love: What is it? Love, what is it? To many people love means many things. To others, to love is to place their happiness in one another. Others love can be how they feel about that special someone. I'm not talking about the fatherly love or that motherly love. I'm talking about the love that you feel towards someone. That special someone that you could possibly spend the rest of your life with. Webster defines love as a strong feeling of attraction resulting from sexual desire; enthusiasm or fondness. But to me love is not just a feeling, but it is the way that you treat that special someone that you care for. Treating them so kindly so they'll know you care and love them. Love in my eyes, is making that sacrifice for someone, knowing that you might regret it sooner or later. Love is how you make another person feel when you are in their presence. Love is the laughter that you share, the time you spend, and the relationship that you build with that special someone. Many people show or express their love for someone in many and different ways. For instance, there was an ancient Egyptian Poem that captivated my attention. While I was reading the poem it made me realize how more people view love the same way as I do. The poem is named "Love, how I'd love to slip down to the pond." In the poem there were lines that helped me realize that love is not what you say, it is what you do. And in the poem there was a line that stood out far from the rest. It said, "Just for you I'd wear my new Memphis swimsuit, made of sheer linen, fit for a queen- Come see how it looks in the water". Not caring about how she looks to others or how foolish she might feel, she entices her mate with a swimsuit that when w... ...itten by Chung Tzu there is a pome numbered 22 in the text. Part of it reads: Of fair girls the prettiest Gave me a red flute. The flush of that red flute Is pleasure at the girl's beauty. She has Been in the pastures and brought for me rush-wool, Very beautiful and rare. It is not you that are beautiful; But you were given by a lovely girl. In my opinion the moral of the poem is not to cherish what is given to you, but cherish the thought and sincerity of the person. Material items can be lost, broken, or even stolen. But when you see it as an action of ones emotion, the thought of that item ant the person who gave it to you will live on forever. Patterson 5 Today, many people have different out looks and perspectives about love and that what it is or what it should be. But you can't truly love any one until you answer that funny little question? Love: What is it?
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Caitlin LaGrone Research
Caitlin LaGroneDr. Ramsey English Composition II 19 April 2018Through a Soldiers Eyes Wilfred Owen utilizes his poems to display problems throughout war that soldiers deal with which is not easy. They face many trials that sometimes leads to death. Death does not care who you are or where you are when it is ready for you it will take you. Sacrifices are made, and it is a personal choice. He allows these poems to foreshadow what can happen or what they must conquer as their time as a soldier. Owen illustrates throughout his poems, â€Å"Anthem For Doomed Youth,†â€Å"S.I.W.,†and â€Å"Dulce es Decorum Est,†how the soldiers have faced multiple physical and mental challenges throughout their times during service. Throughout Owen's poem â€Å"Anthem For Doomed Youth,†he displays the physical hardships that are faced by soldiers but also the families of the soldier. Owen begins his poem with how the hardships are faced by a soldier and their families as well:What passing-bells for these who die as cattle?     † â€â€Ã‚ Only the monstrous anger of the guns.      Only the stuttering rifles' rapid rattleCan patter out their hasty orisons (1.1-4). â€Å"The â€Å"passing-bells†is a demonstration of how the deaths are announced to the world. The soldiers do not get a real prayer or rights like the Christians get back home, they received the right to a rifle being shot at them. They received sounds of the â€Å"rapid rattle of gun fire (1.3),†as a choir instead of a choir from a church as they fall to death. Owen suggest that they are not getting the real respect from the organized religion for those dying on the lines when it comes to war. The families are faced with not being able to honor their family member the correct way. The soldiers are putting their life on the line for the country but are not getting the right recognition that they are so deserving of. Their families believe they deserve a true memorial service where they are honored with the respect they are deserved. The soldiers go through a lot, but it also takes a toll on