Monday, September 30, 2019
Act of kindness Essay
An Act of Kindness that I did for someone would be for my parents. What I did as kindness would be that I help my mom do chores at home without them telling me to help. I will see that they where always working hard and they will come home preatty late. So I kind of took care of home and my two brothers. and sometimes my dad too when he felt really bad, what I mean by bad would be that he had lukimia cancer. My mother work as a babysitter she will go to work mostly of the time at 6am and come back at 10pm and on weekends she would clean houses so she never had time to do chores at home or make dinner. My father worked in construction he was a hard worker too he will go to work a little later than my mom and come home earlier than her too. he was the one the took us to school when he could. Or one of my aunts would take us to school when he couldn’t. My dad also was battleing lukimia cancer for 10 years, he past away at age 41 september-29-2009. The Act Of Kindness that i did would be, first of all I would make breakfast for my brothers and dad so they could eat and so my dad can take his medication so ill help around with breakfast sometimes I will wake up later because i was tired I had to go to school and I was also young mother.By age 14 I had a baby too. And well my mom we didn’t really see in breackfast time because she would wake up eairlier she would even eat breackfast in the mornings. Sencondly I will come from school start cleaning the house wash dishes wash clothes clean the bathroom, and fix all the rooms my parents and brothers room vacume and mop . and if there was clothes to fold ill fold and put it away too. Then finally make dinner. so by the time by dad got home from work there will be dinner my dad would go to work sometimes right after he got out of his kimotheraphy he will go to work when he wasn’t soppost to. I will help my mom do all these chores because she worked alot barely had time to do it and ill see that she will come home tired. Act of Kindness Essay Today i will be telling you about one of my act of kindness, but before i do that i will be giving you hints as to what your about to read. It happen at a store that was one city over from me and was one of the best places to be be around because of the places near it. I was really young and it happen in the toy aisle because when your little and a boy it’s your favorite place. There was a young boy who was crying out for his mom. I was a worried alot when i was little and so i had my older sister help me look for the kids mother so he could smile. Those are my hints to what your about to read in my essay about my act of kindness. My act of kindness takes place at Kmart in Simi Valley, Califronia. I lived one city over from Simi and it was the only major shopping store close to us that was like a Walmart. I loved going to Kmart with my mom and sister because i would most likey get a toy for going with them. Once before when i went to Kmart with my mom i got lost from her and i t was the scariest thing a young boy can feel being lost from his mother. When i got lost there was someone there to help me get back to my mom, so i always felt that i should help someone else who was lost from someone they love. MY act of kindness happened in Kmart but to be more precise it happened in the toy aisle in Kmart. When your a young boy the toy aisle is like a candy shop and every toy is like a different flavor. I was six years old with my mom and sister and i would always go to the toys to look and see what i wanted for chrismas because chrismas was like a month and a half away. I saw a little boy in the toy aisle with me he had his hands on his face and i didnt know what he was doing. The little boy was three years old and his hands were over his face because he was crying and i did’nt know why he was crying i was thinking it was for a toy and he mom wouldnt let him get it. Then i hear him starting to cry mama mama where are you mama. I started to worry for the three year old boy even though i was only six years old i worried and to this day i still worry about stuff. When i went up to my mom i told her i think that boy is lost from his mom. I got to the point where i didnt want him to be sad anymore because i knew when i got lost from my mom someone helped me. I ask my sister if she would help me with looking from his mom, my sister was 12 so she was older than me and could do alot more than i could. We started to look around the toy aisle because that where the three year old boy was so we thought his mother would be close by. Then we started to look other places we went to the food aisle and the young kids clothing aisle. We looked everywhere we were thinking his mom left Kmart and left her son in the toy aisle. We went to the cash register have an employee page that a little boy lost his mom, but right when we got there we heard the mom yell the three year old boy’s name and he yelled mommy and she thanked us for helping her son look for his mom and i was happy knowing he got back with his mom. That is one of my act of kindness but to me this is one of the biggest act of kindness i have done because i was six when i did this act of kindness. To some people it might not seem like a big act of kindness but even the littlest acts of kindness can help someone in the long run. So if i could say that someones act of kindness to me made me in turn help someone else. I hope what you get from this story is that you can help someone no matter the age or the place. These are my words of wisdom for someone who was helped and who in return helped someone else.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Child Observation: Child and Adolescent Psychology
This time, I decided to observe children between the ages of five and six in a kindergarten class room at Maddock Public School. Maddock is a smaller school and there were only five children in the class, all of them were boys. I knew this would be an interesting day, because we learned in class that boys tend to be a little bit more active and disobedient, but I was definitely looking forward to it. I went in about fifteen minutes before the school day started so I could observe the boys from the time their mom dropped them off, until the time I left.The first boy came in; he was a smaller boy, who is known to have special needs. I’m not exactly sure what is wrong with him, but his disabilities definitely showed during my observation. While his mother was dropping him off, I could tell that he didn’t want to leave her. He kept holding onto her legs, and whining, mumbling things to her that I could not understand but she could. She got down on one knee and told him that she would be back soon, and that he would have lots of fun with his friends. Right after she told him this, another child walked in with his older sister.The first little boy almost immediately forgot that his mother was there, and walked over to the other child. When the second boy got dropped off, he was immediately distracted by the other boy, and leaving his sister was not a problem at all. I guess that day was show and tell day, because they were each excited to show off what they had brought to each other. They didn’t want to wait until the designated time to show things off. The other three boys came in at the same time. I’m assuming they rode the bus together, because they came in talking about one of the older kids that must have been picking on one of them.As soon as they walked through the door, they ran and told Mrs. Maddock, their teacher. Of course the event wasn’t as serious as they made it seem, Mrs. Maddock explained to them that they were fine , and that if it happened again to let her know. About five minutes later, it seemed as though they had completely forgotten that it had even happened. The bell rung and the boys went and say down in their seats. While Mrs. Maddock was trying to talk to them a couple of them were listening to her, but the others were playing with their pencils and animal-shaped erasers.She would pause mid-sentence and look at them until they realized that she wanted them to stop. They would then slowly put their items down, and give her their undivided attention. She asked them to all sit by the calendar, and they all jumped up and ran to it, trying to get the closest spot. Their pictures were on the wall. One was by the weather station, the other by the line leader station, and so on. They each had their own little duty for that day. The one whose picture was by the weather stood up and told the rest of the class what the weather was supposed to be like that day.Mrs. Maddock had pictures with thund er clouds and lighting and rain. With those pictures, the little boy told them all that the weather was going to be bad, and it was going to storm. All of a sudden, one of the boys passed gas, and the room went from being quiet to loud in less than a second. All the boys started making farting noises and couldn’t stop giggling. Mrs. Maddock went along with it for about a minute or so, and made the little boy who passed gas say â€Å"excuse me. †They had finally gotten over it, and seemed as though they’d forgotten it.It’s pretty amazing how short their attention spans are! Mrs. Maddock walked to the front of the classroom, and all the boys followed to their seats. She did this a couple times throughout the time I was observing, and every time the boys knew exactly where to go. It was like that most of the day. She had those boys in line, and even at the age of five and six, they respected her. She pulled out a big ruler, and started pointing to the alpha bet above the chalk board. One by one, the boys would name out the letter she was pointing to. As they called out the letter, they also wrote it down on a sheet of aper, and then spelled out a word that began with that letter. It was amazing to me that even the boy with special needs knew each letter, and knew how to spell a word using those letters. Of course the words were short, usually no more than four letters long, but they had these words perfected and had fun writing them too. Their reward for knowing all of the letters in the alphabet was free time. During this time, they ran to the toy box and pulled out the dinosaurs and cars, and played. They were all getting along until one of the boys grabbed the other’s car, and wouldn’t give it back.One boy immediately sided with the one that stole, and the other two sided with the one who got his car stolen. It was mass chaos. Screaming at each other, and pointing fingers seemed to be the only way they knew how to sett le this situation. Mrs. Maddock walked over and separated the kindergarten fight and asked the two main boys what had happened. Of course each of them had different stories, and it was funny to me to see how they reacted. The one who was lying kept looking away, and pausing his sentences with â€Å"um†¦Ã¢â‚¬ while he tried to make up more lies.Mrs. Maddock knew right away of course which one was telling the truth, but because they were all yelling at each other she put both of the main boys in time out. The other three went back to playing, and nobody seemed to fight anymore. Everyone got along, because they didn’t want to get put in time out either. About five minutes later, she asked the boys to line up by the door. The line leader of the day ran as fast as he could, just to get to the front, and started to tell the other boys to be quiet so they could leave.He was more than excited to show off his leadership to the other school as they walked through the halls to t heir Physical Education class. It was around this time that I left. After the boys left to go to the gym, I walked around and looked at their alphabet papers. One of the boys had exceptionally well handwriting. Three of the others were about average and of course the one with special needs was very hard to read. They also had art projects on their desks. It was fun to see that all the boys art revolved around sports and trucks or cars.While I was looking at these things, it made me wonder how different the class would have been if there would have been at least one girls. The classroom I observed in was my kindergarten class room, and Mrs. Maddock was my kindergarten teacher. Being in that classroom with her brought back so many memories. Of course our class was quite a bit bigger, I observed many things that could have been observed while I was in kindergarten. While classroom sizes might get smaller by the year, the level of energy and excitement between the classmates stay the sa me.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Public shipping - marine pollution and aspects of marine environment Essay
Public shipping - marine pollution and aspects of marine environment cases - Essay Example It is observed that disputes that arise in territorial waters have seen the port states exercise their special rights on territorial waters and claim to do so for the safety and security in their national interests. Marine environment and pollution is a concern for those holding rights over the territorial waters as well as on high seas, particularly in territorial waters due to its utilization for various activities like fishing, sea-bed activities, etc. The subject of Marine environment and pollution encompasses marine environmental activities and related principles, jurisdiction of port states over ships moving in the territorial region, and other sea-bed activities by the port state. In the particular cases of Corfu Channel and Anglo-Norwegian Fisheries conflict, marine pollution and environmental issues have been raised in the political, economic and historical contexts. It also seen that the port states have a rather diligent advantage over the claimant states in both the cases wherein in Corfu Channel case, the court put the responsibility of proof on the British government which is the claimant (Kazazi, 1995, p 86), while in the case of Anglo-Norwegian Fisheries case, the courts ruled that Norwegian government has the right to exercise its sovereignty on its territorial waters keeping in view the geo-socio custom of the Norwegians in depending on sea waters for fishing as an occupation by a majority (Wise, 1984, p 70). The Corfu Channel case- In 1946, two United Kingdom's ships have been damaged with loss of life of over 40 naval staff in the ships in the territorial waters of Albania. It is alleged by the United Kingdom that Albania has violated International law and had planted or was aware of the presence of mines in its territorial waters which caused loss of life and damage to two of its ships Soumarage and Volage when they struck mines lying under the sea. Earlier in 1944 and 1945 when the British seamen along with a team of international bodies swept the territorial waters of Albania, they had acted according to the law and had promptly informed and taken safety measures to keep the ships away during the minesweeping operations. However, on 15th May 1946 and again on 22nd October 1946, the British ships were shot at by the Norwegian authorities as a defensive attack alleging that the British ships were violating their orders and regulations in the international law to inform the port of their entry. In the second attack, in October, two of the ships that were sent by the British government after informing the Norwegian government of mine sweeping operations with the permission of the International Court of Justice (ICJ), were attacked and they stuck mines that lay under the sea resulting in loss of life and damage to the ships. The British government claimed that the Albanian government deliberately laid mines in the sea to disrupt the innocent passage rights of other nations. Also, since it had sent the two ships for mine sweeping operations, it alleged that Albania had violated the regulations in International law. It cites the articles 3 and 4 of the 8th convention of Hague of 1997 noting that Albania had violated the International law and failed to inform the other nations of the impending dangers due to the mines present in the territoria
