Saturday, May 18, 2019

Key influences on the emergence of symbolic interactionism

Idealism Scotch Moralist Functional Psychology Darnings ontogeny Pragmatism German Idealism it is if the view that humans create the worlds they inhabit. That is human being occupy a world of our own making. It further argues that make fors and perception have no existence prior to their objects. That is we create form and perception as we create symbolic material object. They believe that meaning is formed out of interaction. Scottish Moralist It focuses on how the mind and self are social products.One of the theorists is Adams smith who talked extensively about grapheme taking. Functional Psychology Functional psychology argues that communication is the process which makes caller. They are of the view that language makes the society possible because only human possess language they are active beings who do non passively respond to stimuli. Darnings Evolution It argues that there Is novelty to human activity that perpetually defies both determinism and confident predictability . The development concept of process and emergence bestowed on some ideas such as behavior is a termination of an adaptation to environment.Pragmatism pragmatism are of the view that human beings are active creative agent and not passive. They argue that the world people live In Is the one they had In hand that Is shaped by them. They further argue that subjectivity does not exist prior to experience but it rather flows from It.

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