Tuesday, February 12, 2019

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee :: essays research papers

genus genus genus Atticus Finch is a man who fought for what he bankd in. He stood up for what hethought was right not what the recess of the township thought. Atticus was real number brave fordefending tom turkey Robinson in court, he knew a freshet of people would get mad and try to hurthim, save Atticus stood up for what he believed in. Atticus had a lot of courage he was theonly man in town that would fight for Tom Robinson, because he knew it was wrong toaccuse him of something he did not do. I think Atticus knew that Tom Robinson did nothave a great chance of wining the case, just he tried to do the best that he could to provethat Tom Robinson was innocent.      I think that Atticus is in some way the towns spokesmen, there is a lot of peoplein town that have the same views on racism as Atticus but, they were excite to admit it. The town knows that Atticus is right but no champion wants to agree with him because they arescared for there own selv es, thats why I think Atticus is very courageous he is not scaredin admitting that he is not a racist, and that he go out try to prove that Tom Robinson isinnocent.     Atticus believed that everyone is equal. He believed that all races should betreated the same no matter what. I think that Atticus was real frustrated with the townsracial beliefs. Atticus was a great man because, he could decide what was wrong andwhats right, something that the rest of the town had trouble doing. Atticus hadconvinced the jury that Tom Robinson was innocent, thats why it took them so long tomake there decision, but in the end there was no way that the jury was going to believe ablack man over a atome man. I think what Miss Maudie said was very correct well,were do a step-its just a baby step, but its a step,(216) thats what she said afterthe trial, what she means is that the town will not start to except blacks overnight, butslowly the town is starting to understand that being black does not make you a badperson. The town new that the Ewells were a bunch of liars, but they couldnt chose ablack man over a whit man, so Miss Maudie is saying someday they will. Shoot all thebluejays you want, if you screw hit em but remember its a boob to kill a

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