Friday, September 27, 2019
Anne Frank - The Diary of a Young Girl Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Anne Frank - The Diary of a Young Girl - Essay Example Anne Frank is a mundane teenager going through the happenings, events, and feelings that all teenagers go through, yet she is going through them while Amsterdam, Holland is being involved in the Holocaust. The main concept of the journal, however, is Anne keeping track of everything that she does go through while her family is in hiding. She makes notes of the changes that she is going through as a teenager, and how she believes that these changes are separating her from her family – mentally and emotionally. As aforementioned, the journal had been intended as a release for a teenager going through everyday strife, confusion, and emotions that she does not understand. Unfortunately, as the effects of the Holocaust nears Anne’s home in Holland, her journal entries become tainted by the events of the war and of the persecution of the Jews. Anne confides into her journal the worries that she has for the people that she is close to – she knows that many of them have been taken to concentration camps, and she fears for the day that her family is taken in. She becomes overly emotional when she talks about the different rights that were taken away from her, the rights that constituted her as a teenager. She was no longer allowed to ride her bike during certain times, and she had to wear a yellow star on her clothes, so that the soldiers would know if she was breaking any of the rules laid down for the Jews. Her journal entries become more disconcerted as things worsen for her family and the other families that they are in hiding with. It is clear that Anne feels their time in hiding is coming to a close. The journal ends as they are still in hiding; when the soldiers find them, Anne is unable to take her journal with her to the concentration camp. She dies soon before her release from the camp, so she was unable to add more to her journal. Aside from the fact that the story’s content was depressing and disturbing in regards to the Holocaust
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Hrm Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Hrm - Essay Example Shifting of skills that permit completion of tasks in the organization can only be possible through training. This is an explanation of the fact that the employees are able to acquire new dexterities that increase their knowledge in business; thus, an expansion in their career expertise. If this happens to all employees, then it is worth arguing that the entire organization will be effective if training is well done. According to Caple &Buckley (2009), learning and development allows the organizations attain their goals and objectives since the employees have been properly directed on the dos and dons of the business. The human resource department, in this case, must take up the role of training very seriously by evaluating the key sectors of the organization that needs improvement. The most important aspect is to assess the business environment, and then come up with actions that will lead to the employees take part in learner-oriented programs. The HR must then devise strategies that will lead to the employees being ambassadors of change in the organization. These strategies must, however, be in line with the organization’s goals. In relation to the study conducted by John (2002), training and development in the workplace offers a great opportunity for the business to have a working environment, both internally and externally. In the course of learning, the employees are able to learn from their fellow employees on the requirements of the changing business environment. Externally, the HR manager exposes the employees to new skills in the business world by enlightening them on the new business requirements. This can be done by sponsoring the employees to workshops and seminars that boost their careers. In the long run, both the individuals and the organization benefit from the training programs. Though at times many businesses are
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Influence of physical attractiveness and personality on relationship Essay
Influence of physical attractiveness and personality on relationship formation - Essay Example (Gonzales, 2008). Some uses physical attractiveness as factor to consider in choosing the person to have a relationship with. Simple observations like clothes he wears, the way he talks, the way he walks and others may lead to the interpretation of a variety of other characteristics. In the literature review the paper presented researches and study done on physical attractiveness and personality on relationship. One of the study was done by Gonzales, Casey of Department of Psychology in Loyola University of New Orleans (2008). In 2001 Yela and Sangrador of Univeristy of Madrid releases their article, "Perception of Physical Attractiveness throughout Loving Relationship". In the article they try to verify various hypotheses about the importance of physical attractiveness (PA) in loving relationships, based on known psycho-social processes. Also included in the review are the researches done by Gilles on 1994. In this article the writer presented two useful and complementary models of relationship development: the Social Penetration Theory and Attraction. At the end of this letter the writer will show his own view about the topic. In the study done by Casey Gonzales of the Department of Psychology in New Orleans presented three characteristics that affect interpersonal attractiveness across a range of social relationships these are: warmth, competence and physical attractiveness. (2001). Warmth is described as a positive outlook and positive attitude towards people and things. Competence matters mostly when it depends on the nature of the relationship that he/she has with a person. Physical attractiveness according to Gonzales (2001) is the most difficult of the three characteristics because it is hard to avoid forming impressions of people based on their appearance. This implies that if a person is physically attractive he/she also has other positive qualities as well. Also in the article written by Gonzales (2001) when choosing someone to have a relationship with the characteristics of warmth, competence and physical attractiveness are important influences. Many studies showed that although both sexes view a partner's physical attractiveness as an asset, men placed greater value on the physical attributes of a partner than women did (Feingold, 1990; Jackson, 1992; as cited by Taylor et. al). In a national survey of Americans, women were more willing than men to marry someone who was not "good looking"(Sprecher, Sullivan, & Hatfield, 1994). Women also prefer older partners while men prefer younger partners. Women place greater emphasis on a partner's economic resources than men do. Men were more willing than women to marry someone who was not likely to have a steady job, earned more, and had more education. These sex differences have been found not only in the United States but in a wide range of other cultures as well (Buss, 1989). Yela and Sangrador (2001) presented scientific study on the importance of physical attractiveness and personality in forming a relationship. Using variables and measurement technique they evaluated how physical attractiveness greatly influences the person to pursue to have a relationship. Social psychology emphasize that the role played by physical attractiveness in our social cognition, behaviors, and interpersonal relationships is
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Developing Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Developing Leadership - Essay Example The main purpose of doing a self assessment is, according to Self Assessment Ways of Learning (n.d.), is for an individual to "self-assess how (he or she) learns so that adjustments in the teaching approach may be made(and) There are a number of theories of learning styles." In order to increase my learning and the ability to gain knowledge and to know what the best approaches will work for me, I must do a self assessment. There are many theories of learning and it best to know which ones I am more compatible and open to. Psychometric instruments, which are used to measure psychological things, include tests and questionnaires that measure personality, verbal reasoning, numerical reasoning, managerial judgment, motivation, the ability to work on (your) own, and the ability to work with others, etc. were used. The psychometric instrument used for this essay was a self-report questionnaire where the candidate responded to a series of statements - with no right or wrong answers - and the completed questionnaire gave insight to various areas of the individual's personality and reasoning. (Exciting Future, Author Unknown, n.d.) I was born on February 10, 1975, and the languages that I fluently speak include English, Urdu and Pushto. My work history includes employment as Manager in Cost Cutter Super Market Whitby Road Slough and worked in Agriculture Research. My skills, previous research work, education, and experience can be found in the portfolio which is enclosed with this essay. My education, research skills, and computer knowledge is evident and consistent with the feedback and performance appraisals (which are included in the portfolio of evidence that is enclosed with this writing) that were provided by one of my professors and previous employers. With the "ability to concentrate for long periods of time", as stated by a professor, I was able to succeed academically, became highly skilled in research, and acquire excellent computer and IT skills. I possess a very serious and practical approach to higher studies as this is my passion. There is always room for more learning and growing, I truly believe. As stated earlier, this detailed critical examination of self uses a "Competing Values Management Practices Survey", a psychometric instrument which was used for self assessment at one of the universities I attended. This survey is a form of the Myer Briggs instrument. The Developing Leadership 3 instructions of the assessment were "Listed below are some statements that describe managerial practices. Indicate how often you engage in the behaviors, using the scale below to respond to each statement. Please place a number from 1 to 7, Almost never 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Almost always, in the space beside each question. The areas or roles in which I scored very high included: The Monitor, The Coordinator, The Mentor, and The Facilitator. The areas/roles that I scored "medium" included: The Producer and The Director. Finally, the areas that I scored lower included: The Innovator and The Broker. The
Monday, September 23, 2019
Tragedy of the Commons Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Tragedy of the Commons - Essay Example Better and cheaper solutions must be developed and governmental support should be at all levels to deal with this problem. 2) The extraction of fossil fuels such as drilling of oil or mining is not considered a tragedy of commons because the resource that is being extracted is not being stored; in fact, individuals are using it as per their needs. The term tragedy of commons was initially driven to describe the over usage of the available resource. In today’s world, the usage of oil consumption for example, has exceeded to great extent. Therefore, to fill this need extraction of such resources is necessary. Nevertheless, the general view of the economists is that fossil fuels are a tragedy of commons because due to its usage the natural resources become extinct. However, the stress is upon usage and not upon over usage. Therefore, it can be said that it is not a tragedy of commons; rather it is a need that is larger than the availability of the resource (Sustainable
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Homework3 Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Homework3 - Article Example This is to mean that the correlation between theory and practice is the fact that theory is distracted practice while practice is practical theory. In this regard, the ones focusing on practice often argue that the believers of theory are detached from the real experience of the actual happenings in the world. On the contrary, the believers of theory argue that practice alone is not enough, as practice must touch on theory that forms the basics of what they do (McKenna &Rooney, 2005). Contradictions will, therefore, ensue as both schools of thought believe that malpractices shape each other’s thoughts. The major question, for that reason, focuses on whether following a specific set rules determines which of the two is valid (McKenna &Rooney, 2005). Theoretically, one would argue that there is no major disparity between practice and theory. However, for the case of practice, the difference is major; thus, contradictions. McKenna, B. &Rooney, D. (2005). Wisdom Management: Tensions Between Theory And Practice In Practice. In: KMAP 2005 Knowledge Management in Asia Pacific Conference: Building a Knowledge Society, School of Information Management and the School of Government: Victoria University of Wellington, New
