Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Lat Essay Example
Lat Essay Example Lat Essay Lat Essay I therefore believe that every discovery is unique in their presentation of a constant flow of newer and changing perceptions of the world. In his play, Away BY Michael Go explores the rejuvenation of his characters through their renewed perception of themselves and the others in the play. In addition the Edgar Allen Popes short story oval portrait explores the unexpected discoveries of the . Narrator. Both texts provide a renewed understanding of ourselves and the world around us. Every discovery of the world is a rebirth and a reawakening because it offers renewed perceptions Of the world around us. Coral is married to Roy had a son who died in the Vietnam War, the Vietnam war serves a dramatic purpose experimentation corals loss. Coral experiences extreme grief at the loss of her son; however she experiences a profound rejuvenation of life through Toms play -? The Stranger On The Shore which uses the play within a play technique that Go sees to show his audiences the effect that plays have on human emotions which subsequently leads to their revival / reawakening. That lead to re- discovery. This This Provides a renewed understanding of themselves and others around. Toms imminent death encapsulates the plays major thematic concern and determines its direction. The play opens with the Shakespearean play A Midsummer Night Dreams in which Tom plays the role of Puck. Just as Puck directs the dance of the fairies in the school performance so too does Tom who channels the plays action. His discovery of two characters with strongly opposing views: Coral and Gwen is reflected by their re-evaluation of their lives. About life Coral seems to have immersed herself in loss claiming rhetorically that, Its everywhere isnt it? In the air that we breathe emotively portraying her discovery of the continuous reminder of her son. She yells out You sent him away portraying her vulnerability as she blames Roy for her sons death. Every discovery of the world is a rebirth and a reawakening because it offers renewed perceptions of the world around us unexpectednesss discoveries can lead individuals to renewed perceptions of ourselves and The concept of discovery of others is represented in horror short story Oval portrait through consequences of discovery can be far reaching even life changing Peashooters. Popes horror short story clearly reinforces the notion of renewed perceptions of the world around ourselves and others discovery of others. Edgar Allen Poe was an American author, poet, editor and literacy critic who was considered part the American Romantic Movement. Best known his tales Of mystery and death. The author explores this by revealing how unexpected discoveries can lead individuals to recognize others obsessions,. Ruin fatal love relationships and incomprehensible madness. This is evident when the narrator for example is fascinated by both the oval portrait and the book which explains the painters wild obsessions with wife to the point that his wife to the narrator immediately develops a high degree of curiosity in terms of questioning how this painting came to existence and what this artwork could teach him about humanity, love and life in general outgeneraled. The protagonist finds this object both fascinating and provocative. I was the portrait of a young girl just ripening into womanhood.. In a very few moment I again looked fixedly at the painting. Popes uses contemplative tone when the narrators discovery of this artwork clearly sparks a great deal of curiosity, mainly his interest in the fatal relationship between the printer and his wife. the The cause of my deep agitation being thus shut from view, I sought eagerly the volume which discussed the painting and their histories. Turning to the number which signaled the oval portrait, I read the vague and quaint words which follow . Popes use of first person narrative voice by helping the readers empathic with the protagonist and his fascination with the lady in the artwork. Readers can ascertain that the narrator is also another victim of art, indeed he falls in love like the painter to art and for his painting. An individuals obsession with the artistic form can lead to destructive relationships and madness. Edgar Allen Poe (1809-1849) was an American author, poet, editor and literacy critic ho was considered part the American Romantic Movement . Best known his tales of mystery and death. This text is therefore one of integrity as the author catered to gothic literature which combined romanticism and parts of death elements in the setting, plot and the characters in his text highlighted the fact that discoveries may be caused by a sense of wonder and remunerated discoveries can lead individuals to renewed perceptions of ourselves and others. In a world as complex as ours, there are a constant presentation of discoveries. Therefore believe that every discovery is unique n their presentation of a constant flow of newer and changing perceptions of the world. Go explores the rejuvenation of his characters through their renewed perception of themselves and the others in the play this evident in corals loss of her son. In addition the Popes short story oval portrait explores the unexpected discoveries of the narrator this is shown with the narrators recantation and his wife being reunited from his previous life thus a rejuvenation in life. Both texts provide a renewed understanding of ourselves and the world around us.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Learn About Natural Numbers, Whole Numbers, and Integers
Learn About Natural Numbers, Whole Numbers, and Integers In mathematics, youll see many references about numbers. Numbers can be classified into groups and initially it may seem somewhat perplexing but as you work with numbers throughout your education in math, they will soon become second nature to you. Youll hear a variety of terms being thrown at you and youll soon be using those terms with great familiarity yourself. You will also soon discover that some numbers will belong to more than one group. For instance, a prime number is also an integer and a whole number. Here is a breakdown of how we classify numbers: Natural Numbers Natural numbers are what you use when you are counting one to one objects. You may be counting pennies or buttons or cookies. When you start using 1,2,3,4 and so on, you are using the counting numbers or to give them a proper title, you are using the natural numbers. Whole Numbers Whole numbers are easy to remember. Theyre not fractions, theyre not decimals, theyre simply whole numbers. The only thing that makes them different than natural numbers is that we include the zero when we are referring to whole numbers. However, some mathematicians will also include the zero in natural numbers and Im not going to argue the point. Ill accept both if a reasonable argument is