Monday, September 30, 2019
Act of kindness Essay
An Act of Kindness that I did for someone would be for my parents. What I did as kindness would be that I help my mom do chores at home without them telling me to help. I will see that they where always working hard and they will come home preatty late. So I kind of took care of home and my two brothers. and sometimes my dad too when he felt really bad, what I mean by bad would be that he had lukimia cancer. My mother work as a babysitter she will go to work mostly of the time at 6am and come back at 10pm and on weekends she would clean houses so she never had time to do chores at home or make dinner. My father worked in construction he was a hard worker too he will go to work a little later than my mom and come home earlier than her too. he was the one the took us to school when he could. Or one of my aunts would take us to school when he couldn’t. My dad also was battleing lukimia cancer for 10 years, he past away at age 41 september-29-2009. The Act Of Kindness that i did would be, first of all I would make breakfast for my brothers and dad so they could eat and so my dad can take his medication so ill help around with breakfast sometimes I will wake up later because i was tired I had to go to school and I was also young mother.By age 14 I had a baby too. And well my mom we didn’t really see in breackfast time because she would wake up eairlier she would even eat breackfast in the mornings. Sencondly I will come from school start cleaning the house wash dishes wash clothes clean the bathroom, and fix all the rooms my parents and brothers room vacume and mop . and if there was clothes to fold ill fold and put it away too. Then finally make dinner. so by the time by dad got home from work there will be dinner my dad would go to work sometimes right after he got out of his kimotheraphy he will go to work when he wasn’t soppost to. I will help my mom do all these chores because she worked alot barely had time to do it and ill see that she will come home tired. Act of Kindness Essay Today i will be telling you about one of my act of kindness, but before i do that i will be giving you hints as to what your about to read. It happen at a store that was one city over from me and was one of the best places to be be around because of the places near it. I was really young and it happen in the toy aisle because when your little and a boy it’s your favorite place. There was a young boy who was crying out for his mom. I was a worried alot when i was little and so i had my older sister help me look for the kids mother so he could smile. Those are my hints to what your about to read in my essay about my act of kindness. My act of kindness takes place at Kmart in Simi Valley, Califronia. I lived one city over from Simi and it was the only major shopping store close to us that was like a Walmart. I loved going to Kmart with my mom and sister because i would most likey get a toy for going with them. Once before when i went to Kmart with my mom i got lost from her and i t was the scariest thing a young boy can feel being lost from his mother. When i got lost there was someone there to help me get back to my mom, so i always felt that i should help someone else who was lost from someone they love. MY act of kindness happened in Kmart but to be more precise it happened in the toy aisle in Kmart. When your a young boy the toy aisle is like a candy shop and every toy is like a different flavor. I was six years old with my mom and sister and i would always go to the toys to look and see what i wanted for chrismas because chrismas was like a month and a half away. I saw a little boy in the toy aisle with me he had his hands on his face and i didnt know what he was doing. The little boy was three years old and his hands were over his face because he was crying and i did’nt know why he was crying i was thinking it was for a toy and he mom wouldnt let him get it. Then i hear him starting to cry mama mama where are you mama. I started to worry for the three year old boy even though i was only six years old i worried and to this day i still worry about stuff. When i went up to my mom i told her i think that boy is lost from his mom. I got to the point where i didnt want him to be sad anymore because i knew when i got lost from my mom someone helped me. I ask my sister if she would help me with looking from his mom, my sister was 12 so she was older than me and could do alot more than i could. We started to look around the toy aisle because that where the three year old boy was so we thought his mother would be close by. Then we started to look other places we went to the food aisle and the young kids clothing aisle. We looked everywhere we were thinking his mom left Kmart and left her son in the toy aisle. We went to the cash register have an employee page that a little boy lost his mom, but right when we got there we heard the mom yell the three year old boy’s name and he yelled mommy and she thanked us for helping her son look for his mom and i was happy knowing he got back with his mom. That is one of my act of kindness but to me this is one of the biggest act of kindness i have done because i was six when i did this act of kindness. To some people it might not seem like a big act of kindness but even the littlest acts of kindness can help someone in the long run. So if i could say that someones act of kindness to me made me in turn help someone else. I hope what you get from this story is that you can help someone no matter the age or the place. These are my words of wisdom for someone who was helped and who in return helped someone else.
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