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Pride and Prejudice Passage Analysis Essay Example for Free
Pride and Prejudice Passage Analysis Essay Jane Austen resolves the novel while using particular writing style and technique to reinforce the characters of Elizabeth, Georgiana, and Lady Catherine de Bourgh. Elizabeth’s strong-willed character is emphasized when Austen subtly contrasts her against Georgiana’s shy one; she uses Georgiana as a foil character for Elizabeth, and vice versa. Elizabeth’s strong opinions, quick wit, and â€Å"lively, sportive, manner†of conversing with Darcy astonish Georgiana. Austen’s use of the phrase â€Å"lively, sportive, manner†gives the sentence a more vigorous and energetic feel, which reflects the nature of the conversation. Apart from her wit, Elizabeth’s sensibility is also shown with she persuades Darcy to seek reconciliation with his aunt. While several members of her family might have been happy to begrudge Lady de Bourgh, Austen reinforces Elizabeth’s intelligence and sensibility by emphasizing that she has risen above some of the poor behaviour that she has grown up with. In terms of Georgiana, Austen maintains her character as an innocent and shy girl. She brings up the fact that Georgiana is more than ten years younger than Darcy, and contrasts her somewhat introverted personality with Elizabeth’s strong-willed and confident one. Lastly, her youth and naivete is emphasized when Austen chooses to say she was influenced by Elizabeth’s â€Å"instruction†. In terms of Lady Catherine de Bourgh, Austen emphasizes her class-snobbery and haughtiness with her satirical (and quite comedic) choice of words, saying that Elizabeth and her relatives had â€Å"polluted†Pemberley. Her bossiness and need to be in control of everything causes her to write an angry letter to Darcy, since he and Elizabeth ignored her objections. The entire ending can be contrasted to the start of the book, which outlined the unhappy marriage of the Bennets. It seems that Elizabeth, who marries Darcy out of love, will enjoy a much happier marriage than Lydia, who married for passion, as well as Charlotte, who married for financial stability.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Approaches to Sport and Exercise
Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Approaches to Sport and Exercise Critically discuss interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approaches to sport and exercise science within the professional experience undertaken in term 1. Support your answers with relevant literature and theory The advance in sports professionalism and the increasing intensity of competition has made a scientific approach to sport vital to monitoring and improving performance (Campbel. 2007). British expertise in sport and exercise science is reflected in the growing number of postgraduate qualifications that offer the chance to study new and exciting developments. The applications of scientific principles are studied by examining three branches of science biomechanics, physiology and psychology although this knowledge is applied differently to each of the sport and exercise disciplines. Sport science largely offers expert scientific backup for top sport training and performance, while exercise science has a central role in physical programmes aimed at improving general health (Campbel.2007). The qualified sport and exercise scientist can expect to have a broad technical, physiological and psychological knowledge, and stands to benefit from current developments within the field offering a professional status. Although research within sport and exercise science is done in many different disciplines, the majority of published research is mono-disciplinary. Burwitz et al (1994) defined mono-disciplinary as a singular discipline in nature. A professional experience was undertaken to assess the approaches to inter and multi-disciplinary within sport and exercise science research. The experience was of a sport science nature which involved the participation of a newly created test, designed to monitor endurance performance. The test focused on heart rate response, ground contact times and oxygen uptake whilst running on a treadmill at sub maximal speeds. The data collected from this test will, as a result, be used to better the understanding of factors that contribute to endurance performance and importantly to easily be able to measure these factors. A similar study created by Blackadar et al (2001) found that the measurements of ground contact times and heart rate response during level runnin g at chosen speed can provide accurate estimates of maximal aerobic power. Carpenter and Ledger (2004) suggests that an understanding of physiological factors is essential for anyone involved in sport (coach or performer), appreciation of this is vital in developing effective training programmes and optimising performance. This essay will outline what multi and interdisciplinary approaches to sport and exercise science are. It will then delineate how the two approaches can be applied to the professional experience undertaken. An Interdisciplinary approach within sport and exercise science involves a partnership of coaches with sport and exercise scientists such as physiologists or psychologists. Miles et al (1997) defines an interdisciplinary approach as more than one area of sport and exercise science working together in an integrated and co-ordinated manner to solve a problem. Interdisciplinary research needs to involve a strong integration of information from more than one sub-discipline of sport and exercise science from the outset of a particular research programme (Burwitz et al. 1994). Williams and James (2001) developed a model to demonstrate interdisciplinary approaches, where the goal of the sport or exercise is affected by each area involved. Multidisciplinary research involves less integration of the sub-disciplines of sport and exercise science. Each discipline tends to work in parallel on a common topic (Burwitz et al. 1994). Just like interdisciplinary, it involves more than one sport working together but the difference being they work together in an isolated, unitary and co-ordinated manner (Miles et al 1997). In a multidisciplinary approach each discipline will look for problems to a solution from within only that discipline, for example, a physiologist will look at how the body responds to exercise; each discipline will then assemble their findings. Alternatively in an interdisciplinary approach, the physiologist may work together with a biomechanist to look at if rate of fatigue changes with different technique (Burwitz et al. 1994). The deficient in the integration of sub-disciplines from the outset of sport and exercise science may be resultant to the multidisciplinary research, thus, making it harder to integra te them together whilst trying to bring about an interdisciplinary approach to problem solving. The majority of sport and exercise science research is mono-disciplinary (Burwitz et al 1994) but introducing the involvement of multi and interdisciplinary research will help to improve the overall standard of research. It will bond together more than one discipline of sport and exercise science such as physiology and biomechanics, consequently, improving the ability to solve problems such as injury, fatigue and poor technique. More than one approach working together as a team will combine their knowledge and methods from their different areas to be able to solve a problem. Regardless of these resemblances, fundamental disparities between the two stated approaches are still apparent. Interdisciplinary approaches look to be the best in terms of bringing about improvements as it incorporates the disciplines which take the form of ‘bridge-building (Squires et al 1975). This requires an amalgamation of expert knowledge from diverse disciplines concentrating on a precise problem. Contrastingly, multidisciplinary approaches gather rather than combine knowledge; consequently the sub-disciplines work independently during the research processes before coming together to reach a conclusion about a stated problem (Burwitz et al 1994). Burwitz et al (1994) believes that an interdisciplinary approach will disclose possible conflicts between the disciplines. As there are direct dealings among sub-disciplines, a view given by one area could be disputed by another. This is less likely to occur in multi-disciplinary approaches as the disciplines do not work in dir ect contact with one another. Despite the above examples, no clear definition is given of the distinctions between the two approaches because many sport and exercise scientists have regarded multi and inter-disciplinary as synonymous terms (Burwitz et al 1994). The professional experience undertaken was involved with sport science; Smith (2001) describes sport science as being characterised by collaborations with coaches and performance directors. The experience undertaken was first and foremost a physiological approach. Researchers have amassed so much knowledge about physical activity that it is now a separate academic field of study within the biological sciences (Katch et al 2000). Physiology of exercise can be defined as the study of how the body responds and adapts to exercise and importantly identifies physiological characteristics that explain rather than simply describe performance and also focus on ways to improve performance (Bromley et al 2007). Middle distance running is a sport that utilises this definition very well. In this event, oxidative phosphorylation represents the principal energy-producing metabolic pathway and, therefore, it is not surprising that the parameters of fitness which correlate most closely with performance are those related to oxygen uptake (VO2max), the various oxygen uptake required to run at different speeds (running economy), and the oxygen uptake that can be sustained without appreciable accumulation of lactate in the blood (Jones. 1998). Understanding the pr inciples of these factors will contribute to improving endurance performance, and as a result enable an athlete to overcome these issues and improve them. During the professional experience questions were put to the researcher regarding the involvement of other disciplines to determine the dimension of the research. These questions were: ‘are there any other areas of sport and exercise science e.g. biomechanist, psychologist, etc, other than yourself (a physiologist) present to help assess the data gathered from the research? ‘Will the results of the research be collated with other disciplines and fed back to the performer? The response from the questions asked clearly demonstrated that the research being carried out was of a mono-disciplinary nature as there was no interaction with other disciplines of sport science. As discussed, an increase in the need from multi or interdisciplinary in sport and exercise science, would have much improved this study as more than one a re of sport and exercise science being involved would have given feedback to an athlete, therefore increasing the value. The research itself was looking at the reliability and validity of a heart rate by looking at its response to ground contact times whilst running on a treadmill to see if it can be used to predict endurance performance. As well as being assessed physiologically, the researcher may have advised the athlete to be assessed by a biomechanist, this may show results that running technique could affect fatigue, for example, the biomechanist could get the athlete to run over a force plate, and the force generated on the plate could show that too much force is being exerted and as a result making you fatigue more quickly. This could then be fed back to the physiologist whereby a solution could be put together to rectify this and therefore the enabling the athlete to have a better running efficiency. This would create an interdisciplinary approach as more than one disciplin e is working together in an integrated fashion thus improving feedback to the athlete and as a result give the athlete a much better chance of improving performance. The professional experience undertaken was shown to be mono-disciplinary as it was a test focusing solely on the physiological changes of an athlete whilst performing a treadmill run. As discussed above, introducing further dimensions may have been more beneficial to the athlete as they receive more feedback of ways to improve. However the test was a funded study by a recognised middle distance running corporation (The British Milers Club) to specifically look at the monitoring of endurance performance and the introduction of other disciplines may have confused the findings and taken away the aims of the study.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Colin Powell Essay -- essays research papers
Colin Powell is a strong individual that has over come hardships of his own and that of his country. He is a man that was never satisfied with average and still excels in everything he does. Colin Powell is a leader and a role model to African Americans and the rest of the world. On April 5, 1937 a true hero was born by the name Colin Luther Powell. He was born in Harlem, New York 12 years after his mother Maud and father Luther Theophilus Powell immigrated to New York from Jamaica. Colin grew up in New York City and proved to be a very intelligent human being. The Powell's were a very disciplined and religious family, which proved helpful in many cases. Colin skipped a grade in elementary school while excelling in his grasp for the English language. He proved extremely knowledgeable in many subjects. According to his older sister Marilyn he  ¡Ã‚ §excelled at map drawing and French, and he was elected  ¡Ã‚ ¥class captain ¡Ã‚ ¦Ã‚ ¡Ã‚ ¨. (Senna 9) In 1953 Colin graduated Morris High School at the youthful age of sixteen. He did not have an idea of what he wanted to be all he knew was he wanted to make his parents proud. In the year 1954 Colin took his first step to his brilant future. He enrolled at CCNY (City College of New York). His parents insisted he major in engineering, and he did. He had no desire to further his education but did anyway to make his parents proud. Early in Colin ¡Ã‚ ¦s college career he joined the Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC). On June 9,1958 he graduated from CCNY...