presented. Whole numbers are 1, 2, 3, 4, and so on. Integers Integers can be whole numbers or they can be whole numbers with a negative sign in front of them. Individuals often refer to integers as the positive and negative numbers. Integers are -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and so on. Rational Numbers Rational numbers have integers AND fractions AND decimals. Now you can see that numbers can belong to more than one classification group. Rational numbers can also have repeating decimals which you will see be written like this: 0.54444444... which simply means it repeats forever, sometimes you will see a line drawn over the decimal place which means it repeats forever, instead of having a ...., the final number will have a line drawn above it. Irrational Numbers Irrational numbers dont include integers OR fractions. However, irrational numbers can have a decimal value that continues forever WITHOUT a pattern, unlike the example above. An example of a well known irrational number is pi which as we all know is 3.14 but if we look deeper at it, it is actually 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419.....and this goes on for somewhere around 5 trillion digits! Real Numbers Here is another category where some other of the number classifications will fit. Real numbers include natural numbers, whole numbers, integers, rational numbers and irrational numbers. Real numbers also include fraction and decimal numbers. In summary, this is a basic overview of the number classification system, as you move to advanced math, you will encounter complex numbers. Ill leave it that complex numbers are real and imaginary.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Modern Architecture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Modern Architecture - Essay Example One of the latest styles of architecture that emerged in the 20th century is Modern architecture. Modern architecture can be best described as a style which believes that "Less is more". The major proponent of this style is Ludwig Mies van der Rohe which thought of the "Less is more" theme for modern architecture. Modern architecture is known for its rejection of the classical styles (historicism) and believes that the materials and functions of the objects used in the structure is the end all and be all of the structure. It also firmly applies the principle of industrial aesthetic and the concept of functionality over being ornamental. Unnecessary details are removed and all design aspects are streamlined ("Modern Architecture", 006a). "Less is more" emphasises that every part of the structure must have a purpose other than being ornate and that every part must compliment each other in terms of function. In modern architectural design, the overall from and aesthetic value of a structure is determined by its function and the materials it is made from. This should be done without reverting to classical design concepts. A structure, commonly a building is envisioned as a wide governing space that rests on delicate foundations and surrounded by walls and ceilings complementing the foundations rather than a chunk of rock and other materials. Modern architectural design is mostly based on industrial concepts and by modern art styles such as abstract and impressionism. Le Corbusier's book entitled Vers une architecture (1923, tr. 1927) is a very good source of inspiration for modern architectural styles as well as the writings of Dutch architect J. J. P. Oud and German architect Walter Gropius, who handled the design of the Bauhaus in Dessau. Other early proponents of the modern movement include: German architects such as Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Marcel Breuer, Ernst May along with Americ an architects Raymond Hood, Albert Kahn, Richard J. Neutra, William Lescaze, and George Howe ("Form and Materials." 2006).Modern architectural style is also known as 'International style', 'Neue Sachlichkeit', and 'functionalism' and has been around after the end of World War II. Modern architecture relies on modern materials, the principles of functionality and the rejection of historicism and everything that is purely ornamental ("Modern architecture." 2006b). early forms of modern architecture were seen in the 1900's, but modern architecture was not formalised yet. Those times saw the advent of simplified and functional structures that eventually became the signature of modern architecture. By the 1940's the characteristics of this style were identified and given the name 'International Style' which became the trend for most building styles in the twentieth century. Some historians think that modern architecture is a response of the society to 'Modernity' and further in to the so -called 'Enlightenment'. They view it as a result of all the social and political turmoil that happened during that period. Critics and architectural experts however view modern architecture as the natural path of architecture fuelled by the latest advancements in structural technology and development in engineering. Also the availability of modern materials such as Plexiglas, metal alloys concrete etc. drove
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
JCT Design & Build Contract Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
JCT Design & Build Contract - Coursework Example One other significant change to the payment provisions is the outlawing of the clause ‘pay when paid’. The new act also sets timescales to follow when making payments for contracts. Another change regarding the payments is that if one party fails to issue notice of payment as the contract requires, the other party can step in and issue such notice, extending the date for final payment. Any such payments specified by notice ought to be paid before the final date of payment. Contracts stand to benefit a lot from these amendments. Unlike in the previous law, contractors have an active role in the payment provisions. For instance, contractors can recover some of their funds for the work done when a contract is suspended. This was not possible in the previous legal framework. Contractors can also benefit from the fact that contracts no longer have to be in written. Some of the matters agreed upon by the parties verbally can also be incorporated in the contract. This ensures that the contractors are not shortchanged whenever they make verbal agreements with their clients. Additional works in a contract comprise of variations to the original scope of the building contract. This is a common occurrence in building contracts where variations can occur due various emerging issues in performing contractual obligations. JCT 2011 Design and Build Contract provides various provisions on how contactors should deal with alterations to the original terms of the contracts when valuing additional works. Clause 2.11 of the law, for instance, states that â€Å"Subject to Clause 2.15, the Contractor shall not be responsible for the contents of the Employer’s Requirements or for verifying the adequacy of any design contained within them.†This clause protects the contractor from suffering losses when the client or employer changes terms or requirements of the contract. In a