the families as well. The soldiers faced many obstacles but the harshest one was watching one of their own hit the ground injured or experiencing death. Owen utilizes â€Å"what candles may be held to speed them all? Not in the hands of boys, but in their eyes†(9-10), to demonstrate the soldiers' eyes lit up as they saw one of their family members lying on the ground suffering of and injury or death. Seeing one of their family members as they thought of them laying on the ground suffering was one of the hardest things for them to watch due to them all wanting to make it out alive together. The eyes of the surrounding brothers as a army soldier would call his friends are lit up with broken spirits and defeat. Harold Bloom illustrates that Owen's poems that war has gone far beyond religion since they all sin and do what is best for the country to obtain their freedom (Bloom par. 3)Also, Owen indicates an infliction with a solider that cannot decide between facing the hardships or going ahead and ending his life to avoid them in â€Å"S.I.W.†Struggling is not an easy thing to accept. At the beginning of the poem Owen exposes the father stating, â€Å"he'd always show the Hun a brave man's face (2),†but the son is honestly terrified but cannot dishonor his fathers wishes of him going in the army, so he puts on an act that he is brave. The kid only wanted to show his father that he was brave but did not want to let him down either. Merryn Williams suggests that the father believes that if his son commits suicide he will be dishonored because it is not an action that is honored like one that puts himself on the line for the country, committing suicide is too easy compared to being on the front line (Williams par.10), The solider is going through being shot at, depression, sickness, injuries, but also having to pretend to be brave when they are really terrified due to the fact they never know when their life may end or if they will even make it out alive. â€Å"Where once an hour a bullet missed its aim and misses teased the hunger of his brain (12-13),†is displayed throughout Owens poem as a display of how the soldiers brain hungers for a bullet as they are missed by them but also their brain gets jittery because they never know when one will strike. But sadly, the solider cannot take it any longer â€Å"this time, Death had not missed (26),†the self-inflicted wound theory took over his mental state and he followed through with it but made it look like it had been made on purpose due to the others finding a bullet within the body. Death occurred from the wound and could not be changed or stopped. During Owens poem â€Å"Dulce es Decorum Est,†he establishes more difficulties that the soldiers are having to face during the battle times. Daniel Hipp portrays the poem as the soldiers are dealing with shellshock due to their inabilities to walk and hear as their major flaws throughout the war times but also, they are drunk half the time which can affect their mental abilities and play a part in their flaws as well (Hipp par.26), any struggles that were faced were â€Å"Many had lost their boots, but limped on, blood-shod (5-6),†covered in blood and carrying themselves on just their feet was not an easy thing. They were sometimes covered in blood from head to toe due to all the action going on back and forth. Most had injuries but had to overcome the injuries and continued to fight for the achievement of freedom. Along with the injuries and no shoes they also faced â€Å"all went lame; all blind; Drunk with fatigue; deaf even to the hoots Of gas-shells dropping softly behind (6-8),†these defects affected their mind and did not allow them to have a mental capacity to comprehend what was going on around them or how to overcome not being able to deal with what was going around them. Some had to deal with higher up problems such as â€Å"Gas! GAS! Quick, boys! â€â€An ecstasy of fumbling Fitting the clumsy helmets just in time (9-10),†some had to have quick reflexes to put a gas mask on without having any trouble and being very quick about it because they do not have much time to protect themselves from the gas being used against them. The characteristic of displaying fast reflexes can save themselves from the actions of destruction from the gas that is deadly. Throughout Wilfred Owens three poems he utilizes them to prove that being a soldier is tough but can be accomplished. A soldier is an honor and it takes a brave person to face the hardships and overcome adversity. Owen portrays these poems to display what a soldier is signing up for when they began thinking about the Army.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Why do Middle Eastern and North African countries?