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Jesus Christ: The Importance of his Miracles Essay examples -- Religio
Jesus Christ: The Importance of his Miracles Throughout history many people have given messages. They were trying to make people consider the messages. They would say that they would do something with out actually backing it up, or they would say they are someone with out proof. Jesus had made many messages that said that he was â€Å"the messiah†, the son of god. The performance of miracles had strengthened Jesus’ message. Because Jesus had done miracles to back up his message, people actually believed he was the messiah, Son of God. Many people believe Jesus actually performed miracles but some people believe he did not. In the book by Washington F. Jarvis (p 65) it defines miracle as â€Å"an occurrence which we cannot explain in terms of our present knowledge and understanding of how things work in the world around us.†Many people believe that Jesus did perform the miracles but few still believe they were phony. In the book by Washington F. Jarvis (p 65) it states that â€Å"many dispute this portrait of Jesus; many deny the possibility of miracles and find the gospel miracle stories embarrassing fairy tales.†There were people who were not too confident that Jesus actually performed the miracles. Many people also thought that Jesus was a troublemaker, if in fact he was the messiah, the son of god. In the book by Washington F. Jarvis (p 66) it says that â€Å"because Jesus broke the law by healing on the Sabbath, and because he attracted many adherents, he came to be regarded by the establishment as a dangerous trouble maker.†Many people thought if he could heal people he should know when to do it or when not to do it. They believed that he could perform miracles but that he was a trouble make or that he was working for the devil or something evil. Many people did think he could heal people. In the book by Washington F. Jarvis (p 65) it says that â€Å"but the gospels portray Jesus as a miracle- worker and credit him with the power to heal sickness and to alter the natural order.†Even though people could see that he could heal people, some still wanted to deny that he was a miracle worker. People knew that he was a miracle worker in the book by Washington F. Jarvis (p 66) it says that â€Å"when we read the gospels accounts, what strikes us the most is the fact that no one in Jesus’ time, friend or enemy, ever indicated the slightest doubt that Jesus did miracles.... ... his fingers in to his ears, spat and touched his tongue. He looked up to the heaven and said ephphatha, ‘be opened’ in Aramaic, and the man was cured (mark7: 31-7). Jesus also performed another miracle with a blind man. In the book by E. P. Sanders (p 145) it says â€Å"in Bethsaida a blind man was brought to him. He took him outside the village, spat on his eyes, and laid his hands on him. The man’s sight was partially restored: he could see people, but they looked ‘like trees walking’ Jesus again put his hands over his eyes, and his sight was restored (mark 8:22-6). In conclusion Jesus could perform miracles and the way he did them strengthened his message. The performance of miracles did strengthen his message because of the witnesses that had seen him. Even though there were many doubts about Jesus there were also people who knew he was working for God. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Jarvis, Washington F. And still is ours today the story of Jesus New York: The Sea Bury press1980 2. Porter, Roy J. Jesus Christ the Jesus of history, the Christ of faith England, London: Duncan Baird publishers ltd 1999 3. Sanders, E. P. The historical figure of Jesus England: The Penguin group 1993
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Graduation Speech: Prime Time :: Graduation Speech, Commencement Address
The age of reality TV has arrived. There's a different show on every night of the week. And I hate to admit it, but once you get started on a series, it becomes pretty addictive. They should have a disclaimer when they roll the credits or something. Now don't deny it, I know you've all fallen into the trap, too. You promise yourself you're only going to watch for ten minutes to see what all the craze is about, and 45 minutes later you're still watching, but wondering why you just wasted your time. That happened to me when "Married By America" came out. I honestly think that was one of the worst reality shows yet! I didn't watch it religiously, but there were a few episodes that I got suckered into. So which show is your favorite? Let's take a look at our TV Guide. ... It's Monday night. You just got home from practice and finished dinner. It's 8:00, so... naturally you turn on the TV to channel 5, because it's time for "Fear Factor." We all could have been on an episode of "Fear Factor." Four years ago we entered these halls as fearful freshmen. What were we afraid of? The typical rumors: getting stuffed in a trash can or taped to the flagpole, or maybe getting lost in this huge campus, which we could now find our way around blindfolded. From watching "Fear Factor," we've learned that eating maggots and sheep eyeballs on a pizza won't kill you. Apparently, living off of cafeteria food for four years won't kill you either. We've been fearful of finals and failing our CE's, but we made it. All of us here tonight have conquered those fears. Hey, we may not walk away with $50,000, but hopefully a diploma will get us where we want to go. So it's Tuesday night and you just finished your homework. You need to relax, so you flip the TV on to channel 13 just in time to catch "American Idol." You listen to the music and wait for your favorite budding rock star to perform. When the show is over, you cast your vote along with 24 million other Americans who want their own voice to be heard. Now there's a lesson here for all of us, Grads. It would seem that the American population gets more excited about voting after watching an hour of "American Idol" than they do about voting for President.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Labor Practices Paper †Sweatshops Essay
Bridget PeacoIn several countries across the world, individuals are being misused and mistreated on a regular basis by sweatshops and the people that run them. A sweatshop is a word used to define an operating atmosphere, generally factories producing textile products that are considered hazardous because of poor operating environments. It has been discovered that employees that work at sweatshops often experience metal, physical, and sexual abuse, they work extensively long hours with being unable to leave, without health care benefits while earning inadequate wages. These sweatshops are also found to employ women and children, as they are easier to manipulate. This ethical issue over sweatshops is a perplexing and long going corporate responsibility topic, among the business world. Corporations are confronted with the ethical problem of obtaining the lowest prices from sellers so they can provide low-priced goods to their consumers while withstanding ethical standards and maintaini ng a great public image. Is it ethical for businesses to benefit from employees that work in hazardous and undesirable conditions for little pay and long hours? It is of my conviction that corporations should not merely prioritize the number of their profits but also have a responsibility to humanity to perform in a socially responsible manner. Corporate social responsibility processes can be favorable to the brand image of a corporation so being socially responsible does not have to work against the business’s commitment to its shareholders; by changing a â€Å"triple bottom line†and contemplating the corporation’s economic, social, and environmental impact, an organization could successfully generate social benefits but it could also boost the company’s public persona. Organizations can change how they do business while still performing well with planning and some proper actions based on ethically made decisions. Mistreatment and neglect in sweatshops is a problem that has to be addressed. There has to be a balancing act, a way to better the environments for workers in clothing factories, in underdeveloped countries while maintaining low costs adequately enough that companies will continue to send jobs there, the greatest resolution could be unearthed.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Lights and Sounds Museum Essay
When I first heard of the Lights and Sounds Museum, I thought I was just going to watch an ordinary show about the making of Intramuros. But when I entered a big room, standing, and with lights all turned off, I felt I was up for something more exciting that day. The Lights and Sounds Museum wasn’t just a museum, it was an experience center! A diorama of one of the battles fought between the Filipinos and the Spaniards. The museum was divided into different rooms. Each one of them is depicting some of the highlights of the Philippine history. It has dioramas- moving replicas of people and objects placed in scenes that tell the remarkable stories of the Philippines’ past. Statues of the different Filipino heroes were placed inside the Lights and Sounds Museum. Each scene is to be â€Å"experienced†one by one. It is dramatically narrated by a voice over with some background music. The lights are also in place to direct the attention of the audience to the main characters. A tour facilitator is also present to lead the audience from one room to another. We were brought to Europe inside the Lights and Sounds Museum and experienced the life of Jose Rizal and his fellow Filipinos when they were there. The life of Jose Rizal was one of the highlights in the Lights and Sound Museum. It was an instant trip to Europe when we were brought by the tour facilitator to Jose Rizal’s life in Spain and Germany. The publishing of La Solidaridad. We were able to â€Å"experience†the national hero’s life through the images being depicted in the dioramas. The dioramas were not anymore at their best conditions today but I still enjoyed the entire show, nonetheless. The different characters from Noli Me Tangere. There was even a room showcasing the characters of Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo. It was nice to go back once again to the novels written by Jose Rizal. This time, with life-size dioramas and dramatic narrations. The friars warned the Filipinos about reading Rizal’s novels. The Lights and Sounds Museum was a project of the former Tourism Secretary, Richard Gordon. The aim of the museum is to retell the history of the Philippines to local and foreign visitors in an interactive and fun setting. The building of Intramuros. Another highlight of the show is the story of how Intramuros, the Walled City, was built. This topic wasn’t discussed that much during my classes in history in high school and college. The Filipinos weren’t allowed to enter inside Intramuros- except the slaves. Because of the Lights and Sounds Museum, I have learned that ordinary Filipinos- except the special guests and the slaves- weren’t allowed to enter the walls of Intramuros back then. It was exclusive to the Spaniards- the government officials, the friars and their guests. It was also said that the Spaniards made it a very happy place. Spaniards held feasts inside it every now and then, leaving the Filipinos outside hungry and oppressed. A diorama of Jose Rizal when he was imprisoned in Fort Santiago. Lights and Sounds Museum is located at Sta. Lucia cor. Victoria Sts. The tour requires a minimum fee of PhP 1,000 per tour. The first show starts at 10:00 AM and the last show at 6:00 PM. For reservations or inquiries, you may contact (02) 524 2827.