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Deat Adam Smith and the Wealth of Nations Essay Example for Free
Deat Adam Smith and the Wealth of Nations Essay They would do this not as a means of benefiting society, but in an effort to outperform their competitors and gain the greatest profit. But all this self-interest would benefit society as a whole by providing it with more and better goods and services, at the lowest prices. To explain why all society benefits when the economy is free of regulation, Smith used the metaphor of the â€Å"invisible hand†: â€Å"Every individual is continually exerting himself to find the most advantageous employment for whatever capital he can command. It this own advantage, and not that of society, which he has in mind, but he is in this, as in many other cases, led by an invisible hand to promote and end which was no part of his intention, for the persuade of his own advantage necessarily leads him to prefer that employment which is most advantageous to society. †The â€Å"invisible hand†was Smith’s name for the economic forces that we today would call supply and demand, or the marketplace. He sharply disagreed with mercantilists who, in theft quest for a â€Å"favorable balance of trade,†called for regulation of the economy. Instead, Smith agreed with the physiocrats and their policy of â€Å"laissez faire†letting individual and businesses function without interference from government regulation of private monopolies. In that way, the â€Å"invisible hand†would be free to guide the economy and maximize production. The Wealth of Nations goes on to describe the principal elements of the economic system. In a famous section, Smith turned to the pin industry to demonstrate how the division of labour and the use of machinery increased output. One man draws out the wire, another straights it, a third cuts it, a fourth points it, a fifth grinds it at the top for receiving the head; to make the head requires two or three distinct operations. †Also modern technology has improved the methods by which pins are produced; the principles pertaining to the division of labour remain unchanged. Similarly, other section dealing with the factors of production, money and international trade are as mea ningful today as when they were first written. You can see, therefore, hat Thomas Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence and Adam Smith’s The Wealth of Nations have more in common that a birthday. More importantly, both contain some of the best descriptions of the principles upon which our political and economic systems are based. 2. Comprehension 2. 1. Fill in the gaps with the necessary prepositions. 1. The year of 1776 associates †¦ the signing †¦ The Declaration †¦ Independence. 2. It earned the author the title â€Å"the father †¦ economics,†Smith objected †¦ the principal economic believes †¦ his day. 3. He disagreed †¦ the mercantilists who measured the wealth of a nation †¦ its money supply, and who called †¦ government regulation of the economy †¦ order †¦ promote a â€Å"favorable balance †¦ trade. †4. It this own advantage, and not that †¦ society, which he has †¦ mind, but he is in this, as †¦ many other cases, led †¦ an invisible hand to promote and end which was no part of his intention, †¦ the persuade †¦ his own advantage necessarily leads him to prefer that employment which is most advantageous to society. 5. †¦ that way, the â€Å"invisible hand†would be free †¦ guide the economy and maximize production. . Also modern technology has improved the methods †¦ which pins are produced; the principles pertaining †¦ the division †¦ labour remain unchanged. 7. Thomas Jefferson’s Declaration †¦ Independence and Adam Smith’s The Wealth of Nations have more †¦ common that a birthday. 8. Both contain some †¦ the best descriptions †¦ the principles †¦ which our political and economic systems are based. 2. 2. Answer the questions to the text. 1. When and where was The Wealth of Nations by A. Smith published? 2. What is a famous nickname of Adam Smith and why? 3. What economic issues did Adam Smith deny? 4. What does a nation’s wealth depend upon according to A. Smith? 5. What was the heart of his economic philosophy? 6. In what way did he explain why society benefits when the economy is free of regulation? 7. What is â€Å"invisible hand†in the text? How do we call it today? 8. What physiocrats’ policy did Smith agree with? 9. What is described in Adam Smith’s â€Å"The Wealth of Nations†? 10. How can the division of labour and the use of machinery increase output according to Smith? 11. Is there anything common in Thomas Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence and Adam Smith’s The Wealth of Nations? 2. 3. Find in the text English equivalents for: , 3. Lexico-grammatical exercises 3. 1. Find out the correspondent definition to the given English business colloquialisms. Give the Ukrainian variants. Make up a dialogue about your business using 5 of the given English business colloquialisms. ColloquialismDefinition All in everything included in the price Big notesa very important person Book of wordsgenerally
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Tom Sawyer Essay -- essays research papers
AN IMAGINATIVE AND MISCHIEVOUS BOY named Tom Sawyer lives with his Aunt Polly and his half-brother, Sid, in the Mississippi River town of St. Petersburg, Missouri. After playing hooky from school on Friday and dirtying his clothes in a fight, Tom is made to whitewash the fence as punishment on Saturday. At first, Tom is disappointed by having to forfeit his day off. However, he soon cleverly persuades his friends to trade him small treasures for the privilege of doing his work. He trades these treasures for tickets given out in Sunday school for memorizing Bible verses and uses the tickets to claim a Bible as a prize. He loses much of his glory, however, when, in response to a question to show off his knowledge, he incorrectly answers that the first two disciples were David and Goliath. Tom falls in love with Becky Thatcher, a new girl in town, and persuades her to get â€Å"engaged†to him. Their romance collapses when she learns that Tom has been engaged beforeâ€â€to a girl named Amy Lawrence. Shortly after being shunned by Becky, Tom accompanies Huckleberry Finn, the son of the town drunk, to the graveyard at night to try out a â€Å"cure†for warts. At the graveyard, they witness the murder of young Dr. Robinson by the Native American â€Å"half-breed†Injun Joe. Scared, Tom and Huck run away and swear a blood oath not to tell anyone what they have seen. Injun Joe blames his companion, Muff Potter, a hapless drunk, for the crime. Potter is wrongfully arrested, and Tom’s anxiety and guilt...