Joseph Waweru Why do Middle Eastern and North African countries lack democratic governments? Is it the Arabic language or the Muslim faith? Columbia University scholars, Alfred Stephan and Graeme B. Robertson, seem to have the answers. In regards to Arabism and Islam, the duo classifies nations associated with the former as democratic â€Å"underachievers†and the latter as â€Å"overachievers†. A state’s classification as an overachiever/underachiever is based upon their Gross Domestic Product Per Capita (GDPpc).In addition, they observe political rights on a scale to help them determine which states exhibit â€Å"electoral competitiveness. †They structure their argument into three phases: quantitative, qualitative, and implications of the prior phases’ results. Finally, Stephan and Robertson offer possible solutions and scenarios that must take place in order for the political atmosphere in Arab countries to transform. The data used comes from th e Freedom in the World: The Annual Survey of Political Rights and Civil Liberties by Freedom House and Ted Gurr’s Polity Project.The year 1972 is chosen as the suitable year to compare the data from both sources. Freedom in the World ranks nations on a scale of 1-7 whereas 1 is the highest and 7 is the lowest. Nations that are ranked 3 (and above) are considered â€Å"electoral competitive†. The Polity Project ranks nations from strong autocratic (-10) to strong democratic (+10). Nations that are ranked at least (+4) are classified as â€Å"electoral competitive†. What constitutes as â€Å"electoral competitive? †According to the duo, government positions must be filled through fair elections.Governments like Egypt cannot bar individuals and parties from participating in elections. Secondly, high government positions should be filled with individuals who are elected though fair means, unlike Lebanon, whose executive and parliamentary government is author itarian. In addition, a nation must meet these criteria for at least three years to be considered electorally competitive. They also emphasize that electoral competitiveness is not democracy but a prerequisite for it. The use of â€Å"Arabic†and â€Å"Muslim†interchangeably reflect the common misconception that the two words mean the same; they do not.The former represents regions that speak Arabic and the latter represents regions that practice Islam. Using this template, Stephan and Robertson group their findings into: Arab Muslim, Arab non-Muslim, and non-Arab Muslim-majority. From the onset, we notice that Arab countries have relatively weak political and electoral rights. Only Lebanon, one of the sixteen Arab countries and coincidentally the only Muslim-majority state in this group, had three years of consecutive strong electoral rights. No Arab country had five years of consecutive strong political rights (32).On the contrary, 38% of the thirty non-Arab Muslim countries examined had strong political and electoral rights for three consecutive years while 27% of the same group went for five consecutive years. The likelihood of a non-Arab Muslim country to be â€Å"electoral competitive†was 2000% higher than an Arab Muslim state. This extensive gap reiterates the authors claim that Arab states are associated with the lack of democratic zeal. In the quantitative phase, Stephan and Robertson examine GDPpc. They search for a link between levels of income and political rights.They characterize them as follows: Non-Arab Muslim states whose GDPpc is under $1500 are great electoral overachievers, those that are under $3500 are electorally non-competitive and those that are over $5500 are electorally competitive. There are no electoral underachievers within this group. For Arab Muslim states, there is not a country whose GDPpc is below $3500. In addition, there are neither great electoral achievers nor electoral competitive states. In fact, 44% of the countries in this group are electoral underachievers and their GDPpc is over $5500.They assert that there is no Muslim gap in regards to political rights. The qualitative phase deals with the nature of government. They state that in non-Arab Muslim countries, like Senegal, Turkey, and Niger, powerful incumbents have been voted out of office by constituents. Niger is an interesting case since its GDPpc is equal to that of Yemen, an Arab majority state, yet it’s ranked (+4) and Yemen ranked (-2) on the Polity Project scale. In addition, Arab countries are classified into three groups: complete autocratic states, liberalizing, and those that once showed promise to be democratic.The authors suggest that election bans, coercion, fraud, civil war, and military coups are to blame for the lack of democratic governments in Arab countries. The findings of Stephan and Robertson also seem to counter prior arguments made by other scholars. For example, it is thought that econom ic development leads to democracy because development correlates with greater political participation. The authors disagree with this notion. They compare political participation between India and the United States and conclude that the poor members of the former are more politically involved than those of the latter.They also disagree with the theory that differences in languages and ethnicities within a society are detrimental to democracy. They claim that â€Å"electoral competitive†states actually began with the high levels of ethnolinguistic fragmentation while â€Å"electoral non-competitive†states had low levels. In conclusion, Stephan and Robertson believe the electoral gap is an Arab one, not Muslim. Factors such as their heritage to the Ottoman Empire and their failure to transition from authoritarian government explain the gap.In addition, they believe that if the Arab world recognized each other as legitimate and sovereign nations and if military spending was reduced in favor for domestic improvement, then democracy should form in the region. They believe democracy will be achieved through internal means rather than external. And they are right. Eight years after this essay was written, Arab countries like Libya, Yemen, Tunisia, Egypt, Algeria, and Morocco are becoming democratic mainly due to internal pressures.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Erikson’s Timeline Essay