Zoe’s Tale PART III Chapter Twenty-Two
â€Å"Demand something back,†I said to myself as I waited for the Obin council member to greet me in my state-room. â€Å"Demand something back. Demand something back.†I'm definitely going to throw up, I thought. You can't throw up, I answered myself. You haven't figured out the plumbing yet. You don't know what to throw up into. That at least was true. The Obin don't excrete or take care of their personal hygiene the same way humans do, and they don't have the same issues with modesty that we do when they're with others of their own race. In the corner of my stateroom was an interesting array of holes and spigots that looked like something that you would probably use for bathroom purposes. But I had no idea what was what. I didn't want to use the thing that I thought was the sink, only to find out later it was supposed to be the toilet. Drinking from the toilet was fine for Babar, but I like to think I have higher standards. This was definitely going to be an issue in another hour or two. I would have to ask Hickory or Dickory about it. They weren't with me because I asked to be taken directly to my stateroom when we took off and then asked to be alone for an hour, at which point I wanted to see the council member. I think that by doing that, I messed up some sort of ceremonial welcome from the crew of the Obin transport (called Obin Transport 8532, in typical and boring Obin efficiency), but I didn't let that bother me. It did have the effect I was going for at the moment: I had decided I was going to be a little bit difficult. Being a little bit difficult was going to make it easier, I hoped, to do what I needed to do next. Which was to try to save Roanoke. My dad had his own plan to do that, and I was going to help him with it. But I was thinking up a plan of my own. All it needed me to do was to demand something back. Something really, really, really big. Oh, well, my brain said. If this doesn't work at least you can ask this council guy where you're supposed to pee. Yes, well, that would be something. There was a knock on my stateroom door, and the door then slid open. There was no lock on the door because Obin among themselves didn't have much of a concept of privacy (no signal on the door, either, for the same reason). Three Obin entered the room: Hickory and Dickory, and a third Obin who was new to me. â€Å"Welcome, Zoe,†it said to me. â€Å"We welcome you at the start of your time with the Obin.†â€Å"Thank you,†I said. â€Å"Are you the council member?†â€Å"I am,†it said. â€Å"My name is Dock.†I tried very hard to keep a smile off my face and failed miserably. â€Å"You said your name was Dock,†I said. â€Å"Yes,†it said. â€Å"As in ‘Hickory, Dickory, Dock,'†I said. â€Å"That is correct,†it said. â€Å"That's quite a coincidence,†I said, once I got my face back under control. â€Å"It is not a coincidence,†Dock said. â€Å"When you named Hickory and Dickory, we learned of the nursery rhyme from which you derived the names. When I and many other Obin chose names for ourselves, we chose words from the rhyme.†â€Å"I knew there were other Hickorys and Dickorys,†I said. â€Å"But you're telling me that there are other Obin named ‘Dock,' too.†â€Å"Yes,†said Dock. â€Å"And ‘Mouse' and ‘Clock,'†I said. â€Å"Yes,†said Dock. â€Å"What about ‘Ran,' ‘Up,' and ‘The'?†I asked. â€Å"Every word in the rhyme is popular as a name,†said Dock. â€Å"I hope some of the Obin know they've named themselves after a definite article,†I said. â€Å"We are all aware of the meaning of the words,†Dock said. â€Å"What was important is the association to you. You named these two ‘Hickory' and ‘Dickory.' Everything followed from there.†I had been getting sidetracked by the idea that an entire fearsome race of aliens had given themselves goofy names because of the names I had thoughtlessly given two of them more than a decade before; this comment by Dock snapped me back into focus. It was a reminder that the Obin, with their new consciousness, had so identified with me, so imprinted on me, even as a child, that even a nursery rhyme I liked carried weight. Demand something back. My stomach cramped up. I ignored it. â€Å"Hickory,†I said. â€Å"Are you and Dickory recording right now?†â€Å"Yes,†Hickory said. â€Å"Stop please,†I said. â€Å"Councilor Dock, are you recording this right now?†â€Å"I am,†it said. â€Å"Although only for my personal recollection.†â€Å"Please stop,†I said. They all stopped recording. â€Å"Have we offended you?†Dock asked. â€Å"No,†I said. â€Å"But I don't think you'll want this as part of the permanent record.†I took a deep breath. â€Å"I require something from the Obin, Councilor.†â€Å"Tell me what it is,†Dock said. â€Å"I will try to find it for you.†â€Å"I require the Obin to help me defend Roanoke,†I said. â€Å"I am afraid we are unable to help you with that request,†Dock said. â€Å"It's not a request,†I said. â€Å"I do not understand,†Dock said. â€Å"I said, it's not a request. I didn't request the Obin's help, Councilor. I said I require it. There's a difference.†â€Å"We cannot comply,†Dock said. â€Å"The Colonial Union has requested that we provide no assistance to Roanoke.†â€Å"I don't care,†I said. â€Å"What the Colonial Union wants at this point means absolutely nothing to me. The Colonial Union is planning to let everyone I care about die because it's decided Roanoke is more useful as a symbol than a colony. I don't give a crap about the symbolism. I care about the people. My friends and family. They need help. And I require it from you.†â€Å"Assisting you means breaking our treaty with the Colonial Union,†Dock said. â€Å"Your treaty,†I said. â€Å"That would be the one that allows you access to me.†â€Å"Yes,†Dickory said. â€Å"You realize you have me,†I said. â€Å"On this ship. Technically on Obin territory. You don't need Colonial Union permission to see me anymore.†â€Å"Our treaty with the Colonial Union is not only about access to you,†Dock said. â€Å"It covers many issues, including our access to the consciousness machines we wear. We cannot go against this treaty, even for you.†â€Å"Then don't break it,†I said, and this is where I mentally crossed my fingers. I knew the Obin would say they couldn't break their treaty with the Colonial Union; Hickory had said so before. This is where things were about to get really tricky. â€Å"I require the Obin help me defend Roanoke, Councilor. I didn't say the Obin had to do it themselves.†â€Å"I am afraid I do not understand you,†Dock said. â€Å"Get someone else to help me,†I said. â€Å"Hint to them that the help would be appreciated. Do whatever you have to do.†â€Å"We would not be able to hide our influence,†Dock said. â€Å"The Colonial Union will not be swayed by the argument that our forcing another race to act on your behalf does not constitute interference.†â€Å"Then ask someone the Colonial Union knows you can't force,†I said. â€Å"Whom do you suggest?†Dock asked. There's an old expression for when you do something completely crazy. â€Å"Shooting the moon,†it's called. This was me raising my rifle. â€Å"The Consu,†I said. Blam. There went my shot at a very faraway moon. But it was a shot I had to take. The Obin were obsessed with the Consu, for perfectly excellent reasons: How could you not be obsessed with the creatures that gave you intelligence, and then ignored you for the rest of eternity? The Consu had spoken to the Obin only once since they gave them consciousness, and that conversation came at the high cost of half of all Obin, everywhere. I remembered that cost. I planned to use it to my advantage now. â€Å"The Consu do not speak to us,†Dock said. â€Å"Make them,†I said. â€Å"We do not know how,†Dock said. â€Å"Find a way,†I said. â€Å"I know how the Obin feel about the Consu, Councilor. I've studied them. I've studied you. Hickory and Dickory made a story about them. Obin's first creation myth, except it's true. I know how you got them to speak to you. And I know you've tried to get them to speak to you again since then. Tell me it's not true.†â€Å"It's true,†Dock said. â€Å"I'm willing to guess you're still working on it even now,†I said. â€Å"We are,†Dock said. â€Å"We have been.†â€Å"Now is the time to make that happen,†I said. â€Å"There is no guarantee that the Consu would help you, even if we convinced them to speak to us and hear our plea on your behalf,†Dock said. â€Å"The Consu are unknowable.†â€Å"I understand that,†I said. â€Å"It's worth a try anyway.†â€Å"Even if what you ask were possible, it would come at a high cost,†Dock said. â€Å"If you knew what it cost us the last time we spoke to the Consu – â€Å" â€Å"I know exactly how much it cost,†I said. â€Å"Hickory told me. And I know the Obin are used to paying for what they get. Let me ask you, Councilor. What did you get from my biological father? What did you get from Charles Boutin?†â€Å"He gave us consciousness,†Dock said, â€Å"as you well know. But it came at a price. Your father asked for a war.†â€Å"Which you never gave him,†I said. â€Å"My father died before you could pay up. You got his gift for free.†â€Å"The Colonial Union asked for a price to finish his work,†Dock said. â€Å"That's between you and the Colonial Union,†I said. â€Å"It doesn't take anything away from what my father did, or the fact you never paid for it. I am his daughter. I am his heir. The fact you are here says that the Obin give me the honor they would give him. I could say to you that you owe me what you owe him: a war, at least.†â€Å"I cannot say that we owe you what we owed your father,†Dock said. â€Å"Then what do you owe me?†I asked. â€Å"What do you owe me for what I've done for you? What is your name?†â€Å"My name is Dock,†it said. â€Å"A name you have because one day I named those two Hickory and Dickory,†I said, pointing at my two friends. â€Å"It's only the most obvious example of what you have through me. My father gave you consciousness, but you didn't know what to do with it, did you? None of you did. All of you learned what to do with your consciousness by watching me grow into mine, as a child and now as who I am today. Councilor, how many Obin have watched my life? Seen how I did things? Learned from me?†â€Å"All of them,†Dock said. â€Å"We have all learned from you, Zoe.†â€Å"What has it cost the Obin?†I asked. â€Å"From the time Hickory and Dickory came to live with me, until the moment I stepped onto this ship, what has it cost you? What have I ever asked of any Obin?†â€Å"You have not asked for anything,†Dock said. I nodded. â€Å"So let's review. The Consu gave you intelligence and it cost you half of all the Obin when you came to ask them why they did it. My father gave you consciousness, and the price for it was a war, a price which you would have willingly paid had he lived. I have given you ten years of lessons on how to be conscious – on how to live. The bill for that has come due, Councilor. What price do I require? Do I require the lives of half the Obin in the universe? No. Do I require the Obin to commit to a war against an entire other race? No. I require only your help to save my family and friends. I don't even require that the Obin do it themselves, only that they find a way to have someone else do it for them. Councilor, given the Obin's history of what it's received and what it has cost, what I am requiring of the Obin now comes very cheap indeed.†Dock stared at me, silently. I stared back, mostly because I had forgotten to blink through all of that and I was afraid if I tried to blink now I might scream. I think it was making me look unnervingly calm. I could live with that. â€Å"We were to send a skip drone when you arrived,†Dock said. â€Å"It has not been sent yet. I will let the rest of the Obin council know of your requirement. I will tell them I support you.