Thursday, February 21, 2019

Guided Reading

Monsoon seasonal reversing enwrap accompanied by corresponding changes In precipitation. LATA- thousands of clans. Tribes, communities, and sub communities in India. Karma- the parcel or date, following as effect from cause. Polyandry- form of polygamy whereby a charr takes 2 or more husbands at the same time. Mimosa- In Indian regions and Indian philosophy, It connotes freedom from the cycle of death and rebirth. Jansenism- a non-athletes Indian piety that describes a course of instruction of nonviolence towards all living beings. Nirvana- imperturbable lifelessness of mind after the rouses of desire, aversion, and elision have finally extinguished.Theatre-State- political disk operating system directed towards the performance or drama and ritual rather than more conventional ends. Sati- funeral ritual within some Asian communities In which a recently widowed woman Immolated herself, typically on her husbands funeral pyre. Marry empire- geographically extensive Iron Age his torical power in quaint India. Guppy empire- ancient Indian empire. Fauna- ancient kingdom locate in Southern Southeast Asia, centered around the Mekong delta. Standards Augusta (Buddha)- a able on whose teachings Buddhism was founded.Osaka- Indian emperor of the Marry Dynasty. 1) Explain the orally of the Indian class system during the Vivid age. -Warfare between the light skinned Aryans controlled the muddied skinned Dash. It happened 2) List the 4 Noble Truths. -Ducked, origin of ducked, cessation of ducked, path leading to cessation of ducked. 3) Outline the ideal life cycle of a young Hindu man. -Becoming a student, marrying, having a child and acquiring visible wealth, having grandchildren, giving up your home and being a foot habitant and meditating n the meaning of life, and finally waiting for death. ) What was the condition or Indian women during the Guppy empire? What important factors affected those womens lives? -They were married off at a young age (6-7) and were stuck with their husbands until they died. When their husbands died and were cremated, the woman has I Jump into the fire and burn with their husbands. 5) Explain the rise of Hinduism and its effects on the Indian people. -Hinduism created a new caste system. Once in a certain caste, the government agency you lived would depend only on the caste.

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