According to Erikson, there are eight stages of life. They are infancy, early childhood, childhood (play age), childhood (school age), adolescents and young adulthood. I just turned 34 this month and I know psychologically that I am in the adulthood portion of my life. Over the years I have caught myself asking questions like; who am I? And how do I fit myself into society? I would say over 10 years ago I began the sixth stage of my life, intimacy versus isolation. When I finished high school I thought I found that special person until I noticed that we became different people. I wanted more out of someone to be able to date and be able to fall in love with the right person. The relationship between the two stages is complex and many people define themselves through intimate relationships with others; and other proper sequence of the stages can be reversed in many people. Woman in the society traditionally exemplified a merging of intimacy and identify issues such as woman identify b eing defined by her intimate relationships. Sometimes it can be hard to separate the differences between the development of intimate relationships and adult itself. Erikson believes that a person is unable to be truly intimate with others until he or she has made progress with addressing their own identity. Marcia’s, the researcher for identity status, developed a similar idea with addressing their own identity. Macias also developed an idea designed to determine the quality of intimacy in a person’s life. A person answered several questions about dating, friendship, and interpersonal he or she commitments may be classified into four categories; Intimate-works at developing mutual personal relationships, has several close friends, involved in a committed love relationship, and is able to express both affectionate and angry feelings in the relationship. Pre-intimate- is a person who has dated but is involved in a committed love relationship, is aware of the possibilities of relating intimately with others, and feels conflicted about commitment and love relationships. Stereotyped- constricted and immature person who has not gone beyond superficial dating relationships, has several friends but they lack significant depth, and he/she dates regularly but does not get involved. Isolated- lacks endurance personal relationships, rarely dates and the person tend to be anxious and immature lacking assertiveness and social skills. If I were to do a test on myself I would say that I am a very mature person who knows what she wants in life because when I am with a person I am very committed and try my hardest to make things work. I would never cheat or do anything to hurt the person that I am with. I don’t have any problems expressing my feelings to my partner. I have a friend who refuses to be in a relationship. I feel that she still has a lot of growing up to do and she enjoys playing with other people’s feelings. These people don’t know what love is yet and might not ever open that page for someone else. As for me I know what love is and what it takes to have a good solid relationship. References: McAdams, (2006) The person: A new introduction to personality psychology (4th ed.) Hoboken NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
Dances with Wolves Essay
Making friends with wolves and Indians? Two things an American soldier would have never dreamed of. â€Å"Dances with Wolves†is the name rightly given to Lieutenant John Dunbar by the Sioux Indian tribe he befriends. The director, Kevin Costner stars in this award winning film masterpiece. The plot of this movie involves unrealistic aspects that are convoluted yet resolved. The dialogue was simplistic and believable due to the complexity of communication between the white people and Indians. The unrealistic aspects begin the movie off when John Dunbar rides horse- back into confederate lines alone, and comes out without harm done. This act was viewed as an act of suicide yet John undermines this unbelievably. The themes in this movie include racism, love and friendship, and loyalty and betrayal. Racism is shown by the white American soldiers who judge the Indians by stereotypes before they meet them. John Dunbar is the exception because he shows compassion and peace toward them which is ultimately beneficial as they help each other in various ways, one being the buffalo hunt. Friendship is created by John showing kindness to the Sioux, and love comes later on when John marries the white Sioux Stands with Fists. When the Union soldiers came out to Dunbar’s soldier fort, then he returns from living with the Sioux, they mistake him as a trader. John unsuccessfully tries to show them he has not betrayed the Union, but made peace with the Sioux. The recurring symbols in Dances with Wolves are presented in the title: a wolf and a dance. Dunbar is at first afraid of the wolf, as the wolf is of him. Over time, Dunbar gets over his fear and becomes fascinated with the wolf. He gains the wolf’s trust by feeding him. Eventually, they become used to each other. It is unusual for these two natural enemies to become friends, but Dunbar’s willingness to â€Å"get to know†the wolf leads him to understand that the stereotypical view of the wolf as a savage killer is not accurate. This is an exact comparison of the relationship of Dunbar and the Sioux Indian tribe. The acting in Dances with Wolves was well done and very genuine in my personal opinion. Kevin Costner performed astoundingly well as John Dunbar. He really seemed to connect with the character. Also, as Kevin being the director gave a n advantage and emphasis