†â€Å"Thank you, Councilor,†I said. â€Å"It may take some time to decide on a course of action,†Dock said. â€Å"You don't have time,†I said. â€Å"I am going to see General Gau, and I am going to deliver my dad's message to him. The Obin council has until I am done speaking to General Gau to act. If it has not, or will not, then you will leave General Gau without me.†â€Å"You will not be safe with the Conclave,†Dock said. â€Å"Are you under the impression that I will tolerate being among the Obin if you refuse me?†I said. â€Å"I keep telling you this: I am not asking for this. I am requiring it. If the Obin will not do this, they lose me.†â€Å"That would be very hard for some of us to accept,†Dock said. â€Å"We had already lost you for a year, Zoe, when the Colonial Union hid your colony.†â€Å"Then what will you do?†I asked. â€Å"Drag me back onto the ship? Hold me captive? Record me against my will? I don't imagine that will be very entertaining. I know what I am to the Obin, Councilor. I know what uses you have all put me to. I don't think you will find me very useful after you refuse me.†â€Å"I understand you,†Dock said. â€Å"And now I must send this message. Zoe, it is an honor to meet you. Please excuse me.†I nodded. Dock left. â€Å"Please close the door,†I said to Hickory, who was the closest to it. It did. â€Å"Thank you,†I said, and threw up all over my shoes. Dickory was over to me immediately and caught me before I could fall completely. â€Å"You are ill,†Hickory said. â€Å"I'm fine,†I said, and then threw up all over Dickory. â€Å"Oh, God, Dickory,†I said. â€Å"I'm so sorry.†Hickory came over, took me from Dickory and guided me toward the strange plumbing. It turned on a tap and water came bubbling out. â€Å"What is that?†I asked. â€Å"It is a sink,†Hickory said. â€Å"You're sure?†I asked. Hickory nodded. I leaned over and washed my face and rinsed my mouth out. â€Å"How do you feel?†Hickory said, after I had cleaned myself off as best I could. â€Å"I don't think I'm going to throw up anymore, if that's what you mean,†I said. â€Å"Even if I wanted to, there's nothing left.†â€Å"You vomited because you are sick,†Hickory said. â€Å"I vomited because I just treated one of your leaders like it was my cabin boy,†I said. â€Å"That's a new one for me, Hickory. It really is.†I looked over at Dickory, who was covered in my upchuck. â€Å"And I hope it works. Because I think if I have to do that again, my stomach might just flop right out on the table.†My insides did a flip-flop after I said that. Note to self: After having vomited, watch the overly colorful comments. â€Å"Did you mean it?†Hickory said. â€Å"What you said to Dock?†â€Å"Every word,†I said, and then motioned at myself. â€Å"Come on, Hickory. Look at me. You think I'd put myself through all of this if I wasn't serious?†â€Å"I wanted to be sure,†Hickory said. â€Å"You can be sure,†I said. â€Å"Zoe, we will be with you,†Hickory said. â€Å"Me and Dickory. No matter what the council decides. If you choose to stay behind after you speak to General Gau, we will stay with you.†â€Å"Thank you, Hickory,†I said. â€Å"But you don't have to do that.†â€Å"We do,†Hickory said. â€Å"We would not leave you, Zoe. We have been with you for most of your life. And for all the life that we have spent conscious. With you and with your family. You have called us part of your family. You are away from that family now. You may not see them again. We would not have you be alone. We belong with you.†â€Å"I don't know what to say,†I said. â€Å"Say you will let us stay with you,†Hickory said. â€Å"Yes,†I said. â€Å"Do stay. And thank you. Thank you both.†â€Å"You are welcome,†Hickory said. â€Å"And now as your first official duties, find me something new to wear,†I said. â€Å"I'm starting to get really ripe. And then tell me which of those things over there is the toilet. Because now I really need to know.â€
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Fashion and Social Media
Psychology of Clothing Youngstown State University November 21, 2013 The fashion industry is uniquely positioned to take full advantage of the power of social media. Being an exceedingly visual and expressive industry with an engaged consumer base, the increased publicity and interactivity that social media provides lends itself particularly well to brands in the industry. Twitter, one the leading social media sites. Has also established a presence at major events in the fashion world.An example is Fashion Week, where the fashion house Barberry broke barriers and instilled innovation by live-tweeting photographs of models Just before they stepped on the catwalk at London Fashion Week. It gave individuals an unparalleled look behind the scenes, which in return made â€Å"#Barberry' the second most trending topic on Twitter at that time. Other leaders within the fashion industry are taking to the idea twitter and social media as a whole to expand the relevance of the industry on their take. They are tons of professionals within our industry who can accommodate just about any individuals' style and taste.For the purpose of this paper the focus as on four leaders within the fashion industry. Cosmetic Brands M. A. C cosmetics (@MACcosmectics) and Amiability Cosmetics (@Maybelline) Creative Director of ELL Magazine Joe Zee (@mrJoezee) and finally the website and blob dedicated to everything beauty, Into the Gloss (@lntoTheGloss). Over the past several months, there were key significances with each, first M. A. C cosmetic's re launch Of VIVA Glam, since the first campaign was unveiled in 1994 which features a beautifully creamy shade of deep red where all proceeds went to aids research. But the biggest part of he re launch was when M.A. C cosmetic's revealed via twitter that Rueful was returning to front the one that started it all: Viva Glam 1. Next is Amiability New York Cosmetics, Something very admirable is that they actually reply back to their followers in rega rds to questions, concerns and the whole nine. Also they rewet pictures of individual wearing products for their line as well. Something on trend is the innovation of plums colors which are perfect for the fall and also globalization is a trend with the recent opening of a corporate branch in Lagos, Nigeria which events arm the red carpet opening party trending that night.Next is Ell Creative Director Joe Zee. I'd like to call him Fashion's Approachable Ambassador because given his status within the fashion industry he really connects with his followers by tweeting things within his every life as well as live tweet photos from front row runway shows and event parties within the fashion industry and oncoming trends and sneak peeks within ELL magazine's upcoming issues. Lastly is into the gloss, being an individual who loves makeup would preferable loved work within the beauty part of the fashion industry, I take a lot in from this twitter page, which is no secret my favorite.They are always ahead with the latest trends and innovations regarding all things beauty with an editorial feel. The instant update regarding the latest breakthrough trends are something waiting for. Using twitter in the fashion industry is a win / win for both the individuals and the fashion Houses or leaders. Brands use it to expand and reach to the specific target market using social networking sites like Twitter. Twitter and Social media in the fashion industry is important basically cuts out the middle man while creating a direct communication method between the buyer and seller.The fashion industry literally have uncovered a one of the secrets to success through consumer driving inspiration and testing trends. Which ultimately allows the ability to identify and capitalize on what's currently trending and hot in the industry early, which can make all the difference to a fashion brand or retailer's predominance in the industry, with the ability to amplify the buzz. The best thing about this twitter assignment was the ability to really identify with what part of the fashion industry o wanted to be a part of by following certain people, whether that be Journalist, photographer, marketing or beauty for example.Twitter is the ultimate form of communication with brands and leaders because, like mentioned before they really respond back to their followers creating a one-on-one feel and instilling inspiration to that follower as well, so I would suggest if anything use twitter as platform for professional reasons to get your name out there and be a part of communities full of individuals with similar interest and for that reason alone, is why I will continue to use twitter.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Discussion 4 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 5
Discussion 4 - Assignment Example Ms. Murphy, a young African American woman, visits Westcoast Medical Center complaining of persistent headache and after tests the clinician ascertains she has hypertension. She takes the patient through the pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment options for hypertension highlighting the evidence supporting the effectiveness of each until they identify the one that works best for Ms. Murphy (Speros, 2005). Ms. Murphy walks into a nearby hospital with a complaint of an unceasing headache. The clinician quickly prescribes strong painkillers to Ms. Murphy which she takes and goes home (Kienle & Kiene, 2011). Ms. Murphy visits a hospital far from her home and a clinician listens to her complaint and inspects her for different signs. The clinician engages the data she collects and is able to identify that Ms. Murphy has hypertension. She considers different treatment options each of which is supported by three controlled studies of its effectiveness and picks one that she thinks would work for Ms. Murphy (Ratanasiripong & Chai, 2013). A clinician at Blueline Medical center notes Ms. Murphy’s health complaints and checks her for extra symptoms and she concludes that it is a hypertension case. The clinician aptly searches for relevant information on different treatment options, shares it with Ms. Murphy and leaves her to choose one (Speros, 2005). As an African American woman, Ms. Murphy might be from a cultural setting where females seldom do physical exercise due to a preservative culture. She might not agree to invasive surgical procedures due to her religious values (Kienle & Kiene, 2011). Clinical judgment in evidence-based practice would help prescribe the intervention that she would afford and one that would not clash with her
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Sports logo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Sports logo - Essay Example It was established 54 years ago, and the present-day sports logo of the team did not undergo significant changes since then. Today Minnesota Vikings looks a little bit different from what it used to be in 1961, when the team was founded under its present name. However, the image of a Norseman or Viking, which is a core symbol of the team, has left untouched with minor changes being introduced since the day one of its existence. It was altered first in 1965, when the face of the Norseman was turned from left to right and new colors were added, not mention the slight change of the size of the image. The next time it was upgraded in 2013, when the shape of two horns on the helmet of the Norseman were slightly changed, as well as facial features that became a little bit more sharpened than before. The dominant colors of the present-day Minnesota Vikings sports logo are yellow, purple or velvet and white. The hair and the helmet of the Norseman are of yellow color, while the horns on the helmet are white with black tips. There is a velvet string on the helmet, which contrasts the dominant color wheel of the image to a certain extent. The gradation of direction of the image, obviously, aims at adding movement to the Norsemans shape. The oblique lines of the face might suggest the readiness for action; while a horizontal line that is seen in Norsemans helmet might suggest stability, which symbolizes self-confidence. The texture of the image is hard and rough. The sports logo containing the image of a Viking as a symbol of a Minneapolis football team was first used in 1960. The owners of the newly created American football team, Minnesota Vikings, decided to use this very logo as the image of a team mainly because Minnesota is a state being famous nationwide for a large portion of American population originated from Scandinavian countries. In fact, almost ten million