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Differences in Competencies Between Nurses Prepared at the Associate’s Degree Level Versus the Baccalaureate Degree Level Essay
Differences In Competencies between Nurses Prepared at the Associates Degree Level Versus The Baccalaureate Degree Level in Nursing It is sometimes difficult to differentiate between the associates degree nurse and the baccalaureate degree nurse. After all both levels of learning require passing the exact same exam in order to practice. However, there are some differences of learning between them. Two important differences are the educational curriculum and the quality of care given to patients. The associates degree nursing curriculum (AAS) is a two year program that prepares the nurse to apply technical and clinical skills upon graduation. The baccalaureate degree nursing (BSN) curriculum is a four year program that builds upon the technical and clinical skills of the AAS. Heights of learning is raised by incorporating psychosocial, ethical, legal, evidence based nursing into their curriculum. The first BSN program started out at the beginning of the twentieth century. Annie Goodrich, director of the first privately operated baccalaureate program at Yale University, believed that certain concepts in nursing should be built on the foundation of technical and clinical skills (Creasia and Friberg. 2011) Goodrich believed that the BSN field of study should address psychosocial and public health issues (Creasia and Reid. 2011). Todays BSN programs takes the AAS nurse out of the closed minded dome of just applying technical and clinical skills and into the world of other plateaus and horizons of nursing. This greater arc of nursing consists of addressing ALL pertinent needs that influences the health of individuals, families and communities. BSN nurses learn about legal, ethical, psychological, social and economic issues that pertains to health and health care. Upon receiving my AAS degree in nursing after a challenging two and one half years, I told myself that I needed a break from studying. After all I had completed the â€Å" hardest†part of nursing ; applying clinical skills. In my mind, I had climbed one of the highest mountains of learning, I did not quite get to the top, but its view was in sight and I would get there some day. There were not any incentives that encouraged me to move forward because all the registered nurses in the hospital where I worked wore the same identical identification cards . Everyone had their name and the words staff nurse written. Another reason that discouraged me from pushing forth is that there was only a two thousand dollar yearly raise when you got the BSN. Many studies were done showing that the outcomes of the quality of care given by nurses that have BSN degrees and nurses with AAS degrees. Two of these studies stand out. One such study is the finding that baccalaureate degree nurses provided better outcomes in health care facilities. According to a study done in 1999 by Aiken, Clarke, Sloane, Lake and Chaney, the mortality rate of hospital patients decreased when there was a patient ratio of four patients to one nurse, and when there was a sixty percent staffing of BSN nurses. Another important study is a study done by Estabrooks, Midodzi, Cummings, Ricker and Giovanetti in March 2005, it was found that hospitals with a higher ratio of baccalaureate degrees resulted in a lower thirty day mortality rate of patient (Estabrooks, Midodzi, Cummings, Ricker and Giovanetti. 2005) Nursing is a field of study that mandates that the whole person and all parts of the whole person be taken into consideration so that the nurse could give effective care to individuals. Nurses that hold AAS degrees in nursing have an incomplete â€Å" un-whole â€Å" education. This incompleteness shortens their nursing insight into the outerr stratospheres of nursing. A while back, I remember applying for a position as a Nurse-Family Partnership Nurse. I was confident that I would get the job, because I had solid years of experience. The position entailed doing home visits to first time mothers and teaching them how to take care of their infants. The position also entailed connecting these first time mothers with support services like food stamps and living skills specialists that would empower them. There was a measurable positive difference in the quality of these first time mothers and their infants with the guidance and direction of the BSN nurse ( A Career You Can Feel Passionate About. Retrieved from www.nursefamily partnership.org). Needless to say, I did not get the position, because I did not have a BSN Degree. This was a wake up call for me. Today with all the solid evidence based studies on the better nursing outcomes with a higher staffing of baccalaureate degree nurses, health care facilities especially hospitals are resorting to hiring only the nurses that have their BSN degrees. Therefore it is imperative that AAS nurses continue on with their nursing education to deliver a better quality of care to individuals and to be more viable for positions that require the leadership of a baccalaureate nurse. References A Career You Can Feel Good Passionate About. (n.d.) Retrieved from www.NURSEFAMILYPARTNERSHIP.ORG. Aiken, L.H., Clarke, S.P., Sloane, D.M., Lake, E.T., & Cheney, T. (2008, May). Effects of Hospital Care environment on patient mortality and nurse outcomes. Journal of Nursing Administration, 38(5). 223-229. Creasia, L.J., & Friberg.E. (2011). Conceptual Foundations : The Bridge to Professional Nursing Practice. St. Louis, MO. Elsevier Mosby. Eastbrooks, C.A., MIdodzi, W.K., Cummings, G.C. Ricker, K.L. & Giovanetti, P. (2005, March/April). The Impact of Hospital Nursing Characteristics on 30-day Mortality. Journal of Nursing Administration. 4 (718),958-968.