on the way the acting turned out as a whole. The actors who played Indians were amazing, as they should be for being professional actors. These roles were tough to encompass but as a whole the cast was phenomenal. The viewers of this film, from my perspective were satisfied with the film and did not get bored as the action packed scenes keep you on your toes and engrossed in the movie at all times. The costumes were very realistic and and well made. The film was quite advanced being made in the time period it was. St. David’s field in Tennessee had a lot to offer the creation of the movie. The significance of the set was the vast landscape performed on. The great prairie has no limit on space which I feel the film benefited greatly from. The buffalo hunt could not have been filmed differently in regards to the land. Also the amount of horseback riding was greatly influenced by the plethora of open field and grassland. At the end of Dances with Wolves, the viewer is left awestruck by the forbidden love of a white man and his foreign friends. The courage of this white man to fight against all odds and accomplish something miraculous is unbelievable for the time period, making it the movie of a generation that will live on in the hearts of the viewers.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Behavior is hereditary Essay Example for Free
Behavior is hereditary Essay The whole issue of nature and nurture is complex with potential debates centered round their influences on human development. Nature refers to the traits inherited from parents while nurture refers to the influence of the environment to an individual’s behavior (Lippa 2005, p. 26). Psychological research shows that both nature and nature have a general influence on the physical and behavioral characteristics of people. This paper seeks to explain the factors which affect nature and nurture. The nature theory holds that human behavior is hereditary. True to the theory, some traits such as blood type and eye color are known to be predominantly genetic. It can therefore be asserted that genetic variation of people affects the development and characteristics of the next generation (Lippa 2005, p. 28). Nurture on the other side holds that the environment in which an individual is brought up in influences his or her behavior. In this context therefore, it can be acknowledged that the ability of an individual to interact and conform to the societal requirements and the environment at large affects the degree to which the environment can influence the individual’s behavior (Lippa 2005, p. 28). Still to be noted here is the effect of age on the influence of nature and nurture. Inherited traits are first noticed when a child is born. As the child grows up to teenage, behavioral characteristics are predominantly influenced by the environment because of the interactive nature of people at this stage of growth as well as the ability to conform to peers and the society at large (Lerner & Bearer 2004, p. 86). At adult stages, people tend to become more independent hence less influenced by the environment. At this stage therefore nature prevails but the nurture traits acquired at early stages of growth remains effective. In conclusion therefore, nature and nurture are undoubtedly influential to human development. Nature gives inborn traits while nurture takes these inborn abilities and changes them with age to fit the individual’s environment. ? Bibliography Lippa, R 2005, Gender, nature, and nurture, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. Lerner, R, & Bearer, E 2004, Nature and Nurture: The Complex Interplay of Genetic and Environment. Routledge: New York. Behavior is hereditary. (2016, Sep 12).
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Pension Investment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Pension Investment - Essay Example Personal investment decisions are made in the context of wider economic, social, economic and policy. In addition, ethics and regulation are known to have a significant impact on the structure of distinct investment products and the nature of distinct investment plans and strategies. More so, personal investment decisions should be based on a number of factors outside an individual control such as setting of interests by financial institutions like banks and inflation and other factors within an individual control such as making choices about the mix of assets that a person holds (Mazzucato et al, 2010 p. 53). All financial planning demands or requires a comprehension of how domestic or local context-in this case a person’s particular situation – is part of broader context incorporating the role of government and economy. It is rational to argue that at some particular point in life, an individual will save. By not using our money in the present, saving gives us an oppo rtunity to set aside resources for the future. People all over the world save differently depending on their vulnerability to unexpected changes in economic and personal conditions (Fabozzi, 1997 p. 45). Governments in the world encourage their citizens to save and cease the act of utilizing their money in present times because there are times when things change in both wider society and at personal level. Gillani’s investors should provide him with necessary financial information in order to help him implement effective financial education programs such as choosing the best method to invest in depending on the performance of economy and the interest rates that financial institutions charge. Gillani will benefit from his financial knowledge in the sense that he be in a position to attend one on one counseling sessions on his personal savings or finances thus making have lower debts and fewer delinquencies. It is important to note that risks can be calculated in the sense that people can assign possibilities or probabilities to likely future changes such as on the grounds