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Ethical Issue relate to Women Having Children with Unkown Sperm Donors Essay
Ethical Issue relate to Women Having Children with Unkown Sperm Donors - Essay Example 645). Sperm banks get sperm donors from colleges and through the internet. Screening test carried out to ensure the sperm donor is free from genetic diseases, and is of sound mind and intelligence. A number of ethical considerations have risen because of women having children with unknown sperm donors. Sperm donation takes place through artificial insemination. A couple chooses a donor with regard to race, intelligence and good health among other issues (Liou, 2011, p. 7). Technological advancement has assisted older women to bear children. In addition, married infertile men also use sperm donation services to conceive children. The technology has been embraced by many people especially women who wish to bear children at their 40s and 50s. Nonetheless, some ethical and legal issues have emerged where a third party is involved. Therefore, when undertaking unknown sperm donation by a couple the following ethical considerations, should be considered: such as if the sperm donor has legal rights that protect him from any problems that may arise in the future (Liou, 2011, p. 7). In the past, the donors chose to remain anonymous, stating they did not want to get in touch with the donor children. However, due to the curiosity of the donor children, sperm donors have the option of either remaining anonymous or choosing their identity to be known. The donor also has the freedom of being free from any responsibility to the biological child originating from his sperm (Seibel & Crockin, 2010, p. 25). When it comes to the client seeking sperm donation services some information ought to be made available; for instance, what are the complications associated with artificial insemination. Sperm donation activity is not always successful therefore; some treatments ought to be considered before one is eligible for artificial insemination. The sperm bank availing the sperm does not give a guarantee to the client if the sperm is free from genetic diseases (Seibel & Crockin, 2010, p. 26). Even though, genetic screening test is undertaken prior to the procedure, it does not guarantee that the sperm is free from genetic diseases and abnormalities. In addition, the client is also required to be fully responsible for the donor child. The sperm donor and the client rights are usually established under a written contract, signed by the two and the doctor. The agreement ensures that the client and the sperm donor are aware of their rights with regard to the whole procedure. Sperm banks have their specifications when it comes to the sperm they take from donors. A man’s education and personal outlook are taken into consideration. Age also matters, men above the age of forty are not accepted by any sperm bank (Seibel & Crockin, 2010, p. 27). The sperm banks are required, ethically to ensure that they keep records of the number of children one person has conceived this will be used for future references. Therefore, to curb the issue of ethical controversies ethical principles ought to be applied. This will protect persons conceived through sperm donation and all the participants in the sperm donation transaction. Controlling the number of donor offspring is the first principle. Without proper control, one sperm donor can father over 150 children. For instance, in the United States the technology of artificial insemination is on the rise and the demand for donor sperm have risen, as well (Liou, 2011, p. 7). However, the demand
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
The first sale doctrine Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The first sale doctrine - Essay Example Moreover, FSD serves to promote public access to information and culture since it functions as a vital limit on the copyright owner’s right to control the disposition of a work that is copyrighted. People can easily share digital copyrighted works. The FSD preserves and makes available works which are off the market; this is especially amplified within the library context. It also keeps prices low. When publishers realize that they are no longer economically beneficial to keep on producing particular works, the publication of those works will cease. Without the FSD, preservation as well as circulation of those works would also come to an end. Nonetheless, with thrift shops, museums, libraries along with other 3rd parties able to purchase, sell, store and have possession of these works, they are preserved for posterity (Frankel & Harvey, 2011). With this principle and the digitization of media, content has become more available to the public. FSD basically serves to provide a m eans for works to remain in circulation after they are no longer printed, or after the owner of the copyright has withdrawn them from the marketplace. This is a particularly vital function for institutions such as libraries. In the digital marketplace, these benefits are experienced to a considerably large extent. For instance, a book in digital form and copied page by page could be easily reproduced and accessed at one time and easily by everyone. Such physical copies cannot be easily copied in real space. The FSD has allowed buyers of copyrighted materials such as ebooks, music/film DVDs, CDs to resell or utilize the work in several ways with no permission from the holder of the copyright and has made things such as eBay and video rental stores legal (Perzanowski & Schultz, 2010). Question 8: To what extent does the online market today provide opportunities to engage in actions made possible by the first sale doctrine in the analog world, such as sharing favorite books with friend s, or enabling the availability of less-than-full-price versions to students? The marketplace presently does not provide such opportunities primarily because of license terms. The doctrine was established during a period of permanent physical reproductions of books, and the doctrine might be losing its relevance in today’s digital age (Small & Roberts, 2012). In the current era characterized by licenses, people are more and more acquiring films, music and software through downloads which incorporate license terms. This has prevented people from owning copies; rather, they are simply licensees and have no right to re-sell. The FSD was meant to protect purchasers of copies of works that are copyrighted who want to resell their copies by preventing copyright holders from asserting that such re-sales breach their exclusive right of distributing and selling reproductions of the works. Consequently, FSD led to a robust rental and re-sale market for music CDs, films, video games, bo oks among other copyrighted materials with the exception of software (McSherry, 2012). Nonetheless, with the advent of the digital age, FSD presented challenges to some holders of copyright who want to control the re-sale market for their works. FSD is only applicable after the sale of the copyrighted mater
Monday, September 9, 2019
Human Resource Management for Service Idustries Assignment
Human Resource Management for Service Idustries - Assignment Example used on integrating the traditional functions of personnel management in the corporate strategies and objectives of a business is that additional human resource oriented functions of an organization can be adequately performed. In contrast, PM involves the use of traditional personnel management approaches to ensure the maintenance of equitable conditions for employment. The tourism and hospitality service sector is a diverse sector in terms of employment trends and patterns. In some regions and geographical areas, hospitality and tourism act as a high status and attractive employment industry which displays a competitive pay scale and supportive working conditions. In contrast, many of the sub sectors of the hospitality and tourism sector are marked with low pay for the employees, high staff turnover rates, poor working conditions, exploitation of the socially disadvantaged communities, the lack of effective recruitment and selection skills in the key areas and the absence of an adequate level of professionalism and fair practices in the human resource management systems. In such scenarios, the human resource managers of the hospitality and tourism sectors face complex challenges while recruiting, selecting, developing and retaining a competent, well motivated, engaged, committed and well managed group of employees. It can be argued that all these human resource management factors are absolutely necessary for maintaining desirable levels of performance standards and efficiency within an organization. Therefore, the role of the HRM becomes more profound in the current dynamic and continually changing landscape of the service sector. Since any service industry, including the tourism and hospitality industry extensively depends on the direct communication of the company personnel and representatives with the customers and on the level of customer services provided to the clientele groups, therefore, the role of human resource personnel is highly significant in
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Qualtity Health Care Administration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Qualtity Health Care Administration - Essay Example stent with the principles of the 21st Century health system throughout the continuum of the undergraduate, graduate, and continuing education for medical, nursing, and other professional training programs†(McLaughlin & Kaluzny, 2005). Also, the implications of the changes should be reviewed for â€Å"provider credentialing programs, funding, and sponsorship of education programs for health professionals†(Institute of Medicine, 2001). The strategies in current health education reform came up when attention was brought into the fact that health professions education was ill-equipped in the academic and continuing education settings to handle the incoming changes in the patient population. These are changes in diversity, age, increase in chronic illnesses, and improved access to health information (McLaughlin & Kaluzny, 2005). Another problem that was also seen was the fact that, although various health professionals are expected to work as a team, many of them are have not been trained to work as a team. They often have trouble communicating and coordinating with other members of the health care team, and this causes certain problems in the delivery of quality health care services. It was also brought into the attention of the Institute of Medicine that the evidence base for health care practice was increasing; however, there also appeared inconsistencies in evaluating evidence and consequently applying it to the health care practice. Another problem uncovered was also the fact that there was an inconsistency in what is actually known about the â€Å"quality and safety of care and the coursework that is available to health professional students about how to assess quality and safety-of-care information and test solutions†(McLaughlin & Kaluzny, 2005). Finally, inadequate training in informatics was also established through the IOM report. The above problems unearthed by the Institute of Medicine represented problems in health professions education that