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Originally a lyric signified a song sung to the accompaniment of a lyre. Thus lyric still carries the sense of a poem written to be set to music. A lyric Is a common short poem uttered by a single speaker who is expressing his state of mind very often in solitude. In dramatic lyric the speaker is represented as addressing another person in a specific situation like the poem Connotation by John Done. The genre comprehends a great variety of utterances from say the Dramatic Monologues of Browning complex evolution of feeling in the long elegy and the meditative ode.The recess of observation, thought, memory and feelings may be organized in a variety of ways in deferent lyrical expressions. Lyric is a poem in which the poet writes about his thoughts and feelings. The basic type Is the song, but we use the term to cover all poems that present the poet's Immediate response to life, Including sonnets odes and elegies. Lyric poem deals with a range of experiences such as love, death, nature or religion or some domestic, social or political issue *Abstract Poem: It is a term used by Dame Edith Stilwell for verse that depends chiefly upon its auditory values for Its meaning.Such poetry Is analogous to abstract painting In which the arrangement of colors and shapes is significant though no physical objects are represented. Words are employed with little regard for their usual connotations, but rather for their aural effectiveness in a pattern of full and approximate rhymes and in the manipulation of rhythm. Stillwell own poems In the collection called Facade exemplify the type: These lines from her â€Å"Hornpipe†where, we hear, the dumb Sky rhinoceros-glum Watched the courses of the breakers' rocking-horses and with Glacis Lady Venus on he settee of the horsehair sea! Ambiguity: In ordinary usage the term ambiguity means a vague or equivocal expression. Since William Meson published his Seven types of Ambiguity (1930) the term has widely been used to refer to a poetic device: the use of a single word or expression to signify two or more distinct references, or to express two or more diverse attitudes or feelings. Multiple meaning and popularization are alternative terms for the use of language. Egg: in the play Antonym and Cleopatra when Shakespeare makes Cleopatra say â€Å"Come thou mortal wretch.. He implies a double edge to the word â€Å"mortal. Here it Implies both that the asp Is â€Å"fatal†or â€Å"death- dealing†and at the same time It Is Itself subject to death. *oddball: The popular ballad also called the folk ballad is the song, transmitted orally which tells a story. Ballads are thus the narrative species of folk songs, which originate and are communicated orally among illiterate or partly literate people. In all probability the original version of a ballad is composed by a single author, but he or she Is unknown; and each singer who learns and repeats an oral ballad is apt to introduce changes in OTOH the t ext and the tune, it exists in many variant forms.Typically the popular ballad is dramatic, condensed and impersonal: the narrator begins with the climax and tells the story tersely by means of action and dialogues, sometimes by means of dialogue alone and tells It without self-reference or the expression of personal attitudes or feelings. The most common stanza form called the ballad stanza- is a 1 OFF lines rhyme. Egg: this ballad from â€Å"Sir Patrick Spend†The King sits in Dumpling town, Drinking the blued-red wine: â€Å"O what will I get a GUID sailor, To sail this ship of mine? *Fabian verse: Consists of unrushed iambic (v pentameter (five iambic verse) hence the term â€Å"blank. †Of all the English metrical forms it is closest to the natural rhythms of English speech and at the same time flexible and adaptive to diverse levels of poetic discourse and hence has been more frequently and widely used than any other type of versification. Shakespeare made wide use of the blank verse in his famous soliloquies. *Aegis: It denotes any poem written in elegiac meter (alternating hexameter and pentameter lines).The term was used, however, to refer to the subject matter of change and loss. In the late sixteenth and seventeenth centuries the elegies were love poems that related to the sense of elegy as lament in that many of them emphasizes mutability and loss. It is in the latter part of the seventeenth century that the term elegy began to be limited to its most common present usage; a formal and sustained lament in verse on the death of a particular person usually ending in consolation. Examples are: W.H Addend's In Memory of W B Yeats', Alfred Lord Tennyson In Memoriam. The dirge is also a versified expression of grief on the occasion of a particular person's death but differs from the elegy in that it is short and is less formal and is meant as a text to be sung. An important variant of the elegy is the pastoral elegy which represents both th e poet and the one he mourns as shepherds. Million's Lucidly is a fine example of pastoral elegy. *Free Verse: It is also called â€Å"open form†or by the French term verse libber.Like traditional verse it is printed in short lines instead of with the continuity of prose. However it differs from regular erase in that its rhythmic pattern is not organized into a regular metrical form?that is into feet, or recurrent units of weak and strong stressed syllables. Most free verse also has irregular line lengths, and either lacks rhyme or else is used only sporadically. The King James translation of the Biblical Psalms and Song of Solomon are examples of free verse.The following section from Longboats Hughes' free verse poem â€Å"Mother to Son†Well, son, I'll tell you: Life for me anti been no crystal stair. It's had tacks in it, And splinters, ND boards torn up, And places with no carpet on the floor? Bare. *Sonnet: Sonnet is a lyric poem of fourteen iambic pentameter lin es linked by an intricate rhyme scheme. The Italian or Patriarchal sonnet falls into two main parts: an octave and a sestets. The octave is of eight lines rhyming baobab, this is followed by a asset a six line stanza rhyming CDC.The octave presents the theme in the first quatrain and develops it in the second. The sestets dwells on it and brings it to a logical conclusion in the final trace. The Patriarchal form was later used for a variety of subjects by English poets like Milton, Wordsmith Christina Rosette and so on. The the