of how results happened in the past. For example, if shares in the past have earned higher returns than bonds, then, people can assume that they will do so in the future. This kind of calculation is uncertainty that is generated by social and economic changes. The financial services sells financial products such a unit trust, life funds, saving accounts and pensions are the main products for personal savings or investments. . Investors make decisions based on information available to produce markets that price effectively. In order to make future investments, individuals must take risks considering that shares and stock are more risky to invest in but in the long run, they have higher returns than cash and bonds. It is also vital for Gillian to know that investors need to be assured that financial institutions such as banks are sane and that financial advisors and providers are acting i n an ethical or moral way. This is attained via formal ways of regulation and that financial services bodies own ethical codes and practices (Fabozzi, 1997 p. 73). These codes of ethics are engineered in the context of government policies that focus to regulate the domestic and international economy in pursuit
Monday, August 12, 2019
Macro11C Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Macro11C - Essay Example The higher the RR, the lower the amount of money lent by banks and vice versa. 3) Federal funds rate (FFR): The FFR refers to the rate at which banks lend each other money overnight in order to maintain the reserve requirement. If the FFR is high, banks would be unwilling to lend beyond the reserve requirement and vice versa. 4) Discount rate (DR): The DR refers to the rate that the federal reserve charges the bank if it wants to borrow money from it in case when the money is not available to be borrowed from other banks. The DR is usually higher than the FFR. The open market operations are the most widely used tool for controlling the money supply in the market. The decisions for these open market operations are made during the Federal Open Market Committee meetings which since 1981 have been held 8 times at regularly scheduled times each year. These open market operations change the money supply without impact the money multiplier. The most powerful tool that the Fed has to control the monetary policy is the Reserve Requirement. Changing the RR not only impacts the money supply but also the money multiplier as it directly influences the bank lending. ... Easy money policy: To fight recessions, the Fed can use its monetary policy tools to increase the growth of money and credit, which tends to lower interest rates and spur growth of the economy. This monetary policy is said to be easy or expansionary. Tight money policy: To restrain inflation, the Fed can use its monetary policy tools to reduce the growth of money and credit, which tends to raise interest rates and slow the growth of the economy. This monetary policy is said to be tight or contractionary. For the easy money policy, first the MS increases which causes the interest rate to decrease which causes the amount of investment to increase. This causes AD to increase leading to a higher real GDP and a little inflation. The implementation in reality is done by the Fed by buying securities from banks and/or reducing the reserve ratio for banks, the FFR and the DR. For the tight monetary policy, first the MS decreases which causes the interest rate to increase which causes the amou nt of investment to decrease. This causes AD to decrease leading to a lower real GDP and a decrease in price levels. The implementation in reality is done by the Fed by selling securities from banks and/or increasing the reserve ratio for banks, the FFR and the DR. Q3: Comment on the theory underlying the use of a monetary rule by the Federal Reserve. Does the use of such a rule seem appropriate under current economic conditions? Explain. The theory underlying the ue of monetary policy by the Federal Reserve is also known as the Taylor Rule. It is an interest rate forecasting model invented by John Taylor in 1992 and described in his 1993 study called â€Å"Discretion Vs. Policy Rules in Practice". In general, the Taylor rule mean that for a 1% increase in
Sunday, August 11, 2019
Marks and Spencer Group PLC Performance Review Case Study
Marks and Spencer Group PLC Performance Review - Case Study Example The stock of the company is listed on the London Stock Exchange and is one of the FTSE 100 Index. Over the last thirty years, Marks & Spencer Group PLC has been the leading clothing company in the United Kingdom. The company operates more than 300 stores. The range and quality of its fashionable and functional clothes combined with better customer service has been attributed to the company’s success. In the past, the position of the company was strong in the United Kingdom market that it refused to make payments using credit cards from their clients (, 2014). The company also felt no reason of conducting advertisements. Weight of Debt Financing The funding Strategy of Mark and Spencer Group is to make sure that the mix of financing sources offers a cost effectiveness and flexibility to match the company’s requirements. Operating subsidiaries of the company are financed through bank borrowing, finance leases, medium term notes, and facilities of committed bank. The objective is to make sure that the company has appropriate income in managing the financial obligations and to achieve the objective of the business. Additionally, its objective is to ensure that the company has a reasonable amount of source based on the maturity and the investors. The company has a committed syndicated revolving debt of 1.325 billion pounds that is meant to mature in 2017. The company has a single financial covenant which is the ration of the depreciation, earnings before interest and tax, rent payable, and the amortization plus the payable rent.