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Does god really exist Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Does god really exist - Essay Example In this regard, it is difficult to challenge the contents of religious beliefs especially to the believers because they rely heavily on hope and faith to elucidate matters pertaining to God (Hoyle, 1983, p93). However, many events occurring around the world signify the presence of greater force that cannot be adequately explained and be predetermined by man. This paper discusses that irrespective of one’s religion, there is evidence that proves existence of God. From scientific point of view, we as human beings exist freely in nature and we are made of various compounds, such as water and other structural compounds and elements that have been indentified by scientists (Morris, 1967, p 90). By the virtue of our existence, it is clear that we all originated somewhere. The Biblical point of view holds that in the beginning, God created heaven and earth, and man was created thereafter (Morris, 1967, p52). Atheists argue that there was no beginning of life, an assertion supported b y the science proclamation that matter cannot be created or destroyed and therefore is eternal (Andrews, 1978, p57). However, the atheist assertion is wrong because cosmic observations and processes around the world indicate a gradual consumption of energy that affirms that if there was no beginning, our world could have become extinct long time ago (Andrews, 1978, p19). For example driving a vehicle requires energy in form of fuel. When the fuel gets used up, the vehicle stalls and cannot function again. In the planet, the sun is sole source of energy and besides it; there are numerous stars in the atmosphere. Scientists have established that in order for the stars including the sun to emit energy, hydrogen gas is compressed into helium and in the process; vast amounts of energy are released. The sun compresses an approximate 564 million tons of hydrogen to form 560 million tons of helium and 4 tons of energy per second, through the process of nuclear fusion (Hoyle, 1983, p42). Tak ing into consideration that there are numerous stars, the amount of hydrogen used by these cosmic bodies is astronomical and by now, it could have become exhausted. This means the world has a beginning, because if it has been ongoing forever, there could be no hydrogen left. Hoyle (1983, p51) noted that the sun remains with 98% of its initial hydrogen composition and this shows that at some point, there was a beginning and there shall be an end. The earth undergoes numerous chemical and physical processes, which imply that its composition has changed. Therefore, the assertion that matter remains unchanged is scientifically erroneous. There must have a beginning, a force that brought everything to existence, and this could be God, just as the Bible states (Douglas, 1993, p37) In this respect, there was a beginning to the universe, and the question arises on how both the living and non-living creations came into existence. From a religious perspective, a certain force, meaning that it did not occur spontaneously, caused the creation. On the other hand, atheists argue that matter is self-sustaining and cannot be created or be destroyed. Atheists do not show the cause to the creation, suggesting that the matter happened out of undefined or unexplainable process. Logically, if matter had a beginning, there must have been something that came from nothing to give the matter existence. Then how did matter come into existence if there was no force, energy and intelligence? This
Friday, September 6, 2019
Ben & Jerry’s Homemade Essay Example for Free
Ben Jerry’s Homemade Essay With four offers on the table, Ben Jerry’s had quite the decision to make. When it came down to it, they chose the most attractive offer which turned out to be with Unilever. As time passed, this was shown to ultimately be a very wise choice as the financial results would later show impressive results. These impressive results could be seen by looking at how the operating margins tripled and were able to maintain a 700M operating profit in succeeding years after the merger (starting in 2002), operations expanded into 13 new countries, and that their sales reached a notable 7. 9 million. Put this together with the fact that Unilever let Ben Jerry’s continue to operate as an independent subsidiary and continue a majority of their social agenda, this was a successful merger for Ben Jerry’s. From a Unilever’s perspective, it proved to be just as lucrative. Investors in Unilever has grown uneasy for some time with Unilever and had been pressuring them to grow. This was partly solved when Unilever finally acquired Ben Jerry’s (And around 20 other companies at that time) and was able to grow Ben Jerry’s internationally and increase its company’s value to its investors. All said and done, this was a very successful merger for both parties despite a few integration problems that will be discussed in the following analysis. First off it should be mentioned that Ben Jerry was able to continue their social contributions. They were able to stay in Vermont, continue to buy non-BGH diary goods from Vermont supplies, and continue to have their free cones day. Unilever even helped start a Ben Jerry’s foundation that would help fund businesses in low-income communities. All this was in the result of Ben Jerry’s company culture and the employee’s attitudes. One impact from this was that the employees were quite â€Å"playful.†This led to the first integration problem when Unilever implanted its own executive, Yves Couette, as CEO of Ben Jerry’s. He had the task of being able to switch from the more strict corporate culture at Unilever to Ben Jerry’s more laid back culture This led to him hiring a consultant who would teach financial issues to the employees at Ben Jerry’s in a playful matter. Another integration problem was that there were a couple duplicate processes that Ben Jerry’s and Unilever both had. These processes produced inefficiencies that took place in the production and distribution of Ben Jerry’s. Because of this, two Ben Jerry’s plants were closed which resulted in 69 Ben Jerry employees being let go. Even though employees were let go, this was still the best route to go as a company wants to be as lean as possible. There was also a couple integration problems when it came down to corporate policy. Unilever had a policy which disallowed any partisan political actions. Ben Jerry’s didn’t formally have this in their policy. The problem occurred when some of Ben Jerry employees wanted to go to an antiwar demonstration in Washington, D.C. on a bus emblazoned with the Ben Jerry’s name. Because it was against Unilever’s corporate policy, they were unable to go to the antiwar demonstration. When looking at the profit for Ben Jerry’s in the early 2000s, the merger has been quite successful. The impressive results can be seen from the operating margin and profit. The merger seemed to have come at a perfect time for Unilever, as their investors were looking to gain from expansion. A few integration problems arose from the merger. Inefficiencies were eliminated, which in turn caused the company to downsize. Unilever’s non-partisan policy conflicted with Ben Jerry’s socially aware company theme. Even though these problems arose, the merger between the two companies was successful.
Timberland’s Corporate Essay Example for Free
Timberland’s Corporate Essay How would you characterize Timberland’s exercise of its corporate power in society? Is Timberland using its influence responsibility? If so, how? †¢ I would characterize Timberland’s exercise of its corporate power in society as â€Å"Corporate Social Responsibility†. Timberland is being socially responsible towards society and is acting in a way that enhances society. Timberland is practicing the â€Å"iron law of responsibility†which says that in the long run, those who do not use power in ways that society considers responsible will tend to lose it. The company is using its influence responsibly through charitable giving; cash and in-kind donations, and giving footwear to schoolchildren in Afghanistan, and sustainability issues. Has Timberland balanced its economic and social responsibilities through its various programs, such as the annual Serv-a-Palooza event and sustainability goals? Are the company’s programs examples of enlightened self-interest? †¢ Serv-a-Palooza was an event that celebrated Timberland’s centennial anniversary where over 500 volunteers worked on various projects to support local New Hampshire communities and areas in Missouri afected by tornados. Timberland’s sustainability goals include reducing carbon emissions and using renewable energy sources. The two programs balanced Timberland’s economic and social responsibilities. By having a philosophy to further the interests of others and the communities that surround them. Timberland ultimately serves their own self-interest. What are the arguments for and against Timberland’s social responsibility initiatives? †¢ Arguments for Timberland’s social responsibility initiatives include balancing corporate power with responsibility, improving stakeholder relations, and enhancing business reputation. Arguments against Timberland’s social responsibility initiatives include requiring skills businesses may lack and placing responsibility on the business rather than individuals. Although Timberland possesses power and influence, responsibility comes with power and they need to properly manage that power. As previously mentioned, Timberland is using its power responsibly by way of charitable giving and reducing their carbon footprint. By focusing on social issues Timberland has created strong stakeholder relationships and built a loyal customer base. Although one can raise arguments against Timberland’s social responsibility issues, they have done a great job of developing the most important intangible asset- their reputation. If you were an executive of VF Corporation, would you support continuation of these initiatives? Why or why not? †¢ As an executive of VF Corporation I would continue to support the initiatives of Timberland to continue to establish trust amongst stakeholders. The current initiatives have been beneficial and have not had a significant cost to stakeholders. It is important that VF Corporation continue this philosophy and still allow stakeholders to profit from the company with little to no cost. The social enterprise created by Timberland has been extremely successful in improving human and environmental well-being. Not only does Timberland care about their local New Hampshire community, but they search all over the world to find ways to give back to society. If VF Corporation continues to support the social initiatives as they did in their first Serv-a-Palooza Timberland will surely be recognized as one of the country’s â€Å"Best Corporate Citiens.â€
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