English sonnet or the Shakespearean sonnet after its greatest practitioner. This sonnet falls into three quatrains and a concluding couplet with a rhyme scheme ABA CDC beef egg. These sonnets usually deal hopes of love and themes like pangs of separation.One notable variant of this form is the Spenserian sonnet in which Spencer linked each quatrain to the next by a continuing rhyme: ABA Bcc CDC e. The English form often repeats with variation a statement in e ach of the three quatrains, however in either of the case the final couplet usually imposes a final epigrammatic turn to the whole theme. *Epic: It is a long verse narrative on a serious subject, told in a formal and elevated style, and centered on a heroic or quasi- divine figure on whose actions depend the fate of a whole tribe, a nation or as in John Million's Paradise Lost the human race.The epic was ranked by Aristotle as second only to tragedy and by many Renaissance critics as the highest of all genres. Literary epics are highly conventional compositions and usually share the following features. 1 . The hero is a figure of great national or even cosmic importance. In ‘Iliad he is the Greek warrior Achilles, who is the son of the sea nymph Thesis and Virgin's Names is the son of the goddess Aphrodite. 2. The setting of the poem is ample in scale and could be the whole world or even vaster. . The actions involve superhuman deeds in battle, such as Achilles' feats in the T rojan War or the long arduous wanderings of Odysseus on his way back to his homeland. 4. An the great actions Gods and other supernatural beings take an interest and an active part. 5. An epic poem is a ceremonial performance and is narrated in a ceremonial style which is deliberately assistance from the ordinary speech and rendered in a language in keeping with the grandeur of the heroic subject.The epic conventions like beginning with an invocation to the muse to guide the narrator in the great undertaking are also very often observed. The term epic is also applied by extension, to narratives which differ in many aspects from this model but manifest the epic grandeur and spirit in the scale scope and the profound human importance of their subject. Herman Melville Mob Dick, Leo Tolstoy War and Peace both serve as examples of what is called epic ration. *Ode: A long lyric poem that is serious in subject and treatment elevated in style and elaborate in its stanza structure.The protot ype of an ode was established by the Greek poet Poniard whose odes were modeled on the songs by the chorus in Greek drama. The complex stanzas of an ode were patterned in sets of three: moving in dance rhythm to the left is chanted the strophe; moving to the right is chanted the antiheroes then standing still at the centre is the epode. The regular Pandemic ode in English is written in the Pandemic form with the strophe and intentions written in one stanza pattern and all the epode in a different stanza pattern.The Pandemic odes were written in necromantic style; that is they were written to praise and glorify someone. The Pandemic odes were written to celebrate and glorify the victorious athletes in the Olympic Games. The English odes true to its Greek prototype were songs that were written in praise of someone or something. They were written to eulogies something that aroused the poet's sensibility. Keats' Ode on a Grecian Urn is a eulogy to the beauty etched on an Urn that the po et sees.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Free Essays on Hemingway-An unparalleled creative flurry
One of the foremost authors of the era between the two world wars, Hemingway in his early works depicted the lives of two types of people. One type consisted of men and women deprived, by World War I, of faith in the moral values in which they had believed, and who lived with cynical disregard for anything but their own emotional needs. The other type were men of simple character and primitive emotions, such as prizefighters and bullfighters. Hemingway wrote of their courageous and usually futile battles against circumstances. His earliest works include the collections of short stories Three Stories and Ten Poems (1923), his first work; In Our Time (1924), tales reflecting his experiences as a youth in the northern Michigan woods; Men Without Women (1927), a volume that includedAfter graduating from high school in 1917, he became a reporter for the Kansas City Star, but he left his job within a few months to serve as a volunteer ambulance driver in Italy during World War I (19! 14-1918). He later transferred to the Italian infantry and was severely wounded. After the war he served as a correspondent for the Toronto Star and then settled in Paris. While there, he was encouraged in creative work by the American expatriate writers Ezra Pound and Gertrude Stein. After 1927 Hemingway spent long periods of time in Key West, Florida, and in Spain and Africa. During the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939), he returned to Spain as a newspaper correspondent. In World War II (1939-1945) he again was a correspondent and later was a reporter for the United States First Army; although he was not a soldier, he participated in several battles. After the war Hemingway settled near Havana, Cuba, and in 1958 he moved to Ketchum, Idaho. Hemingway drew heavily on his experiences as an avid fisherman, hunter, and bullfight enthusiast (see Bullfighting) in his writing. His adventurous life brought him close to death several times: in the Spanish Civil War when ... Free Essays on Hemingway-An unparalleled creative flurry Free Essays on Hemingway-An unparalleled creative flurry One of the foremost authors of the era between the two world wars, Hemingway in his early works depicted the lives of two types of people. One type consisted of men and women deprived, by World War I, of faith in the moral values in which they had believed, and who lived with cynical disregard for anything but their own emotional needs. The other type were men of simple character and primitive emotions, such as prizefighters and bullfighters. Hemingway wrote of their courageous and usually futile battles against circumstances. His earliest works include the collections of short stories Three Stories and Ten Poems (1923), his first work; In Our Time (1924), tales reflecting his experiences as a youth in the northern Michigan woods; Men Without Women (1927), a volume that includedAfter graduating from high school in 1917, he became a reporter for the Kansas City Star, but he left his job within a few months to serve as a volunteer ambulance driver in Italy during World War I (19! 