Saturday, August 10, 2019
Environmental Issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 3
Environmental Issues - Essay Example Taking for instance, Donald Mitchell argument on a supporting statement from World Bank report (2008). He insists that as much as several factors contributing to the increase in food prices from January 2002 to June 2008, the senior most contributing factor is attributed to large increase in bio-fuels productions from oilseeds and grains in the U.S and E.U that has increased the demand of these products while reducing supplies of wheat and crops that compete with food commodities used as bio-fuels. This has lead to land use changes in wheat and maize exporting countries shifting towards plantation of oilseeds for bio-fuel production resulting to shrunk wheat and maize production hence witnessing rise in wheat and maize prices. Donald also supports his claims from (FAPRI, 2008) that food prices have also increased due to expansion of bio-diesel production and higher costs of bio-fuel production. On the contrary, Keith sharply disagrees by arguing that the impact of bio-fuel production is much less than alarmist claim (2009). Keith K. et al rather claims that there would be greater impact if bio-fuels development focused on converting bio-waste, fast growing trees and grass into fuel. According to him, increased food prices arise out of increased demands in emerging economies, drought in food exporting countries, global warming, and market-distorting subsidies. In fact a supporting report from U.S department of agriculture (USDA) calculated that bio-fuel production only contributed to 5% of the 45% increase in global food prices. Additionally, bio-fuel crops provide alternative diversities that boost rural perennial incomes therefore reducing international burning that contributes to global warming. It hence addresses efficient production and utilization of bio-fuels, global mismanagement of land, stabilization of land cover, protection of biodiversity and improving water quality. From my point of view I would agree to the fact that bio-fuels indeed contribute to increasing food prices and other environmental drawbacks. Supporting arguments, according to Robin Maynard, when food and fuel compete for farmland, food prices will rise drastically and the poor will suffer as well as rainforests (2007). Additionally, Renton emphasizes that when forests are cleared, to create space for bio-fuel crops, they no longer serve as â€Å"carbon sinks†therefore leading to global warming as it takes longer for the benefits of bio-fuel crops to be noticeable (2007). The bio-fuel crops also displace natural ecosystems and destroy habitat for several species. Bio-fuels hence will maintain as a contributive factor to increasing food prices. Issue 12 - Nuclear Power The debate over use of nuclear power sparked out of its negative connotations in the past that threatened the survival and future of the world during the world war, nuclear disasters and links to chronic fatal diseases. Discussion have also arisen out of the proponents that nuclear power can be economical, safe and a clean form of energy. From these proponents there are disagreements amongst scholars on the question of nuclear energy. Lain Murray for instance has a positive position on use of nuclear power. He argues that the worlds experience shows it to be both safe and reliable. Supporting documents such as the Congregation Budget Office
Reviewing for Les Miserables Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Reviewing for Les Miserables - Movie Review Example e, listening to the basic songs of the main characters of the play is a profound understanding of the essence of the Parisian underworld, where dwellers are full of courage, dignity and bravery. The actions of these people from the underworld sound louder than words. This song reflects daily troubles of the poor. The singers are a foreman, workers, a girl and Fantine. They sing about their daily troubles and a secret of Fantine is revealed. She sends money to her illegally borne child and the workers are demanding her to be thrown away. The end of the day is a miserable time for poor and workers, because they think about coming death, overall hunger on the lands. They are thankful that they have an opportunity to work and to feed their children and a place to sleep. Fantine is afraid of revelation and her secret about her child becomes well-known to the rest of the workers. A girl is in a real despair and women start to fight until Valjean pacify them. Fantine tells to the women that she has a child, which lives with an innkeeper and his wife and she has to earn money and send it to her daughter. In this solo song a real despair of a woman can be heard. She wants to return back to happy times and she does not realize what happened wrong in her life and why life is so cruel with her. She dreams about another life, where men were kind and the world was an exciting song. Fantine dreams about everlasting love in a peaceful world. She dreams about returning her love though she understands that these dreams cannot come true. This song is a choral piece and the final song of Act 1. Every singer sings his own part before joining the chorus. Valjean follows the melody of "Who Am I?", Marius, Cosette and Éponine continue their song in the melody "I Dreamed a Dream". A key melody is slow and it can be heard that different characters of musical unite their voices to make the effect of the song even more tragic. We can hear different songs of the main characters and it is