14-1918). He later transferred to the Italian infantry and was severely wounded. After the war he served as a correspondent for the Toronto Star and then settled in Paris. While there, he was encouraged in creative work by the American expatriate writers Ezra Pound and Gertrude Stein. After 1927 Hemingway spent long periods of time in Key West, Florida, and in Spain and Africa. During the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939), he returned to Spain as a newspaper correspondent. In World War II (1939-1945) he again was a correspondent and later was a reporter for the United States First Army; although he was not a soldier, he participated in several battles. After the war Hemingway settled near Havana, Cuba, and in 1958 he moved to Ketchum, Idaho. Hemingway drew heavily on his experiences as an avid fisherman, hunter, and bullfight enthusiast (see Bullfighting) in his writing. His adventurous life brought him close to death several times: in the Spanish Civil War when ...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Siege of Fort Wayne in War of 1812
Siege of Fort Wayne in War of 1812 Siege of Fort Wayne - Conflict Date: The Siege of Fort Wayne was fought September 5-12, 1812, during the War of 1812 (1812-1815). Armies Commanders Native Americans Chief WinamacChief Five Medals500 men United States Captain James RheaLieutenant Philip OstanderMajor General William Henry HarrisonGarrison: 100 men, Relief Force: 2,200 men Siege of Fort Wayne - Background: In the years after the American Revolution, the United States encountered increasing resistance from the Native American tribes in the Northwest Territory. These tensions initially manifested themselves in the Northwest Indian War which saw American troops badly defeated at the Wabash before Major General Anthony Wayne won a decisive victory at Fallen Timbers in 1794. As American settlers pushed west, Ohio entered the Union and the point of conflict began to shift to the Indiana Territory. Following the Treaty of Fort Wayne in 1809, which transferred title of 3,000,000 acres in present-day Indiana and Illinois from the Native Americans to the United States, the Shawnee leader Tecumseh began agitating the regions tribes to block the documents implementation. These efforts culminated with a military campaign which saw the territorys governor, William Henry Harrison, defeat the Native Americans at the Battle of Tippecanoe in 1811. Siege of Fort Wayne - The Situation: With the beginning of the War of 1812 in June 1812, Native American forces began attacking American frontier installations in support of British efforts to the north. In July, Fort Michilimackinac fell and on August 15 the garrison of Fort Dearborn was massacred as it attempted to evacuate the post. The following day, Major General Isaac Brock compelled Brigadier General William Hull to surrender Detroit. To the southwest, the commander at Fort Wayne, Captain James Rhea, learned of Fort Dearborns loss on August 26 when a survivor of the massacre, Corporal Walter Jordan, arrived. Though a significant outpost, Fort Waynes fortifications has been allowed to deteriorate during Rheas command. Two days after Jordans arrival, a local trader, Stephen Johnston, was killed near the fort. Worried about the situation, efforts began to evacuate women and children east to Ohio under the guidance of Shawnee scout Captain Logan. As September commenced, a large number of Miamis and Potawatomis began arriving at Fort Wayne under the leadership of Chiefs Winamac and Five Medals. Concerned about this development, Rhea requested aid from Ohio Governor Return Meigs and Indian Agent John Johnston. Increasingly unable to cope with the situation, Rhea began drinking heavily. In this state, he met with the two chiefs on September 4 and was informed that other frontier posts had fallen and the Fort Wayne would be next. Siege of Fort Wayne - Fighting Begins: The next morning, Winamac and Five Medals initiated hostilities when their warriors attacked two of Rheas men. This was followed by an assault on the east side of the fort. Though this was repulsed, the Native Americans began burning the adjacent village and constructed two wooden cannon in an effort to trick the defenders into believing they had artillery. Stilling drinking, Rhea retired to his quarters claiming illness. As a result, the defense of the fort fell to Indian Agent Benjamin Stickney and Lieutenants Daniel Curtis and Philip Ostander. That evening, Winamac approached the fort and was admitted to parley. During the meeting he drew a knife with the intention of killing Stickney. Prevented from doing so, he was expelled from the fort. Around 8:00 PM, the Native Americans renewed their efforts against Fort Waynes walls. Fighting continued through the night with the Native Americans making unsuccessful efforts to set the forts walls on fire. Around 3:00 PM the next day, Winama c and Five Medals briefly withdrew. The pause proved brief and new attacks commenced after dark. Siege of Fort Wayne - Relief Efforts: Having learned of the defeats along the frontier, the Governor of Kentucky, Charles Scott, appointed Harrison a major general in the state militia and directed him to take men to reinforce Fort Wayne. This action was taken despite the fact that Brigadier General James Winchester, commander of the Army of the Northwest, technically was in charge of military efforts in the region. Dispatching a letter of apology to Secretary of War William Eustis, Harrison began moving north with around 2,200 men. Advancing, Harrison learned that fighting at Fort Wayne had begun and dispatched a scouting party led by William Oliver and Captain Logan to assess the situation. Racing through the Native American lines, they reached the fort and informed the defenders that help was coming. After meeting with Stickney and the lieutenants, they escaped and reported back to Harrison. Though pleased that the fort was holding, Harrison grew concerned when he received reports that Tecumseh was leading a mixed force of over 500 Native American and British troops towards Fort Wayne. Driving his men forward, he reached the St. Marys River on September 8 where he was reinforced by 800 militiamen from Ohio. With Harrison approaching, Winamac mounted a final assault against the fort on September 11. Taking heavy losses, he broke off the attack the next day and directed his warriors to retreat back across the Maumee River. Pushing on, Harrison reached the fort later in the day and relieved the garrison. Siege of Fort Wayne - Aftermath: Taking control, Harrison arrested Rhea and placed Ostander in command of the fort. Two days later, he began directing elements of his command to conduct punitive raids against Native American villages in the region. Operating from Fort Wayne, troops burned Forks of the Wabash as well as Five Medals Village. Shortly thereafter, Winchester arrived at Fort Wayne and relieved Harrison. This situation was quickly reversed on September 17 when Harrison was appointed a major general in the US Army and given command of the Army of the Northwest. Harrison would remain in this post for much of the war and would later win a decisive victory at the Battle of the Thames in October 1813. The successful defense of Fort Wayne, as well as the triumph at the Battle of Fort Harrison to the southwest, halted the string of British and Native American victories on the frontier. Defeated at the two forts, the Native Americans reduced their attacks on settlers in the region. Selected Sources Historic Fort Wayne: The SiegeHMDB: The Siege of Fort Wayne
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Hollywood Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Hollywood - Essay Example It virtually thrilled the viewers in many scenes by making them feel horrified of what might happen. What are the principal themes in Rear Window? In other words, what is the film about? Bear in mind that this is a different issue than thinking about what happens in the film (though they are closely related of course). What are the bigger ideas to which the film is pointing us? Voyeurism is an important underlying theme of the movie which points to bigger concerns in life. More than his exotic girlfriend, Jeff seems more interested in spying on his neighbors’ activities. He is always sitting by the window looking at what his neighbors are doing which also infuriates his girlfriend. This character is also described by Hitchcock himself as â€Å"a real Peeping Tom†(Arnold and Stafford). Identify a number of different analytical positions from which we can approach any film. Define each of them briefly and explain why a feminist perspective has been used so frequently to explain Rear Window. Rear Window has been so frequently analyzed by a feminist perspective because this film and many other Hollywood movies have demonstrated a negative attitude towards women. Women have traditionally been portrayed as dumb blondes who cannot be as shrewd as male protagonists. Lisa keeps changing her clothes to please Jeff who remains in his pajamas throughout the film. Rear Window is now nearly 60 years old. To what extent has it maintained is ability to create fear, panic, and tension in an audience? Do you think it would be a â€Å"better†film if Hitchcock had had access to the kinds of seamless special effects we see in modern movies? No, Rear Window is a masterpiece which cannot be perfected by use of special effects. This is because instead of investing in expensive special effects, Hitchcock seems more interested in giving glory back to the artists. It emphasizes on exclusion of special effects. Instead, emphasis is laid by
Friday, November 1, 2019
India Caste System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
India Caste System - Essay Example The Viashyas were merchants, farmers, carpenters while the Shudras were the tenant farmers, laborious. Towards the edge of the hierarchy were the untouchables’. The untouchables considered outcasts practiced activities such as scavenging and animal skinning. The untouchable activities were considered unclean and polluting. They were to be far away from other castes. For instance, if their shadows were within the visibility of the Brahmans then the Brahmans would be polluted. The Hindu laws insisted on only four castes excluding the untouchables and they would face criminal charges by their polluting presence. The Brahmans were allowed to give their food to people of other castes but would not be given food from other castes. This would be considered pollution. These barriers limited interactions (Singh 35). The caste systems shared some commonalities. For instant the castes were hereditary. Individual born in a particular caste belonged to that very caste and it was impossible to shift to other castes. Another commonality was that the systems were endogamous. Marriage was only acceptable between those of the same caste (Singh 34). Below the Varnas was the sub castes referred to as Jatis. Each Jati comprised of people of the same occupation. A person born from a particular Jati is a member of that Jati by the virtue of birth (Singh 35). The elements of the castes are hierarchical, hereditary and repulsion. The hierarchical element discourages and does not accommodate the rise of status of a group and mixture of occupation. There are rule that India caste system impose that if not adhered to may result into one status being lowered form one caste system to another. The most vital characteristic is endogamy and occupation restriction. Violation of the above rules results in excommunication from the family as well as caste. Another restriction is on diet and food habits of the members. According to castes only certain foods would be
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