Friday, August 9, 2019
Individual case Study analysis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Individual analysis - Case Study Example However, within the combination of various factors that influence development, the government of Ireland embraces peace and socio-cultural integration so that the country is able to recognize business partners as part of their economic development stakeholders hence handling business partners with the diligent they require. Cut in government spending is also a factor which boosted performance of the economy of Ireland. Tax reduction was meant to reduce cost of investment and attract foreign investors in the country. That is why Microsoft was attracted to invest in information technology business in Ireland which generated a lot to economic activities and contributed positively towards the gross domestic product. Economic systems With control over the inflation, the country is able to gain from Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) increasing the number of business transaction between traders and intergovernmental organization to the benefit of the country. However, with peaceful transition in government, the economic state of the country has withstood the tough global economic challenges that face many countries in the global market resulting into heavy losses in business and trade as a whole (Gordon Bigelow, 2003, p. 45). The overall ability of a country to attract foreign investment also depends on membership of an economic trading block. In case of Ireland membership of European economic commission not only provided market to the country but also enabled it to diversify its export products. Initially Ireland depended on the markets of the united kingdom alone which relied mostly on agricultural products only. Through membership of the economic block Ireland was able to open up to competition for its products as well (Philip, 2000, p. 17). In accordance with the PESTEL system, it is important to highlight the role played by the legal issues to ensure that all trade processes are carried out in accordance with the Irish business laws so as to reduce suspicion on unw arranted business deals that are likely to jeopardize the economic state of the country. With the aid of available technology, Ireland was able to engage other countries into trade agreement within the global business laws so as to restrict illegal business while increasing legalized trade between countries and Ireland (Thomas A. Boylan, 2003, p. 64). Further, due to the attractiveness of the country integrated with PESTEL, Ireland was able to provide control, and benefit for foreign companies which overcame the cost and risks they uncured leading to high foreign direct investment. The tremendous economic growth is as a result of government commitment in the pledge to sustain and trusted regulations that would stabilize the political and socio-economic development to eradicate global recession for instance the 2008 recession that was felt by all the global financial controllers (Philip, 2000, p. 104). Many countries prefers trade with Ireland from the 2008 experience where Ireland s tood out as the only country that was not shaken by the 2008 economic recession, this greatly influenced the country’s GDP (Gross Domestic Product), this would lead to long term economic performance in the country (Philip, 2000, p. 89). In the initial stage, the independence
Thursday, August 8, 2019
Preventing of Gouty Arthritis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Preventing of Gouty Arthritis - Essay Example This directed the need to study prophylaxis with colchicines for different durations. This article reviews the trial conducted to study different duration of colchicines for preventing recurrence of Gouty arthritis and critique the methodologies used and recommends areas of future research. Colchicine is used for prophylaxis treatment against recurrent attacks of gout. But the most suitable duration of its administration for gouty arthritis needs to be assessed. The researchers in this study have hypothesized three regimens of dosage that can be beneficial to the patients without causing any harm. All patients were treated with allopurinol to lower the level of uric acid stored in the joints and randomly divided into three groups, the dosage of drug was kept constant (1mg/day) in all the groups but the period of treatment differed in every group ranging from 3-6 months (group 1), 7-9 months (group 2),10-12 months (group 3). The study did not include a placebo group. All the groups under study belong to the same age group of people all were in their 50's also since statistics have confirmed for every 7-9 male affected there will be 1 female affected that accounts to be 3% of women, hence few women are included in the study just about 3 % in all groups. The normal upper limit of serum uric acid is 7mg/dl in men and 6 mg/dl in women. A change in uric acid level is one of the predisposing factors for recurrence of acute gouty arthritis hence all the patients selected for the study have a mean uric acid level of 8.5 (mg/dl). For detecting similarity between patients of each group they were divided to two subgroups; with recurrence of arthritis or without any episode of arthritis, and mean level of serum uric acid and age were compared using T-test the difference was insignificant. Thus the researchers have taken care of carefully dividing the groups and the groups are
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